Saturday, January 25, 2014

Bipolar Disorder, Depression - Information and Support For Sufferers, Not a Substitute For Treatment

We all have our good days and our bad days, our "up" days and our "down" days but for anyone suffering from bipolar disorder, these offs and ons are more serious. The symptoms of bipolar can hurt your job and school work performance, spoil your relationships and upset your daily life. Although this disorder is treatable, most people do not recognize the warning signs and therefore do not get the bipolar disorder treatment they really need. As bi polar disorder tends to degenerate without treatment, it's important to know what the symptoms are like. Recognizing the disorder is the first step towards getting it under control.

Bi polar disorder, sometimes known as manic depression, causes serious changes in moods, vitality, and other behaviour going from the heights of mania on one level, to the depths of depression on the other. More than just a momentary good or bad mood, the bi polar disorder cycle last for days, weeks, or even for months and unlike normal mood swings, the mood changes of bi polar disorder are so intense that they affect your ability to function.

During one of their manic episodes, a person might quite easily quit a job, go on a spending spree, charging huge amounts on credit cards, or feel completely refreshed after only sleeping two hours. During a depressive period, the same person might feel too tired to get out of bed and be full of self-loathing and feel utterly hopeless over being out of a job and deeply in debt.

The causes of bi polar disorder are not fully understood, but it may sometimes run in families. The first occurrence of bi polar disorder is usually in the teenage years or in the early years of adulthood. The symptoms of bipolar can be confusing and easily missed which is why so many people with bi polar disorder are misdiagnosed and overlooked resulting in unnecessary suffering but had they been given proper bipolar disorder treatment and support, they could lead a rich and fulfilling life.

Facts And Fiction About Bi-polar Disorder

Fiction: People with bi-polar disorder can't get better and go on to lead a normal life

Fact: A lot of the people with bi-polar disorder have successful careers, lead happy lives, and enjoy satisfying relationships. Living with bi-polar disorder is a big challenge but with proper bipolar disorder treatment and a solid support system, it is possible to live a full life while managing the symptoms.

Fiction: Those people who suffer with bi polar disorder go back and forth between highs and lows

Fact: Some may alternate between extreme periods of mania and depression but more often than not they are depressed more than they are manic. The mania may even be so slight that it can go unrecognised. For some people with bi polar disorder there can be long stretches when they are without any symptoms.

Fiction: Bi-polar disorder only affects ones mood

Fact: Bi-polar disorder can affect energy levels, judgement making, memory recall, awareness, eating, sleeping rhythms, sexual appetite and self-esteem. Additionally, bi-polar disorder has been linked to anxiety attacks, solvent/substance abuse, as well as health problems like diabetes, heart disease, severe headaches and high blood pressure.

Fiction: Apart from taking medication, nothing can be done to control bi-polar disorder

Fact: While taking medication makes up the bulk of bipolar disorder treatment, therapy and self-motivating strategies will also play an important part in the overall treatment. By exercising regularly you can help control your symptoms, getting a good nights sleep, healthy diet, monitoring your moods, minimise stress levels, and having supportive people around.

Signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder mood episodes

Bipolar disorder symptoms can be very different in different people. The symptoms of bipolar vary widely in their pattern, severity, and frequency. Some people are more prone to mania and some are more prone to depression, while others switch equally between the two types. Some may have regular mood changes, while others may experience a few over a lifetime.

There are four types of moods experienced in bipolar disorder:- mania, hypomania, depression and then there are mixed episodes. Each has a unique set of symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of mania

In the manic phase feelings of high energy, creativity, and euphoria are common. During a manic episode people often talk a mile a minute, are hyperactive, and sleep very little. They often feel like they're invincible and destined to do great things.

While mania may feel good at first, it usually ends up spiralling out of control. People behave recklessly during a manic episode, doing things like, gambling away savings, engaging in abnormal sexual activities, or making disastrous business decisions. They can also become angry and aggressive, picking fights or lashing out when other people don't agree with their decisions. They can blame everyone for being against them when their behaviour is criticized. They may even become delusional or start hearing things.

Some common signs and symptoms of mania include:

Unusually "high" feeling and optimism or being extremely irritable Unrealistic, beliefs about one's own abilities or powers Having very little sleep, but still feeling extremely energetic Talking so rapidly that others can't understand what you are saying Racing thoughts; switching quickly from one idea to the next Easily distracted and unable to concentrate Making bad judgements and being impulsive Acting without thinking about the consequences or dangers involved Delusions and hallucinations (in the most severe cases)

Hypomania symptoms

Hypomania is a lesser form of mania. When in a hypomanic state they feel on top of the world, full of energy and prolific but they are still able to carry on with their normal day-to-day lives and they never quite lose touch with reality. Other people may think that people with hypomania are just in a very good mood but hypomania can result in making bad decisions and can harm relationships, work and reputations. In addition, a period of hypomania often turns into full-blown mania or it is followed by major depression.

Signs and symptoms of bipolar depression

Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity. There are also strong arguments for seeing depression as an adaptive defence mechanism. A low or depressed mood can increase an individual's ability to cope with situations in which the effort to pursue a major goal could result in danger. In such situations, low motivation may give an advantage by inhibiting certain actions. It is normally accepted that a depressed person can be defined as experiencing feelings of sadness, helplessness and hopelessness. However a growing body of research suggests that there are significant differences between bipolar depression and regular depression, especially when it comes to their recommended treatments. Most people with bipolar depression do not respond well to antidepressants. In fact, there is a risk that bipolar disorder can be made worse by antidepressants, by triggering mania or hypomania and causing rapid swings between moods or by interfering with other stabilizing drugs.

Signs and symptoms of a mixed episode

A mixed episode of bi polar disorder features symptoms of both manic or hypomanic episodes and depression. Common signs are depression combined with agitation, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, easily distracted and racing thoughts. This combination of heightened energy level and depressive mood makes for a particularly high risk of suicide.

Signs and symptoms of bipolar depression

Despite having many similar symptoms, some symptoms are more common in bipolar depression than in normal depression, eg. bipolar depression will more than likely involve signs of irritability, guilt, as well as unpredictable mood swings, and feelings of restlessness. There is also a tendency for people with bipolar depression to move and speak slowly, they would sleep a lot and put on weight. They may even develop a psychotic depression in which they lose contact with reality and find it hard to function well at work and in social contacts.

Common symptoms of bipolar depression include:

Hopelessness, sadness, or feeling empty Feeling irritable Unable to experience pleasure Tired or lacking energy Drained both physically and mentally Loss of appetite Fluctuating weight Poor sleep Unable to concentrate Poor memory Feeling guilty and worthless Thoughts of dying and suicide

The different faces of bipolar disorder

Bipolar I Disorder (mania or a mixed episode) The classic manic-depressive form, consisting of at least one manic episode or mixed episode and sometimes Bipolar I Disorder has at least one attack of depression.

Bipolar II Disorder (hypomania and depression) Bipolar II disorder doesn't involve full-blown manic episodes, instead, it involves episodes of hypomania and deep depression.

Cyclothymia (hypomania and mild depression) Cyclothymia is a less severe form of bipolar disorder. Usually it involves cycles of mood swings, with less severe symptoms than full-blown mania or depression.

At the first signs of bipolar depression in yourself or someone else, get help at once. Pretending it's not happening won't make it go away; in fact, it will almost certainly make things worse. Leaving it untreated can lead to problems in everything part of your life, your career, your relationships, and your health. Early diagnosis and getting treatment can help prevent these complications.

If you put off getting treatment because you like the feeling you get when you're having a manic episode, just remember that these feelings of being energetic and the euphoria have a high price to pay, as they can and often do, turn destructive, hurting yourself and the people you care about the most.

Basics of bipolar disorder treatment

Bipolar disorder needs long-term and continuous treatment. Since it is a chronic, recurring illness, it is vitally important to continue the treatment although you may be feeling better. In most cases people with bipolar disorder will need medication to stave off new episodes and stay symptom-free.

Medication alone for bipolar disorder is usually not enough to fully control the symptoms. The most effective treatments involves a combination of medication, therapy, changes of life style, with family and social support. Diagnosis can be tricky and treatment is often difficult, therefore it's best to work with an experienced psychiatrist. For safety reasons, medication should be closely monitored, and a psychiatrist who is skilled in treatment of bipolar disorder can help you get through the difficult times.

Learn more about treatment

The aim of treatment for bipolar disorder is about more than just the relief of symptoms. It is about getting to the point where it no longer disrupts your life. With the right treatments you can reach this goal. It isn't easy, dealing with bipolar disorder but it doesn't have to control your life and in order to successfully deal with bipolar disorder, smart choices have to be made. Your daily routine has a significant impact on your moods. Learn everything you can about bipolar disorder. The more you know, the better you'll understand how, by persevering with the treatment, you are assisting your own recovery.

Avoid high stressful situations, balance your working time and social life, try some relaxation such as meditation, yoga, or deep breathing. It is important to have friends and family you can turn to for help and encouragement. Try joining a support group. By having healthy sleeping, eating, and exercising routines you can help to stabilize your moods. Having and keeping a regular sleep routine is particularly important. Take note of your symptoms and in particular, watch out for any signs that your moods are getting out of control so you can deal with the problem before it begins. Therefore helping yourself and your loved ones to live with and cope with bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder and suicide

Bipolar disorder depression is often very severe and one of the major risk factors is suicide. In fact, some people suffering from bipolar disorder depression are more than likely to attempt suicide than those suffering from normal depression. The more frequent the episodes of bi polar depression, and mixed episodes of depression are occurring, the higher the risk of suicide is. A family history of suicide, a history of alcohol or drug abuse, or the early stages of the disease can also heighten the risk of suicide.

Possible warning signs of suicide include:

Talk of death, self-harming, or suicide Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness Feeling useless and incapable Taking unnecessary risks Acting as if going away and not returning, by getting affairs in order Abnormal interest in weapons and harmful medications

It is important that any talk of suicide is taken seriously. If you have good reason to think that someone is suicidal, always get professional help.

Enquiry into the Personal Maladjustment Pattern Among Alcoholics Following De-addiction Treatment

Alcoholism is matter of serious concern, not confined to any group, culture or country. Universally it creates professional, social, financial, legal, medical, psychological, and familial problems. The cost of alcoholism to the society is staggering by any account. Lost working days, accidents and related disability, family disruptions and resulting juvenile problems, and direct medical complications of alcohol abuse add up to a significant proportion of loss to nations` economy and well being. Alcoholism thus becomes a complex phenomenon deserving attention from different angles.

Studies have reveled that alcoholics" families acquire certain typical coping strategies within the family system (Orford, 1975, Glassner and Loughlin, 1987). This invariably evokes further stress, feelings of hopelessness, withdrawnness and depression in alcoholics. Thus, a vicious cycle of alcohol, stress and maladjustment is found to exist. In the post de-addiction treatment phase, this situation is expected to change. The treatment as such and its positive outcome should bring in a new atmosphere to the family. In spite of differences, all treatment modalities for de-addiction aims at improved family relations and better social adjustments. A positive change in adjustment skills is necessary to keep the person sober after treatment. Psychotherapy, practice of relaxation, family counseling, rehabilitation counseling, and group therapies are deferent methods of attaining this goal. Do these techniques work in the long run? Does participation in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings modify a person's adjustment skills?

The present study therefore attempts to investigate the nature of change in Maladjustment among alcoholic patients in the immediate three years following de-addiction treatment.


The central theme of the present investigation is to study the nature of maladjustment among alcoholics in the immediate three years following de-addiction treatment.

1. To find out maladjustment among alcoholics in the immediate three years following de-addiction treatment.

2. To find out whether deferent treatment methods, viz. regular attendance to AA meetings and practice of relaxation are effective in modifying the maladjustment patterns present in alcoholics in the immediate three years following de-addiction treatment.


Sample of the study consisted of 166 male alcoholics admitted in deferent de_addiction centers in Kerala. Their age ranged from 26 to 53 (mean 34, SD12.5). All subjects belonged to middle socio economic class. Duration of alcohol consumption ranged from 4 to 23 yrs. (mean 14.5, SD 9.6)


Mathew Maladjustment Inventory

Mathew maladjustment inventory (MMI), assesses five major aspects of maladjustment viz., anxiety, depression, mania, inferiority, and paranoia. The test is reported to have high degree of content validity. The coefficient of reliability (split half) of the subscales ranged from 0.6 to 0.9, the total score having a reliability of 0.9 (Mathew, 1975)


Present investigation is an experimental study with two independent variables and a dependent variable. First independent variable is the participation Ss in AA meetings, Second independent variable is the Relaxation training given to the Ss.Dependent variable is General Maladjustment.

A sample of 166 alcoholics who were admitted for de-addiction treatment was chosen for the study. Out of the sample,60 Ss were randomly assigned to the first group ( Exp Gr.1,regular participation in AA meetings) ,another 60 Ss were randomly assigned to the second group (Exp Gr.2, regular practice of relaxation).The second group was given training on relaxation techniques, viz. Jacobson's relaxation and Benson`s relaxation, and were advised to continue it regularly. Rest of the sample, (n 46) were kept as control group.

MMI was administered to the whole sample at the time of admission and base line data on maladjustment was obtained. During the study, Ss were assessed on maladjustment, after 2 months, 1 year, 2 year and 3 year periods.
The final sample consisted of only those subjects who were regular for follow-ups. Exp Gr.1, Exp Gr.2, and control group for final analysis consisted of 46, 48, and 32 Ss respectively. It may be noted that the size were 60, 60, and 46 respectively for the three groups.

3 X 5 Univariate analysis was conducted on scores on maladjustment among the three groups during the three year period. A graph was plotted.


Results are presented in tables 1 and 2.There is no significant difference among groups on their scores on general maladjustment. However the scores were found varying significantly across duration of treatment. (F=72.5, P

St. John's Wort, Depression, and Hot Flashes

Many people, both men and women, take the herbal treatment St. John's Wort for mild-to-moderate depression. In the case of menopausal women, it is a safe, more natural alternative compared to hormone replacement therapy when depression is one of their symptoms. Like some of the other alternative medicines being used to relieve menopausal symptoms today, St. John's Wort comes from a flower and is considered very safe to use.

The difference between mild-to-moderate depression and more serious depression is the number of symptoms a person experiences and for how long. See the resource listed below for more information on the signs of depression.

What Do the Clinical Trials Tell Us?

There have been several clinical trials suggesting that St. John's Wort is effective in relieving mild-to-moderate depression, yet, according to a report published in the Journal of American Medical Association, it was no more effective than the use of a placebo in these cases. The report blamed the results on the poor design of those studies.

There have been a few trials of combination therapy using St. John's Wort and black cohosh. When women were randomized to either treatment or placebo, results showed significant improvement of menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes, for women in the treatment group compared with the placebo group.

In addition to treating mild to moderate depression, a new study conducted at the Shiraz University of Medical Sciences in Iran suggests that St. John's Wort can help relieve hot flashes. The study consisted of 100 women approximately 50 years old who had been experiencing at least one hot flash every day. The study revealed that in a group of randomly assigned women, those taking St. John's Wort experienced significantly fewer hot flashes than the women who took a placebo. Not only did it help reduce frequency of hot flashes, but also reduced their intensity.

Typically, trials use 300 mg of St. John's Wort given three times a day, which is the dose that offers a therapeutic effect. It's important to remember that this herb is not effective for more serious depression, which should be treated by your healthcare provider.

St. John's Wort is readily available over the counter in most pharmacies, supermarkets, and natural food stores. It can be taken in two separate forms: liquid or pills, and comes in tablets, capsules, tinctures, and even tea bags.

Side Effects and Concerns

By itself, St. John's Wort is not considered especially dangerous. The most serious side effects typically consist of dizziness, gas pains, and fatigue. However, the most trouble is associated with its ability to negate the effectiveness of other drugs. For example, it often has a negative interaction with antidepressants. It has even been reported to interfere with birth control pills and some heart disease medications, reducing their effectiveness.

For this reason, it is important that you discuss St. John's Wort with your doctor before taking it. If you experience any allergic reactions, increased blood pressure, or upset stomach while taking it, contact your doctor immediately.

Everyone's situation and body is different. Only your healthcare provider can evaluate your specific situation and prescribe an appropriate plan for dealing with your specific needs.

Can You Be Denied Insurance Because of Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by a range of feelings including sadness, anxiety, emptiness, hopelessness, helplessness, guilt, worthlessness, irritation or anger, and even restlessness. People generally feel low and aren't interested in participating in activities that usually gave them joy. The state of depression can range from mild to severe and include symptoms such as insomnia, fatigue, digestive problems, and even attempts at suicide. The cause of this disorder is attributed to chemical imbalances in the brain and environmental factors. Treat generally consists of medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes.

With effective treatment, a person can successfully manage their symptoms and even be cured of their depression. One unfortunate side effect of being diagnosed with depression is that you are at a higher risk of being declined for health insurance. It is a sad but true fact that even if you have been cured of your depression and it's been years since you've taken medication or had counseling, an insurance provider can still use this to deny you coverage. Insurance companies only make money when the number of claims submitted for payment is less than the amount of premiums they collect. Therefore, they try to only insure people they are certain who are healthy and won't actually need to use the insurance they are buying. Seeing a diagnosis of depression in your medical history causes a red flag to go up that you may be high risk, even if you are perfectly healthy.

There are several things you can do if you are declined for health insurance because of depression. The first thing you should do is continue shopping around for insurance. Using a health insurance quote website is a great place to start because you can get several quotes from different insurance companies all at the same time. This will save you a lot of time and effort in your search. Apply to the ones that seem to best fit your needs. There may be a company willing to underwrite a policy for you, though you may pay more or agree to a waiting period.

Depending on the state you live in, health insurance companies cannot deny you health coverage, even if you were diagnosed with depression, if you had health insurance for 18 months prior to your application date. Check with the laws in your state and then call the customer service department of the insurance companies if this rule applies to you. Another option is to get a cheap insurance plan and then switch to the one that fits your needs better after 18 months.

Be Aware of the Dangers of Serotonin Syndrome


Serotonin is a hormone, also known as 5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HTP, found in the body. Primary centers containing this hormone are the brain, pineal gland, blood platelets and the intestines. Serotonin is formed in the body from L-tryptophan, an amino acid. The body then stores serotonin until it is activated by the enzyme monoamine oxidase. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter, meaning that it is responsible for transmitting messages or signals between nerve cells, causing a narrowing of the blood vessels.

Serotonin plays a major role in several important bodily functions, such as appetite and sleep. It is also known for the role it plays in regulating mood, learning, memory and behavior. Serotonin plays an important role in cardiovascular function, temperature regulation, endocrine regulation and muscle retraction. Serotonin is perhaps most famous for its role in depression.

Serotonin syndrome

Serotonin syndrome is a potentially life-threatening condition that was first discussed in the literature in 1959. Serotonin syndrome can occur when an individual is exposed to medications or chemicals that lead to a significant and dangerous level of serotonin accumulated in the body. This condition might occur in response to starting a new medication or during an increase to a current medication. It may also occur when an individual mixes over the counter medications that affect serotonin levels, migraine medications, and alcohol or street drugs, with their anti-depressant medications.

The primary offending antidepressant medications include selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs, serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, or SNRIs, as well as the older class of anti-depressants known as tricyclics and monoamine oxidase inhibitors, or MAOIs. Examples of SSRIs include fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, citalopram, paroxetine and sertraline. Examples of SNRIs include venlafaxine and trazadone. MAOIs include medications such as phenelzine and isocarboxazid, while examples of tricyclic antidepressants include amitriptyline and nortriptyline.

The smoking cessation medication and antidepressant bupropion, known also by its commercial names of Wellbutrin and Zyban, can prompt increased serotonin levels. In addition, so can medications used to treat migraines and some mood disorders, including triptans, valproic acid, lithium and carbamazapine. The pain medications fentanyl, meperidine, tramadol and cyclobenzaprine also make the list of medications to look out for.

Street drugs such as ecstasy, LSD, amphetamines and cocaine, cough medicines containing dextromethorphan, herbal supplements like St. John's Wort, and the mood stabilizer lithium can contribute to increased serotonin levels. Finally, some antibiotics, like linezolid, and anti-nausea medications also affect serotonin.

Combinations of any of the above medications should be discussed with a pharmacist and physician to ensure that a comprehensive review of medication interactions is considered to decrease the potential for serotonin syndrome.

Symptoms of serotonin syndrome

A physician should always monitor changes to medications affecting serotonin levels in the body carefully. Some symptoms indicating potential presence of serotonin syndrome will likely occur within a few hours of a medication change. These symptoms include dilated pupils, rapid heart rate and elevated blood pressure, agitation, confusion, loss of muscle control and coordination, headache, chills, shivering, profuse sweating, diarrhea and goose bumps. As serotonin syndrome progresses towards a serious emergency, an individual might present with irregular heartbeat, seizures, high fever and unconsciousness.


Serotonin syndrome is a very serious condition that can result in death. A doctor should be contacted immediately if an individual experiences any of the aforementioned syndromes of serotonin syndrome.


Due to the potentially life-threatening effects of this condition, medical treatment should be sought immediately. If serotonin syndrome is suspected, go to the nearest emergency room with all medications currently being taken.

The primary treatment for serotonin syndrome is to remove the offending medication. Typically, once the medication is discontinued, serotonin syndrome will resolve itself within 24 hours. Moderate symptoms of serotonin syndrome may require hospitalization, while severe symptoms will likely require intensive hospital based treatment.

There are a number of treatments a doctor may consider to treat this condition, depending on the severity of the symptoms. If serotonin syndrome occurs because an individual has taken an overdose of serotonergic medications then charcoal treatment may be necessary. Muscle relaxants may be given to reduce agitation, muscle stiffness and decrease risk of seizures, while serotonin-production blocking agents can block production of more serotonin. Medications might be used to bring down heart rate and blood pressure, or medications to paralyze muscles temporarily in conjunction with a breathing tube might be used in some cases. Finally, intravenous fluids and oxygen may be used to maintain oxygen levels in the blood and prevent or treat dehydration.

Pros and Cons of Drug Testing in the Workplace

Drug testing in the workplace is a controversial subject, but many people do not mind the testing because they already know that they are drug free. Those who have some sort of illicit drug in their bodies are the ones who usually cry out that drug testing is not fair. Many websites who sell products to adulterate drug tests give pages and pages of advice on how to outsmart drug tests. Of course, they make their money from selling thousands of dollars of items to help drug users do something that is illegal.

The Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is against drug testing in the workplace for several reasons. Their main argument is that it is not fair or necessary to force those who are not suspected of drug use and who do a good job for their employers. They say that "when someone's job performance is satisfactory, to 'prove' their innocence through a degrading and uncertain procedure that violates personal privacy" is not fair (ACLU Briefing Paper Number 5).

Another argument of this group is that urine tests do not show when a drug was used; they merely show the metabolites or leftover remnants of a drug that was previously used. For example, their argument states that if an employee smoked marijuana on Saturday, he or she may test positive on Wednesday when they are no longer under its influence and perfectly able to perform at their job.

It is also a concern that mandatory drug testing at work can reveal medical issues that an employee is taking medications to treat, such as depression, heart disease, or diabetes. Urine tests can also reveal pregnancy. Employers may use this information against an employee when considering them for a promotion, transfer, or other reason even though it is against the law to do so.

The other side of the coin is that employers are losing big bucks by having employees under the influence of drugs and alcohol. These employees cost them more in health insurance claims, Worker's Compensation, loss of productivity, absenteeism, and other losses. They bring down the morale of other workers who do not use drugs and have to cover for a worker who is high or drugged. Because these employees are working at the employer's site, it is his or her business whether or not the person is under the influence of drugs.

Drug testing in the workplace can be done in a way that is respectful to the employee. It does not have to be unfair and degrading if testing is done at by a professional drug testing company.

Post Natal Depression

Post natal depression is a psychological illness that affects 15% of the female population after child-birth. It is described by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition as depression with onset within 4 weeks after childbirth usually occurring around two weeks after childbirth and may last between a year and several months. Post natal depression symptoms are usually evident a few months following birth. Symptoms can include guilt, sadness, lack of energy and social withdrawal. This widely misunderstood mental disorder has been also referred to as post-partum depression or PPD, and is closely linked with clinical depression.

A number of risk factors have been identified that may contribute to the onset of post natal depression, with possible causes being attributed to the hormonal changes during pregnancy and the combination of the risk factors. Treatments are available through medical professionals and are most effective when administered as soon as symptoms are noticed.

Post natal depression is an illness associated with women. However, men are also prone to suffer from PPD with rates varying between 1.2 - 25% of the male population. The rates of women suffering are in the range of 5% - 25% with African-American women being the most at risk and Asian/pacific island peoples having the lowest occurrences. The significance of PPD is that this disorder is most likely to affect women in the post-birth period, and it is this period of time that women can expect the greatest risk of developing a psychologically damaging condition.

Symptoms of post natal depression

Post natal depression can be diagnosed by the combination of these symptoms to varying degrees of severity:

Sadness or crying
Feelings of Hopelessness
Low self-esteem
A feeling of being overwhelmed
Sleep pattern disturbance and eating problems such as over-eating, weight gain or loss of appetite.
Exhaustion, fatigue and malaise
Anhedonia (the loss of interest in typically pleasurable activities)
Reduced social contact.
Increased anxiety or panic attacks
Lack of energy
Spells of anger towards others
Becoming easily frustrated
Feelings of inadequacy in terms of child rearing.
Impaired speech and writing
decreased desire for sex or intimacy.

Risk factors for post natal depression:
All women are at risk of developing post natal depression, with some women being more prone than others. Risk factors have been found that can markedly increase the chances of developing post natal depression:

Formula feeding rather than breast-feeding
Prenatal depression during pregnancy
A history of depression
Prenatal anxiety
Lack of social support
General stress related to relationships, the workplace or financial stress-ors.
Poor marital relationship
Infant temperament problems/colic
Single Marital Status
Low socio-economic status
Unplanned/unwanted pregnancy

Three risk factors have been identified that when combined have a big impact on the chances of developing PPD. These factors are: formula feeding, history of depression and smoking cigarettes.

The general conclusions of the risk factors studied pointed to poor social support network, lack of financial resources and either bi-sexual or lesbian sexuality preference were the factors most likely to contribute to developing post natal depression following child birth.

Causes of post natal depression

Lack of vitamins were first thought to be a cause of the illness, although it is now thought that a combination of hormonal changes following child-birth, combined with a number of risk factors such as low socio-economic status, poor social support and history of pre natal depression can place a certain percentage of women at a higher risk than others.

Treatments for post natal depression:

Treatments follow a careful diagnosis by a trained medical professional using The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, which is a standardised self-reported questionnaire.

After a diagnosis, a number of treatments are available. The two most widely used are CBT, or cognitive behavioural therapy, and anti-depressant medication or a combination of the two. Both CBT and anti-depressant medication are equally effective, and the preference is up to the patient as to which treatment would suit them best. Positive results are usually seen within 4 weeks, with some women taking longer than others to respond.

Other treatment options are stable sleep patterns, a nutritious diet ( omega 3's and b vitamins) and group therapy sessions.

Post natal depression is a widespread mental illness that affects women during the post birth period. Timely recognition and accurate diagnosis by a medical professional are key to bringing the condition under control, and restoring quality to ones life.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Cute Friendship Quotes and Jokes

People just love to have a good laugh and enjoy life. This is why we read jokes and funny stories. However you might not know it but there are lots of quote cute and friendship quotes that will do this trick as well.

The main difference between funny cute quotes and jokes is the length. Most of the jokes are pretty long because this are like a short story. On the other side on the coin, the quotes are much shorter and can combine a deep meaning within just few words. The common thing between the two is that they can both be real. A quote or a joke always has a little bit of true, it is something that has been existing in the past and preserved until our very own time. There are also special joke that called "one liner" those types are resemble to the quotes because of the short length.

However there is one big difference between friendship quotes and jokes. The propose of the quotes is not only to make you smile but also to teach you a lesson. There is a lot of wisdom in the quotes world so if we read carefully those words and try to see behind the line and figuring out the deep meaning we can see that although it's funny it has a valuable lesson for us.

For example this cute quote by Harry S. Truman: "You know that it is a recession when your friend loses his job, but it is a depression when you lose yours." When bad things happen to other people we sometimes don't notice and even laugh on it just to keep the bad things out of our lives. But when it affects us than it is really tragedy for us. Although these world are represented like a little joke, it is actually true when we speaking on the surviving human nature.

I Have Genital Herpes

I have herpes. I contracted the virus from a one night stand I had over six years ago, and I wasn't diagnosed until five months later. I had no unusual symptoms for the first five months, and had gone to the doctor complaining that it was burning when I pee, and an unusual red rash on my groin and lower belly. I expected to be diagnosed with something fairly innocent, and was not ready to be told I had herpes.

At the time I had no idea about the reality of the virus, and only had the rumors, myths and camp-fire stories in my head. My mind was reeling, and I was on an emotional roller-coaster. I went from feelings of disbelief, to anger at the girl who had given me the disease, to anxiety and fear, and finally to depression. I thought I'd never have a normal sex life again, and I was doomed to become celibate and a social outcast. With all this stress and anxiety taking its toll on my body (I later learned that stress is a major trigger for genital herpes outbreaks) a few days after diagnosis, I had my first outbreak.

Since then I've gone on a long journey of learning and growth, all triggered by this nasty virus. My depression got worse and worse, and I ended up back at the doctor for something to deal with that. Luckily my doctor was one of the good ones, and rather than prescribe me happy pills, he gave me a referral to a sexual health specialist.

After seeing the specialist, a friendly old man named Doctor George Cody, my mind was opened to the realities of the virus. When I told him I have herpes, he kindly and patiently told me the truth about the disease, which I'll now relate to you.

1. Genital herpes is a very common disease. Like the flu or cold sores, herpes is a virus. The virus lays dormant in the body for life, which is a scary prospect, but this is nothing to be overly concerned about. Unlike the ever changing and mutating flu, herpes can be can be easily controlled and prevented from coming to the surface. 1 in 5 Americans carry the virus, and many do so with no idea at all that they have genital herpes.

2. There are now a wide range of treatments for genital herpes, and people have more choice than ever before. If you don't like the idea of pharmaceutical drugs, there are homeopathic remedies that are just as effective, and much cheaper too.

3. Genital Herpes can be easily controlled simply with diet and lifestyle. Eating healthy, avoiding excessive alcohol, getting plenty of exercise and avoiding stress will have a huge impact on herpes and herpes outbreaks.

After talking with Dr Cody about my herpes, I began to feel much better. He told me how the media and myth and rumor have made herpes out to be much worse than it really is. He told me how with treatment and lifestyle changes, I could have a normal life even though I have genital herpes. And a normal sex life too! My depression and anxiety drifted away, and in time I got back my normal life, and my normal sex life too. The keys are: Treatment, Diet, and Lifestyle.

Thyroid Issues And Weight Loss

If you're eating a healthy diet, cutting out all fake foods, chemicals and additives, but you still are having issues losing weight it is more than likely the problem is your thyroid. Unfortunately, many doctors overlook or completely misdiagnose the issues due to not doing the right tests, or no accurately reading the test results. There are many issues with the thyroid that can occur that impede or even stop weight loss completely no matter how well you eat.

An over active or under-active thyroid, hypothyroidism, can cause many health problems one of which is inability to lose weight. Even if your doctor performs standard thyroid tests which have come back "normal" there are other tests you can do such as the TRH stimulation test which will identify whether or not you have a hypothyroid issue more accurately. Additionally, the problem might be conversion of T4 to T3. T4 is thyroxine and T3 is triiodothyronine which are both produced by the thyroid gland which regulates metabolism.

Some doctors misdiagnose conditions, especially in women, that are really caused by thyroid dysfunction such as depression and fibromyalgia which can actually be the result of thyroid issues. If the underlying issues are treated, the symptoms can be relieved, including the inability to lose weight. If you have a problem with T3 conversion you may be able to exercise daily, and eat a low calorie healthy diet and still be overweight. Conversely someone with an over active thyroid can eat all they want and be very sedentary and lose weight. Either condition is not desirable so if you have any of these issues it is imperative that you seek out a doctor who is familiar with the thyroid and it's relation to metabolism and weight loss or gain.

Getting rid of fake foods that contain additive and dangerous chemicals can actually cause a natural reaction that fixes your thyroid issues. All these fake things we put into our bodies can literally play havoc with natural hormone functions. Foods with gluten, soy and even natural foods that contain Isothiocyanates, such as peanuts, strawberries, and certain raw veggies, can cause problems with your thyroid if eaten in excess. Also, ensuring that you are eating sufficient amounts of iodine is essential to proper thyroid function. Most people get enough iodine today just from the salt we eat due to it usually having iodine added. If you're eating natural salt, or a low sodium diet, you may want to check your diet to be sure that you are including enough natural iodine for proper thyroid function. The recommended daily allowance is 150 mcg daily which is about 1 teaspoon of table salt with iodine.

However, keep in mind if you do have a thyroid issue, it is possible that you will need a doctor's intervention with medications to assist with normalizing the thyroid. But, knowing what foods can contribute to this problem can help you avoid issues if you don't have them yet. You can avoid gluten, eat nuts in moderation, eat only fermented soy, and light cook leafy and cruciferous veggies before eating can help avoid problems.

Bipolar Disorder Manic Depression - An Introduction Look at the Condition and How it Concerns YOU

There are some people living here in the United States with seasonal affective disorder, which is a form of bipolar disorder. Typically these folks suffer from depression only during autumn and winter, when there are fewer hours of daylight; and when spring and summer come, they are all high with near mania. Well, that's because it is actual mania. With guidance and medication from a professional, they ought to be able to keep the mood swings at bay.

Bipolar disorder involves both mania and depression. The depression part of the syndrome could be the mild type, like in dysthymia, but it mostly is of the severe form, sometimes lasting for a period of years. The manic part sometimes may not last as long, but it is no less destructive. And to think that people can be like this for years without ever realizing it should let you know just how bad the disorder is.

Various mental health professionals refer to clinical depression as regular in occurrence, although it is a mental disorder by its own right. However, harsher manifestations of the syndrome could manifest in other formats such as bipolar disorder. This one uses both depression and mania to achieve its purpose. So, you need to watch out for the symptoms of this condition before you can grade it with clinical depression.

Further facts about bipolar disorder can be accessed from the Internet where many websites, such as this, and medical directories have published articles that keep you informed of the latest information about the condition.

Bipolar Disorder History - How the Ancient Greeks Discovered Manic Depression

Bipolar disorder is theorized to be an evolutionary adaptation to colder climates, therefore it should come as no surprised that this illness has a recorded history going back 2000 years. It used to be that everyone who wasn't normal was just called crazy or they may have been considered to be possessed by evil spirits, as mental illnesses weren't well understood long ago.

The words "depression" and "mania" have their origins in Ancient Greek, and by 100 AD Ephesus, a Greek historian, described depression and mania linked into one disease. It was not until 1025 that Avicenna, who was a Persian physician, identified a number of mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, bipolar, and mania.

With the stigma of mental disorder, any research into this illness largely went unnoticed. After all, most individuals didn't want to be classified as mentally insane, and most would have considered mental illnesses to be a flaw in moral character.

For this reason, biphasic mental illness was not rediscovered until 1854, by the French doctor Jules Baillarger, who described the differences between mania and depression, and how they shifted in persons with the illness.

Emil Kraepelin was a German psychiatrist and the first to term the illness "manic depressive psychosis." He observed patients with periods of extreme depression and mania, intermixed with periods that were symptom free.

It was not until 1948 that a treatment plan was devised for bipolar disorder. Lithium carbonate was developed by Dr. John Cade of Melbourne, Australia, offering hope to those suffering from a disease that had been stigmatized for thousands of years.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Depression Hurts - Learn How to Deal With Depressing Thoughts

One of my favorite quotes for depression is:

Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
- Unknown

Why is this one of my favorite quotes? Because it says everything in those five lines. Watch your thoughts. Why? Because they do become your words. If you are feeling depressed, the words that comes out of your mouth are depressing words. You can't help it. No way you can have depressing thoughts and be happy or say happy things without it having a depressing connotation to it.

Watch your words. Why? Because they become your actions. If your words are depressing, your actions will be too. Imagine being depressed. How do you look? You sit with your shoulders slumped, your head down, your breathing slow with long stressful sighs. Every movement is slow and deliberate, because it takes too much energy to go any faster, to try to get where you want to go.

Watch your actions. Why? Because they become habits. If you allow yourself to think depressing thoughts, causing your words to be depressing, causing your actions to become depressed, to cause yourself to have a depressing day, then what will stop it? You're depressed today, because you allowed it. What would stop you from becoming depressed tomorrow, or the next day, or the next? Watch your actions; because they do become habits.

Watch your habits. Why? Because they do become your character. If you allow yourself to get in the habit of being depressed, of not bothering to stop taking deep depressing breaths that your thoughts are causing, of not bothering to stop speaking of your depression and it's results, of not bothering to stop your actions from becoming your character, then you can just plan on being depressed until YOU decide that you don't want it anymore.

Watch your character. Why? Because it becomes your destiny. And you have just seen how. Take steps to change it now.

Major Depression - Symptoms, Causes and Management

Major depression is a type of a mental disorder that is characterized by low mood, low self-esteem, and loss of pleasure or interest in activities that were normally enjoyable. Other terms for this form of depression are clinical depression, major depressive disorder, unipolar disorder and unipolar depression.

Depression is considered as a disabling condition that affects an individual's general health, eating and sleeping habits, school or work, family, and friends. In the United States alone, sixty percent of those who died of suicide have depression, and three to four percent of people who are suffering from major depression commit suicide.

The Signs and Symptoms
People who are suffering from this type of depression generally show a loss of pleasure that were once enjoyed and a low mood that encompasses all aspects of life. These people may be preoccupied with inappropriate regret or guilt, self-hatred, and feelings and thoughts or hopelessness, helplessness and worthlessness. Other symptoms include difficulty in sleeping, withdrawal from social activities and situations, poor memory and concentration, suicide attempts, and thoughts of death. In severe cases, people who are depressed may experience the symptoms of psychosis, such as hallucinations and delusions.

Causes of Major Depression
Psychological, social, and biological factors are said to play a role in causing depression. Psychological factors refer to the person's coping ability in response to problems and stress. Also, a distorted way of thinking and low self esteem has been linked with depression. Persons who are suffering from other psychological conditions such as schizophrenia and anxiety are also likely to suffer from depression.

Social factors include social isolation and poverty. A study has shown that those people who had experienced child abuse (emotional, sexual, physical, neglect) when they were young are more likely to develop major depression later in life. Other social factors that can contribute to the development of depression include death of a loved one, divorce or marital conflict, parental depression, financial problems, and family problems.

Biological factors refer to those imbalances in the brain chemicals that can alter the brain activities. People with depression usually show a disturbed pattern of the relationship between the different parts of the brain, which means to say that the brain activities are altered.

Management of the Condition
The most commonly used treatments for depression are medication, psychotherapy, and electroconvulsive therapy. Medication for depression is called antidepressants. These medications are effective, however, they have numerous side effects and they can only relieve the symptoms and not cure the condition itself. Psychotherapy is best for those who are 18 years old and below. Psychotherapy, however, may not work for some especially to those people who are not comfortable talking about their personal life. Electroconvulsive therapy on the other hand, should be used as the last resort as it makes use of electricity and may impose harm to patients if not done in the right manner. These are the reasons why some people opt for natural cures, which are 100% safe, fast acting and with permanent effects.

Major depression is really a serious disorder and can be hard to live with. But with proper management it can easily be treated.

Mood Swings

Jim is a successful software engineer and a happily married man with a loving wife and two lovely children. These days, he goes through a range of emotions in the matter of hours and there seems to be just one term to describe it - a roller coaster ride. When he wakes up in the morning, he feels great and looks forward to the day. Breakfast time with his family is a fun-filled time and Jim feels his normal self, joking and asking his kids about their school and friends. By lunch, his mood has darkened and he is tense and nervous. This at times results in his feeling aggressive towards his co-workers and subordinates. By end of the day, he is extremely restless and can barely wait to finish his work and head home. Back home, his mood stays unchanged. He does not want to speak to anyone or go out and do something. By late evening, Jim is feeling fine again. He is watching some old movies with his family and fondly reminiscing about the past. But as the night approaches, Jim's spirits start to sink again till he is in utter despair by midnight. Day in and day out, Jim goes through these extreme mood shifts and he is afraid that he has completely lost control of his emotions.

Jim is going through what are called Mood Swings. The most common way of defining mood swings is that they are rapidly changing moods. Capable of causing extreme emotional distress, mood swings can make you feel very lost and lonely. In fact, your reactions in certain situations may be absolutely extreme without your even realizing it. Though a very common occurrence, not many realize that they are going through mood swings, resulting in a very frustrating time for both themselves and even more so for their family members, till they seek help. Everyone goes through stress and anxiety at different stages and at different levels in their lifetime and these can cause mood swings from time to time. However, if the mood swings are frequent and are severe enough to be disrupting your life, you should seek help.

It is now estimated that mood swings and mood disorders affect a very large percentage of the population. It is quite natural for a person to have small mood changes on a daily or weekly and at times of great stress, even on a monthly basis. However, the more severe forms of mood disorders can lead to bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression. In fact, persistent or severe mood swings, if left untreated can lead to very serious consequences. Studies have also shown that women tend to be more affected by mood swings than do men. Most women who experience such mood changes do so as a result of hormonal changes either during pregnancy, post-partum or during menopause.

Almost all mood swings are characterized by certain periods of extreme emotion - these periods are called episodes. There can be episodes of mania, in which you will experience a heightened sense of emotion - less sleep, an increase in talking and racing thoughts - like you are on caffeine. At the other end, there can be episodes of depression when everything is subdued. You may feel continuously sad or dejected, have great doubts about yourself and lose self-confidence. This can also start having an effect on your physical health leading to strong headaches, chronic pain and major digestive ailments.

There is no doubt that mood swings can have a devastating effect on you and your family. If undiagnosed and untreated, causes for the mood changes are not understood leading to a very frustrating time for you and a very painful time for your family. Not knowing what is triggering your mood changes, how to cope with them and how to help you when you are in these extreme moods, can be unnerving. In fact, you may feel so out of control that you may slowly stop doing all those activities that you once enjoyed for sheer fear of people seeing you when you are experiencing one of your mood swings.

Mood Swings are often confused with Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression. However, it is important to note that mood swings are not as severe and do not last as long as the more advanced form of Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression. In Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression Disorder, extreme moods of depression or mania persist for many days, at times for weeks and months.

What should however be heartening to hear is that mood swings are very common and there are a variety of treatment options, from which one can choose the particular treatment option that suits them best. Further, treatment methods for mood swings have excellent success rates with almost 80-90% of all those who seek help experience great relief. Unfortunately, only about one third of those who suffer from chronic mood disorders seek help, with the rest suffering in silence. It is therefore very important for the individual, family and friends to recognize the symptoms of mood swings and seek instant help for all.

Food Sensitivity and ALCAT Test

Food allergy and food intolerance are adverse reactions that affect certain individuals when eating foods or food ingredients that most consumers can tolerate with no problem. Food allergies are abnormal immunological responses to a particular food or food component, usually a naturally occurring protein. Allergic reactions may occur even with the slightest amount. Food intolerances are adverse reactions that occur when the body has a physical reaction to food which does not cause immunological reaction.

Food sensitivity has a very wide range of symptoms. These include fatigue, lethargy, sleepiness after eating, drowsiness, poor concentration and memory, mental agitation, mood swings, compulsive eating, food cravings, cravings for sugar, carbohydrate, or starch, water retention, weight problems, mood swings, depression, restlessness, irritability, headaches, migraines, swollen and painful joints, muscle pain, stiffness, gas, bloating, flatulence, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, blurry eyes, spots in front of eyes, and sleep deprivation.

The ALCAT test is a food sensitivity test used to identify foods that can trigger harmful reactions to body. It can identify reactions to 350 foods, chemicals, and other substance associated with inflammation that are linked to different chronic health problems such as migraines, aching joints, fatigue, gastrointestinal disorders, eczema, hyperactivity/ADD, asthma and even obesity. This test uses electronic, state of the art, hematological instrumentation.

The blood is the common pathway of all mechanisms. ALCAT examines the blood directly for possible reactions. It observes the reaction of red blood cells and white blood cells when exposed to certain foods. Unlike other food allergy or food intolerance tests, there is no guesswork involved; only reliable and reproducible results.

ALCAT test has been scientifically proven to work effectively. One study showed that 98% of the subjects were reported to decrease in weight and/or improved muscle to fat ratio. Other beneficial effects were reported including improvement in skin, increased energy, elimination of migraines, reduced sugar cravings, better mood, and better sleep.

ALCAT test has been a successful tool in overcoming a number of food sensitivity symptoms. Hundreds and thousands of people around the world have already been helped by the ALCAT test in improving their health by successfully preventing the symptoms.

Most people who have an experience with ALCAT testing are satisfied with the results and are now enjoying living their lives in their best. If you know what food you need to avoid, then you are a step closer to a life free of symptoms and illnesses.

Know How to Get Rid of Unhealthy Habits?

Major health concerns are often associated with unhealthy lifestyles. Many studies have already proved that substance abuse is causing many deaths throughout the world. Being aware of the devastating effects, many people are turning towards unhealthy habits like smoking, alcohol and illicit substance abuse. Many people are struggling to come out of these bad habits and destroying their valuable lives. Here we will learn some simple techniques to get rid of unhealthy habits.

Don't assume that it's hard to quit bad habits
Many people assume that avoiding substance abuse is painful and impossible. But in reality, you can get rid of unhealthy habits using simple techniques. If you are willing to change from the course of bad habits wholeheartedly, then it is not at all impossible. With a positive attitude towards the change along with a proper plan and practice, you can easily steer yourself away from bad habits.

Plan the process of building a healthy lifestyle
Without effective planning, you cannot succeed in anything. It applies to the process of stopping unhealthy habits too. Planning the process with interest is a good sign for a change. Make a list of bad habits that you need to get rid of. Also, add to it a list of good habits that you wish to practice for a healthy lifestyle. Also remember that nothing is going to change if you just prepare a plan - implementation of the plan is very important.

Replace temptations with healthier choices
In the process of avoiding unhealthy habits, you may come across some deviations. For instance, you may get tempted to smoke tobacco or drink alcohol when you see others doing. This is where you need to show your spirit. During such times, replace your temptations with fruits, or any other healthy choice available. After a few days you will get rid of this kind of temptations. Remember, this may look simple, but overtime, you are actually increasing your probability of preventing harmful effects of unhealthy habits - just by simply changing some unhealthy practices for healthier options.

Remove temptations from your physical environment
The surrounding physical environment can impact your determination too. Avoid the presence of cigarettes, empty alcohol bottles, covers of illegal drugs in your room. Just throw them away from your room and mind. Place the pictures displaying the benefits of healthy habits. Stick some papers with useful healthy quotes in your room and on your working table. They remind your goal of ignoring the bad habits and staying healthy.

Spend more time with family
Being emotionally strong enhances your confidence of fighting against the bad habits. Many people get into unhealthy habits due to stress and depression. Talk to your family members and share your problems regarding stress as well as bad habits. You will get lot of comfort. Focus on family activities. Go for an outing with your family instead of wandering with your substance abusing friends.

Join yoga or a dance class
Involving yourself in some healthy living activities keeps you away from bad habits. Join yoga or a dance class to relax. You can also involve in sports activities, go for a walk in the surrounding park, and go for a gym to prevent reversion to bad habits. They not only replace the time you spend on bad habits, but also improve your physical and mental health.

Knowing how to get rid of bad habits, it is now the time for you to start implementing them to lead a better life. Do not get interrupted under any situation during this transition phase. Remember, you will enjoy the benefits of healthy living.

Depression: Can NLP Help With Depression?

Can NLP Help With Depression?

Depression is affecting more and more people everyday. Of course, depression is also a normal aspect of life. Feeling sad, overwhelmed, uninterested in life, morose and dejected are normal emotions to feel after a loss, embarrassment or an unachieved goal. These feelings typically resolve on their own. Clinical depression is the ongoing exacerbation of these feelings.

Symptoms of depression include:

  • difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions

  • fatigue and decreased energy

  • feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness

  • feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism

  • insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping

  • irritability, restlessness

  • loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex

  • overeating or appetite loss

  • persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment

  • persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings

  • thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts

It is imperative to have a medical doctor treat you for symptoms of depression, however, one treatment found to be effective that your doctor might suggest is hypnosis or an advanced form of hypnosis known as neuro-linguistic programming or NLP.

NLP is a combination of techniques derived from hypnosis and psychiatry. NLP can be useful in treating depression because it changes the internal beliefs that may be exacerbating the symptoms of depression.

The difference between NLP and psychiatry is the practice of NLP says people are not sick they just have incorrect behaviors. By changing the internal habits and beliefs of the subconscious mind, the behaviors being experienced by the depressed person can be effectively altered. Again if a clinical depression exists any complementary therapy would be done with the medical doctors approval.

Neuro-linguistic programming is an effective treatment for depression and has been shown to greatly help in the recovery of those afflicted by this condition. The exact practices used with each client would very depending upon the individual. The treatment of depression in NLP was modeled from people who overcame depression on their own. Following the same protocol as others who were successful in overcoming depression allows for an effective road map out of the dark tunnel of depression.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Is Audio-Based Brainwave Entrainment Safe?

In a word, yes.

Brainwave entrainment is a scientifically proven technological tool that introduces rhythmic, repeated sound and/or light stimulus to the brain with the intention of altering its major brainwave frequency to that of the stimulus, changing its state of consciousness.

Each brainwave state has unique benefits and entrainment is a way to consciously access a desired state, under your direction.

You listen to a brainwave entrainment recording, and depending on what it is you wish to experience, your brain will match the frequency on the recording, and alter your state of mind.

Brainwave entrainment is an easy to use, personal therapeutic tool, that can be used safely in the privacy of your own home.

Why Audio Entrainment Is Safe

  • Sound-based brainwave work is generally considered safe.

  • Is considered by the scientific and medical community as a completely safe therapeutic tool.

  • Brainwave entrainment uses the body's own natural processes to create a desired state. The brain naturally follows or mimics any rhythmic, repeated stimulus.

  • Doesn't replace medical or psychological treatment but works as a great complementary therapy.

  • Has been studied and built upon over 75 years of research and clinical trials by the scientific community.

  • Research published to date indicates significant changes associated with relaxation responses such as reduced muscle tension, positive changes in brainwave activity, increased vasodilation, reductions in gastric acid output, reductions in blood pressure, pulse, respiration and heart rate. Significant reductions in clinical depression, anxiety, and specific fibromyalgia symptoms have been revealed. All candidates for the trials experienced beneficial and safe effects.

Some Possible Side-Effects

  • Should not be used by anyone who has epilepsy (this is more prudent with visual entrainment), a pacemaker, or has seizures.

  • Few people have had a bad trip from listening to entrainment. This may more likely happen if they are already under the influence of a mind altering substance.

  • Can experience some emotional upheaval as brain forms and makes new connections, but this will diminish quickly.

  • Tones or beats may be a little uncomfortable in the beginning and give you a headache. If this happens, turn down the volume until you get used to the session.

Brainwave entrainment allows you to train your brain to experience any state of consciousness, in a safe and easy manner. You personally can create, using an entrainment recording, the right conditions for relaxation, visualization, learning, meditation, pain-control, stress relief, sleep, and many more states of mind.

By stimulating naturally occurring brainwave frequencies, you can turn on the right types of mind sets that you need to perform certain tasks.

Brainwave entrainment does not have any of the side effects of medication and is part of a process that happens to you naturally many times a day.

Audio-based brainwave entrainment is a safe way to heal.

Eating Disorder Recovery Quotes - It Is Possible

Eating disorders recovery quotes show that eating disorders put you on the fast fast track to bad health. Few people that have eating disorders realize exactly what consequences they are exposing their bodies to when they choose to neglect nutrition in favor of a slimmer figure.

Unfortunately, eating disorders recovery quotes tell us that nearly ten percent of all people with anorexia or bulimia will die as a result of the disorders, and for that reason alone, it's important to seek treatment if you are, in fact, facing an eating disorder. In this article, we'll talk about some of the steps that people take when they wish to recover from a problem with anorexia or bulimia.

Often, the people with eating disorders may want to cure themselves of their problem but are afraid to take the first step. The first step is definitely the hardest when it comes to tackling a problem such as anorexia or bulimia, but you need to realize that it is the most necessary step to take.

While you may be hesitant, you should realize that there are likely many things that you don't know about the problem that you face, as the eating disorders recovery quotes show us. For that reason, talking to someone about your dietary issues may clear up a lot of the feelings that you are having.

One of the things that people with eating disorders often think about when it comes to conquering the problem is the idea that they will be out of shape if they stop their habits. While it may be hard to consider, most often, the problem that you are facing with your self image is a problem that isn't dictated by your weight.

You can keep in reasonable shape if you employ a good diet and get 'moderate' exercise, but you have to realize that the problem is in your mind, not your body. There are healthier ways to keep in shape, and as we know via eating disorders recovery quotes, they can be deadly.

Also, your mind suffers while you are victim to an eating disorder; the lack of nutrition that one experiences when anorexic or bulimic can lead to feelings of depression. It's important to realize that those feelings can go away if you seek counseling. Qualified professionals can do much when it comes to helping you to feel more comfortable in your own shoes.

Often times those with an eating disorder feel that they are alone with the problem. There is no statement further from the truth. Bulimia and anorexia are present throughout our society today, to a degree many are unfamiliar with.

Nearly one out of every seven college-aged women are faced with a problem with bulimia.

When these problems are left untreated, they can spin out of control and cause tons of damage to the body. There are support groups available for those who face eating disorders, and you can find help on the internet as well as within your community.

Remember, the first step is usually the most difficult when it comes to solving a problem; you need to realize that you have a problem, and then take the action needed in order to preserve your well-being and quality of life.

On Menopause and Depression

It is not at all uncommon for women to feel down during menopause. You are most likely already dealing with a great deal of stress - like many of us these days - and the symptoms that come with menopause can themselves be more than enough to test the limits of any woman's patience.

For a significant number of women, however, all of this can lead to more than just a case of "the blues". Evidence shows that between eight and fifteen percent of menopausal women suffer some form of clinical depression.

Like any other time in your life, emotional and physical symptoms are tied to hormone levels. During menopause your hormone levels (especially estrogen, but also progesterone and androgen) are constantly fluctuating. Hormones - such as serotonin - in your brain regulate your mood and when their levels drop to a certain point you are likely to experience feelings of hopelessness and sadness for extended periods of time.

There are three things you need to know: it is not your fault, it can be treated and you are NOT alone.

Clinical depression is not something you should be trying to deal with on your own. For one thing, it is important to rule out any other possible medical causes for your depression, such as thyroid problems. Once your doctor has ruled out any of these issues, she/he can discuss possible ways of treating your depression.

Menopausal depression can sometimes be treated in the same manner as depression that occurs during other times in life - such as the use of antidepressants - but there is growing evidence to support certain "menopause specific" treatments.

One of these is estrogen treatment. A study published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology found that eighty percent of menopausal women experienced positive changes in their mood resulting from oral doses of Estrogen. (As an added bonus, estrogen treatment can also help prevent osteoporosis)

Another treatment that has been shown to improve the symptoms of depression in menopausal and perimenopausal women is hormone therapy - often used to treat hot flashes.

It is also very important to take some time out of each day to focus on hobbies or activities that make YOU feel good. This is not about your family, your friends or co-workers or anyone else, it is about YOU. Perhaps you have a creative hobby that gives you a sense of achievement (knitting, for example)...perhaps there is a self-calming activity like meditation or yoga that you have always meant to try but have never gotten around to. Now is the time to get around to it.

There are also many vitamin supplements available that are formulated especially for menopausal women. We have provided links to several in our recommended products section under "menopause" and, if you are interested, there is an entire section in our bookstore devoted to menopause.

The most important thing you can do for yourself if you are experiencing menopausal depression symptoms is see your doctor as soon as possible to discuss what treatments are right for YOU.


Depression - When Depression Strikes and How to Cope With It!

Depression is a simple reaction due to lack of control or monotony. People get depressed when they experience financial constraints or losing a loved one. But there are people who have genetic predispositions when it comes to depression.

Varying degrees of chronic depressed moods are caused by chemical imbalances that happen in the brain. Hormonal changes can also prompt depression while seasonal cycles can trigger depressive moods. Most persons who are suffering from a physical illness also get depressed.

Depression is an example of mood disorders. Other examples of mood disorders are dysthymia, postpartum disorder, and bipolar disorder. A person with manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder, experiences periods of extreme highs (or happiness) that is followed by extreme lows (or sadness). Clinical depression is a mood disorder that is considered as long-term depression while seasonal affective disorder relates to the cyclical mode's seasons.

Every year, more and more people are seeking for medical help to treat their depression disorders. The stigma of being depressed becomes less but more people are already claiming that they are experiencing the symptoms of depressed person.

Various types of drugs are already available to help treat people suffering from clinical and manic depression. There are also medical doctors who give prescriptions to these types of drugs to their patients who claim that they are suffering from depression. The problem is, most of these doctors just give prescriptions without even performing psychiatric tests to determine of the person is really eligible to take such drugs.

People who think that they are suffering from depression should consult a psychologist. It is the psychologist's role to determine what kind of therapy is needed by the person suffering from depression. After being diagnosed by the psychologist, the services of a psychiatrist could also be needed. It is the psychiatrist who gives the prescription on the drugs that will help in balancing the chemical imbalances in the brain. Depressed people can easily be treated with the help of medicines and series of therapy sessions in order to help the person determine cause of their depression.

There are two ways to treat persons with mood disorders like depression. The traditional way is the recommendation made by the psychologist or psychiatrist which includes giving prescriptions for antidepressants and conducting a psychological counseling. The alternative way refers to the use of natural remedies such as taking supplements and herbal medicines, acupuncture, exercise therapy, massage therapy, hypnotherapy, talk therapy, and 5-senses therapy.

Different types of treatment can help treat persons with mood disorders. However, it should be remembered that the treatment applied to a person would also work with the other person. For example, the walk therapy which is a 30-minute walk everyday gives an immediate result to a person's lift in mood. But when the same treatment is applied in St. John's Wort, the result became visible after a few days time. This only shows that each person is really different from another. What might be applicable on a person's situation may not be the case with the other.

Understanding Symptoms of Depression and How to Deal With Them

Symptoms of depression are crucial to understand given that they can be the indications that will help us determine whether or not people we love are struggling with depression. In fact, these signs may be a part of our usual lows when dealing with problems or disheartening incidents and moments. However, should the signs persist and have a stronger impact to the individual; we should start suspecting that our beloved is in need of our help due to the mental illness he or she might face. Professional medical help is what you need to help the particular individual instead of taking these symptoms of depressions as his or her weaknesses.

Some people may experience different triggering causes that force the aforementioned signs to happen. Incidents like being fired or unemployed, delivering a baby, the deaths of beloved ones are only small examples that might cause people to fall into continuous sadness, bereavement and low mood. Quite a lot numbers of people are able to manage to face their hard moments in life. Unfortunately, many others fail to deal with their grieve and sorrows that lead them into a depression. In fact, such a condition does disable them to think rationally and move on living.

Learning the symptoms of depression may help us to find the right and proper treatment for the particular person. A mild mental illness may only need support, motivation and changes in life. However, a moderate and severe one may require professional medical help to deal with the complaint.

Here are the symptoms of depressions that have been categorized into 3 different areas for us to learn; they are:

1. Psychological signs

- Constant sadness and low mood

- Full of helpless and hopeless feeling

- Over-sentimental

- Guilty feeling

- Have no enjoyment

- Worry and anxious

- Have a minimum interest in things and motivation

2. Social signs

- Withdraw from social activities

- Avoiding to have contact with relatives and friends

- Having trouble in family life

- Decrease interests and hobbies, especially things he loves to do

3. Physical signs

- Have no interest in sex

- Have no energy in doing things

- Slowness in speaking or moving

- Losing (or, to some people gaining) weight and appetite

- Starting to feel pains and aches out of no reason

What to do when we have one or more symptoms of depression?

Should you find one or more of these aforementioned signs on you or people you love, do not panic. There is always a way to help you manage the issue. Change your lifestyle such as starting to build supportive relationships, dealing with stress, consume healthy food as a natural way to boost your mood, do some relaxation that suits you best or have a regular sleep and exercise could bring you into a thorough recovery from your current condition.

You can also try to build your emotional skill to increase your ability in coping with traumas, adversity, loss or tragedy in the past. Last but not least, you can seek for professional help to help you deal with this problem. Either method you choose to cope with your recent condition, you need to motivate yourself that you always have a hope that you will be fully recovered from such symptoms of depression.

Common Symptoms of Someone With Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder, also known as Manic Depressive Illness, is a disorder that affects the moods. Swinging from one polarity to the other, manic (the highs) and depression (the lows). Bipolar affects not only moods, but thoughts, and behavior. This disorder afflicts about six million Americans every year and is no respecter of persons. It runs in men and women equally. It is found in all races and ethnic groups, and while most people start manifesting symptoms in their teens or young adulthood, it can also surface in children, or later in adulthood. Bipolar Disorder tends to run in families.

Three Types of Bipolar Disorder

There are three types of Bipolar Disorder. Bipolar I, Bipolar II, and Cyclothymia. Bipolar I is the most severe form of Bipolar. The mood swings are more extreme with the emphasis is more on the mania. Bipolar II is a milder form in which the mania is less intense (referred to as hypomania) and the depressions are more frequent and severe. Cyclothymia is milder yet, with frequent hypomania and less intense depression.

Mania and Hypomania

Mania is the high mood. Each person's mania has its own characteristics in varying intensities. Let's start with Bipolar I mania.

  • Highly elevated mood

  • Feelings of grandiosity, invincibility, overly self-confident

  • Rapid flight of ideas

  • Excessive irritability and/or aggressive behavior

  • Risky behaviors (gambling, shopping sprees, risky business deals, risky sexual behavior)

  • Poor judgment

  • Impulsivity

  • Racing thoughts

  • Racing speech

  • In extreme cases, psychosis (paranoia, delusions and/or hallucinations)

Bipolar II mania is actually called hypomania. It is less severe than that of full blown mania of Bipolar I. According the Depression Bipolar Support Alliance, sometimes hypomanic symptoms are not noticed and a misdiagnosis of unipolar depression can occur. Here are some symptoms of hypomania

  • heightened self-confidence

  • More energetic and less need for sleep

  • Irritability which can turn quickly to anger

  • Mildly racing thoughts or speech

  • More productivity at work

  • More active and heightened pleasure in activities

  • Trouble concentrating and/or distractibility

  • Increased physical activity

  • Agitation

Cyclothymia is much the same as bipolar II with hypomania being more frequent.


The opposite mood from mania in bipolar disorder is depression. Here are the symptoms of bipolar depression:

  • Prolonged sadness and bouts of crying (often times for no obvious reason)

  • Sleeplessness, or too much sleep

  • Loss of appetite or increased appetite

  • Anxiety

  • Hopelessness

  • Loss of interest in things that usually give you pleasure

  • Fatigue

  • Suicidal thoughts

  • Decreased sex drive

  • Excessive guilt

  • Inability to concentrate

  • Self-loathing

  • Low energy

Suicidality During Depressive Stage

Depending on which type of Bipolar you have, the symptoms of depression will be more or less severe. There is a higher rate of suicide for bipolar II, however, bipolar I also has a high rate of suicide. The National Institute of Mental Health reports that as many as 1 in 5 bipolar patient's attempts and/or succeeds at suicide. This is an alarming statistic.

Rapid Cycling

Rapid cycling can be a very difficult and problem to treat. Rapid cycling is when there are 4 or more episodes of mania, hypomania or depression in a year. Cycles can swing from high to low as often as months, weeks, days, and even hours. According to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 58, 1995 [Suppl.15], women are 3 times more likely to suffer from rapid cycling. Experts say that antidepressants or alcohol and drug abuse can trigger rapid cycling. However, NEVER stop taking any of your prescribed medications suddenly. Work with your doctor so he can monitor you closely. Abruptly stopping medication can be very dangerous.

Mixed Mood or Mixed State

Mixed moods are when someone is experiencing mania and depression at the same time. During a mixed state one can be in the deepest despair and hopelessness, and at the same time experience the rapid thoughts and high energy of mania. There is feeling of being completely out of control. It can be a very scary and dangerous situation. People in the throes of a mixed mood are at high risk for suicide, aggression, and other self-destructive behaviors.

Hope for Bipolar

There is hope for those suffering from any type of Bipolar disorder. Treatments vary and you will have to work very closely with your Dr. to find the right medication combinations and dosages. Medication and talk therapy go hand in hand, and a strong support system of friends and family can add tremendously to the quality of life.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Take A Bipolar Test To Find Out If You Have This Problem

In the absence of research and development many medical ailments were earlier treated as incurable mammoths. Bipolar Disorder is one among them.

Earlier the individuals suffering with this kind of disorder was often regarded as a 'very moody person' or in extreme cases the family wrote them off saying that they have become insane. Later on the scientists made us realize that this disorder is a - Manic Depression, also known by the name of - Bipolar Disorder.

Though this disease is not new, along with the name many other things regarding this disease are quite new like the help we can lend to such patients. As its effects can be very wide spread and deadly, the treatment is as crucial.

This ailment is too dangerous as its patients can also become suicidal. Here are some important features of this ailment:

1. The bipolar disorder is illustrated by the extreme mood changes that is the person acts manically euphoric and/or extremely depressed. Hence it is also called as the manic-depressive illness.

2. The mood fluctuations in such patients can go to any extremes with in any period of time that is hours, days and/or months.

3. This ailment can take place right from the late teenage stage and continue until death. However, there have also been cases where the ailment started right from the childhood and got delayed up to the adult years.

4. While mood swings happen with all of us now and then, very few actually experience the radical changes that can be characterized as bipolar disorder. In such cases the patients' day-to-day life and relationships are also significantly affected. Their academics, occupation, interaction with others all happen differently.

In case you want to check if you are afflicted with the unfortunate situation, read through the symptoms & signs of the disease carefully:

Signs & Symptoms in the Depressive Phase

1. Pessimistic - the patient cry for hours together
2. Feeling of hopelessness
3. Low self esteem
4. Diminished libido
5. Progressive decrease in the energy level and the day to day activities
6. Apathetic
7. Anti-social
8. Cognitive difficulties
9. Always anxious and irritable
10. Changes in weight that is unusual weight gain or loss
11. Either oversleeping or insomnia
12. Drug abuse or alcohol abuse
13. Suicidal ideations

Signs & Symptoms in the Manic Phase

1. Extremely euphoric
2. Aggressive
3. Impulsive, irresponsibly wild
4. Excessively adventurous & involved in activities which are quite threatening to life like drugs, sex, excessive spending, violence, etc.
5. Insomniac
6. Flight of ideas
7. Exceedingly talkative
8. Very outgoing
9. Self-centered
10. At times have hallucinations or delusions
11. Easily distracted, restless
12. Patients have no idea as to the problems their behavior is creating

In case you suspect to have any of these symptoms and your abnormal behavior is causing problems in the errands, its time that you must seek professional help in order to lead a normal life again.

While there are numerous tests that are able to differentiate the bipolar patient from the unremarkable sad and/or brisk individuals, as such there is no specific test available to define bipolar patient. The primary reason for this is that the symptoms & signs of bipolar disorder are pretty similar to several other mental aberrations such as substance abuse disorders, ADHD, schizophrenia, or borderline personally disorder.

However, the physicians have drafted a battery of tests that can identify the potential patients of bipolar disorder. The basic tests used by the professionals are as follows:

1. Medical Examinations
With this type of examination the doctor is able to assess the patient as to what are his/her probable grounds of mood swings.

2. Oral & Written Psychiatric Questionnaire and/or Evaluations

Well researched and designed by the psychiatrists for years together, these questionnaires often yield very accurate details.

3. Family History

When the bipolar disorder is there a person's blood relation, he/she is quite a prospective patient of the disease.

4. Medical History

Here the doctor checks on the medications that you have taken in the past as certain medicines can trigger bipolar disorder and the mood swings in the individual.

5. Interviewing the family members

The doctor interviews the family to scratch out each every minute detail of the patient's behavior. Being the first witness of the changes in the individual, these are a very important excerpt for the doctor to cure the patient of bipolar disorder.

6. Mood Swing Episodes

While all above mentioned test create quite a profound ground for the doctor to understand the ailment of an individual, it becomes rather difficult to cure the person when he/she is not able to understand that they are ill. Hence, it becomes imperative to the doctor to trace the absolute & careful history regarding the patient's mood swings. As compared to the normal people, the people suffering with such an ailment while in the mania stage can be extremely happy for at least 4 consecutive days at a stretch. They get distracted quite easily, they are very talkative, and have a high flight of ideas.

7. Depression Episodes

The ones who have repetitive episodes of depression are often suspected to have the bipolar disorder. Such patients show a very positive response to the immediate treatment but the episodes remain constant and the frequent relapses make the situation rather worst. By and by, they stop responding to the anti-depressant treatment being given to them.

In case this sort of ailment is diagnosed in its early stage, it can be controlled effectively with a combination of the psychopharmacologic medications & psychotherapy. Besides the treatment, a very strong & constant emotional support from the family & friends is indeed imperative for the patients suffering with bipolar disorder.

Make sure that you choose the apt medical professional and/or real friend in need to help you through the struggle. Help nowadays is also available just a click away on the World Wide Web or the internet. Many institutions now have established their websites for self of such individuals.

Remember, one who is suspected of any mental disorder is considered innocent until & unless he/she is examined & diagnosed by some legitimate doctor.

Online Help For Depression - The 5 Concepts CBT Can Help You Learn to Overcome Depression

More and more people are searching for Online Help for Depression. Depression is something that can debilitate anyone and literally suck the life out of them. Overcoming depression is essential, yet very difficult to do, by the very nature of what it does to you. It truly is a vicious circle.

Cognitive Behavior Therapy, or CBT as it is commonly known, is a highly successful technique that has been used to help sufferers overcome depression. Here are 5 things that CBT teaches sufferers that helps them to break the vicious circle.

1. Learn about the relationship between thoughts and feelings

By following the systematic approach of CBT we are able to fully understand the relationship between thoughts, behaviors and moods. This takes us a big step closer towards being able to change our moods.

2. Learn behavioral techniques

By learning some very effective behavioral techniques a person can release the energy that is blocked within them due to depression.

3. Learn how to identify and challenge negative thoughts

Using cognitive techniques it is possible to identify and challenge those thoughts which are causing depression. Getting to the root cause of the depression and having an effective way to resolve this cause is what makes CBT so powerful.

4. Learn to measure changes in symptoms

CBT has strategies to measure changes in the symptoms of depression. There are also strategies to prepare for the obstacles everyone encounters when trying to overcome depression.

5. Learn to identify trends and triggers to depression

Depression is often caused by the same triggers and often there are patterns in the way moods swing. By being able to identify these patterns and triggers, the increased awareness helps to put in place methods of dealing with these.

You can see from the above that CBT really is one of the best ways to finally be rid of depression. If you or anyone you know is having to deal with the unpleasantness of depression, make sure you try Cognitive Behavioral Therapy!

A Discrete Way to Alleviate Depression at Work

Depression is a stigmatized and little understood affliction, specially at work where you can became discriminated. Indeed, suffering from depression can be a serious handicap affecting the job performance of the sufferer and in this way reducing her competitiveness at work putting in danger her job position. For that reason, in this article I will share with the readers some definitions about depression, common treatments, and finally the use of brainwave entrainment as an discrete alternative for depression treatment.

The main problem of working with depression are the particular symptoms of depression. They interfere with usual work activities such as team working, communication, or goal achievement. This disorder prevents the laborer to achieve his peak performance or even worse: total paralysis at work. Common symptoms are:

- Difficult of concentration
- Difficult to remember details
- Difficult to make decisions
- Irritability and restlessness
- Persistent sad and anxious
- Feelings of hopelessness and pessimism
- Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and helplessness
- Loss of interest in pleasurable activities or hobbies, including sex
- Fatigue and decreased energy
- Insomnia, early morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping
- Overeating, or appetite loss
- Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts

According the National Institute of Mental Health, depression touches roughly 20 million American adults or about 10% of the U.S. population over 18 years old in a given year.

Specialists say that depression can be caused by biological, psychological, and social factors, all of them playing a role to varying degrees in causing depression. Thus, depression comes when a preexisting weakness is activated by stressful life events. The preexisting weakness can be either genetic, implied in an interaction between nature and nurture, or schematic, resulting from what one learned in childhood.

The three major depression treatments known are: psychotherapy, medication, and electroconvulsive therapy. Psychotherapy is the normal treatment for people under 18. Electroconvulsive therapy is only indicated as the last resource. Medical attention is usually given on an ambulatory basis, while treatment in a hospital is considered only if there is a significant risk to self or others. A significant number of recent studies have indicated that physical exercise has beneficial effects over depression.

Usual medications prescribed for depression are sertraline, escitalopram, fluoxetine, paroxetine, and citalopram. However, Many patients cease medication due to side effects and overdoses risks from the medication. To find the most effective antidepressant medicament with minimal side effects, the dosages must be adjusted, and if necessary, combined of different classes of antidepressants can be tried enlarging in this way the period of treatment.

As alternative medicine for depression disorder treatment based on drugs, Brainwave Entrainment can be used. Indeed, therapies based on brainwave entrainment help you to reduce not only the depression feelings in the short term but also the patient can reduce the dose of medicine needed to relieve depression and even avoid drugs totally in the long term if the sufferer train his brain with the therapy frequently.

The way that brainwave entrainment works to smooth depression is firstly knowing the neurological base of this ailment. From the neurological angle, depression is a brainwave lack of equilibrium. It means that depressed people tend to have an hyperactive right hemisphere (the emotional side) predominant over their left one (the logical side). This is the reason why depressed people show irrational behavior and in serious cases they commit suicide, the temperamental side of your brain dominates the logical side of your brain.

Therefore, the technology of brainwave entrainment is about brain synchronization with a source of induced brainwaves to achieve a desired mental state. These brainwaves can be generated by sounds, physical vibrations, lights, or, recently discovered, electromagnetism.

A typical depression reduction session based on sounds consist of a source of a special sound that is listened between 15 and 30 minutes on regular basis. This session helps to reduce the activity in the right hemisphere, while increasing activity in the left, giving the patient more control over himself and reducing in that way the senseless thought patterns. In other words, these sessions slow down your temperamental (right) brain while accelerates your rational (left) brain, giving the patient the discernment to return to normality. Another advantage of this kind of therapy is that is a very discrete one. You can be listening your depression session at work and nobody will realize.

To conclude, depression disorder is a problem from which nobody is free. Depression also is the worst enemy of an employee. In the present article we learnt that Brainwave Entrainment can be easily used at work to treat this disease becoming in a good complement or even an alternative to those treatments based on drugs.