Saturday, September 28, 2013

Cyclothymic Disorder - A Very Frustrating Disorder to Have and to Deal With

The Cyclothymic Disorder is a placid outline of Bipolar Disorder of which the person will have mood swings in the range of mild or moderate depression state to euphoria and enthusiasm, but still will stay connected to the reality.

Cyclothymic Disorder is a chronic and irregular mood disturbance that involves plentiful periods of hypo manic symptoms and loads of depressive symptoms. This means that this is a long term condition where the person who has this disorder will have mood cycles in between hypomania. Even if this is a mild to somewhat severe case, it could include having delusions, hallucinations or other psychotic characteristics the depression that can come with it also can be mild to somewhat severe but would not be unbearable or in the depths of despair (suicide).

Cyclothymic Disorder or also known as Cyclothymia

The causes of Cyclothymia disorder are unidentified. Even though the vast changes upon the mood are quite erratic and rapid, the mood swings are far less severe compared to the Bipolar Disorder Manic Depressive Illness.


1 Sporadic episodes of hypo manic phases and mild depression that will last for maybe at least 2 years

2 The affected person will tend to be more ill-tempered or dark, more than euphoric or happy

3 Unrelenting symptoms with not less than about 2 symptom-free months in a row

The Diagnosis:

3 All of the symptoms does not qualify as major manic or even major depressive episodes

4 All of the symptoms almost never ease up for more than two months

5 There was never a Manic, Mixed or Depressive Episode in the initial two years of symptoms

6 An additional disorder is not accountable for symptoms

7 All of the symptoms are not triggered by drug or any general medical condition

The Exams and Tests:

It will depend upon the person's own portrayal of what his or her behavior was, and this will most often lead to the diagnosis of the disorder.

The Treatments:

The treatment for the Cyclothymia Disorder will require a combination of the anti-manic drugs, some anti-depressants, or can be psychotherapy. There will also be medications that will be use in treating this disorder and they are the mood stabilizers.

8 Lithium: Lithium has been indeed used for some years now with patients who have bipolar disorder, and it can be of help to those patients who have Cyclothymia disorder.

9 Anti-seizure drugs: These are drugs such as carbamazepine (Tegretol), lamotrigine (Lamictal), oxcarbazepine (Trileptal), and Valproic acid (Valproate), which are the most well-known anti-seizure drugs. But aside from these anti-seizure drugs, there are also some that are used for Bipolar Disorder such as topiramate (Topamax), gabapentin (Neurontin), and zonisamide (Zonegran).

The patients that have Cyclothymic Disorder have the possibility of not responding to the medication compared to the patients with Bipolar Disorder.

Support Groups:

- For any patient to have the capability of easing out the stress of the illness, joining a support group with members who can share the same experiences and problems will be of help.

Teenage Depression - Untreated Teen Depression

Teen Depression statistics indicate that only 33% of teenagers with depression access the appropriate help or services. This leaves the other 67% to deal with the intense feelings of hopelessness and feelings of isolation on their own. Depression often leads to the teenager withdrawing from potential support networks due to feelings of isolation, which sets a negative cycle into place if the teen does not received the help and support needed. Often the depressed teen lacks the insight to be able to pinpoint the problem or that there even is a problem. This results in the teen seeking relief from negative emotions through maladaptive behaviours. Untreated, these maladaptive behaviours can escalate to result in negative consequences such as

  • Eating disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia - It is reported that girls have a higher risk of experiencing depression than boys. The teenage years are characterised by exploring sexual identity and so most teenage girls are preoccupied by their developing body image. When teen depression is untreated, feelings of inferiority and worthlessness are perpetuated. In an attempt to rectify this many depressed teen girls resort to extreme methods to improve their sense of self-worth. In many cases this results in the onset of an eating disorder.

  • Running away - Depression can cause the teen to become so overwhelmed by their negative thoughts and emotions that they feel unable to cope with even minor problems in everyday life. Many depressed teenagers try to escape their realities by running away. This is often also a cry for help.

  • Problems at school - A common physiological symptom of depression are fatigue and low energy levels which has a negative impact on concentration. This can result in problems with school work, poor attendance and lack of social participation. These occupations are the building blocks to the teen's future, so if left untreated, continued poor performance in the various life areas could have detrimental effects on the life of the future adult.

  • Addiction - While experimentation is common in teens, the experience of depression magnificently increases the risk of drug and alcohol abuse in teenagers. Often the depressed teen uses substances as a way to 'numb' or 'escape' from the negative emotions they experience. However, in today's technological world, substance abuse is not the only form of addiction in teenagers. There is a rapidly growing trend toward teens becoming addicted to technology. The depressed teen may find solace in the faceless characteristic of the cyber-world. The depressed teen may become addicted to overcoming feelings of isolation through technology.

  • Violent and Reckless Behaviour - Constant exposure to negative emotions can cause violent outbursts in some teens who find it difficult to express their emotions verbally. There is also an increasing trend of teens who 'bottle-up' negative emotions over a long period of time to lash out with violence when these emotions become intolerable. Since the depressed teen often lacks self-respect, reckless behaviour such as sexual permissiveness can be used as a cry for help.

  • Self-injury - sometimes the emotions experienced by the depressed teen are so intense and overwhelming that self-injury and self-mutilation such as cutting, burning and biting are seen better alternatives.

  • Suicide - when feelings of hopelessness and helplessness become so severe, the depressed teen may have suicidal ideation, which inevitably leads to suicide attempts as a cry for help if the depression goes untreated. Worse still. The teen may experience their situation to be so hopeless that they see death as the only option.

Given the negative effects of untreated teen depression, it is crucial that the signs and symptoms of depression are recognised early and the appropriate services are accessible to teenagers.

Clinical Depression Or Thyroid Problem

Your thyroid directs your metabolic action or the way your body breaks down food and transforms it into energy. One of it's tasks is absorbing amino acids, one of which, tyrosine, gets converted into dopamine, the supercharged, feel good neurotransmitter in the brain. Dopamine then produces norepinephrein and adrenaline, which are famous for their instant energy giving abilities when you are under stress.

The American Thyroid Association states that:

  • More than 12% of the U.S. population will develop a thyroid condition during their lifetime.

  • An estimated 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease.

  • Up to 60% of those with thyroid disease are unaware of their condition.

  • Women are five to eight times more likely than men to have thyroid problems.

  • One woman in eight will develop a thyroid disorder during her lifetime.

Hypothyroidism stems from an underproduction of thyroid hormones and fewer thyroid hormones will mean a drop in your body's energy production and lower energy levels, leaving you feeling lethargic, fatigued, tired, and depressed. A 1993 study found that 56% of women with sub-clinical hypothyroidism were depressed. Another found that 15 - 20% of depressed men and women showed some degree of sub-clinical hypothyroidism.

(In case you were wondering, hyperthyroidism is due to an overproduction of thyroid hormones, which can lead to insomnia, daytime fatigue, nervousness, muscle weakness, unexplained weight loss, vision problems, and eye irritation.)

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:

  • Depression

  • Tired, Sluggish, Lethargic, Lack of motivation

  • Trouble getting going in the morning

  • Exhausted even after 8-10 hours of sleep

  • Poor concentration and memory, Mental sluggishness

  • Can't lose weight even with exercise

  • Cold hands and feet

  • Tingling or numbness in the hands

  • Require excessive amounts of sleep to function properly

  • Increase in weight gain even with low-calorie diet

  • Gain weight easily

  • Morning headaches that wear off as the day progresses

  • Outer third of the eyebrow thins

  • Thinning of the hair on scalp, face or genitals or excessive falling hair

  • Dryness of skin and/or scalp

  • Mental sluggishness

  • Nervous and emotional

  • Insomnia

  • Night sweats

  • Coarse, dry hair

  • Dry, rough pale skin

  • Hair loss

  • Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches

  • Constipation, Difficult, infrequent bowel movements

  • Muscle and Joint Pains, Carpal Tunnel/Tendonitis Problems

  • Neck Discomfort/Enlargement

  • Reduced sex drive

  • Menstrual Irregularities (excessive bleeding, severe cramping, irregular cycle, severe PMS)

  • Fertility Problems

  • Chubby or overweight since childhood

For women the most common triggers are the start of menstruation, menopause, or pregnancy. Dieting can also induce a thyroid problem. When you reduce your calories your body will automatically slow down your thyroid, which is a good move on your body's part, but over time, with frequent "yo-yo" dieting or skipped meals, your thyroid may forget to turn back on again.

Checking Your Thyroid At Home - If you suspect there is a problem with your thyroid try this home test before going to your doctor and getting blood work done. You will need to check your underarm, or basal, temperature first thing in the morning before you start moving around and raising your body temperature for 3 days. Your body temperature should hover around 98.6 degrees when taken orally but will be lower under the arm, between 98.4 and 97.8 degrees. If it's below 97.8 degrees for 3 days then you may have thyroid problems.


You will need to use a non-digital thermometer (digital is not as accurate under the arm).

  1. As soon as you wake up turn on bright lights, stay in bed, and keep your eyes open for 30 minutes (going to the bathroom is fine as is reading.)

  2. After 30 minutes place the thermometer under your armpit. Leave it there for 10 minutes. Stay quite in bed with your eyes open.

  3. Do this for at least 3 mornings to get your average temperature. You don't have to do the 3 mornings all in a row if you don't want to.

For Women: If you are a menstruating your basal temperature is most accurate days 1 through 4 of your period. Do not take your temperature around your ovulation or mid-cycle which causes your temperature to rise.

If you are male or a woman in menopause then any morning is fine. Hot flashes should not affect basal temperature.

If the temperature under your arm is less than 97.8 degrees for the 3 days that you check it then that's a good sign that you have a thyroid issue and you should seek out a thyroid specialist. After blood, urine, and saliva testing the doctor will recommend a course of action.

Child Obesity and Depression

Child obesity and depression are not alien with each other. In fact the two, more often than not, always go to together. When there is child obesity there is a possible presence of depression. When depression is prevalent, most likely obesity is expected to be present too. Child obesity and depression are two of the most debilitating health problems that have affected more children than before.

The number of children suffering from the ill effects of obesity is increasing which is conversely proportional to the rising number of children suffering from depression. Though it has not been established that the main cause of depression is obesity likewise the sole contributing factor of obesity is depression is yet to be proven, but the link between child obesity and depression is so clear that its needs immediate attention.

Obesity among children can be traumatic. It causes social stigma, which makes children withdrew from socializing with their peers. Children may develop a poor self-image of them and continue to harbor thoughts of not being liked at all. Because society views obesity as something negative and unwanted, obese children are incapacitated to interact with children their age. They tend to shy away from children's group activities. Their ability to think creatively is hampered, thus they become too dependent. They prefer staying at home than spending time with their friends. These scenarios may already be early signs of depression. Any indication of depression among children is alarming, which must be corrected right away.

Depression regardless of its cause can also be a cause of obesity. Children suffering from depression stay at home more often. Since they have difficulty relating with other children they prefer to stay at home and watch television instead. They become couch potato. They have the tendency to eat more than what is being required of them. If this continues these children will gain weight above the ideal weight for their age. Overtime, these children become obese. They have less time engaging in physical activities too, which could aggravate their weight problem.

Child obesity and depression seemed to be inseparable. Regardless of which comes first obesity and depression should not be taken for granted. Statistics from health organizations show that today more children are suffering from depression and obesity or both.

Programs that are geared towards improving the lives of children should be implemented. Quality living should not be deprived from them because it is their right too. Child obesity and depression has to be stopped.

Hypomania - A Dangerous State for Someone Afflicted With Bipolar Disorder

To begin, what is hypomania? It is a state of mind short of full mania. A person with bipolar disorder is placed in danger in several ways when experiencing hypomania. Left without treatment, the afflicted person could move on into a more dangerous mood disorder. Also, the symptoms can result in someone in that state of mind taking actions which place themselves and even their relationships in danger.

Bipolar disorder is a cyclical mood disorder. For someone so afflicted hypomania is a dangerous part of the disorder to be in. Generally speaking it leads into the next mood disorder in a particular person's cyclical pattern. For bipolar, type 1 most often this is period of mania. For bipolar, type 2 this is more likely to be a period of depression. For cyclothymiacs disorder a mild depression is the next likely state of mind. Whichever way it goes hypomania normally indicates that the next problem is close.

Let us take a look at the symptoms of hypomania. These are what a person with bipolar disorder faces when experiencing an episode. The symptoms include:

• feeling extremely joyful, happy, and excited

• increased energy, an inability to sit still and greater than normal activity

• talking more, faster than normal and frequently louder than normal

• an increased sexual drive

• recklessness combined with poor decision-making and

• Increased risk of problems with alcohol and drugs.

These symptoms combine to put a person with bipolar disorder at a high risk to themselves. Poor decision-making can lead to inappropriate sexual relationships. Financial contracts can be entered into which have no chance of being met. Excess use of drugs and/or alcohol can create severe problems for the afflicted person and their friends and loved ones. The actions of someone with bipolar disorder whilst in a hypomanic state can lead to the breakdown of valuable relationships with friends and loved ones. This leads onto the breakdown of important support networks.

There is a further problem for a person with bipolar disorder experiencing a hypomanic state of mind. Often the increased activity will make them feel great about themselves. They attack life with a new vigor. This creates, in their mind, a state of pleasure they do not want to end. As a result they refuse to seek treatment for the hypomania. Some will even go so far as to deny that a problem exists. To their mind life is wonderful.

So, exactly what are the dangers of the hypomanic state of mind to a person afflicted with bipolar disorder? One is that state is often a very good indicator that the next state of mind in the particular person's cycle is very close. The next stage is often even more dangerous than hypomania.

A further danger is that the person will engage in reckless behavior which can lead to breakdowns in important relationships with friends and loved ones. Finally, the danger exists that the afflicted person will deny the existence of a problem or refuses to seek assistance for it. The irony of this is that the easiest opportunity to treat bipolar disorder is during a hypomanic episode.

The English Bull Terrier - A Guide to Health and Grooming

English Bull terriers (often abbreviated to EBT or Bullies) like all dogs, are subject to the same canine health problems, illnesses and diseases, however the EBT also has some additional health issues that are more unique to this particular breed. New owners should be well aware of what these English Bull Terrier health conditions are and what to watch for.

The first health issue you may deal with is when you choose a white terrier. Majority of these are probably deaf at birth or go deaf shortly thereafter. It poses some additional problems which can be easily overcome for the owner just by knowing that their pet is deaf. It does not take away from the affection and companionship they will give you. There are many ways of training besides voice, such as hand signals.

Bull terriers are prone to skin problems, but proper grooming will assist in quickly identifying such problems. These terriers do not require extensive maintenance, but a weekly rub or brushing will help check for infections, discharge from ears and eyes, and for any excessive scratching. Skin allergies may include flea infestation or allergies from their surroundings. Sometimes just a change in diet to a more natural type dog food with no chemical additives may help improve skin and hair coats. Again, the white terrier's immune system may not be as healthy as their colored counterparts, and thus, more prone to sever skin problems which respond well to antibiotics or steroids.

Due to the build of these smaller, stoic dogs, Bull terriers of any age will swallow things that they shouldn't, like plastic parts often from their plastic toys, chunks of cloth, small stones to name a few. This problem known as Gastro-Intestinal Blockage, can be extremely dangerous as your EBT may not appear ill for several days and when they do, they will show signs of depression, vomiting and lethargy. This requires a very fast trip to the Vet but prevention is made easier by just watching your pet closer and choosing non plastic toys. Bored dogs often will engage in ripping and shredding plastic or cloth items, so give these dogs plenty of exercise and play time.

Kidney Disease is one of the inherent problems of this breed, however breeders themselves have started to eliminate this disease by not breeding dogs with this tendency of abnormal urine protein/urine creatinine ratio which is determined by simple urine tests. Most Vets will now recommend an annual urine test be done and monitor the pet for signs of this problem.

The EBT's own body structure and design may lead to some problems such as slipped patella or dislocation of kneecaps, heart defects and zinc deficiency. As well, a Bull Terrier is a tough dog and sometimes male EBT's have a little too much testosterone which may cause more aggressive behaviour - neutering is a simple solution.

Grooming is a simple affair due to their short coat. A regular, weekly brisk brush down is good for their coat and is always an enjoyable time for your dog. It also provides an opportunity for a closer look at teeth (and if you are brave enough, to brush them with a brush and toothpaste), checking nails, pads and eyes for any problems that need to be dealt with. It also prepares them for grooming by other people if you can make this a fun time for your dog and something for them to look forward to!

You will also find that they are not a flexible bodied dog in that the amount of self grooming that they can do is quite limited unlike many other breeds. The grooming that you give is going to be far more beneficial for this breed than for many others.

Owning an BT brings responsibility as it does with owning any pet and being informed as to English Bull Terrier health issues related to this specific breed, will assist you with ensuring your pet has a long, healthy and happy life.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Is My Spouse Having a Midlife Crisis?

There are many who insist that a Midlife Crisis (MLC) is a journey to be celebrated. It is true that Midlife is a journey to be embraced and celebrated. Everyone who survives long enough will experience a Midlife Transition (MLT). Not all transitions are crises, but all MLCs are MLTs. It is not my intention to deny someone else's experience, but I refer to a specific type of MLC. Midlife Crisis is not a clinically treatable psychiatric disorder or mental illness. It is a normal life event--midlife transition--that has escalated to crisis levels of emotional and mental difficulties. Midlife Transition is a time for Self-questioning, thus it is a quest. It is about change; denial and attempts to avoid the transition yield crisis. The crisis is not a disease but Dis-Ease. Midlife is a necessary journey toward greater Self, spiritual growth and awareness; it is a reason to rejoice as a person becomes a butterfly.

What is different about a person who embraces the journey from one who denies it?

    Key Components of a Midlife Crisis

  • Depression - Covert and Overt

  • The Urge to Abandon

  • Infidelity

  • Blaming or Projecting (Denial of Responsibility)

  • Personality Changes or Mood Swings


Self-reflection is a component of midlife, and this may include depression even for those whose transitions do not reach crisis levels. The easier the person falls into a depression, the more likely it is not a crisis. Depression permeates Midlife Crisis, it forces reflection which is a confrontation with one's fears, and thus it is this feeling of depression which the MLCer is trying to escape.

The Urge to Abandon

Most MLCers will move out, not all, but most. Some will take legal action, but many more will threaten without acting or make no mention of legal changes. Words or promises spoken as a conscious lie may be inadvertent truths. MLCers leave, often saying that it is only temporary, they will be back. Some mean these words and are not aware that temporary is longer than their imagination, some want to mean them, but lack trust within themselves, and others are using them as words of appeasement with no honest intentions. Almost all are unaware of their rapidly cycling emotions and that they will change their minds in an hour, day, week or month--possibly multiple times.


Though this is merely a symptom of the Dis-Ease, it is often the most painful and public. An affair is about a relationship--the MLCer forms a bond with the other person. Most midlife affairs become sexual, but there are some who have Internet affairs, emotional affairs or use pornography instead. It is a rare few who do not cheat on their spouse in some form.

Blaming or Projecting

In order to avoid Self-reflection and responsibility, the MLCer blames the spouse. Often he will rewrite history, stating the marriage has been falling apart for years. Midlifers hurl accusations: you are the bad guy, you are in denial, you are the one who is confused, you are vindictive; often these are all things the MLCer subconsciously feels about himself.

Personality Changes or Mood Swings

Guilt, confusion and fear yield changing moods. You may feel like you are living with a Manic Depressive--perhaps you are, but Midlife Crisis is like Manic Depression; it doesn't mean your spouse is clinically diagnosable as Bipolar. Some change moods every few minutes, whereas others may change over weeks. They may manifest through anger, reckless behaviour or passivity. What is noticeable is that they seem like a different person some or all of the time.

Coping With Depression Anxiety - Taking Responsibility

If you are depressed or perennially anxious, what are you supposed to do aside from seeking psychiatric help? How will you be able to cope with depression?

Diagnosing depression and anxiety disorders is not an easy thing to do. The sufferer's doctor must make a thorough, careful evaluation of the conditions attendant to the depression and weigh those conditions so that the best way of coping with the depression and/or anxiety is found. It is not enough to prescribe an anti-depressant; for all you know, the medication may worsen the condition if taken on its own. Other coping mechanisms are essential in ensuring the efficacy of medication.

Group Therapy

For one, you can find a support group. Your support group may be your closest circle of friends, classmates, neighbors, even community self-help groups that can provide the much needed beefing up and support to the sufferer.

Group therapy is not limited to face-to-face interactions. You can seek help from depression chat rooms, too. Online depression communities are one of the ways to reach out to other people who are afflicted with depression or have successfully managed their anxiety or depression.

At times, a psychiatrist attends the chat meeting and takes part with the therapy for the day.

Reduce Stress

Next will be a conscious effort to reduce your own stress. Stress increases adrenal gland secretion of cortisol. Increased cortisol may in turn induce depression, as serotonin production is affected. To be on the safe side, learn how to live with stress or avoid stressful activities and subjects.

Get Enough Sleep

Sometimes, somatic causes of depression may be addressed with enough rest or sleep. When you get enough rest and sleep, your mood is fine, you are not at wit's end, you don't have insomnia, then you don't get depressed or agitated easily. A restful sleep may be helpful in reducing if not eliminating depression and anxiety.

Based on research, lack of sleep is equivalent to diminishing quantities of serotonin. Serotonin is a very important brain chemical, especially in the region of the brain that sends mood signals. The lack of serotonin in the brain results in irritability, mood swings and depression. So sleep at least seven hours a day. Enough sleep is sometimes all it takes to be well both in body and mind.

Your Diet

Next is your diet. Are you eating enough? Is your diet balanced? Studies have shown that deficient intake of vitamins and minerals may cause depression. Your physical and mental health state is directly related to the kind of diet you have. The kinds of food you eat sometimes determine the kind of mood you will have. An empty stomach sometimes makes you even more agitated or irritable. Or worse, you may have allergic reactions to certain foods and dietary complements that may increase your levels of anxiety and depression.

How to cope with depression, therefore? Eat nutritious foods, brain foods specifically. What are these brain foods? Brain foods are those that enhance memory, promote production of serotonin and help in balancing biochemical components in the body. It is simply a principle of eating your way to health.

Take Responsibility

Be responsible, for yourself, for your condition. Sometimes you may want to procrastinate and put off doing something and when that something becomes urgent, it adds to your anxiety and then you become guilty because you have not been responsible.

Treating depression and anxiety may take longer than necessary without the patient's full determination to be treated or cured of the disorder. Coping with depression and anxiety may entail more than mere medication; the therapy and support that should go with the medication, plus the determination and lifestyle and attitude changes in the patient, may spell the difference between cure and continued suffering. When you get a handle on things and take charge of your treatment, you begin the journey towards coping with depression and getting cured.

What Makes A Person Suffering From Depression Push Their Loved Ones Away?

It is true what they say about depression, that it affects your whole being. Depression, apparently, relates not only to your mental being, but also to your physical and social self. In like manner, depression affects not only the sufferer but also the people around him or her. People who are depressed have feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. These feelings can be very overwhelming to the point that they "push" anyone who tries to get close to them. If you happen to be at the opposite end, this can be very painful for you. More frequently than not, people who suffer from depression do not really realize that while they are hurting inside they also hurt the people they love in the process. But there are ways of dealing with depression so that it doesn't reach to the point when relationships with loved ones are affected. Here are some tips that can help you help your loved one overcome depression:

  1. Don't let your loved one push you away. It may be necessary to give him or her time and space, but don't make your presence overwhelming. Don't talk too much. Be more of a listening ear than a gabbing tongue. In many cases, silence speaks volumes of words. Just be there and be ready with your hand he/she can hold to.

  2. Try to get to the bottom of your friend's depression. There are various reasons why one gets depressed and for many of these reasons are practical solutions. If financial difficulties are causing your friend to get depressed, here are some ways you can be of help:

    1. Get your friend to list down all her creditors and the amount owed to each and every one of them.

    2. Encourage your friend to have his/her loans consolidated. Loan or debt consolidation can reduce the interest rates, and it will be easier for your friend to manage his/her debts with just one person or company to deal with every month.

    3. Help your friend to control his/her expenses. Get your friend to make a list of monthly expenses. Many of these expenses (such as Friday nights dinner, weekend trips, cable, etc) may not be necessary at all so get his/her to get it off the list at least for the meantime.

    4. Ask your friend pay for purchases in cash instead of relying on credit cards. With cash payments, your friend will not be tempted to buy anything he/she cannot afford for the time being.

    5. Help your friend to find work opportunities online. Getting a part-time job online can help your friend deal with his/her financial trouble.
  3. Go out with your friend. If heartbreak is the reason for your friend's depression, get him/her out of his/her nutshell, not necessarily to date other people but to realize that he/she is not the only one in the world.

  4. Encourage healthy eating. I've personally seen profiles of people who are depressed for one reason or another, and for most of them, turning on to "comfort" foods is second nature. But you should know that the effects of these comfort foods never last long. Worse, they can make one look bloated because of too much salt content that tends to draw water inside. Encourage healthy eating habits and wise food choices that include vegetables and fruits.

Normally, depression lasts but just a few days. If your friend appears to be withdrawn for a much longer period of time or exhibits signs and symptoms that affect his/her state of mind and general well being, get him/her to seek professional help. He/she may already require psychotherapy and antidepressants to control the problem.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: The Latest Wonder Of Medical Science

TMS or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is an innovative therapy to deal with the symptoms of severe depression. It is a method of sending stimulating electric charges to a specific part of the brain in order to rejuvenate the nerve cells of that particular region, to bring some changes in the functioning of those dormant nerves. This is a new method of treating mental depression and has proved to be much less hazardous than Electroconvulsive therapy. This therapy is generally carried out on a patient who exhibits symptoms of severe mental depression, after the patient has stopped responding to all other forms of treatments. But it also helps to alleviate and improve symptoms of other neurological and psychiatric problems like strokes, migraines, the symptoms of depression and in this case, the treatment shows more favorable result.

Depression is a form of psychiatric problem that needs immediate medical attention. If it is not treated at the initial stage, then it might, over the period, manifest itself in the form of a major psychological problem. The treatment of depression is possible to be carried out by other antidepressant therapies and medication, but their long- term use produces various harmful side effects like- weight gain, memory loss, seizure etc. This kind of side effects and health risks can be done away with by opting for TMS.

This therapy is noninvasive, as it does not require the therapist to anaesthetize the patient, who remains conscious and in his full senses while undergoing it. It also has no need for sedation which makes it easier for the therapist to perform it. It can be easily done at the doctor's chamber with the help of the machinery that provides this therapy. In this therapy, the therapist places a magnetic coil on the patient's scalp, which directly co-relates to that part of our brain by which our mood swings are controlled. The coil facilitates the induction of the weak electric currents by utilizing changing magnetic field to the affected part of the brain. These electric waves act as a strong nudge to the inactive nerve cells which are responsible for creating the mental inertia. They affect those nerves in a particular way so as to make them wake up from their lull and become active, in order to bring change in the patient's mental set up and behavior. Unlike ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy) and antidepressant medication which affects the whole of the brain and can produce some unwanted side effects, this provides a very localized treatment facility, through which only the part of the brain that causes mood change can be taken care of, leaving the rest of the brain out of this treatment.

The patients need not to go through long sessions of this therapy. They generally last 45 minutes and are scheduled five days a week for four to six weeks. Being a brand new treatment facility, all of its side effects are still not known. The ones that have been reported include-

1. Pain in the scalp where the coil is placed
2. Headache
3. Dizziness
4. Tingling of facial and cranial nerves.

In rarest cases the side effects have been-

1. Seizure
2. Heightened mania in bipolar disorder patients
3. Hearing impairment if ears not properly covered while beginning the treatment, as the coil produces loud clicking noise
4. Sometimes the coil might get overheated; in that case it can cause skin

Before opting for this treatment the patient should inform the therapist about any special physiological condition that he might have, because it is not suitable for the patients who is-

1. Pregnant or planning to conceive
2. Has some medical device already placed in his body like pace-maker
3. On some kind of medication and regularly uses vitamins. It would be also wise to inform the doctor if the patient has any previous history of mania, seizure and surgery.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or TMS is the newest addition to the list of therapies which has immense potential in ameliorating the symptoms of depression and other forms of neurosis. But since it is very new, so its process is still being monitored, examined and scrutinized by the doctors to ensure if it also produces any long-term harmful side effects.

What's The Best Superfood For Healing Depression?

I've known for a long time that Maca powder is a powerful 100% natural and non-pharmaceutical treatment for depression, but I hadn't seen any research on it until recently. I wanted to share some promising findings in this article about how Peruvian Maca can help stabilize emotions.

Depression Stats, Treatments and Causes

In 2008 the World Health Organization estimated that about 121 million people suffer from depression worldwide. In industrialized countries maca depression like the US, depression effects around 7% of the adult population. And depression among children is increasing.

The traditional treatments for depression include counseling, therapy and pharmaceutical drugs. Alternative treatments such as exercise and nutritional improvements are gaining popularity.

One of the most recent theories regarding the worldwide prevalence of depression is that it is in part caused by a lack of nutrition. This is where Maca for depression comes in. Maca powder is an incredible nutritional powerhouse with nearly all amino acids, 10 vitamins, 12 minerals, 23 fatty acids as well as several unique glucosinolates.

The Scientific Evidence on Maca For Depression

I've been hearing about the mood elevating properties of Maca powder from customers and friends for the past 8 years, so I'm sure that there's something to the practice of using Maca to reduce depression. But digging a little further I found that a couple of scientific studies have confirmed these personal experiences.

In 2008 5 researches from a hospital in Australia studied a group of women for 12 weeks. One group was given 3.5 grams of Maca powder per day, while the other group was give a placebo. At the end of the trail the researchers reported, "... significant reduction in scores in the areas of psychological symptoms, including the subscales for anxiety and depression and sexual dysfunction after Maca consumption." The researchers conclude that Maca is indeed effective for treating psychological symptoms like anxiety and depression.

Another study published in 2006 treated mice with depression over a 21 day period using Red, Black and Cream colored Maca roots. They discovered that while Black Maca helped improve cognitive function the most, all colors of Maca were helpful for depression.

Who Should Use Maca For Depression

Based on all my research and experience Maca powder is a great natural alternative for alleviating depression for anyone suffering from a light level of the disorder. Chronic and severe depression may require a more comprehensive treatment and intervention. Here's a list of depression symptoms that Maca might help:

  • postpartum depression (often nutrient related - Maca is safe while breastfeeding)

  • dysthymia - low level depression

  • anxiety

  • low energy

  • lack of motivation

How Much Maca To Take For Depression

Taking Maca for depression falls into a therapeutic usage of Maca and that means dosage levels should be consistent over a long period of time (At least one month). My recommendation for an adult of 150lb (65 kg) is to take 3-4 teaspoons (8-12 grams) of organic Maca powder daily.

Also keep in mind that it may take several weeks up to a couple of months for Maca to provide the benefits you are looking for. Maca is a powerful food, but takes time to work. The good news in this, though, is that Maca has no side effects, has many other benefits and can lead to permanent reversal of depression.

Clinical Depression in Men

Studies have shown that, although there are more women who get treated for clinical depression, there are actually about the same number of men who suffer the condition, but they do not admit it or seek treatment for it. Society often mistakenly labels men who get clinically depressed as 'weaklings.' This causes men to hide their conditions rather than come forward and seek medical attention.


About six million men in the United States suffer from depression every year. Men seem to manifest depression differently from women. In general, men are more disposed to recognize exhaustion, petulance, loss of interest in work or hobbies, and sleep disturbances' not 'emotions,' such as sadness, guilt, or worthlessness.

Because of this, men also have a different way of coping with depression. Denial is common. When clinical depression starts conflicting with a man?s pride and self-image, it is almost impossible for him to come clean and admit that he is suffering from this debilitating mental state. Clinical depression slows down the male libido, causing the man?s sexual energy to suffer. Instead of seeking professional help, a man usually find other sources such as alcohol or drugs to vent their frustration. Unknowingly, the intake of prohibited drugs can actually cause permanent damage to sexual performance.

In severe cases, men who do not seek help for their depression commit suicide. Women make more suicide attempts in the United States, but four times as many men actually commit suicide.

Further research must be conducted to understand all aspects of depression in men. The most pressing need is to make men more comfortable in acknowledging depression and getting treatment. Family members, friends, and co-workers have vital roles in identifying depressive symptoms in men and helping them get help.

How To Overcome Sadness and Just Be Happy

In case you haven't noticed, there seems to be a dramatic increase in the number of people who are wrestling with being overwhelmed with feelings of sadness. For many of these people, the cause of their negative emotions is not directly related to a specific incident or situation. Instead, they are suffering from a general sense of unhappiness which is preventing them from being able to function normally in their everyday lives.

Although the vast majority of these individuals are not suffering from a more severe condition known as "clinical depression," the effects of their negative emotions are having a severely negative impact on the quality of their lives.

Nearly all of us have feelings of sadness or unhappiness from time to time. These feelings can be caused by a variety of factors ranging from unmet expectations to hurtful events that happen to us. In other words, none of us are totally immune to feeling sad or unhappy.

There is a problem, however, if the dominant emotions that you experience are ones of sadness, anxiety or depression. These emotions not only affect how we feel about ourselves and our circumstances, they impact the people around us and actually shape and define our situation as much as it describes it.

When you feel sad or unhappy, your brain produces a specific set of chemicals that can eventually harm your system if they continue to exist in excess. These chemicals react with your nervous system causing it to slow down. The physical result is that you often feel overly tired and lethargic when these emotions are dominant.

While many people in today's society are turning to prescription drugs to alleviate the symptoms of sadness or mild depression, there are other alternatives that may be just as effective without the side effects often associated with medications. It is extremely important, however, to consult with your physician before discontinuing any medications if you are already taking them.

All of us want to be happy and to be able to enjoy the things that give our lives meaning and purpose. While it is perfectly normal to occasionally feel sad or mildly depressed, it is not normal to feel this way all of the time or even most of the time.

The problem is that most of us have never learned how to change our negative emotions. We either simply try to cope and label ourselves as a victim of our circumstances or we medicate ourselves in some way using a variety of substances or defense mechanisms to try to escape our emotional pain.

But there are a wide variety of non-chemical solutions for dealing with our negative emotions that are extremely easy and profoundly effective. The key is learning what they are and then actually applying them in our lives. Most people make the mistake of believing that there is nothing they can do or simply feeling too tired or discouraged to make the effort.

The most simple and direct methods to overcome sadness may involve doing something physically that you enjoy and refocusing your attention on the activity instead of thinking about the situation or circumstances that caused you to feel sad. Of course this is only a temporary solution, but it can be extremely helpful to relieve the overwhelming sense of heaviness that most people experience when wrestling with these kinds of negative emotions.

More long term solutions involve being able to gain a different perspective on your circumstances. This may involve talking with others or getting advice or guidance from other people you can trust. It is important to understand that long-term solutions are often a process that can take time. You can be certain, however, that there is a solution and that healing will come once you begin the journey.

Learning how to change your negative emotions can be one of the most important things you can do to improve the quality of your life and your future. When you begin to apply these simple and easy-to-use techniques, you will literally transform every other aspect of your life.

These techniques for transforming your negative feelings involve much more than just "positive thinking." Although your mental attitude is certainly an important factor in the process, the methods used expand to several other areas that impact the totality of your experience.

The bottom line is that these methods work and have been used to help millions of people overcome the negative effects of harmful emotions running rampant in their lives. There is no need to suffer needlessly from the effects of negative emotions. You deserve to be happy and to be able to fully enjoy the blessings that this life has to offer.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

How Depression Affects School Performance

When a teen is failing or doing poorly in school, parents may react with understandable frustration and try all sorts of strategies, from bribery to punishment, to get their teen to turn things around. When all things fail, tension rises and everyone becomes exasperated and at a loss to figure out the cause - and a cure - of the problems at school.

Depression, and not willfulness or laziness. Approximately 4% to 12% of school-aged children (depending upon their age) meet the criteria for being depressed, and since depression isn't just experienced at home, it's likely to affect a teen's performance at school, too. Teenagers experiencing symptoms of depression usually have difficulty completing schoolwork and are at risk for academic underachievement and failure. Without early diagnosis and treatment, a teen is likely to have a negative cycle of depression > school failure > increased depression because of the failure.

School failure has a negative impact on a teen's self esteem. A depressed teen is apt to have difficulty working to his academic and intellectual capability. He seldom completes his homework, and his test grades are likely to go down because he is tired and has trouble concentrating. To complicate matters, his teachers nay not recognize the symptoms of depression.

School may also be s source of stress for your teen. For a depressed teen, school may be the primary situation in which substantial demands are placed on her. Significant social stress might result if your teen has difficulty fitting in with his peer group.

Depression is likely to affect your teen in the following areas in school:

  • Ability to focus and pay attention. The depressed teen is often preoccupied with negative thoughts and feelings and finds it hard to put his full attention on schoolwork. Problems with concentration at school are one of the major complaints for teens experiencing depression. A depressed teen can improve his ability to sustain attention if he gets a good night's sleep and feels rested.

  • Completing class work. When a teen is depressed, he has little energy to apply to activities that he perceives as being stressful or of low interest. A depressed teen may withdraw from typical activities and become resistant to teacher requests to participate in classroom activities. In this situation, it is good that the teachers can provide daily feedback to parents regarding a teen's completion of assignments. It works better if this is used in a positive instead of a negative way, so that it doesn't add undue pressure to the teen's stress level. if he has a bad day, you can ignore it and try to focus on the next day being a better one.

  • Completing homework. Teenagers who are depressed often have great difficulty finishing their homework because they lack focus, energy and motivation. Most teenagers, of course, prefer to have no homework, but they do it because they know they have to. They're also aware that if they don't get it done, they may pay a price in the future. The depressed teen is stuck in an unpleasant here and now. He's not thinking about the future, and when he does, it's without much hope or interest. You might create a behavior plan to set up rewards for good homework completion. If homework continues to be a problem, you can try to enroll your teen in an after school homework program or suggest finding a peer study buddy.

  • Getting to school. Many depressed teens have difficulty getting up in the morning and going to school. Because they are tired and have a hard time dealing with stressful events, they may try to avoid school. You can help by encouraging your teen to develop good routines for going to bed and waking up. The less your teen has to think about what he has to do in the morning or at night, the better. The process should become automatic, so that it goes smoothly.

  • Peer Relations. Depressed teens often have difficulties that lead to social isolation. It's another depression cycle. A teen may withdraw and isolate him from friends and classmates, leading to loneliness, which may perpetuate the depression. Having friends and social support system can be of great help to a teen dealing with depression. You should encourage your teen to attend after-school activities that teach a mix of social and academic skills, through activities such as non-competitive sports, special interest clubs or skills enhancement programs.

  • Taking Control Of Your Mood With This Seizure Medication

    Distributed under the name of Tenegrol, carbamazepine is a mood stabilizing and anticonvulsant drug. It is an antimanic medication used to control certain types of seizures in the treatment of epilepsy, to treat bipolar disorder, and is sometimes used in the treatment of schizophrenia.
    Also used to combat trigeminal neuralgia.

    Tegretol Information

    Carbamazepine was discovered in 1953 in Switzerland by Walter Schindler.
    It was synthesized in 1960. In 1962 Tenegrol was approved for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia Often within 24 to 48 hours this miraculous drug relieves pain associated with trigeminal neuralgia disease.

    Tegretol has been found with some patients to have a mild psychotropic effect which could help prevent psychomotor or temporal lobe epilepsy. When used together with lithium or another neuroleptic or an immunotherapy has been found very useful in the treatment of acute mania and the preventative treatment of manic-depressive maladies. Tenegrol is also used for central partial diabetes insipidus (water diabetes), alcohol withdrawal and severe mental illness (psychotic disorders).

    It is an enzyme inducer of the cytochrome P450 system that metabolizes oral contraceptive, Tegretol renders certain methods of hormonal contraception.

    Also has a moderate anticholinergic action, like any other tricylic compound, which may cause certain conflicting effects of the drug. Some of these effects may include:

    blurry or double vision

    juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

    temporary or mild loss of blood cells or platelets

    drowsiness; upset stomach

    small reductions in white cell count

    syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone (SIADH)

    We well understand the mechanism of action of Tenegrol - voltage-gated sodium channels are molecular pores that allow neurons to bring about action potentials (the events that let neurons communicate over far distances); in order to begin the action potential they shut the channel and carbamazepine makes the brain cells less agitated. Hence stabilizing the inactivated state of sodium channels.

    Should not be used by patients having:

    hepatic disease

    serious blood disorder

    acute intermittent porphyries

    with or after an MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitor

    behavioral problems

    kidney or liver disease

    diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes)

    to patients presenting AV heart block

    hypersensitivity to any of the tricyclic compounds

    pregnancy (it causes neural tube defects for the fetuses)

    This drug should be taken on a regular basis, at the same time everyday. Citrus fruit or its juice may alter the amount of the drug that is accepted into your bloodstream so it is recommended to abstain from the fruit while taking Tegretol.

    Following these guidelines will make taking this medication a simple and safe endeavor.

    Clinical Signs of Teenage Depression in Teenage Girls

    Clinical signs of depression in teenage girls can be hard to recognize and decipher based on normal expressions and actions most teenage girls exhibit from day to day. But, with teenage suicide in girls on the rise, parents must remain alert and never take anything for granted. Teenage depression is real and can be serious.

    As hard as teenage depression is to recognize, it's harder still for the teen to cope with. The majority of teenage girls who experience severe depression and don't receive help often have a much higher chance of falling in with the wrong crowd, failing in school, getting involved in drugs, becoming promiscuous and attempting suicide.

    Additionally, teenagers who experience depression and don't receive help may retain some portion of the illness for the remainder of their lives. Recognizing the clinical signs of depression in teenage girls and obtaining medical help for those who exhibit these signs should be the focus of every parent of every teenage girl.

    Clinical Signs Of Depression In Teenage Girls

    The clinical signs of depression in teenage girls often border on everyday emotions, but, if the following signs persist for more than a week, you and your daughter should visit a doctor:

    Social Awkwardness And Isolation: When a teenage girl finds herself unable to blend into social engagements without feelings of inferiority, she becomes vulnerable to depression. Peer pressure and the fear of rejection are extremely difficult on teenagers. Teens who are socially awkward tend to avoid social situations. Her loss of interest might indicate that she feels like an outcast or thinks she is unworthy of love.

    Sadness, Death And Thoughts Of Suicide: Teen girls seem to have a hard time dealing with sadness and issues pertaining to death. A death in the family can cause a teen girl to slip into depression as quickly as can the death of a pet or the loss of a friendship or breaking up with a boyfriend. If your child seems sad or withdrawn or has suicidal thoughts, pay attention and seek medical help.

    Low Self-Esteem: Often when teenage girls become depressed, they are accepted into groups that also seem to be dysfunctional on some level or are involved in drugs and promiscuous behavior. When this happens, she may feel this type of group is the only kind of love she is capable of receiving or worthy of receiving.

    Anxiety, Anger, Irritability And Despair: These are classic signs of depression. Documenting your child's mood swings can be as time-consuming as it can be monotonous, but, if your child won't open up to you, this may be the only way to understand what might be going on inside your child's head. If your child throws tantrums, becomes hostile and/or cannot seem to control her emotions, you may be looking at the first indications of depression.

    Poor Performance And Poor Concentration: School grades can decline as concentration and focus becomes scattered.

    Disrupted Sleep Patterns, Ill Health And Loss of Energy: Whenever sleep patterns are disrupted, signs of fatigue generally follow. Complaints of headaches, stomachaches and other physical ailments may also be heard.

    Loss Of Appetite: Not eating or binge eating can occur.

    Guilt: Overwhelming feelings of guilt or hopelessness may also be indicators that your child needs intervention.

    Because each child is different and because there are often outside influences and precursors to this disease, such as genetics and peer pressure, never take anything for granted. Because genetics plays a part in this equation, if you or your spouse or someone else in the family has experienced some form of depression, your child may be genetically wired for some of the same illnesses. Therefore, if your child exhibits any of these signs or engages in behaviors unusual for her, seek the advice of your child's physician.

    Coping With Depression

    The first and most important thing to do when you suspect some form of depression in you child is to seek medical attention. A trained professional can tell you what signs to look for and when these signs are indicative of an illness.

    In order to learn when issues are too much for your daughter to handle, pay attention to her mood swings and learn from her emotional outbursts or moments of isolation. A child who suddenly becomes quiet and seeks safe harbor in her room may be dealing with overwhelming issues that might welcome your input. And whenever a teenage girl becomes obsessed with death or experiments with any form of mutilation to her own body such as cutting or burning herself it's time for you to obtain professional help.

    Ways To Prevent Depression In Teen Girls

    Parents are placed in a tough spot. The average adult isn't trained to recognize the signs of depression in teenage girls, and sometimes the signs are so minute even parents who are sensitive to their daughter's personality don't see depression for what it is. The best way to understand there's something going on with your daughter is to know your daughter as well as you can. Keep the family close-knit by engaging in activities together as a family, but also set aside time for just you and your daughter. Moms who spend time shopping with their daughter or enjoying other activities together often form a strong connection.

    Also, daughters can and should bond with their fathers. As the father of a teenage girl, you can bond in the same way she and her mother bonded, or you can find other ways to spend time together. For instance, take on the responsibility of teaching your daughter to drive. In the process, teach her the mechanics of a car how to fix a tire, how to change the oil and how to pump gas, or spend time with her while teaching her about one of your own personal hobbies. Share of yourself with her, and most of the time she will share of herself with you in return. A teenage girl who has someone to open up to when she has a problem will already have a defense mechanism in place when problems soar. Another teenage girl who does not have this mechanism in place will have a harder time dealing with issues and may end up becoming seriously depressed.

    Clinical Depression and Brain Functions

    Clinical depression is real. It is a very common illness that afflicts thousands of people. Unfortunately, many do not take it seriously.

    Remember that having clinical depression is not the same as feeling sad or grieving. It is not a character flaw or a sign of weakness. It is an illness, and it can be fatal. Clinical depression in men is considered a silent killer. It is one of the top reasons why men commit suicide.

    Clinical depression and brain chemicals

    It was originally believed that clinical depression was actually caused by a chemically imbalanced brain. Studies showed that by altering monoamine neurotransmitter levels, depressive symptoms started to show. Antidepressant drugs like serotonin and norepinephrine have been developed to help medicate depression. These drugs increase the level of neurotransmitters. Very little material is available about how the antidepressant drugs remedy the condition, but it has been proved that this medication is able to relieve some of the symptoms of depression effectively.

    It is believed that clinical depression is in the genes, which are hereditary. Some medical illnesses, including cardiovascular pathologies, hepatitis, mononucleosis, hypothyroidism, and organic brain damage may also cause this condition.

    Low self-esteem or a distorted outlook on life can also lead to depression. Traumatic experiences as a child like the death of a parent, abandonment or rejection, neglect, chronic illness, or sexual abuse can all contribute to depression. There are more conditions that can trigger this mental illness.

    Other treatments for clinical depression can by as simple as counseling from a psychiatrist or from friends and family, or undergoing psychotherapy in graver cases. Outside of medical treatments, the biggest help for a person suffering from clinical depression is constant love and care.

    Typical Symptoms of Depression in Men

    Depression can be a serious but curable medical condition which could affect any person regardless of age group, cultural background, socioeconomic status, or even sex. Even so, major depression may go unrecognized to those who have it, their families along with friends, in addition to their own health professionals. Men, specifically, may be not likely to admit to having depressive characteristics not to mention search for advice. However, despression symptoms in men is without a doubt certainly not rare: in the United States every year, depression conditions impact an estimated seven percent of men (over than six million men).

    Despression symptoms will come in variations, just like many ailments including heart problems. A few of the primary depressive disorders will be: major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, and bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness). Most likely everyone suffering from despression symptoms goes through each and every warning sign. The number of along with severity of warning signs very widely with most people as well as over a period of time.

    Symptoms of depressive disorder include things like:

    • Persistent gloomy, stressed, or perhaps a "empty" emotional state.

    • Feelings involving hopelessness, pessimism.

    • Feelings connected with guilt, worthlessness, vulnerability.

    • Loss of satisfaction from hobbies and interests that were at one time relished, such as intimacy.

    • Decreased vitality, exhaustion, getting "slowed down".

    • Difficulty paying attention, recalling, making decisions.

    • Trouble getting to sleep, early-morning waking up, as well as oversleeping.

    • Appetite and/or body-weight modification.

    • Thoughts connected with dying or suicide, or even suicide efforts.

    • Restlessness, being easily annoyed.

    • Persistent physical discomforts, such as head pain, digestive disorders, as well as long-term painfulness, that do not effectively respond to regular treatment method.

    Studies as well as scientific information show that although both men and women can develop the standard symptoms of depression, they often encounter depression in different ways and experience very different means connected with dealing. Males may be far more willing to complain of tiredness, frustration, decrease of concern in the job as well as interests, and sleep trouble instead of thoughts associated with despair, worthlessness, along with increased sense of guilt.

    Several experts wonder if the conventional definition of depression and the diagnostic assessments based on this sufficiently record the condition as it occurs in men. Men are more likely compared to women to admit to alcohol consumption and / or drug abuse or perhaps dependancy in their lifetime; having said that, there is controversy amongst scientists whether or not chemical use is some sort of "symptom" associated with fundamental depression that face men, or a co-occurring problem that more frequently increases in men. However, drug abuse may cover up depressive disorders, rendering it tougher to recognize depression as being a independent condition that really needs therapy.

    Rather than recognizing their own emotions, asking for support, or perhaps looking for suitable care, men may turn to drinking as well as street drugs while they are feeling hopeless, and also become frustrated, disappointed, upset, moody and, occasionally, strongly violent. Many men may possibly manage depression through throwing themselves compulsively into their job, attempting to conceal their particular depression totally from themselves, loved ones, as well as good friends; a number of men may possibly respond to depression by simply engaging in foolhardy habits, taking risks, and putting themselves in dangerous situations. Four times as many men as women die by means of committing suicide in the us, despite the fact that women carry out more suicide attempts during their lives. With regard to research suggesting suicide is often connected to depression, the scary suicide pace amongst men may possibly reveal the point that men are less likely to search for therapy intended for depression. Many men having depression tend not to receive sufficient diagnosis along with therapy, which may be life saving.

    Additional scientific studies are necessary to fully grasp all aspects regarding depression that face men, including exactly how men respond to tension and emotions associated with depression, steps to create them more comfortable admitting these kinds of emotions and receiving the assistance they need, and how to prepare medical professionals to better identify and treat depression in men. Family members, friends, and employee counseling experts in the workplace could also take crucial roles in discerning depressive symptoms in men along with assisting them obtain care.

    Look for Support for Depression

    If you find yourself developing symptoms of depression or have a friend who may be, look for support. There are numerous locations in most communities where people with depressive disorders can be identified and cared for. Assistance is available from family members physicians, mental health experts inside mental wellness treatment centers or privately owned centers, and through alternative health care professionals.

    A variety of treatment options, including prescription drugs and short-term psychotherapies (i.e., "talking" therapies), have definitely proven beneficial for despression symptoms: greater than 80 % of individuals having a depressive condition improve having proper therapy. Not only can treatment lessen the degree of despression symptoms, but it really could also lessen the duration of the occurrence and could help alleviate problems with further bouts of depression.

    There are also many self help treatments such as stress reduction therapies, hypnosis, products and books to help individuals provide ways to reduce so of the catalyst of depression and stress in your life.

    Home Care Helps Ease Depression in Older Adults

    Depression is a problem for many elderly adults. While they may be perfectly healthy in the physical sense, aging adults often experience sadness or depression as a result of getting older and being alone more often. The elderly face many difficult challenges, such as medical problems or the loss of a spouse or loved one. Particularly for those without a strong support system made up of friends and family, depression can become a prevailing factor in their lives. Depression is not a necessary part of growing old, nor is it normal. In actuality, most elderly people are satisfied with their lives.

    One solution to depression in aging adults is home care. Durham, NC residents are finding that providing part time or live-in at-home caregivers for their aging loved ones helps to ease the pain of depression. By having an experienced, compassionate caregiver come in and provide home care, the senior citizen has someone to keep them company and help them with chores and errands they may not otherwise be able to do. This gives them an increased sense of independence, mobility, accomplishment, and probably the most valuable gift of all - friendship. In many cases, when an elderly person has home care, they have an instant companion. This alone can boost their quality of life exponentially.

    Let's say that you are the son or daughter of an elderly parent who has been living alone for a while. Have they had an increasingly difficult time doing regular household chores? Are you concerned about their driving skills? Are they spending less time in the company of others? Are they exhibiting signs of depression? Some signs of depression in older adults include fatigue, sadness, lack of interest in social activities or hobbies, a reluctance to leave the house, weight loss, sleeping problems (lack of sleep or oversleeping), feelings of worthlessness, worries about becoming a burden, alcohol or drug abuse, a fixation on death, etc. If you've noticed any of these signs in the behavior of your parent, perhaps a good option would be to talk to an agency that provides home care Durham, NC residents have more than a few of these care providers at their disposal.

    A few ways home care can help elderly folks exhibiting symptoms of depression are by getting them out of the house, engaging them in activities, providing stimulus, providing companionship, helping them to clean their house and run errands, helping them plan and prepare healthy meals, making sure they are taking their medications as instructed, scheduling regular outings, giving them events to look forward to, encouraging them to follow through with treatment plans and therapies, and keeping watch for signs of severe depression or thoughts of suicide. Finally, someone providing home care to your elderly parent can keep you informed about their state of mind and overall well-being. This alone can give you the peace of mind that you've been looking for, provided that you've hired someone you like and trust to provide home care to your loved one.

    In the later years of their lives, seniors deserve to be happy and feel a continued sense of vitality. Home care is just one wonderful way to give them back their "golden years." This should be a time when the elderly can relax and simply enjoy a life without worry and sadness.

    Wednesday, September 25, 2013

    Love and Depression

    Your depression is inevitable if you love someone very much and that person either does not love you the same way or there are few hurdles that hinder you to be together.

    Love actually transforms you into a slave or completely dominates over you.

    This kind of feeling is actually a disease that hits you badly. You become weak and also dependent on your beloved. When this person does not care for you, you feel upset and all alone.

    There might be several reasons for your depression if you are in love and you like none of these. On the contrary, you also feel that everything is against you.

    Love is a very serious and problematic disease and it provokes several other diseases in your body. Above all, it also ruins your conscience. You actually cannot get rid of it. On the other hand, the positive aspect of love is to seek happiness from it. In that case you have to transform this disease into medicine to cure all your pains.

    Love is truly wonderful when it is reciprocal and the person you love is very nice, caring and ready to give you anything you want. This would be the ideal recognition of your dreams!

    However, reality is different and far away from the perfection... You can have couple of problems. You actually don't know whether this person really loves you or not. Some times the person also does not come up to your expectations, which ultimately creates problems.

    You may also enter into a relationship that you have never dreamt of. You can feel this, because the person you love does not care for you as much as you do or maybe because their personality is immature, selfish and mysterious. This type of person is not the one that you desire. Since you are in love, so you ignore these things in good faith and hope that he or she will change and care for you, share life with you, etc. Actually nothing changes as per your good wishes.

    There are ample of different cases, where love and depression can be correlated with each other.

    You actually need some guidance to deal with these problems, which depend upon several factors like psychological type of both of you as well as your life. This direction you can only seek in the messages of your dreams, which are produced by the unconscious side of your psychic sphere. These messages are wise and saintly and also help you understand the personality of your lover. These develop your own personality the same way to make you more mature and sensitive. By seeking guidance from the unconscious through dream messages, your happiness will be inevitable and long lasting.

    Dreams are very meaningful. Dreams produce important messages of the unconscious side of your psychic sphere that guides you and protects you from the craziness that you already inherit in the wild side of your conscience. It actually remains in its original pattern without the change in conscious. Love makes you very sensitive and irrational. You therefore make several mistakes, which you must avoid.

    The unconscious is well aware that love plays a very important role in your life, so it transmits several dreams to you with specific information about the person whom you love. The purpose of this information is to protect you, keep your human conscience alive and also develop it in the best possible manner.

    When you are in love, you need protection and guidance to direct you, what to do. You need this direly, as you are depending on the behaviour of a very special person for you. So, without having proper guidance and knowledge of what to do, you feel very weak and drained.

    You receive free help and direction in your dream messages. I have extended my research on Carl Jung's study of the ignored side of the human psychic sphere through dream interpretation and discovered the wild conscience. So I can say that the translation you can have today is more clear, accurate and easy to comprehend as compared to Jung's dream interpretation, which is complicated, difficult to comprehend and apply.

    By translating your dreams messages, you will gather the information about the person you love and everything important for you in this regard. It is all free of charge and as long as you want. Besides that you will also become a genius and will be protected from craziness and depression.

    Hence, with this protection and guidance, your happiness will be guaranteed and long lasting. This will also not be threatened by the enemies and various unforeseen dangers that may come into your path.

    You vision regarding the reality about your actions will certainly be enhanced and you will always receive warnings, advices and guidance in your dreams to keep your lover near you and also to remain happy in your life.

    Varieties of Depression and Their Solution

    Depression is a malady that, in its worst form, can be psychologically devastating. It can render a person's life partially or even totally unenjoyable. Depreesion can and does, on occasion, lead to suicide. Although depresion is a catch all term for a disease with many forms, still, it might be viewed as a disease with three overarching varieties:

    1) There is a type of depression that is pharmacologically based- that is, it may be caused by a chemical imbalance, and/or a hormonal imbalance. For example, there is manic-depression, which is often treated with drugs such as lithium and other such agents;

    2) There is the type of depression that pretty much everyone has at one time of another, and that is depression that stems from the loss of a loved one, or the death of a pet, or from any serious negative event in one's life. This might be termed "situational" or "event driven" depression, and this might be seen as a "normal" reaction to a bad event in one's life;

    3) The third kind of depression is much more difficult to describe and treat, and that is what one might call, "existential depression". This is where a person is depressed at the very fact of the nature of existence- that is, all of the conundrums and vagaries of the world- the very fact that the person is alive- this is found to be depressing- often with a free floating anxiety is pervasive within that person. This type of depression can even be labeled as a form of philosophy- that a person is reacting to the uncertainties of the world and this "reaction" is depression itself.

    Given all three kinds of depression as outlined herein, the good news is that exericse and being in shape can very often- almost always- be a very effective antidote to all of these depression types. This is not to say that it is easy to overcome all depressions. Serious counseling may very well be necessary, sometimes combined with a pharmacological approach (drugs), but even in those cases, exercise can always be a very useful adjunct to helping a person feel better.

    Exericse can itself increase the body's ouptut of endorphins- hormones that help a person to feel better. Further, by getting into better shape, a person often develops a better feeling of self worth. Also, a person can set his or her own personal fitness goals- and goals, all by themselves, can help a person out of depression.

    There is no cure-all, necessarily, but as with everything in life, if one puts in some effort, a way out can often be found. It is not often very easy- few things in life are- but with a little time, and effort, a person can make significant headway against depression, and she can lead a more normal life.

    Depression Effects - If Stress At Work Is Making Life A Misery For You And Your Loved Ones Change It

    How do you spot depression effects in a work colleague? Answer: You don't. Have you ever heard anything like, "I say, old Cynthia needs to take it easy. She's heading for a bout of depression, if she's not careful." Or, "I think I detect a number of probable depression effects in you, George. Time you took a few days off to recover, old chap."

    The point is, nobody at work is looking out for you. Nobody has it in their brief to keep an eye open for signs of stress in colleagues. There may be those who find out after you're on sick leave that they should have been watching you, but that's just part of the blame game. The truth is, everyone should be alert to the effects of stress at work and they should be watching not just their colleagues but themselves.

    How, then, can you tell when you're depressed, or when a colleague is depressed? To start with, you're not looking for the guy with a glum face, who's forever telling you how bored and depressed he is and how he's had enough of this place and how the boss is always picking on him... no, he's not depressed, he's just a plain old loser. The one who's depressed is the one at his desk, apparently toiling away, staying behind, working late, the busy guy who can always cope with one more task. Or the teacher who had a week off with 'flu in October, came back to work for ten days and now, at the end of November, is off again with suspected "kidney problems."

    Stress at work is mostly caused by new tasks being piled upon uncompleted tasks, without regard to how you're coping. The only time it gets noticed is when the boss's boss asks what happened about that report. Suddenly, "that report" in the middle of the pile on your desk is the most urgent job in the office. You're the focus of attention because you failed to deliver. What happens now is that you're stuck in the "deadly embrace" that leads to depression. You tell yourself you can't do this job, because it depends on your completing that job. That job, on the other hand, requires you to finish this job first, hence the deadly embrace, or deadlock.

    Until you can break out of this deadlock, you're doomed to have worry swirling around in your head. You'll be incapable of carrying out the most straightforward of tasks because you feel you should be getting on with the important (deadlocked) jobs. All the while, more work is piling up and nobody cares about holding it back while you clear up your backlog. So, you sit there, "preparing" to do your work but never actually starting. This carries over to your domestic life. You might take work home with you and everyone can see how busy you are, but what they don't know is that your not really doing anything.

    At this point, the very best thing for you would be to do the equivalent of going bankrupt, you might call it going "workrupt." The idea of bankruptcy is to give a second chance to someone who's tried their best and yet been financially overwhelmed by circumstances. What happens is that they declare themselves bankrupt and pretty much all their debts are canceled. They remain bankrupt for a period of time, during which they can earn money, but there are financial restrictions placed upon them. It sounds a good idea, don't you think, to be able to do that at work, when you get overwhelmed by your job.

    Whatever you want to call it, go to your boss, talk about the situation and put forward this proposal. Although neither of you may realize it at this stage, if nothing is done, then you're headed for a lengthy period away from work. If that can be averted, it's in the best interests of both you and your employer. Keep these two things in mind:

    1. You have nothing to lose (and neither does your boss)

    2. It's not your fault that you're in this situation.

    You may be afraid to do that right now, but if you contemplate the alternatives, that may give you enough resolve to summon up the courage to do it. On the one hand, you may be given the chance to start over with a clear desk. Maybe the thought of that fills you with hope. You possibly feel that, with a chance for a new start, you can avoid whatever it was that went wrong before. On the other hand, you face the prospect of taking odd days off work to begin with, followed by a full-blown old-fashioned nervous breakdown, in other words, clinical depression.

    Take the bull by the horns then. Grit your teeth, say to yourself, "Do It Now", and just go and talk about it. One point though - make sure you get everything out in the open at this meeting and make it clear between yourself and your boss just what the outcome is going to be. If you leave anything up in the air, you may find your desk still has enough left on it to make life difficult again in a short while.

    Perhaps though, you're not the one who's under stress but you've recognized depression effects in a colleague. You must do something about this. Whether you are your colleague's manager or a peer, the right thing to do is to try to help remove the stress. Bring your concerns to the attention of someone who can do something about it. If you're a manager, then it will pay huge dividends if you spot these problems at an early stage and help the employee through the difficulty. You'll find yourself gaining the respect of your fellow workers, as someone who cares. If you are in higher management, then you should foster a spirit of identity so that employees have each others' welfare at heart and are not afraid to voice their worries to management.

    Low Thyroid Level - What Does it Mean?

    According to a research conducted recently it is said that a slightly underactive thyroid, a symptom which is commonly known as subclinical hypothyroidism increases the chances of for example for major heart disease risk in older women. Common conditions like hardening of arteries and heart attack have no obvious symptoms in patients.

    Generally, a subclinical low thyroid level can be found out using a simple blood test. By consuming thyroid hormone tablets to suppress the level of the thyroid stimulating hormone towards the low end of the normal range for men and women which can reduce death from the cardiovascular disease by 70 percent.

    The thyroid stimulating hormone is made by the pituitary gland for the purpose of stimulating the thyroid gland to produce the thyroid hormone when required by the body. If the thyroid function is low, a message is sent to the pituitary gland to produce more TSH for stimulating the production of thyroid gland. High level of TSH indicates lazy, poorly functioning thyroid gland. A lower level of TSH indicates the thyroid is producing enough amounts of hormones for a healthier living.

    Thyroid is the most important hormone of the body; it stimulates the cellular energy production and other hormones which in turn supports in development of body. When the thyroid levels are not optimal it affects the overall health including the weight, mental outlook, body temperature, energy levels the quality of hair and skin.

    Low thyroid levels also impact in unexplained weight gain, fatigue, dry skin, irregular or faint heartbeat, sleep apnea, high or low blood pressure, chronic pain, constipation, frequent infections, brittle nails, weak muscles, head congestion and sinus problems, joint pain, hoarseness, and more.

    When the thyroid amounts fall far in the body this slows down the metabolism and energy production. People with low thyroid levels are always infected with cold, constipated and gain weight without increasing the amount of food they eat. Individuals with low thyroid levels make the individual seem so listless and their simplest movement seems like such a chore.

    Typically low thyroid levels are associated with cardiovascular diseases and increased risk for fatal heart attacks. Low thyroid levels are something to take very seriously and be on guard for. There are natural thyroid supplements but one should never hesitate to contact a doctor and to be tested.

    Postpartum Depression: What You Should Know

    The early signs of postpartum depression, range from gentle irritation, to feelings of loneliness. These can be followed by a heightened feeling of frustration and inadequacy. As the abjection worsens, the patient does not at all want to get out of bed, and ends up disturbing her sleep, and feasting on routine as well.

    Nearly all accepted signs of postpartum depression begin practically right after childbirth. These worsen, as the patient shows curtailment of matter in the baby, or even bad feelings towards the baby. The patient feels anxious about the baby. Alternatively, the patient could lose concern in the self also. There is a loss of pleasure, motivation and energy. The patient starts feeling good-for-nothing and guilty about non-existent issues.

    There are changes in appetite and hunger also. Disorder in the sleep cycle can be followed by thoughts of committing suicide. Some women might experience a delayed onset of postnatal depression. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), is a screening tool that detects postpartum depression. It requires filling out a form on the basis of your effects that you can subsequently discuss with your doctor.

    If postpartum depression is not at all treated, it can get into postpartum psychosis. This is a rare, but very serious problem that can start right after childbirth. It includes disconnection from reality, and includes a high possibility for both infanticide and suicide. Hospitalization is required. Postpartum psychosis could manifest suddenly in the first two weeks after having given birth. The signs contain hallucinations, delusions, critical anxiety, confusion and disorientation. Increasing mood swings occur in both postnatal depression, and postpartum psychosis.

    Women who have some history of any bipolar disturbances have an expanded possibility of advancing into postpartum depression, or psychosis. Nearly all new mothers dismiss slight feelings of dullness and mood swings, as passing 'baby blues', but these signs ought to not at all be taken lightly.

    Conventional medicinal system depends on antidepressants and muscle relaxants, to cure the signs of postpartum depression. Drugs have side symptoms. Additional psychotherapy might not be of much use either. What is required is a holistic approach to treat the signs of postnatal depression with natural and herbal cures that are safe. Some of the best natural cures when joined with a holistic approach, could perform wonders. A careful alteration in diet, adopting of a suitable exercise regime, and counseling, would help treat this condition permanently.

    Family support is vital in not only recognizing the signs of postnatal depression, but in helping treat it correctly. Ironically, some new fathers might also face postpartum depression, though their percentage is quite low, as compared to women. Would-be parents who are aware of the effects of postpartum depression can work together to handle the signs perfectly, and effectively even before the despondency sets in.

    If you are pregnant, or trying to be, you should read up on postpartum depression.

    You can read more about womens health issues at my blog:

    Please visit:

    Be Well.

    Steve Stanley

    The Humor in Our Everyday Life

    The world as they say is a harsh place to live in. I beg to differ with this conclusion though. I may be sometimes on a downward spiral toward depression but that does not make me resign to the fact that life is indeed unfair. All we have to do is maintain a positive mental attitude and always believe in the oft-repeated statement that laughter is the best medicine. I have collected some funny quotes about life. These quotes encompass life in general.

    "If you can't see the bright side of life, polish the dull side."

    This one is for those who do not seem to see the bright side of life. Life may not always be peaches and cream but we have lots of things to be thankful for. Today may be not be your lucky day but for sure tomorrow will be better. You may not get the job you have been longing for but there's a reason for everything.

    "Keep your sense of humor. There's enough stress in the rest of your life to let bad shots ruin a game you're supposed to enjoy."

    I can't live a day without having a good laugh. This is one antidote to a wounded soul. Life is indeed short so why waste my precious time sulking and regretting the mistakes I have done from the past. A friend once told me, "No use crying over spilled milk." it will not change the situation you have gotten yourself into. Regrets will only make you feel all the more resentful of the situation. Laugh, live and move on.

    "Life is a foreign language: all men mispronounce it."

    Have you ever wondered why some people are successful and others are not? I really marveled at the fact that people who really succeed are those who were not born with the proverbial silver spoon in their mouth. They are the ones who were left in the cold, dark street with no place to roost in. It's their perseverance that made them successful. Life is full of complexities but if you are brave enough to decipher its intricacies there is no reason to go through your life with any regrets or misgivings.

    "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."

    There are lots of contributing factors why people commit suicide. One of which is when they lose their hope. It's really not easy to get rid of these morbid thoughts of suicide. Reassuring clich矇s will not even help in making the situation better. One question that I have in mind that lingers like a smoke hovering over the furnace is the question of why people are so afraid of living life? Problems are all but temporary. Death is permanent.

    "May your life be like toilet paper... Long and useful."

    This one really got me... in a funny way. The toilet paper is a blunt description of what life is supposed to be: long and useful. Life is not that short if we know how to live it.

    Tuesday, September 24, 2013

    Schizophrenia - Paranoia and Delusions

    For most of his life, the artist Vincent van Gogh was plagued by madness. His low quality of mental health detracted from his quality of life and his willingness to paint. So deep was van Gogh's suffering that he killed himself before he turned 40. Schizophrenia is a ravaging, all-consuming mental illness that seriously warps the mind of the afflicted. Some cases are so severe that the patient may need to be hospitalized. In recent years, schizophrenia research and treatment has become more streamlined and technological and medical advancements have made treatments more readily available to those who need it.

    Schizophrenia is believed to have been around about as long as humans have. An ancient Egyptian medical text called "The Book of Hearts" describes patients suffering from dementia, depression, and other mental disturbances that are conducive to a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Treatment involved bathing the afflicted in specially purified waters. Roman and Greek scientists also recognized psychotic and psychiatric disorders in their writing. However, schizophrenia as we recognize it today did not seem to manifest or was not noted in those societies. In the middle ages, mental illnesses including schizophrenia were believed to be caused by demons possessing the body. Treatment was notoriously unpleasant and included holes being drilled in the patient's skull in hopes of exorcising the evil demon.

    German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin was the first person to properly begin to differentiate between mental illnesses. He famously began to distinguish manic depressive patients from patients with schizophrenia, which he called "dementia praecox." This was revolutionary in the late 1880s, when most psychiatric disorders were lumped together into one general category. Kraepelin recognized and categorized the four types of this peculiar mental illness. Paranoid, with fear and delusions, simple, characterized by slow decline, catatonic, characterized by laziness or lack of movement, and hebephrenic, similar to catatonic. Psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler coined the word "schizophrenia" in a medical journal in 1911. Bleuler pointed out that schizophrenia was not a type of dementia as the patient did not present with brain cell or neuron decay. Researchers and psychiatrists have discovered much about this disease since Bleuler's time.

    The symptoms of schizophrenia are variable in their manifestation and severity. The Los Angeles Times recently reported on the tragic case of a six year old girl named Jani. Jani was born with schizophrenia, which is extremely rare. She hallucinates visions of rats who tell her to injure her parents and younger siblings. Large doses of medication that would subdue any grown adult do nothing to curb her hallucinations. On the other end of the spectrum are people whose bouts of schizophrenia come in flares. These more mild cases may just consist of persistent agitation, mood swings, or general malaise. Schizophrenia can be treated with a combination of medication, therapy, and hospitalization. Depending on the severity of the affliction and the patient's willingness to take medication, some variations of schizophrenia can be exceptionally difficult to treat. Science still has much to learn about this complex illness.

    Can a Depression Test Help?

    Depression is a serious and very common problem these days. Luckily the internet is full of great (and not so great) information which can help you overcome depression if you have it.

    Before you can decide what to do you need to know if you are suffering from extreme unhappiness or actual depression. So the first question is can a depression test help you?

    My answer is a definite yes for two main reasons: 1. it will help you understand exactly what depression, (if you suffer from it), is doing to you. The questions usually ask you about your behavior and feelings towards yourself and your daily life. 2. a depression test can never beat a professional diagnosis but can help you decide if you need to find professional help. The test can also show you how serious your problem is.

    Any depression test needs to be seen as a guide only but can encourage you to take steps towards doing something about it. after all, the fact that you have taken the test means that you are more likely to take action.

    Often the major obstacle to recovery is acceptance of the problem in the first place. Once you have taken a depression test you will be closer to the acceptance of your problem.

    I always recommend using the internet as a source or guide to understanding and a way to make a decision. The internet is a great way to get access to support also and share your symptoms and feelings with others who may share your problems with depression.

    In summary, a depression test can help you start out on a path towards recovery and show you what needs to be done. No test can be totally reliable so please leave any final decision to a professional.

    In most cases depression is not serious and self help is a good way to go; however, if your case is severe such tests can help to reinforce the need to get help. depression tests are tools and are never intended to cure but rather to guide so use them wisely and think carefully about what the results are telling you.