Saturday, April 20, 2013

How We Made Hard Economic Times the Best Time of Our Lives

Henry Ward Beecher: Wealth Quotes
It is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.

All of our plans and dreams are broken now. If everything had happened the way we planned, we would be taking trips. We would be enjoying the dinner theatre. We would be debt-free. However, due to the housing market slump, we lost quite a bit of money. Within a few months, the value of our beautiful home had deteriorated about $70.000. We had put it up for sale so that we could down size and reserve some money for traveling and unexpected expenses in our old age. Foolishly, we had purchased another home before this one sold. You know the rest. As they say, the rest is history.

We both came out of retirement and got jobs. We were just existing. I got a job in retail. I was dog-tired every night but actually that kept me going. When I wasn't at work, I was sleeping or eating. I was trying to mask my depression. Jim was working in telemarketing. He dreaded each day of begging people to buy magazines. As most of us know, it is not easy to get a good job in our retirement years. (I hope that the next generation will forgive people for being old and give them a chance to earn a decent living). Somehow, we barely managed to pay two mortgage payments, two utility bills, double home- owners insurance and taxes.

It is now two years later and we are still under the cloud of debt and shame. Our realtor is still trying to sell our home. (People who are looking at it are offering about $100,00 less than it was listed for.) These buyers remind me of vultures coming to eat the last remains of a dead carcass. Having said that, I would probably do the same if I were on the other end of the situation.

The stress and humiliation brought us both to our knees. Every month that went by was like a beating. Every beating seemed to hurt worse.

Jim was such a good planner for retirement. Many years he worked two jobs and we saved and invested in stock. Now, the stock market was plunging. My heart ached as I thought of how hard we both had worked, only to have it snatched away.

Then one day, it dawned on me that I had to change. The circumstances were not going to change. We had already wasted two years of our life worrying and stressed. I could not go on another day feeling so hopeless and victimized.

We moved to our new home that we had purchased. (We had tried to sell it, also.) It didn't really matter which home we lived in and the new one was paid for. We would now pursue at least part of our plan, even though the mortgage and expense of the other house loomed over our heads.

I was still sleeping every chance I got. I knew I had to pull myself up and get going again.

I started looking for things to be thankful for.

New acquaintances urged me to walk with them every morning. I made myself do that. (See my other story: "Weight Watchers and Me.") After a couple of weeks, I began to go to the pool. Jim began to make new friends. We were going through the motions of every day living. I was smiling but inside crying.

See this video, "Smile." Can you watch it without crying? Here is little Connie Talbot:

Again, I realized the situation was never going to change. We had to change. We turned in our cell phones, got the cheapest cable TV we could. We began to cook nutritious cheap meals. We also had to cut down on giving gifts. We still give, but within our means. (See my article: "My Good Goodie Drawer."

One day when our granddaughter, Alayna was visiting us, we decided to go on a picnic. It was a very simple thing. We drove up on a high hill near our house. The view is always beautiful. We took chocolate cake. Sunny, our faithful dog went with us. Alayna looked us at the breath-taking sunset and said, "This is the best day of my whole vacation! This is one of my very best days!"

I knew she was right.

Lucretius: Wealth Quotes
It is great wealth to a soul to live frugally with a contented mind.

Henry Ward Beecher: Wealth Quotes
It is the heart that makes a man rich

He is rich according to what he is, not according to what he has.

Treating EBV - Dealing With Depression

Depression is an important condition that must be addressed when treating EBV, particularly when the illness is in the chronic stage.

Everyone has days when they feel a bit low or sad - especially when battling a debilitating condition like Epstein Barr. True depression is a feeling of sadness or loss of interest in life that lasts a couple of weeks or more. Depression is a serious illness that causes both physical and psychological symptoms.

So how do you recognise if you have depression? Firstly check out the physical symptoms below to see if they are familiar to you. Physical signs (which are similar to those seen when treating EBV) include lethargy and fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, insomnia and poor appetite.

Psychological symptoms can include feelings of being overwhelmed, frustrated, guilty, irritable and being a failure. There may be behavioral changes like withdrawing from family and friends, poor concentration and reliance on stimulants like coffee, alcohol or drugs.

If you feel that you may be suffering from depression it is important to seek advice from your doctor or health professional. Support and understanding from your family, friends and work colleagues is also essential.

Many cases of depression are caused by low serotonin levels in the brain which can be rectified. The natural approach to treating EBV and depression includes supporting the nerves of the body and brain with nutrients like zinc, the B complex and fish oils. Herbs like St Johns Wort can also help in relieving symptoms.

Many of my patients get good results with treating EBV and depression from a graded exercise program. It can be as simple as a daily walk and a bout in the sunshine. Research also supports the fact that exercise and sunshine can help depression. Other lifestyle habits which are important are eating a healthy diet, managing stress, resting the body and drinking plenty of water.

How to Handle Marriage Separation

You and your spouse have been having some hard times, and have decided to take a break from each other. Some time to try and figure out what would be best for your marriage. This time of separation can be hard, but it can also be the key to saving your marriage. Here are some tips to help you through it.

Marital separation can quickly lead to depression. If you are experiencing signs of depression, (constant sleeping or eating, don't want to do anything or talk to anyone, can't get yourself motivated at all, etc.), please go to see your doctor asap. These signs are all very common for what you are going through right now, but if you don't deal with them now, you're not going to be able to handle the separation.

It is also very important that you have someone that you can lean on for support. When you have someone to talk to, it can make a huge difference in how you handle the marital separation. Even if that person has no idea what you are going through, they can help you, if only by listening. You NEED someone to talk to. A friend, family member, or anyone else that you are comfortable with.

If you haven't seen your family or friends for a while, now is the perfect time to do so. Have a get-together at your house. Have everyone bring a dish, so there will be no pressure on you to prepare anything. It doesn't have to be big and fancy - just something to get you with other people, and maybe get your mind off of the separation for a while.

It does absolutely no good for you to sit around the house and mope all day and night. You have to make yourself do other things. Get a new hobby, start reading or gardening, get a pet. All of these things will help you to cope with your marital separation.

Don't try to talk to your spouse often. Actually, the less talking you do right now, the better. It may not make sense, but it will.

Trying to push your spouse to talk to you will only build up more resentment. Once every few weeks, or once a month, give them a call, just to see how they are doing. This way, you will be able to talk, but they won't feel like you are begging them to come back. It will be a more comfortable talk, and you will get closer to a reconciliation.

Remember this: you are NOT divorced. Even if it is a legal separation, you are still married. Things in your marriage may not have been as good as they once were, but it doesn't always have to be that way. Take this time to reflect on your marriage, and think of ways that it could be made better.

Being Single: Does That Mean We Have to Be So Desperate?

I am a follower of pop culture to some extent, though I prefer watching documentaries, the history channel and foreign movies on Netflix. I am not ashamed to admit that I watch a few reality shows for light-hearted entertainment. A common theme of reality shows nowadays is the desperate single girl.

Watching some of these shows, especially those that purport to show women what they're doing wrong in relationships, makes my skin crawl. I think to myself, these women look like they've packed their brains up and sent them away for vacation.

What about what men are doing wrong in relationships?

Women Are Powerful
This unfortunately is representative of the desperation of a lot of young women today in real life. They want men more than men want them. That is why I believe a major power shift has happened between men and women over the past five to 10 or so years.

Whereas before men had a little bit of an edge over women when it came to relationships, money and other issues, now they have a huge edge in many cases.

But women have always had the real power. We hold it together better than men when faced with tough situations. After divorce, women are more likely to keep pushing on while men give up or take it to the point of committing suicide in staggering numbers to the tune of 8 times more than women (source: "Men After Divorce: In Touch With Feelings" by Bill Ritter, ABC News). A lot of men simply can't cope with being alone.

Women hold families together. We are powerful beings.

But because women today act so desperate and irrational when it comes to men, men now think that they have all the power. They happily quote ridiculous stats "10 women for every 1 man" (even though that makes absolutely no sense in the world of statistics) and use that to wield power over women.

I've Been There
I'm no different, I've been there. I dated someone for close to a year who treated me like a princess, talking marriage and children. Then he flipped "the switch."

Flipping the switch is for lack of a better term a "mindscrew" that some guys use to try to gain power over women. The guy treats you with respect, regard, caring, all that, then you do one minor thing that he doesn't like and you're suddenly less than dirt.

I was brought to the brink of major depression and I'm almost ashamed to say it was 98% due to this man. Every day I woke up feeling miserable and thinking "so what's the point." I almost allowed myself to sink into the abyss over a MAN. How could I allow this to happen to myself?

Thanks to prayers I managed to pull myself out of the pits on my own. I honestly don't know how it happened -- it just did. One day I woke up, laughed and said "No more Jay! This is silly." Then I started a new fun project and forgot about the bums from my past.

One good thing did happen as a result of these experiences with men: I learned a major life lesson: do not take men that seriously. It also inspired me to write. Now I'm hoping to inspire young women who are in the same position right now (depressed, feeling unwanted, feeling unworthy) that I was in almost a year ago.

The "Go Get Your Man" Movement
Back in the day, women may have still been subservient to the men in their lives, but they had more respect for themselves. Because of this, men had no choice but to line up at a woman's door to court her properly.

Nowadays, women willingly chase after men.

Years ago, I remember it clear as day, there was a movement (mostly from men) telling women that it is okay to be aggressive and go after the man you want. I always said that was a bad idea - men should court women. Traditional courting is the reason why many of us are here today!

And now we have the end result of that movement.

I also think popular media, music and sappy Hollywood love movies are partially to blame. Actresses and singers pine over men and cry because they're single. They chase after men.

In what universe is this acceptable behavior for a woman? The MSM (mainstream media) basically tells women: "you need a man to exist, so give chase." Meanwhile to men, no matter their qualities: "you can exist just fine without a woman and they're so desperate for you, so just sit back, kick up your feet and let one come to you."

Time for a Wakeup Call
To be clear, despite my bad experiences with them I definitely do not hate men. I just think that they, as well as women, need a wakeup call. I want to help empower women to gain back a better position and attitude when it comes to men.

Red Light Errors to Avoid During the Driving Test

Traffic lights come in many shapes and forms, but they all have one purpose: to regulate traffic flow in intersections. Without them, some intersections would turn into complete chaos and disorder. Any traffic light has three lights, and the boldest one is the red. It is also the light which causes many traffic law violations. During a driving test, it's important to know what can and can't be done on red lights to avoid trouble. However, not all driving students know how to handle several red light situations, which causes them to make many mistakes on their test.

The worst mistake that can be made on a red light is not stopping for it. This mistake is so serious that the driving student should not even hope for mercy from the examiner. Normally, traffic lights give plenty of time to stop. There is a yellow light in all of them, and some places even have flashing green light before the yellow, so there is no reason at all to run a red light. If it does happen, it's a critical error and a sure failure.

Another mistake on the driving test is entering the intersection when someone else runs a red light. Since the student has green light it is not illegal, but if someone else runs a red light it can be extremely dangerous. Many accidents happened because drivers did not notice red light runners. Entering the intersection on this situations can be a critical error, but that is up to the examiner's view.

Right turns also threaten licenses for examinees. On some intersections it is legal to turn right on red. However, the law requires to stop before proceeding. Some student drivers don't stop for the light and just turn. This is not only illegal, but also a critical error and a score sheet that says "fail".

Limit lines mark the stopping place for drivers. Some driving students don't realize that and stop wherever they want. A limit line violation is usually not a critical error, but that depends on how far the student proceeded into the intersection. If the student is too much in the intersection, it could count as a red light violation. Even if it's a minor error, it can make the difference between passing and failing.

Red light problems have an easy solution: a guide that shows driving students how to behave when seeing a red light, what to do on several occasions, and how to avoid those costly mistakes that cause nothing but depression and a new driving test.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Dealing With Depression And Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wondrous moment. It is the time when women are excited to be called moms. It is a great opportunity to learn about child's growth and development. But sometimes it can be the other way around. Pregnancy is not always such a happy experience for some. Pregnancy can also be a time for worry. It can also be a moment of confusion.

A woman's decision to begin a pregnancy carries with it the acceptance of the lifelong responsibility to be a parent. Ideally, effective parenting begins even before the moment of conception, when the woman confirms her desire to have a child and is physically and mentally prepared for the challenges of pregnancy, birth, and parenting.

However, most women go through a lot of changes during pregnancy that sometimes, it is causing them stress as well as numerous emotional and physical changes. As a result, many pregnant women develop depression during their pregnancies.

Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder, so it's a commonly encountered pre-existing condition during pregnancy. Depression has both physiological as well a sociological causes. It is actually caused by a number of different factors. But, it is most likely to be linked to a change in the levels of chemicals in the brain. These chemicals govern our moods, and when they become disrupted, it can lead to depression.

During pregnancy, the rapid change in a woman's body's hormones can trigger a change in the levels of these chemicals, resulting in depression. Interestingly though, women have it twice as often as men, and among women, there is an increased tendency toward it during the reproductive years.

It has been proven that the rapid rise in hormone levels during pregnancy is actually a very common trigger for depression. At least 20% of pregnant women experience some depressive symptoms during their pregnancies, while 10% of pregnant women develop full-blown clinical depression. Depression during pregnancy is actually much more common then many people realize. At one time, health care professionals thought that pregnant women couldn't suffer from depression because of their pregnancy hormones. It was believed that these hormones protected against mood disorders like depression.

Any pregnant woman can be dealing with depression at any point throughout her pregnancy. There are several causes of it during pregnancy, some of which are the following:

∑ having a personal or family history of depression
∑ relationship or marital conflict
∑ age at time of pregnancy
∑ unplanned pregnancy
∑ living alone
∑ limited social support
∑ previous miscarriage
∑ pregnancy confusions and complications
∑ history of emotional, physical or sexual abuse

Dealing with depression can often drain a woman's desire and energy, pregnant women with the disorder may not seek appropriate prenatal care. Depression during pregnancy may also increase the likelihood that a pregnant woman will abuse alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs during pregnancy. When it is most severe, clinically diagnosed depression can be a psychiatric emergency. Because a woman is in a very difficult period of adjustment and less likely to climb out of her despair, hopelessness, and suffering, she poses a danger to herself and her new baby.

Pregnancy is a particularly active field for depression to either start anew or worsen if already a problem. The extra physical, financial, marital, and sexual stresses come whether one is ready or not. On top of that, any new feelings of poor self-image can reinforce depression's already negative self-image problems.

Preparing for a new baby is a lot of hard work, but a woman's health should come first. A pregnant woman should resist the urge to get everything done, she should limit her activities and do things that will help her relax. Talking about things that concern a pregnant woman is also very important during these difficult times. A pregnant woman should ask for support, which most often than not, she will get. Remember that taking care oneself is an essential part of taking care of the unborn child.

Mood Stabilizer Bipolar Medication - Taking Care of Bipolar Symptoms

It's not easy to conclude the effectiveness of a mood stabilizer bipolar medication immediately. It's essential to take note of how it works for at least a month and a half before a physician can say that it's the right one for the patient. Lithium is the typical mood stabilizer bipolar medication taken in by the patient who can actually balance out the symptoms of being manic and depressive. However, there are instances when lithium may not work in treating depression. Hence, it can be concluded that the depression is not caused by the bipolar disorder or is just resistant to this type of medication. Lithium is the first medication tried on as a mood stabilizer if the condition is not severe yet. However, additional medication like antidepressants is prescribed together with lithium when severe bipolar disorder occurs. History is among the things considered in prescribing medication like the number of depressive and manic symptoms.

On this scenario, a patient may experience a very low mood, and then it will be followed by getting too hyped about things. The change between these two moods can be very rapid and changing at a regular basis. Several medications are able to help this problem like lithium. People who have been under this medication for 20 days showed positive results in terms of stabilizing their moods. Lithium is something considered to be helpful for people who experience grandiosity, anxiety, agitation and attention problems. However, this medication has not been effective for people who may have more serious symptoms like sexual molestation and even criminal tendencies.

Medications like benzodiazepines are used together with lithium to work as mood stabilizers to help reduce the symptoms of acute manic symptoms. However, this can only be effective if this symptom is not classified as schizophrenic behaviors. If the symptom is showing to be schizophrenic behaviors, it's essential for the patient to get medications like clonazepam to add with lithium. Conversely, it's also important for the patient to know that these antipsychotics besides have side effects like tardive dyskinesia, particularly in taking amantadine. This is a serious side effect that includes involuntary movement, particularly on the hands, legs, and even on the face. Some may have bipolar symptoms that are resistant when it comes to other medications. Carbamazepine as well as valproic acid is the most effective medications to use for this type of symptom.

Ivermectin Toxicity - Are You Killing Your Puppy or Dog?

Millions of dog owners are unaware their puppy or dog may be predisposed to Ivermectin Toxicity, because of their dog's breed. Fact is, in order to make informed decisions; when applicable, veterinarians should tell owners that their dog's breed might be at risk, before certain medications or treatments are prescribed.

What is Ivermectin?

Ivermectin is a broad based anti-parasite medication, favored by veterinarians and commonly used for treatments of ear mites, lice, heartworm, mange and parasitic intestinal worms. It is a principal ingredient found in several primary heartworm preventative treatments prescribed by veterinarians.

Note: Horse owners also commonly use Ivermectin to worm their horses. They should be especially cautious, when using the medication if their dogs are present.

What Is Ivermectin Toxicity?

It is a lethal accumulation of the medication in the brain of dogs, with the MRD-1 gene mutation. Certain breeds with this mutation are powerless to safely pass the medication through their system. Toxicity can occur from a single injection or accumulation of dosages.

What Breeds Are Most At Risk?

It is known herding breeds and dogs mixed with herding breeds, as well as any breed of puppy or young dog that has suffered head trauma or other neurological system diseases are at high risk.

Owners of pedigree and/or breeds mixed with: Australian Shepherd, Miniature Australian Shepherd, Collie, German Shepherd, Old English Sheepdog, Shetland Sheepdog, Long-haired Whippet, McNab, Skye Terrier, and Silken Windhound, with the MRD-1 gene mutation, need to be especially cautious of certain medications and combinations of medications.

What Symptoms Should You Watch For?

The most common symptoms of Ivermectin Toxicity appear between 4-96 hours after dogs are ministered with Ivermectin. They include: lethargy, drooling, vomiting, depression, lack of appetite, unpredictable mood changes, disorientation, inability to stand, seizures, tremors, stupor, respiratory distress, dilation of pupils, blindness, slowed heart beat, coma and death.

What Is The Treatment For Ivermectin Toxicity?

Unfortunately, Ivermectin toxicity cannot be reversed. There is no cure! Currently, all that can be done is to make your dog comfortable, by treating the symptoms.

How Can You Prevent Ivermectin Toxicity?

By having your dog tested for the MRD-1 gene mutation, either by blood test or cheek swab test, you can find out if your dog might be at risk. Your veterinarian can perform the blood test. Or, you can obtain a cheek swab test kit from Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine.

Should your dog tests positive, other medications you should avoid are: Butorphanol, Acepromazine, Doxorubicin, Selamectin, Milbemycin, Loperamide, Vinblastine, Vincristine and Moxidectin.

Be aware, toxicity also increases when Ivermectin is used in combination with medications such as: Amitraz, Mitiban dips and certain tick collars.

Bottom line: To be on the safe side, if your dog is a herding breed, or if you suspect your dog may be mixed with a herding breed, take the necessary precautions. Ask questions. Test your dog for the mutated gene. Make informed decisions. It could prevent unnecessary suffering and heartbreak for you, and your pet.

Boundaries: Getting in Touch With Your Inner Bitch

Boundaries should be applied to every healthy relationship. But sometimes it takes an Inner Bitch (IB) to reinforce the healthy walls with concrete. Rather than worry if others like her, the Inner Bitch decides if she likes others. She is smart and confident, and not afraid to ask for what she wants and actually get it. In the pursuit of that, she is never destructive, stupid, mean or abusive to others or herself.

Feminism has permitted women to embrace the "bitch" idea in a more positive light. By accepting a positive connotation, you can feel comfortable standing up for yourself or getting angry when it's appropriate. A woman can be proud of being strong even if others are threatened by her strength. Many who are threatened are the ones who only feel strong by keeping those around them weak.

The Inner Bitch is the exact opposite of "Toxic Niceness," that self-defeating behavior that also goes by other more familiar names such as co-dependence and nurturing. Those women who have Toxic Niceness forgive easily and frequently at their own expense. Both the Inner Bitch and Toxic Niceness are discussed in detail in Elizabeth Hilts' Finding Your Inner Bitch. Hilts doesn't suggest that we stop being nice to each other, just that we stop doing it at our own expense. This requires strong, well-defined boundaries.

Getting in Touch with Your Inner Bitch is a serious, albeit tongue-in-cheek, how-to manual for people-pleasers. Hilts uses humor, cartoons and empowering quotes from women, both famous and unknown, to disseminate her advice. Everyone is sure to find a personal mantra or two, as well as affirmations to live by and to call on in times of need. It's aimed at women, but is appropriate for either gender. It contains simple and practical suggestions regarding how to remove the brightly illuminated "doormat" signs above our heads.

Being too nice and ignoring our Inner Bitch does have consequences. If we ignore the IB she may turn on us, and we may turn that anger against ourselves. According to Glamour Magazine in a survey conducted with 300 women, the average woman has 13 negative daily thoughts about her body, while some women have up to 100 negative thoughts about their bodies every day. One way to combat this hopeless feeling is to take control and say this key phrase: "I don't think so."

Yes, it is possible to be nice without being toxic. It's OK to say no. You don't have to be overly accommodating to people who are disagreeable or unpleasant. Not everyone has to like you. Rick Nelson was on to something when he said, "You can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself," and you don't have to put up with anyone treating you like a doormat. That being said, your Inner Bitch is not demanding, narcissistic, obnoxious or a drama queen. She is a confident, assertive woman who knows what she wants, defines her boundaries and needs while refusing to be taken advantage of by anyone for any reason.

Signs of Depression in Men

Depression is something that most people face at some time in their lives. We all deal with it differently and it affects different people in different ways. It could be brought on by the loss of a job, a break up, gaining weight or several other different reasons. Oddly enough though, the signs of depression in men are somewhat different in men than women and you have to be aware of exactly what they are if you are concerned that you or a loved one may be falling into a depression.

Men who are depresses will often find themselves in a rut that they just don't seem to be able to get out of. They are hopeless and helpless and feel as though their life has no value whatsoever. They will often feel as though there is simply no way that their life will get better.

As these feelings fester, you will find that they will also lose all interest in their daily life and activities. They may stop working out or hanging out with the guys. Any hobby that they had when life seemed good to them suddenly becomes non-existent to them.

All of this inactivity will usually lead to a sudden gain in weight or even perhaps a weight loss as they many not even get out of bed to feed themselves. They are in bed all the time because they feel as though they have no reason to get out of bed, yet somehow they are also always tired.

As all of this is going on, their opinion of themselves starts to digress and they think that they are just totally useless on the face of the earth. You can see how this emotion can quickly get out of control and can lead to suicidal thoughts and the demise of someone's attitude toward life. This something that absolutely must be treated in the early stages or it can quickly get out of hand and lead them down a very ugly and destructive path.

Suicide: Triggers, Warning Signs, and How to Help

When individuals are so overcome with grief, depression, and despair, they feel there is no "out." They can find no hope for the future, nothing to find pleasure in, no peace from their pain. In such difficult times, people can begin to have thoughts of ending their own lives. This can be very difficult to understand for someone who has never felt such pain. "How could he have been so selfish?" "Wasn't he thinking of his kids?" "Why didn't he tell anyone he was feeling that way?"

What causes someone to consider or attempt suicide? Nearly any stressor can trigger these thoughts. It may be a major event, such as a loss of a job, end of a relationship, financial difficulty, or loss of a loved one. Suicidal thoughts can also be triggered by a series of more minor events, or a feeling that life is such a struggle that it will never get better.

Nearly all suicides are preceded by warning signs, which can easily go unrecognized by family and friends. These signs can be verbal, or they can be noticeable changes in mood and/or behavior.
Common warning signs of suicide include:

• Depressed mood
• Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
• Feeling burdensome to others
• Feeling worthless
• Feeling that life has no purpose
• Withdrawal from family, friends, and usual activities
• Excessive anger or rage
• Drug or alcohol abuse
• Risk-taking behavior
• Previous suicide attempts
• Family history of suicide attempts
• Writing a will
• Sudden elated mood, representing a freedom from the pain, knowing an end is near
• Giving away prized possessions

Most suicidal people have ambivalence, or doubts, and therefore will make statements to others as a way of reaching out. The following, and similar statements can be considered signs of suicidal thinking should be taken very seriously:

• "I can't go on anymore."
• "They would be better off without me."
• "I don't want to wake up anymore."
• "She'll regret it when I'm gone."
• "I won't be around much longer anyway."

So what should you do if you suspect someone you know is suicidal? First, ask the person. Asking will not make someone suicidal, or put the thoughts in their head, if they were not suicidal to begin with. What's the best way to approach this? Make a statement that you care about the person, and let him know that his statements and/or actions have made you concerned. Ask the person outright if he is thinking about hurting himself or attempting suicide. Do not make judgmental statements or act shocked. Be as supportive as possible. Validate the person's pain.

Do not attempt to handle the situation alone. Get a mental health professional involved by calling your local crisis hotline, which can be found at, or the national Suicide Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK.

If the person is high risk and in immediate danger of harming himself, contact local emergency authorities at 911. Do not leave the person alone. Secure any weapons, pills, sharp objects, or anything else that may be used for harm. Be gentle and understanding, and talk openly about the person's suicidal thoughts.

As mentioned earlier, a history of suicidal thoughts is a good predictor of future thoughts and attempts. Therefore, it's important to follow-up with the suicidal person often and ask how they are feeling. Also encourage the person to seek counseling, which can help him identify his triggers for the suicidal thoughts and teach him how to cope with his emotions in a positive way.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Long Term Effects of Suffering From Depression

Everyone will suffer short term depression now and then. Meanwhile, some people will suffer from this disease longer than a few months and have many different long term effects, not just for them, but also the people around them as well. They may try to take antidepressants, and find that none of these are working for them, and even keep trying different medications in hopes of finding that golden key that will open the door to their release. They may think that something is wrong with them, but this is not the case. The real problem is that many of these drugs simply do not work and they will all have long term effects on the body.

Some of you out there may know what the symptoms of depression are. For those of you who do not, here is a quick run down on a few of the many signs. Irritability, lack of cohesive sleeping patterns, either with insomnia, or sleeping for long periods of time. Eating disorders, not eating enough, not eating at all, or eating in excess. Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and not participating in activities they once found pleasurable. They may alienate their friends and family, and start destructive behaviors, like cutting, or engaging in dangerous sexual activities, and even try to commit suicide.

Many who have taken antidepressants for their depression may even find that the effects of these medications might make these symptoms worse, and then try to take more. The problem is that these drugs do not have any of the benefits that are expected of them. You may also start experiencing the short term side-effects, such as headaches, nausea, stomach problems, as well as many others. You may also experience symptoms that may have never been there before, like behavioral problems for example.

So what are some long term effects of this disease? To start out with, you may start to lose the support of your friends and family, who just can not stand seeing you like that any more. Those who do stand by you, may start to suffer in their own lives as well. Staying away, and not going out and doing the things you used to do can cause physical problems as well, like muscle atrophy, hypertension, and long term damage to tissues and organs. If you are not eating right, this can cause obesity, and malnutrition. If you are doing self destructive behaviors like cutting, you will be leaving permanent scars which can be a constant reminder of your self-inflicted attempts at hurting yourself. If you attempt suicide and succeed, this of course results in well...the end.

The good news is that you can change all of these things, and relieve your depression without antidepressants. Sometimes, the problem is that you have a build up of toxins in your body, and in your brain, and these need to be flushed out. It could mean that you are suffering from a chemical imbalance, and need to start eating the right foods, ones that are full of antioxidants, high in serotonin and other chemicals that your body is not producing on its own. It could be that you have an underlying glandular problem, like thyroid disease, and there are medications that actually do fix this.

You need to start by being proactive and read all the information you can. Get the right help, and get off that couch and start doing something about your condition. The help is there and you can only get help if you really want it. You will not have these long term effects to be worried about if you go out of your way to get yourself off of the depression medications and start to explore a more natural approach.

Depressed? How to Feel Better Fast

Everyone has normal ups and downs in how they feel. Sometimes an episode of feeling down or sad turns into Depression and persists for some time. And sometimes depression is a result of a medical condition. Whether you bounce back quickly from feeling depressed or whether you suffer from chronic or recurrent episodes of Major Depression, use the following suggestions to help yourself feel better.
Tell someone how you feel. I am always amazed at how much better my clients tell me they feel at the end of their first intake session with me. During the first session, I am gathering information about why they have come to see me, the problems they want help with, and their personal history. I have rarely begun to help them but they already feel better just by telling me about their problem. Just telling someone (a friend, partner, family, minister, or a therapist) about something that is bothering you can help you feel better.

Sometimes, you just need to allow yourself to feel down. Trying to ignore your feelings or instantly change them doesn't always work. Allow yourself to feel the pain, sorrow, anger or sadness. Really feel it. Go ahead and cry it out. And while you do this, nurture yourself. Do something that usually feels good to you. Take a warm bath, go for a walk in nature, cook your favorite comfort food, or write in your journal. You may find you shift into a better place much quicker by allowing yourself to experience the feelings for a while.

If the feelings persist, learn to manage them. Consider whether the intensity of your feelings matches the cause. Think of how bad the problem is on a scale of 1-10 and then look at your emotional response to it. If the problem is a 2, make sure your response is about a 2 as well. For example, you would expect your response to a life threatening emergency (a 10) to be very different from your response to a minor car accident (a 3). If you realize you respond to minor things as if they were major issues, you can work to make your response more appropriate.

Examine your options. There are the extreme options at each end of the spectrum but there are always many intermediate options that people tend to overlook. For example, suppose you are depressed because you hate your home. One extreme is to do nothing while the other extreme is to sell your home and move someplace else. An intermediate option might include identifying what you don't like about your home. Perhaps you feel cramped for space. Then you could get a professional organizer to help you make better use of the space you have. Or you might consider making a small addition.

Fake it. There is research that supports the idea that if you 'fake it', in other words, you pretend you feel a certain way or 'act as if' you feel a certain way, that you will gradually actually start to feel that way. So if you feel too sad to go to lunch with a friend, pretend you feel a little happier than you do, and go to lunch anyway. Chances are good you will actually feel better than if you had stayed home absorbed in your sadness.

Start thinking about what you do want instead of what you don't want, which is probably what you already have. Many of us stay focused on the things in our lives that make us unhappy. Perhaps we don't like our job, perhaps our health is not what we want it to be. Perhaps our relationships are not satisfying, or perhaps we are in conflict with our teenager.

The theory of cognitive behavioral therapy basically states that we can change how we feel by changing what we think about. If we are constantly focused on the negative aspects of our lives our thoughts will be negative, and we will feel bad. If we can begin to replace some of those negative thoughts with more positive, reality-based thoughts, cognitive behavioral therapy theory teaches us that we will start to feel better. Current brain research is confirming this theory.

Instead of focusing on how your boss discounted your suggestions today, focus on how he praised your work during your review. Instead of thinking about how much your shoulder hurts, notice how comfortable your other shoulder feels. Notice how beautiful the sun is today instead of how cold it is. Instead of focusing on how miserable you feel today, think of something you are grateful for, or find someone who needs your help.

Listen to what you say. Many people tell everyone how bad the situation is, or about a bad thing someone did to them, or how ill they feel. While you are telling someone else how bad you felt about something that already happened, you are feeling just as bad as if it was actually happening to you at the moment. Avoid doing this to yourself. Notice what you talk about and change it to more positive topics. Telling three or four people about something awful that happened to you yesterday prevents you from moving past it to a place where you can feel good.

Exterminate Automatic Negative Thoughts. Daniel Amen, in his wonderful book, Change Your Brain Change Your Life, calls Automatic Negative Thoughts ANTs. He describes different species of ANTs and then describes ways to 'exterminate' them. My clients have found these techniques very useful, and most can easily identify the different species of ANTs, that they constantly generate that make them feel bad.

In order to exterminate these ANTs you must replace the automatic negative thought with more positive reality-based thoughts. For example, you may notice you automatically call yourself 'lazy' in your inner dialogue. This ANT species is 'labeling'. Replace it with 'I like to do things in my own time but I always get the important things done on time'. Doesn't that feel better?

Reach for a thought that feels better. When you feel depressed, think of something that would feel just a little bit better. For example, you feel down because you are spending yet another weekend alone. Say 'wouldn't it be nice if I had someone to talk to?' Or, 'I hope I can find a friend to spend some time with next weekend.' Or, 'I really do enjoy the freedom of watching whatever movie I choose.' Reach for a feeling of relief.
Avoid toxic people. Brain research proves that each and every interaction we have with another person can impact our emotions. I'm sure you have noticed there are some people who just seem to bring you down. They may be negative, critical, and maybe even mean. Do your best to surround yourself with more positive people.

Get some exercise. Research repeatedly demonstrates that regular, moderate exercise works as well as anti-depressant medication (measured over a 7 month period). Exercise tends to release endorphins which actually make you feel better. Find something you really enjoy. Think back to what you did as a child. I still love to ride my bicycle. Try walking, running, swimming, rowing, skiing, team sports. Whatever you choose, do it for at least 30 minutes 3-4 times per week. Make it part of your regular routine. Do it with family or a friend for more accountability and fun.

Meditate. Learn to meditate to quiet your busy mind and stop the constant negative inner dialogue for a while. Most meditation techniques focus on the breath and aim to stop the constant flow of thoughts (up to 60,000 per day). Meditate daily. Find inner peace. There are many CD's available that lead you into a meditative state. Wayne Dyer and Andrew Weil have some excellent CD's.

Sleep. Poor sleep will definitely impact your mood. First, get enough sleep for your age. Most adults and teens are sleep deprived. Teens need 9 hours and 15 minutes and adults over 25 need 9-9.5 hours per night for optimum function. Go to bed at the same time and wake up the same time each day. Clear your bedroom of distractions like the TV and computer. The bedroom should only be for sleeping (and sex). If your sleep is disturbed by snoring or apnea get a sleep study done. If you have trouble falling asleep, eliminate caffeine from your diet after noon. If you are struggling with hormonal changes or having trouble falling or staying asleep talk to your holistic health practitioner.

Get Professional Help. If depression persists and nothing you try seems to work, then seek help from a psychotherapist. He or she will do an assessment of your symptoms and help you decide what treatment options might be the best for your situation. Often the symptoms of depression are relieved by traditional 'talk therapy'. Sometimes other options should be considered such as Neurofeedback or anti-depressant medication.

Depression Is More Than A Bad Mood

Because there is so much written about depression and so many products that claim to have a positive effect on depression it is very easy to use the term incorrectly. What is needed is a more simple definition for medical depression that separates it from a simple bad mood.

Depression is a major medical illness. It has physical symptoms such as lack of appetite, drastic changes in weight, reduced energy levels, inability to focus, and disturbed sleeping patterns.

Depression is a recognized disorder of both the brain and nervous system that results in a loss of interest in life and its pleasures. A condition of the brain and nervous system, it manifests itself with a sense of hopelessness, pessimism, and overall sadness.

Unlike a bad mood, or a bad attitude, clinical depression is an illness where both psychological and medical factors are in play. There are many symptoms and indicators that indicate depression. These include reduced sexual interest, interrupted body rhythms, sluggish mental processes, body pain, and intrusive thoughts.

It is a problem that the word "depressed" is used to describe not only the medical condition but a bad mood as well. This dual usage easily causes confusion between the two situations and leads some to believe that a clinical depression, with all its attendant difficulties, is really no more serious than a bad mood that will pass in a day or so. Anyone who has dealt with being depressed is very aware that there is little, if any, similarity between the two situations.

This using the same word to describe two completely separate situations has led to many people underestimating the severity of medical depression. If it is like a bad mood, they reason, why can't the person just exercise some willpower and pull themselves out of it?

Unfortunately it is rarely, if ever, possible for someone to cure medical depression by themselves. The symptoms are just too overwhelming.

Overcome Depression - 5 Benefits of Hypnosis

Depression has long been a problem for many people. While there may be a lot of solutions to treat the problem, statistics of sufferers show that an increased number of people are experiencing depression.

Depression is a condition wherein the patient suffers from low self-confidence, loss of energy and sometimes lack of appetite. A depressed person may also experience stress and insomnia, which are both difficult symptoms to deal with. Depression could be caused by traumatic experiences, phobias, guilt and increased anxiety. Depression is a condition that you should always treat. After all, it can result to suicide. If you're experiencing symptoms of depression, then it's time for you to consult an expert to help you get through the situation. The good thing is, depression is treatable. One promising treatment method for depression is hypnosis.

Definition of Hypnosis
Hypnosis tries to alter a patient's mental and emotional status through a series of steps and treatment sessions. This method includes counseling and psychotherapy with the help of a hypnotherapist. You may wonder how depression can help you overcome depression by tapping into the subconscious, since that's still an unclear theory for some. Actually, psychological counseling and psychotherapy, which are both steps incorporated in hypnosis, are supported by a lot of comprehensive research studies. Hypnosis is certified effective and most patients can prove that.

5 Benefits of Hypnosis for Depression
Hypnosis could offer great improvements for you; the only thing to remember is to use a reputable practitioner doctor for the process. Here are five benefits you could get from hypnosis:

1. Hypnosis is by far the best way to treat and overcome depression.
Almost 90% of hypnotherapy patients were cured of their depression. This high success rate only proves that hypnosis is the most effective method of overcoming depression for many people.

2. Hypnosis offers a natural treatment method; drug intake is totally unnecessary.
Since depression involves your mental state, no surgery or any invasive procedure could possibly treat your condition. However, by using hypnosis, you can reduce and eventually eradicate the signs of depression. Hypnosis is actually a well-known antidepressant. Thus, there's no need for any pills or surgery.

3. Aside from alleviating the signs of depression, this method also provides several additional benefits for you. These include improved outlook in life, better sleeping habits and enhanced self-esteem. Hypnosis also helps you cope up with stress and pain.

4. Treatment for your depression is gradual.
This means that you could lessen the symptoms of depression one step at a time. First, the hypnotherapist will analyze your situation, and they will then provide counseling sessions appropriate for you. Counseling involves letting out all your hidden emotions while the hypnotherapist helps you regain your positive thoughts.

5. Overall health is achieved.
With hypnosis, other conditions associated with depression such as heart problems and behavioral disorders can be improved. This is because your physical state recovers as your emotional and mental issues are alleviated.

Remember if you are unhappy with your life or feel depressed, seek help. With the right help people can and do make recoveries from depression and go on to lead their best lives imaginable.

Type 2 Diabetes - Reducing Depression in Diabetics

When you have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, it will be with you for life. This is a situation which many people will find upsetting. Depression is a very common problem and so is Type 2 diabetes.

Depression is unfortunately a frequent problem in diabetic patients. Researchers in the Department of Psychiatry of the South Savo Hospital District in Mikkeli, Finland, looked at folate and depression as part of the Finnish Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Program.

This particular study was published in February 2011 in the Journal of Affective Disorders, and included 4500 participants between the ages of 45 and 74 selected at random from the National Population Register.

It was found the participants with a high folate intake had slightly over half the risk of depression as those with low levels of folate intake.

Folate, or folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is a water-soluble vitamin, which means your body cannot store it in fat tissues. Your body can become low in folate after a few weeks of an inadequate intake. Other causes of folic acid deficiency include:

  • Crohn's disease or sprue, which inhibits absorption,

  • drinking too much alcohol,

  • overcooking food, and

  • medications such as the anti-epilepitc drug Dilantin, and the antibiotic bactrim.

Folate is important for cell division and growth, and helps to prevent anemia and neurological birth defects. It works with vitamins B12 and C to help the body break down old proteins and build new ones, as well as aiding in the building of DNA, the genetic molecule.

Signs and symptoms of folate deficiency include:

  • fatigue,

  • prematurely gray hair,

  • oral sores,

  • poor growth, and

  • a swollen tongue.

Deficiency of the vitamin can be diagnosed with a blood test.

The US Food and Drug Administration recommends a daily intake of:

  • 400 micrograms per day for adults, and

  • 600 micrograms per day for pregnant women.

The name "folate" is related to the word "foliage" and the vitamin is found in many green leafy vegetables and asparagus...

  • 1/2 cup of cooked spinach contains 131 micrograms of folate.

  • a cup of kale has about 19 micrograms of the vitamin.

  • 2 cups of Romaine lettuce provide 128 micrograms, and

  • a cup of asparagus provides 234 micrograms.

Whole grains, citrus fruits, strawberries, cantaloupe and fortified cereals also contain folate. Total cereal provides 100 per cent of the recommended daily requirement of folic acid in 3/4 of a cup. A cup of cantaloupe balls supplies about 37 micrograms of folate, and a cup of raw strawberries supplies about 36 micrograms.

The website Simplycook.wordpress recommends making a salad with Romaine lettuce, honeydew melon, cantaloupe, strawberries, and citrus vinaigrette that sounds like a tasty way to get your folate. Another website UrbanOrganicGardener offers a recipe for salad made with kale, lemon, onion, garlic, and honey.

Common Drugs of Abuse - Cut Off Concentrations and Their Detection Periods

Drug abuse is widespread and is one of the top health concerns in many countries. Drug abuse causes multiple problems for the abuser, his/her family and the immediate society. Physical and mental effects are quite obvious in the drug abuser. Drug abusers cannot function as normal citizens of the society. They neglect their families, become poor socially and economically and may also involve in crimes. It is very important to detect the drug abusers using drug tests to make them stay away from harmful drugs. Here we will look at some of the common drugs of abuse, their detection periods and cut-off concentrations in different drug testing samples.

Common Drugs of Abuse
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) recently stated that about 22 million Americans were abusing illicit drugs in 2009. Some of the commonly used illicit and prescribed drugs are Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Phencyclidine (PCP), Cocaine and Opiates.

Marijuana is the most commonly abused drug in America with almost 16.7 million users. Marijuana is a psychoactive drug. Desired effects of marijuana include relaxation, euphoria, and hallucinations. However, Marijuana addiction leads to problems such as short-term memory impairment, red conjunctiva, and increased heart rate and blood pressure.

There were more than 500,000 methamphetamine users in America in 2009. Methamphetamine is also a stimulant that causes euphoria, mood elevation, and appetite suppression. High doses of the drug lead to restlessness, anxiety, irritability, tremors, and paranoia. It may also result in fixed and dilated pupils, and heart and brain dysfunction.

Phencyclidine (PCP):
Around 45,000 people initiated Phencyclidine in 2009. PCP, a "dissociative" drug, stimulates central nervous system. Short-term effects of PCP addiction are drowsiness, lethargy, and disorganized thoughts. PCP drug abuse causes visual, tactile, and auditory misperceptions; slurred speech; and sweating. Severe psychological effects are seen among PCP drug abusers.

There were 1.6 million Cocaine users in United States in 2009. Cocaine is a powerful nervous system stimulant. Cocaine enhances euphoria, alertness, energy and motor activity. High dosage cocaine abuse leads to convulsions, tremors and increased body temperature. Drug tests for cocaine detection check for presence of Benzoylecgonine which is the main metabolite of the drug.

Opiates including morphine, codeine, and heroin are derivatives of Opium. High dosage of Opium consumption causes depression of central nervous system leading to dizziness, lethargy, and drowsiness. Liver diseases, respiratory depression, and spontaneous abortion are caused by long-term use of Opiates. Morphine and Morphine Glucuronides are the metabolites of opiates that are detected in drug tests.

Drug detection
Urine, saliva, and hair are the common samples taken to perform a drug test in order to detect the elevate levels of the above mentioned drugs. Detection period and cut-off concentrations of various drugs vary based on the type of test. The drug cut off concentration level is defined as the minimum level of drug or metabolite concentration in the specimen, which can be considered as a positive result. Amount of drugs that can be detected is based on several factors such as drug detection time, frequency of use, metabolism, specimen type, methods of drug testing, and others.

Urine Tests
Most of the illicit drug abusers are commonly tested by using urine tests. Many urine drug test kits are available in the market for on-site tests or laboratory analysis. Urine drug tests are least expensive when compared to all other types.

The cut off level for Marijuana in urine is 50 ng/ml and can be detected between 2 to 4 days of consumption. Habitual Marijuana use can be detected up to 30 days in urine. Cut off level for Methamphetamine is 1000 ng/ml and can be detected between 3 to 5 days. PCP 25 ng/ml and detection period is 3 to 7 days. Cocaine 150 ng/ml and can be detected between 4 to 5 days. The cut-off level for opiates earlier was 300ng/ml. However, in order to reduce possibility of false positives, it is increased to 2000ng/ml. Opiates such as Heroin, Codeine or Morphine can be detected for 2-4 days.

Hair Drug Tests:
Hair drug tests are accurate and can detect any type of drugs for 90 days. A hair sample of 1.5 inches of length is enough to conduct hair drug tests.

The cut off concentrations of common drugs of abuse using hair drug tests are: Cocaine (Benzoylecgonine) - 0.5 ng/mg, Amphetamines (Amphetamine) - 0.5 ng/mg, Marijuana - 0.005 ng/mg, Opiates (Morphine) - 0.2 ng/mg, Phencyclidine (Phencyclidine) - 0.3 ng/mg.

Saliva Drug Tests:
More recent drug use can be detected by saliva drug tests. These are more expensive than urine tests and less expensive than hair tests. They are easy to use and the chances of adulteration are very less. Detection period of saliva tests is not known for some drugs. However, methamphetamine and PCP can be detected for 1-3 days.

The cutoff concentrations for the above mentioned drugs using saliva tests are Cocaine - 20 ng/ml, Amphetamines (d-Amphetamine) - 50 ng/ml, Marijuana (THC-COOH) - 12 ng/ml, Opiates (Morphine) - 40 ng/ml, Phencyclidine (Phencyclidine) - 10 ng/ml.

Whatever the test may be, the cut-off concentration is a crucial parameter to detect the presence of drugs in order to provide accurate results.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bipolar Disorder Symptoms: Symptoms That Occur in Patients Suffering From Bipolar Disorder

A mental condition known as bipolar disorder afflicts on an average one person in every 45 persons. It is a state of mind where people experience elevated manic and depressed state alternatively which interferes with a person's daily functioning. It is prevalent in both women as well as men equally across all ethnic groups and cultures. As everyone does not experience the same symptoms therefore it is often difficult to diagnose and often left untreated. In some cases the depressed state is more pronounced and longer whereas in other cases the manic state is pronounced. Initially this state is often diagnosed as a case of unipolar depression. In most of the patients this disorder starts around childhood or in the early years of adulthood. The various bipolar disorder symptoms are the following.

Symptoms of depressive episode are: persistent sadness, guilt, anxiety, isolation, anger, hopelessness, fatigue, disturbance in appetite and sleep patterns, losing interest in activities that he/she otherwise enjoyed, concentration problems, self loathing, loneliness, indifference, losing interest in sexual activities, irritability, shyness, pain usually without any cause, loss of motivation and suicidal tendencies. In severe bipolar cases a person can become psychotic where he might start hallucinating or have delusions. An episode of depression may continue for two weeks at a stretch or if untreated may persist for months.

Symptoms of manic episode are: mania is the main symptom of this disease that differentiates it from unipolar depression. This phase is usually characterized by an elevated state of mind or more aptly called euphoria. There is a marked decrease in sleeping pattern; some individuals need just 3 to 4 hours of sleep in a day while some might go totally without any sleep for many days at a time. The person is easily distracted and his attention span is very less. Another major symptom can be impairment of judgment like person can spend freely without thinking or indulge in behavior that is abnormal for that person. Feelings of grandiose and euphoria are marked and the patient may become very talkative. An increase in sexual drive might be seen. Some patients may indulge in stimulants such as drugs, cocaine or alcohol. Some aggressive behavior may also be seen in the individual.

When the manic symptoms are subdued it is known as a hypomania episode. Some people experience that they are more productive during such hypomania periods. They are more active but their poor judgment and irritability conditions might persist during this phase. The major problem with this state is that the patient feels good and usually denies that something is wrong. In some cases the manic symptoms and depression occur side by side. This condition is known as a mixed state. Mixed state is the most difficult and dangerous period where other complications might also develop.

There are many forms of medication that a sufferer of bipolar disorder can be prescribed by a doctor but by far the most popular and safest form of treatment are natural remedies. These include meditation, herbs, light therapy, aromatherapy and crystal healing to name but a few. To find out more information about the life and symptoms experienced by people with bipolar and how you too can discover natural and safe solutions that can ease these feelings and help you and your family cope better living with bipolar disorder you can goto

Help for Addiction - Overcoming Depression

Depression is defined as a state of sadness, unhappiness and hopelessness. Imagination is defined as the ability to form images and ideas in the mind, especially of things never seen or experienced directly, which generally occurs in the right or creative non-linear side of the brain. Research has shown that depressed individuals often exhibit thinning of the right-side cerebral cortex, influencing mood, attention, awareness, levels of consciousness, creativity and imagination.

There is also usually a reduction in pineal gland function. The pineal gland, more commonly known as the "Minds Eye," is our portal for creativity and manifestation. This, I believe, further substantiates that depression is a result of not only the absence of self- love, but also a lack of true meaning, purpose and creativity. However, in my opinion, depression is incorrectly diagnosed as a chemical imbalance and treated with antidepressants.

Over the past several decades, the term chemical imbalance has become well known and is commonly perceived by the general public to be the direct cause of depression and other psychological conditions. This, in my opinion, is categorically untrue! First, there is no known pathology for diagnosing a chemical imbalance.

Second, if you can't test for it, how does one confirm that it even exists? Well, to be honest, it's purely hypothetical in nature. In fact, there is no empirical evidence to support this theory or, moreover, to prove that it's the basis for depression, addiction, or any other psychological condition. The chemical imbalance theory was created in the early sixties when a group of prominent psychiatrists conducted a study using various psychoactive and hallucinogenic drugs including the likes of LSD. After administering these drugs to laboratory rodents, clinicians confirmed that brain chemistry had, in fact, been altered. From that observation, the researchers somehow concluded that any abnormality in psychological and emotional behavior must be contributed to a chemical imbalance! To most reasonable and rational people, this conclusion defies common sense and questions the researcher's intent. This is not factual science. It's fictional science!

Ironically, anti-depressant usage has more than tripled over the past two decades. Is this purely coincidental? You're free to draw your own conclusion.

Without question, depression is a component of addiction - one that can be intricately entwined with any of the following emotional issues:

1. Self-esteem
2. Personal Power
3. Personal Identity
4. True Life Purpose

And certainly, if one is to overcome depression, they must address them. In the chapters ahead, I will provide specific tools for tackling those issues. For now, let's focus on the core components of depression, which are unhappiness, sadness and hopelessness.

First, let's talk about unhappiness. If you are unhappy, why is that your state of mind? Are you unhappy that you haven't excelled in your professional life, or do you feel lost because you are unclear about the correct career path? Is meaning and purpose absent from your life? Have you failed at one relationship after another? Do you feel unloved and alone? Have you been overly critical of yourself and, as a result, have you failed to embrace self-love? Let's face it, if you had meaning and purpose in your life, a great relationship, and you loved and valued yourself, you wouldn't be unhappy, would you? If you're depressed, how are you going to become happy? Do you honestly believe that someone else is responsible for your happiness? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they aren't. You're responsible for it!

Everyone experiences sadness from time to time. This is often attributed to some form of loss or disappointment. However, when it persists, there's usually a hidden agenda. For example, sadness and broken heartedness is often a result of losing a loved one. This only stands to reason. Although, when the normal process of grieving is perpetuated, the fear of failure, success, rejection or abandonment is usually present. In other words, it's easier to continue grieving than it is to face one's deepest fear. If you have lost a loved one, that is both sad and unfortunate. But, you do have a choice; either move forward by celebrating the positive aspects of that person's life or continue to grieve and carry on as a wounded soul for the remainder of your days.

Feelings of hopelessness are commonly associated with depression, but that is not where they originate. Hopelessness is born in patterns of verbal abuse, part-time parenting and control. These dysfunctional patterns cause self-esteem, personal power and personal identity issues. If you don't love or value yourself, how can you feel hopeful about a bright future? If you don't possess a high level of self-confidence, then you're not likely to take the action required to change your situation. Once again, you have a choice; build confidence, embrace self-love, and take the action required to create a bright future or continue to feel hopeless!

After reading the preceding paragraphs, you may have concluded that my approach is somewhat harsh and unsympathetic. There is a reason for my bluntness, though. Candidly speaking, folks who are struggling with depression do not require coddling. They need empowerment. Sure, you can try and mask your depression with psychoactive drugs, or you can attempt to talk through it in psychotherapy. Those methods will offer some temporary relief. But, to be honest, action is the only thing that will eliminate depression entirely!

Depression - Insurance Can Help You to Get the Treatment You Need

Everyone experiences periods of sadness or feeling "down in the dumps." But major depressive disorder is a far more serious condition than simply feeling occasional sadness. At its worst, clinical depression can be debilitating, preventing people from going about their daily lives and completing simple tasks. Fortunately, there's help for this condition. Aside from psychotherapy and counseling, there are also some excellent anti-depressants available with a prescription. But if you want to take advantage of all the help available to you, then you should make sure that you have a solid insurance policy that will help you to cover the cost of your medical care.

If you already have insurance, you should check with your provider to see if treatment of your depression is covered by your policy. You want to check as specifically as possible, as some providers cover certain benefits, but not others, and others only offer limited benefits. If you're going to get all the treatment and medication you need in order to get this condition under control, then you'll need to make sure that you have adequate coverage for these items. If your current provider doesn't cover these items, then you might want to start looking for one that does.

If you don't already have insurance, then you should definitely start looking. Your depression could get worse if you don't do anything about it. Once you've been diagnosed, you should begin exploring treatment options immediately, which means that you should begin exploring insurance options immediately. Even if you've already been diagnosed, that doesn't mean that you won't be able to get medical insurance at a competitive rate. As long as you're up-front about your condition, you might be surprised to see how affordable it is to get adequate health insurance. You just need to start looking.

When you start looking for insurance, get at least three to five quotes back. That way, you'll have something to compare each quote to. You'll get a better feel for what kinds of policies you're eligible for and which policy features most appeal to you. You'll also get a feel for how big a premium you can expect to pay. When it comes to insurance, it's not just about getting the lowest price. It's also about getting the best value for your money. With a moderately priced policy that offers you adequate coverage, you can get the treatment you need in order to keep your depression under control.
If you need assistance in locating particular coverages at a pre-determined price, we can help you find a reduce health insurance premium today.

Detecting Suicide Signs in Marriage

As life is not perfect, there's bound to be imperfections in people and in their relationships. That's why marriage, as in any relationship, is not made in heaven. Trials will always come along although couples also deserve to experience happiness in their life. As they say, it's an up and down hill that people go through in their lifetime.

It's a reality that some people can't help but feel sad when they're having problems in their marital relationship. They're easily affected by the trials that they face and at times, this sadness can even stay with them for a long time. When this happens, there's a big likelihood for depression to occur.

As depression sets in and no immediate aid is provided, an individual can develop suicidal tendency. This is the stage when a person is deeply sad and does not respond to support or does not want to be treated. There is then the urge to just end life.

As married couples, you vowed to help and support each through good times and bad. It is, therefore, important that you get to know each other's personality very well through proper communication. Discussing issues that matter in your marriage is helpful in figuring out the ways to further nurture your relationship. Other than marital issues, openly talking out about your feelings, thoughts and opinions is also essential.

Sometimes, couples tend to feel confident that they already know their partner from head to foot after their initial years of marriage. The others especially those who had a long engagement may feel the same way. It's only then when a strange character trait reveals itself that they realize that they still miss something.

How then can you detect the warning signs of suicide in your spouse? Should you be bothered by a sudden change in attitude or behavior? How then can you help your loved one who is a suicide risk?

According to experts, majority of people who are at risk of suicide tell somebody about their plan. They also show some warning signs.

* Long depression. Being depressed for a long time is a common cause for suicide.
* Withdrawal. They may withdraw from family and friends and stop communicating to them.
* Mood changes. They may experience extreme changes in their moods from being excited to feeling sad right away.
* Change in sleep pattern. As these people are often bothered, they may have difficulty following their usual sleeping habit.
* Loss of appetite. Most depressed people lose their appetite or may eat very little.
* Talking about death. Suicidal people who are the verbal type may talk about committing suicide or death. The silent type may communicate this thought through writing a letter.
* Feeling guilty or shameful. People who may be in this situation are those who have had an illicit affair or who may have spent a huge sum of their spouse's money.
* Poor performance. This can show in the workplace or at home. Suicidal people can lose interest in their daily activities and therefore may no longer be willing to do their work well.

Talk to a marriage counselor or therapist right away if you ever suspect your spouse to be at risk of suicide. It is not a shame to approach a counselor. Think that you're doing it to save your marriage and to save the life of your loved one.

Signs and Symptoms of Manic Depression

Someone who believes they may be suffering from Bipolar Disorder Syndrome should see a physician to determine if it is in fact, but you may want to have some idea before your visit. While the symptoms vary from individual to individual, there is a common signs checklist of general behavior that may help you to determine if it may be or rule out Bipolar Disorder for you or your loved one.

Bipolar Disorder is also called Manic Depression, and one suffering from this will often go in to a manic phase, which can last months, into a depressed phase. Diagnosing this illness can take some time. There is no blood test that can be performed to check for it, so your physician will look at the symptoms that you have experienced over a period of some time. It is helpful to keep note of any symptoms you experience so that you can be sure to give the physician extended accurate information. This will help in diagnosing Bipolar Disorder. Below is a common list of symptoms reported with Bipolar Disorder / Manic Depression:

Symptoms of Bipolar Mania:

Constant Irritability
Talking Fast
Inflated / High Self Esteem
Extreme Energy on Little Sleep
Being Irrational with Decisions / Impulsive Behavior

Symptoms of Bipolar Depression:

Inability to Concrete
Depressed Behavior
Lack of Energy
Fatigue / Constantly Sleeping
Low Self Confidence
Not interested in their normal activities / Seem Distant from Everyone
Suicidal Feelings

With all the ongoing research and studies being done on Manic Depression, there are always new treatment options available if you have yet to find the one to work for you. It is very important to keep in contact with your physician after this has been diagnosed. It is a life-long battle, but once the right treatment plan has been found, people suffering from this disorder can live a fulfilling and normal life, provided that they continue their medication and follow their physician's treatment plan. There is no cure, so treatment will be forever, but will more than likely get easier to cope with over time. The specific treatment for each patient will vary, and will also depend on the severity of bipolar the patient has. There are different types of bipolar, and your doctor will evaluate your symptoms to ensure a proper diagnosis.

Although all the information may seem overwhelming, most patients to have responses to their treatment. The medications you take may need tweaking, to increase or decrease dosages, to make it work effectively for you. Over time, most bipolar patients will find a good balance between their medications and their therapy, that will get them on the right road to recovery.

Depression Hurts: The Happy Wall Can Help

Depression seems to be turning into an epidemic in America. Some say depression affects as many as 1 in every 8 Americans. With so much abundance and creature comforts in this country why are so many suffering? What can be done about depression? Many turn to antidepressants but does this help, or just cover up the underlying cause of the depression?

About 10 years ago I was one of those 1 in 8 Americans suffering from depression. I didn't understand why I was depressed and didn't really know what to do about it. I knew many people who had found relief with anti-depressants, but then had to deal with the side effects. I also noticed that two people could experience similar struggles in life and one would end up depressed and the other seemed to come out a stronger person. I wanted to be like the people who came through the storms of life and ended up better than before. But I didn't know how to do that. I was going through the storms of life and ending up depressed.

As I was searching for answers I had the opportunity to listen to one ladies story. She didn't claim to be a professional counselor, nor an expert on depression, but she had learned to overcome depression and wanted to share her story. It was a story of hope and one that taught me about the Happy Wall.

The Happy Wall changed my life. What is the Happy Wall? Let me start by explaining that there are two walls in our life that can we can choose to focus on. They are on opposite sides, therefore you can only focus on one at a time, and to do so you must turn your back to the other. One wall is the Happy Wall and the other is the Sad Wall. Anyone who has struggled with depression knows the Sad Wall well. It's the one that has pictures of your struggles, your weakness, your imperfections, all the injustices you have suffered and all the bad things that have happened, are happening, or may happen. This wall is dark. It's negative and is full of despair and sadness. On the opposite side is the Happy Wall. This wall is full of things that bring you joy, or that have brought you joy and happiness in your life. It contains uplifting quotes and encouragement. On this wall are the faces of people who are there to encourage you, hug you, and help you find the beauty inside yourself and inside others. This wall is full of light, hope, faith, gratitude and happiness.

These two walls are present in all of our lives. You may think that what will make you happy is to be closer to that happy wall, but that is not the case. Your happiness is not determined by which wall you are closer to rather than which wall you are focused on. Which wall are you looking at and paying attention to? Those who are focused on the sadness in their lives suffer depression, anxiety, sadness, and all of that makes the sad wall look even darker and fills their soul with more despair. Those who choose to focus on the happy wall live with hope. They expect good things to come their way and for life to be filled with more good days than bad days.

When I realized it was my choice what I was going to focus on and that this could be the cause of my depression I decided to give it a try. No more focusing on my imperfections, my son's chronic condition, the lack of money, all the people who made me feel like garbage. It was time to focus on the people who loved me. It was time to love myself and forgive myself for my imperfections. It was time to start laughing again, and I was the only one who could make that happen.

I was tired of being depressed. I didn't like what it was doing to me, or my family. What did I have to lose by focusing on the Happy Wall? Things couldn't be much worse. I already hated myself. If this really worked I could be happy again. I could enjoy living again.

At first it wasn't easy finding things to laugh at. I tried to read the comics, I loved them as kid. I would force myself to laugh. I found funny videos on You Tube. I started watching funniest home videos. At first it was really hard, but it started to work. I began laughing again, and feeling better.

My next step was overcoming criticism. I realized I was very critical and that kept me focused on the Sad Wall. Every time I realized I was being critical I would find 10 good things about the person or thing I was criticizing. If I couldn't then I would change my focus and find 10 good things to focus on. I was amazed at how quickly my life turned around.

It didn't take long to start feeling good again. After years of feeling depressed I was amazed at how quickly my life changed. The key was to change my focus. The Happy Wall works. Now when I see myself about to fall into that dark abyss of depression I check my focus. Am I criticizing and complaining? Am I listening to negative talk? Then I focus on gratitude, blessings, and find something to laugh about. It works every time.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

3 Simple Keys to Overcoming Depression Forever

When I was younger, maybe four or five or maybe even six years old, I was what many would call an "out of control kid". There was always drama in my family from some place or another, and anybody with true sight would see that I was simply a product of my environment.

Before, let's say the change in my bodies "Bio-chemistry", I had never had any feelings of depression and I certainly had no idea what the word even meant.

I had large amounts of energy and problems with anger, but never depression.

Yet when I was prescribed Ritalin and its sister Clonidine (Catapres) by such a 'wise' doctor, I started to experience ups and downs, I'd go from anger into sadness, from energetic to lethargic, and this continued for almost seven years.

During that time I was also put on Dexamphetamine, which if you know anything about it, its side-effects can be depression and aggressive behaviour.

I sometimes look back at my childhood and laugh at the way we like to just cover things up, almost like a Band-Aid, treating the symptomology and neglecting the cause.

I ran away from home when I was eleven, and ended up living with my father, now he was totally opposed to all medication and stop it in its tracks. The interesting thing is that the depression I once felt disappeared within a few weeks and has been gone since... There were still other issues but the topic is depression.

Definition of depression (According to the Oxford dictionary)


  • 1[mass noun] severe, typically prolonged, feelings of despondency and dejection: self-doubt creeps in and that swiftly turns to depression

  • Medicinea mental condition characterized by severe feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy, typically accompanied by a lack of energy and interest in life: she suffered from clinical depression

If you are like most people then you may read that definition and still be thinking "I'm still not really clear on what it is though"

How about we simply put it like this:

Depression is excessive negative introspection, more simply, thinking about things from the past in a negative way, worrying about things in the future.

What happens next is you start to get all those feelings, the hopelessness, the sadness, you start to feel like you've got no energy and so forth.

For decades, medicine has believed that depression is a result of chemical imbalance. It is now a known fact that the chemical imbalance is a result of the depression, not the cause.

Yet for some reason, so many have yet to catch on to this train of thought.

Why do you think that majority of people who do a cycle of antidepressants, fall back into depression once off them?

Think about it from an un-biased view... Each of these examples makes sense, from some point of view:

  • One could say that because they stopped taking the thing which was creating a balance of chemicals in the brain, that the imbalance re-occurred, and the depression kicked back in as a result.

  • One could say that they became dependent on the medication.

  • One could say that they need on going therapy to help them avoid symptoms.

  • One could say that because the doctors were merely treating the symptomology, not the cause, that as soon as medication ceased, the thing that caused the symptoms (negative dwelling on past, present and future) kicked back into action in full force and caused them to enter an even deeper state of depression than before.

You can decide what you believe is true, what I know from my personal life and from working clients regularly is this: firstly, we must help them change how they think (cognitive), next we must help them with what they do (behavioural) and lastly we must be solutions orientated, not problem orientated, Simple right?

1. Cognitive Therapy - How we think is the first key.

Remember how I mentioned that excessive dwelling in a negative way causes depression?

Well for somebody that is in a state of depression, having them access all the things in their life that could be causing the depression is absolutely counter-productive. This causes the client to become even more depressed, they already dwell on things in a negative fashion they don't need to go and pay to dwell, that's why people that go see traditional therapists leave feeling worse than when they got there.

It's how we perceive the world that creates meaning for us, and everybody perceives the world differently, depending on life experiences, beliefs, values, and so forth.

For somebody that is depressed we first need to teach them how to change the way they perceive world and the secret is language.

"Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so" - William Shakespeare

To properly understand depression, you need to understand that we don't really reflect reality, we more so interpret it.

That's the reason two people can see the same event and give different descriptions of it.

A metaphor I like is the tree falling in the forest:

  • A big old tree fell down in the forest and nobody was there to see it... (No meaning)

  • Along came a hiker and saw the great majestic tree that had fallen and thinks "How sad that this beautiful tree should fall"... (Meaning is sad)

  • Further down the track, a man looks out of his cabin window to see the big tree gone and he exclaims "Oh great! What a marvelous view I now have"... (Meaning is happy)

It's our perception that creates meaning, and it's the meaning we give things that influences our emotions.

The first key to being rid of depression for good is changing how you think about things, do you use language like "Why can't I make good money? Why can't I find a good relationship? Why do I always attract losers? Am I that worthless that nobody cares?"

Whatever question you ask yourself, you will get an answer, that answer will either give you a positive feeling or negative.

Ask yourself "How can I make good money? How can I find the most amazing and fulfilling relationship? How can I attract abundance and love into my life? I KNOW I AM BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING!"

2. Behavioural Therapy - What you do, effects how you live

This article has already gotten too large so I have to be short, so you need to become aware of the things you do because you can be the most positive person in the world, yet if your behaviours aren't s supporting as they could be then you will find yourself in positions where you really just don't want to be. Depression in my opinion is simply behaviour, something that we have learned to do.

Did you know that in Australia, over 100,000 children are diagnosed with depression each year? The astonishing thing is that some kids are as young as five.

How on earth could that be possible?

As I considered it, the only real logical answer was that it is something they have learned from their environment, children are like sponges, if there is always tension and conflict in home life then they will absorb it all up.

From a behavioural therapy point of view, anything thing that can be learned, can be un-learned, in NLP - we change behaviour very quickly.

3. Solution based Therapy and Interpersonal Therapy - Focusing on the things you want, not on the things you don't and learning how to relate in a better way.

This I feel is a big thing; it seems that we are pre-conditioned to focus our attention on all the things that are going wrong in the world. Consider the news, magazines, newspapers and so forth, would you stop and watch the news if the report was "And today was a great day, lots of people had a good day at work and then they went home to spend time with their family"

You most likely wouldn't right?

But if it said "1000's died in a railway explosion today, officials believe it's the result of a terrorist organization"

You will likely watch, because it is shocking, and it catches your attention, but he's the problem; we are being conditioned to believe that there is more bad than good in the world. And that's one of the reasons why depression and anxiety is so common these days. One in six Australians suffers depression.

We also need to learn how to better relate to our lives because so many people just feel like they don't fit in or can't find friendships and so forth. You also need to consider whether the relationships you have already, are truly benefiting you or whether they are holding you in place, locking the shackles of your current position.

So there it is:

  • If you can learn to change how you think (The language you use, and questions you ask yourself)

  • If you can un-learn some of those unwanted behaviour

  • If you can redirect your focus and develop your interpersonal skills

Then you may find that the behaviour of depression disappears and is replaced by the behaviour of living a happy life.

I'd also suggest that if you have been suffering from depression, then to find somebody that can help you to overcome it, not just mask it.

NLP, Time Line Therapy, and Hypnotherapy are so effective for helping people to unlearn, grow and be happy, so stop living below your potential and allow yourself to transform.

Depression and Thyroid Hormones

If you are tired or depressed much of the time, your doctor should order blood tests for the two thyroid hormones called T3 and T4 and for the brain hormones called TSH and prolactin. If your TSH is high and your prolactin is normal, you are probably hypothyroid and need to take thyroid hormone to give you more energy and prevent heart and blood vessel damage.

Doctors treat people with low thyroid function with thyroid pills called T4 (Levothroid, one brand name is Synthroid). Many doctors think that a person needs only T4 because the thyroid gland makes T4 and then it is converted to T3 in other tissues. However, some people become depressed when they take just T4 and their depression can be cured when they take both thyroid hormones, T3 and T4.

When a depressed patient comes to me and is taking thyroid hormone, T4, I immediately order a blood test called TSH to check if he or she is getting the correct dose. If the TSH is normal, I reduce the dose of T4 by 50% and add a very low dose of T3 (brand name, Cytomel) because it safer to prescribe too low a dose, rather than too high a dose. Overdoses cause shakiness, irritability, irregular heart beats, clots, and osteoporosis. The patient returns in one month for a blood test, TSH, to see if the total thyroid dose is correct. If the TSH is too high, the thyroid dose is too low and I raise the T3 (Cytomel) dose by 5 to 10 m5 each month until the TSH is normal. Then once a year I check TSH blood levels to make sure that the person's requirements for thyroid hormone are being met.

For example, the usual replacement dose for low thyroid function is 100 micrograms per day. If a depressed patient has a normal TSH, I reduce the T4 dose to 50 mcg/day and add 5 mcg of T3 per day. One month later, if the TSH blood is still too high I raise the T3 dose to 10 or 20 mcg and continue to increase the T3 level each month until the TSH is normal.

Exciting research shows that the thyroid hormone called T3 can help treat depression. Psychotherapy often fails to control depression. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychotherapy, proposed theories about depression, that many psychiatrists do not accept because his writings were his opinions and not presented as scientific data supported by controlled experiments. The dominant theory today is that depression is caused by low brain levels of the neurotransmitters, serotonin and norepinephrine.

The drugs such as Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft that treat depression are supposed to raise brain levels of these neurotransmitters. Doctors can also raise brain levels of serotonin by prescribing pills containing T3, a hormone produced by peripheral tissue from T4, which is produced by the thyroid gland. They also prescribe T3 by itself or together with antidepressants. Depression is common among people who have too much or too little thyroid hormone. Doctors usually treat low thyroid function with T4 also known as Levothroid and many people become even more depressed. They treat this depression by prescribing T3 as well as T4.

Try to balance T3 and T4 so you will not be taking too much thyroid and harm yourself. 1)If you now take 100 mcg of Levothroid (T4): 2) Lower T4 (Levothroid) to 50 mcg and add Cytomel (T3) 5 mcg each day. 3) One month later, have your doctor draw blood for TSH. 4) If it is normal, you are on the correct dose and should get blood tests TSH once a year. 5) If TSH is too high, increase Cytomel to 10 mcg and hold Levothroid at 50. 6) Draw monthly TSH until it is normal. Keep on raising Cytomel by 5 mcg until TSH is normal.

Bipolar Medicine - How Do You Know If You Need It?

Abrupt mood swings alternating between mania and depressive episodes is not normal. This is a mental illness that is referred to as bipolar disorder. In layman's term, this is recognized as manic depression. Unfortunately, this problem can only be suppressed temporarily by a bipolar medicine.

There is no known permanent cure for this sickness. However, diagnosed bipolar patients are usually issued with a prescription. Another issue here is the fact that a bipolar medicine may have serious side effects. The safest way to obtain them for treatment is to always consult your doctor.

Caution In Taking Medicine

There are many of types of this bipolar medicine that are available in drugstores. But, it is important to understand that this medicine can be dangerous if taken irresponsibly. One dose is very potent and can cause severe and very serious health problems to a normal person. If you are pharmacist, make sure that the person buying this medication carries a prescription.

A bipolar medicine can also be addictive. If you have a friend or family who is suffering from this mental disease, help him or her with the dosage. Make sure the patient gets only the prescribed amount - no more, no less. Otherwise, alteration can cause more problems than what is already there.

If you think you have manic depressive episodes, you might need to seek professional help as well. To echo what was mentioned above, a bipolar disorder is characterized by abrupt mood swings.

Warning Signs

If you have tendencies of being extremely happy one moment, then shifting into excessive sadness the next, you probably need help. It may be difficult to determine if you do have this problem. Other warning signs of bipolar disorder are listed below:

* The delusion of grandeur. This disease is caused by a disturbance in the brain. At manic highs, a person has the tendency to feel that he is the most powerful person on earth. Even more extreme is imagining himself to be a fictitious character super-hero.

* Sleeplessness. Due to hyperactive extremes, a person with bipolar disorder finds it difficult to sleep. But there is a difference between insomnia and this mental illness. Insomnia is an illness in its own right.

* Easily irritated and angered. Another significant sign of a bipolar case is the lack of temper control. This negative disposition occurs in a depressive state.

* Tendency to judge without bases or facts. Because of the fact that manic depression reduces a person's ability to perform logical thinking, their perspective can often be prejudiced.

* Self-pity and guilt tripping. A bipolar patient has low self-esteem while the level of insecurity is high. This is usually manifested in acts of self-pity and blaming one's self for failure.

These are just a few of the bipolar symptoms. If you happen to have these personality issues, then perhaps you do need bipolar medicine to get well. But before that, you must be reminded again to seek help from a doctor. Never do the treatment by yourself. These medications can cause side effects even with prescriptions and the unintended consequences can be severe.