Monday, August 19, 2013

3 Common Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Millions of men across the globe are effected by low testosterone. Though usually gradual and linked to older men, precipitous drops of testosterone have been confirmed in men of varying ages. Those suffering from "Low T" levels experience adverse effects in their sexual, emotional, physical, and mental lives. Early identification of low testosterone can help men take the necessary steps to regain the quality of life that low testosterone has taken from them. Being familiar with the common symptoms of low testosterone can be instrumental in identifying the condition before it worsens.

A lowered libido is perhaps the most common symptom associated with low levels of testosterone. It is certainly the symptom that receives the most press. Testosterone is the force behind a man's sex drive, and therefore, the most obvious culprit when a man is experiencing a weakened sex drive. Once thought to be an inevitable part of aging, a trend towards sexual apathy has been directly linked to waning testosterone levels, instead. Though a gradual decline in testosterone levels is certainly a result of the aging process, the direct link means that sexual dysfunction in not inextricably linked to aging and can be addressed with testosterone replacement therapy.

A reduction in testerone has also been associated with physical alterations. Because of its relationship with muscle tissue, low "T" levels can lead to a reduction of muscle mass. This can lead to an accumulation of fat cells that can result in noticeable weight gain. Though the connection between lowered testosterone and weight gain is undeniable, it is important to understand that there are several other factors that can also contribute to weight gain. Therefore, it is advised that one allows a physician to rule out any other possible factors before concluding that the testosterone level is primarily to blame for the weight increase.

Men who suffer from low levels of testosterone have also been known to develop a greater sense of irritability. Once thought of as a second-tier symptom resulting from the cumulative effect of weight gain discomfort and sexual frustration, it is now believed to be a direct result of hormone imbalances. This irritation can play out in several ways and has also been linked with depression. One study recently reported findings that suggest men who suffer from low levels of testosterone are four times more likely to be diagnosed with clinical depression.

The symptoms of low testosterone are certainly not limited to the three aforementioned. There are many more associated symptoms that range in degrees of severity. A cursory glance at this list of common low testosterone symptoms is enough to cause concern. Regardless of severity, it is easy to see how low testosterone can greatly reduce a man's quality of life. If one or more of these symptoms have been observed, it is highly recommended that a physician be employed to administer a simple blood test in order to confirm or deny the suspicion of low testosterone. If confirmed, the treating doctor can recommend the most suitable testosterone replacement therapy.

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