Saturday, August 31, 2013

Depression - Home Remedies for Depression

People with depression are simply not able to carry on their lives normally. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. When these symptoms become very intense, they start interfering with one's ability to normally carry out even the daily chores. The person feels unable to do anything about it; other people need to help him out of this depressive situation. Appropriate treatment is required to help most people who suffer from depression.


The symptoms that help identify depression include:

- Constant feelings of sadness, irritability.

- Feeling exhausted most of the time, despite lack of activity.

- Decreased interest social activities.

- Significant weight change.

- A change in sleeping pattern, such as difficulty sleeping or early morning awakening.

- Lack of confidence.

- Spends a lot of time thinking about what has gone wrong or what will go wrong.

- Feelings of worthlessness or guilt.

- Physical pain, which has no apparent physical

- Thoughts of suicide or death

If you or somebody close to you is experiencing any of these symptoms, you must consult a doctor right away.

What causes depression?

Causes of depression are still unknown, Depression has no single cause - it may result from a combination of things. However, it can be triggered by:

- Trauma and stress - financial problems, the breakup of a relationship, or the death of a near one can bring in depression.

- Loss of social support such as the loss of a job

- Poverty.

- Physical conditions - chronic illness such as Parkinson's, diabetes, HIV or cancer

- Side-effects of medications.

- Hormonal changes that affect mood, such as the onset or end of menstruation, menopause.

- Alcohol abuse

- Hereditary - depression may run in families, and parents may pass on the defective genes.

- People with low self-esteem, or who are pessimistic.

- Psychological disorders such as anorexia.

- Some scientists suggest that overexposure to electro-magnetic smog from computer terminals and kitchen appliances, especially the microwave oven, upset the balance of the body's own electromagnetic field and leads to depression.

- Being physically or sexually abused.

- Family conflicts, especially between parents.

Depression in women -

Women are prone to depression twice as compared to men. Many hormonal factors may contribute to the increased rate of depression in women particularly factors as menstrual cycle, pregnancy, miscarriage, premenstrual syndrome and menopause. Many women also face additional tensions such as responsibilities both at work and home, single parenthood, and caring for children.

How to diagnose depression:

A good diagnostic assessment will include a complete history of the patient's symptoms, i.e., when it started, how severe they are, are they recurrent, whether any previous treatment was given, if yes, then what treatment. The doctor should enquire about physical abuse or alcohol and drug use. Further, a history should include information about whether other family members have had a depressive illness.

Can depression be treated?

o Yes, depression can be treated.

o About 80% of people treated for depression get better.

o Both medication and therapy can effectively treat depression.

What happens, if depression is left untreated?

Depression if untreated, can affect:

- Social behaviour, along with normal day to day functioning

- Self-esteem and confidence

- Can lead to drug abuse, disruptive behaviours, violence and aggression,

- Even lead to suicide

Depression is a serious problem that demands a serious medical approach. However, you need to first recognize what is causing it.

How to treat depression?

Most people with depression never seek medical help, even though the majority will respond to treatment. Treating depression is especially important because it affects you, your family, and your work. Depression is a curable illness.

Treatment includes a combination of professional counseling, drug therapy, and family support.
Love, appreciation and normal communication are some of the most important things you should provide to help the person cope with depression. Do not be critical of the person at any stage.

A change in normal lifestyle habits can help reduce symptoms of depression. Encourage the person to:

o Go in for some light exercise regularly, such as swimming, walking.

o Avoid alcohol and illegal drugs.

o Get a good and refreshing sleep

o Eat a balanced diet.

o Be optimistic. Positive thinking is very important in recovering from depression.
Change will not come overnight - but with the right treatment, you can keep depression from overshadowing your life. Early treatment of depression will bring about the best results. Think positive, recovery will happen, but gradually.

Are anti-depressants helpful?

Many psychiatric drugs have not been satisfactorily tested in patients, so we do not know for sure the risks or the benefits of these medications.

The thumb rule is caution while giving antidepressants - They should be neither a first nor a last resort. If given, anti-depressants should not be stopped abruptly, because it may lead to a withdrawal syndrome that includes dizziness, nausea, seizures and anxiety.

Side effects of anti-depressants:

The side effects vary depending on the drug, but can include:

o Insomnia

o Sleepiness

o Increased anxiety

o Nausea or vomiting

o Headaches

o Dizziness

o Weight gain or loss

Beware! Anti depressants can trigger off suicidal behaviour!

Some helpful home remedies for depression -

Home remedy for depression is the best solution as it is free from any side effects.

- Ayurveda recommends yoga, massage and meditation, which increases the energy of life. Yoga exercises help to increase the circulation of oxygen in the system and helps keeps the mind relaxed. Deep breathing exercises or "pranayama" help the body and mind to relax.

- Try to distract your mind. Listen to your favourite music, do the things you are fond of, eat something good, go out with friends - bring a change in your daily routine, and it will help cope with depression.

- Aromatherapy helps the body relax and revive the nervous system. Inhalation of some herbal oils like rose, jasmine, lime, and grapefruit are considered a natural remedy for depression.

- Cashew nuts are extremely beneficial in treating depression, as it is a rich source of vitamin B. It ensures body activeness and energy levels.

- Take daily walks. Fresh air and deep breathing exercises are both good in aiding relaxation.
Avoid black tea, kava tea, tobacco and alcohol. Eat more wheat germ, which is an energizer. Pears, apples, and nuts assist the nervous system in functioning properly.


33 Ways to Get and Keep Yourself Motivated

1. Ignore The Unimportant

Learning to ignore is a fantastic lesson. Much more rewarding that you think. There must be an art of ignoring and they should teach it in universities. Spanning your focus in so many areas will only weaken you. Ignoring what's unimportant will free up energy and help you stay focused and productive.

2. Understand What Makes You Bored

And avoid it. Boredom is a nasty place to be. But as any other state of your being can be understood and you can identify the triggers. Once you understand that, you can safely go away from the gray zone. Takes some time but it really worth the effort.

3. Laugh More Often

Watch comedies, read comics. Throw away that ugly seriousness form your face. Laughing is a safety valve for your stress relief mechanism. It actually let it out from your body in bursts. And while you're laughing you can still learn new stuff, like personal development lessons from Dumbo.

4. Keep A Log Of Your Breakthroughs

Do you remember when you had the first major success of your life? I thought so. We tend to overlook this simple habit of writing down our feelings every time we have a major breakthrough in our lives. Keep a log of your successes. And get inspired by it.

5. Exercise

This is one the easiest and simplest way to get motivated. Just walk out from the office, start doing some pushups or just go for a short run around the house. It will instantly declutter your physical body. Every time you exercise, you produce endorphins. Endorphins are good.

6. Create A Custom Environment

You can't be motivated if you work in an environment which does not represent you. Make changes, adjust, improve. Doesn't matter if it's about your job office or your home. Whatever the space you work in, make it yours somehow, that will lower your unconscious adaptation efforts and you'll have more time dedicated to the actual tasks.

7. Read Success Stories

Like in other people success stories. Get inspired. Admire them (with caution, but do admire them). Reading about success will make it more available to you and will fuel your efforts towards its achievement. And of course, you can learn how to be successful too.

8. Switch Tasks

You will get bored if you work on the same projects for too long. Boredom kills motivation. Try having several small projects that you can land on whenever you feel you're on the verge of a burn out. Not to mention that switching tasks will instantly create fresh perspectives, helping you solve problems faster.

9. Assess Your Progress

If you work constantly you will make some progress, that's a rule. You may have the impression that you're not going anywhere but that's because you're skipping all those little milestones you go through every day. Watching back with satisfaction at what you created will surely boost your energy.

10. Talk About Your Projects

With your friends or family. Let the people know you're doing stuff. That will often make yourself aware of the fact that you're actually doing stuff and enjoy doing it. It will also create a certain level of accountability that will most likely push you forward.

11. Avoid Energy Vampires

Naysayers, pessimists, braggers they all are sucking up your energy. Don't get caught in such power games, avoid at all costs those energy leaks. Even if that means you'll isolate more often. It's better to do work in your own secluded realm than to try to resist to a diminisihing environment.

12. Write Clear Goals

Most of the time that translates to actually write down your goals, you already have them clear in your mind. But take them out of your mind, put them in a trusted system and move on. Your mind works better when it knows what it has to do not when it spends time figuring what it has to do.

13. Exercise Satisfaction

Once you finished some task, reward yourself. Give yourself a prize. No need to be a huge one, but just enough to create the habit. Look forward to it while you're working, wait for it, praise for it. In time you'll become addicted to this fulfillment satisfaction and you won't stop until you reach it.

14. Accept Failure

As part of the game. Failure, like success, is just a result of your actions, nothing more. One of the biggest motivation enemies is fear of failure. Fear that your outcome will turn bad. Accept it. It may turn bad, but that doesn't mean you have to stop doing what you're doing. Give your best and hope for the best.

15. Use Affirmations

Like writing down your intentions, your goals, your current status. Affirmations are a very powerful tool, hugely underrated. People find it awkward to write self-directed messages and read them out loud. News flash: you're doing this all the time, unconsciously. So why not doing it consciously? Start with a morning phrase.

16. Play Games

Impersonate people. Imitate animals. Pretend you're Sindbad the Sailor. Playing challenging games will relax your mind and at the same time will gather more resources from secret sources. A good motivation is always blended with joy. You can start with a simple game like how to get from a to b in 5 random steps.

17. Say "No"

Say "no" to distractions, to trolls, to depression. Exercising "no"'s is liberating. Too often too many commitments are making your life a continuous chore. Limit your promises and only get into things you really want to finish. Once you do that, go to a mirror, smile and start to politely exercise your "no"'s.

18. Look For Positive People

Sadness, whining and complaining doesn't play well with motivation. On the contrary. But positive, optimistic, energetic people will always shift your vibration in the right direction. Search them, find them and become their friend. Sometimes all you need to get motivated is to be surrounded by shiny happy people.

19. Difficulty Is Part Of The Game

Learn to work under pressure. Some things are more difficult than other. Accept that fact and focus on doing what you have to do not on your feelings of dissatisfaction. Difficulty is often what makes things worth doing. No sweat, no glory. Whenever I feel something is going to be tough, I'm usually more motivated to do it. The reward will be higher.

20. Create Personal Challenges

Personal challenges are short term goals, usually from 15 to 90 days. Like starting to exercise, or creating a habit from scratch in 15 days. Using personal challenges strengthen your inner power the same way exercising is strengthening your muscles. The more you do, the more motivated you feel to do even more.

21. Chose Positive Motivation

Whenever you lock in your motivation, do your best to keep it on the positive side, which is rooted in service. As opposed to the negative motivation, which is basically rooted in fear. Negative motivation works just the same, only it lasts significantly less than positive motivation.

22. Release Your Guardians

You do have guardians and some of them are pretty nasty. They won't let you do your stuff. The bad thing about your guardians is that most of the time they're working at the unconscious level, really difficult to interact with. Just accept, acknowledge and let them go. You will be much better off.

23. Enforce Your Personal Mission

You gotta have a personal mission. If you don't, go find one fast. Reinforcing your personal mission at certain intervals is surely one of the greatest motivators of all. It's like looking on a map and seeing at any moment where you are, how much do you have to go and which path you have to chose.

24. Spend Time Outside

If you can do something creative, like gardening or landscaping, even better. But it's OK even if you don't. Spending time outside of your box will clear the air inside. When you get back, everything will be fresher and shinier. And something fresher is always a nice motivator.

25. Keep A Clean Inbox

That's one of the few GTD concepts I still use and it proves to be a great motivator. A clean inbox helps a smooth thoughts flow. A smooth thoughts flow let me be in the moment without any hidden burdens. Being in the moment is usually all I need to actually start doing things.

26. Don't Aim For Perfection

It will soon drain you out. Aiming to be better is the real game. Perfection is a dead end, nothing really happens after you reached to it. Accepting that you can be better instead of perfect leaves some room for growth. And that means you have a reason to do more. And that's what we usually call motivation, right?

27. Do One Thing At A Time

Multitasking is a myth. Even computers processors aren't really doing multi-tasking, that's what we perceive. Instead they have a single frequency and several parallel buses managing information, faking a multi-tasking activity. Multitasking is creating internal conflicts, both in humans and in computers. You end up spending more time solving those conflicts than actually working.

28. Keep A Source Of Inspiring Readings

You're not always completely down, most of the time you're just averagish, just one sentence away from your best shape. Be sure to keep around a list of inspiring readings. Quotes, blog posts, ebooks, whatever works for you. You can start with 100 ways to live a better life, for instance.

29. Put On Some Good Music

Just let it there, floating around, don't turn the volume knob. Just enough to recreate a pleasant atmosphere. Music speaks to areas you can't control with logical tools, yet is so powerful that can completely shift your mood in a second. The only thing better than silence is good music.

30. Don't Fall Into The Productivity Trap

It's not how much you do, but how much of it really matters. Doing stuff just for filling up notebooks with tasks won't make you feel motivated. On the other side, whenever you're doing something that matters, your planing and organizing activities will just flow.

31. Keep Your Life Lenses Clean

Your camera objective may be blurred but you don't know. This is why you get the same picture again and again, this is why feel stuck and can't seem to see any progress. Sometimes all you have to do is to clean up your lenses. It takes a little bit of courage but it's worth the trouble.

32. Clean Up Your House

I know you need motivation for that too, but believe me, it's a fantastic way to clean up your internal garbage. Cleaning up your house is not a chore, it's a necessity. Your action paths may be clogged the same way your floor is sticky. And most of the time unsticking the floor will open your mind again.

33. Stop Reading This And Get To Work

It was fun reading it, I'm sure. But it won't get things done in your place. Inspiration is a good motivator, but don't abuse it. Now, that you are all energized, it's time for you to get back to work. Of course, you can bookmark this post for future motivation sessions, but for now, just go back to work.

An Interesting Introduction to Psychology - Delusion and Depression

A person who presents with delusions that are theoretically plausible (non-bizarre), appropriate behavior, and no marked impairment in functioning would receive a diagnosis of Delusional Disorder. Erotomanic Type Delusional Disorder is characterized by the delusion that a person, typically of higher status, is in love with the patient. Grandiose Type is characterized by the delusion that one has made a truly meaningful discovery and/or has a remarkable talent. Jealous Type is a Delusional Disorder that fits a man who is convinced his wife is cheating, based on the fact she came home from work with a wrinkled shirt.

A person with Delusional Disorder who believes they, or someone they know, is being malevolently mistreated best qualify for Persecutory Type. Somatic Type is a type of Delusional Disorder is characterized by the irrational conviction that one has a physical defect, disorder, or disease. When a client's delusional belief cannot be clearly determined or is not described by the specific types, they would receive a diagnosis of Delusional Disorder Unspecified Type. A person can present with more than one type of Delusional Disorder. This is referred to as Mixed Type. A person experiences the sudden onset of at least one psychotic symptom (delusion, hallucination, etc) that lasts from several hours up to a month, and then returns to premorbid level of functioning, the most appropriate diagnosis is Brief Psychotic Disorder.

If a Brief Psychotic Disorder is in response to a very stressful event, it is sometimes referred to a Brief Reactive Psychosis and the diagnosis would include the specifier With Marked Stressor(s). The French term Folie a Deux (aka Shared Psychotic Disorder) often refers to when a person in close relation to another person who has a psychotic disorder begins experiencing similar delusions. A Manic Episode involves impaired functionality as a result of abnormally elevated, expansive, or irritable mood for a period of at least 1 week, in addition to symptoms such as grandiosity, flight of ideas, and increased verbosity; a Hypomanic Episode is similar, however the duration must be 4 days, no psychotic features or functional impairment is present, and hospitalization is not needed. A person who reports experiencing both mania and major depression in a single day, for at least 1 week, is experiencing A Mixed Episode.

Major Depressive Episode is characterized by a change in prior functioning due to the experience of depressed mood or loss of pleasure, in addition to at least 5 other symptoms of depression, during a two-week period. Bipolar I involves the presence of at least 1 manic or mixed episode at some time, and the person may or may not have experienced 1 or more major depressive episodes; the diagnosis of Bipolar II is given when 1 or more major depressive episodes and at least one hypomanic episode are present. Considered a Bipolar Disorder, Cyclothymic Disorder involves a mood disturbance of at least 2 years where the person alternates between hypomania and mild to moderate depressive states; functioning is often unimpaired. According to the DSM, approximately 15% of people with Major Depressive Disorder die by suicide. A person experiencing their first (and perhaps only) depressive episode would be diagnose Major Depressive Disorder, single episode, while one who has experienced more than one episode in a 2 year period would receive the indicator recurrent.

Research has shown that women appear to experience depression at a higher rate than men. Come of the possible reasons for this are that men are likely underrepresented due to underreporting; coping styles differ- men employ action and mastery strategies, women tend to brood and dwell on problems; women tend to express more extreme levels of well-being than men. The appropriate diagnosis for a woman who, within 4 weeks after giving birth, experiences mood swings, tearfulness, and other depressive symptoms suggestive of a Mood Disorder is Postpartum Depression A 24 y/o client reports he has felt "pretty down" for most his life, stating he experiences difficulty falling asleep, low self-image, decreased energy, feelings of hopelessness, and difficulty concentrating and making decisions. He explains, however, that it rarely affected his functional capacities. The likely diagnosis in this situation is Dysthymic Disorder. A person who has both Major Depressive Disorder and Dysthymic Disorder is best characterized by the condition known as Double Depression.

Aromatase and Estrogen Dominance - What Can You Do?

Recently, there seems to be an influx of clients seeking advice to reduce estrogen dominance which may appear in males as increased breast tissue (gynecomastia), and females complaining that their legs are fat or thick. Upon observation of these men and women, I noticed they tend to spend a ton of their time on cardio equipment or jogging, and never or hardly any time, strength training.

Aside from the activity of choice these men and women choose, they tend to be estrogen dominant. Estrogen dominance may be attributed from genetics, environmental and lifestyle. Estrogen is catabolic hormone causing an increase in body fat and increased aromatase, whereas testosterone is an anabolic hormone that promotes muscle growth.

Aromatization happens when androgens (testosterone) convert to estrogens (estrodial). High estrogen and low testosterone may indicate aromatase. Aromatase is an enzyme found in estrogen producing cells in the adrenal glands, ovaries, placenta, testicles, adipose or fat tissue and the brain.

Symptoms of decreased testosterone include fatigue, lack of motivation, depression, decreased libido, poor concentration, decreased muscle tissue and increased body fat. In men, their breasts may enlarge as extra estrogen begins to promote female body characteristics.

Estrogen dominance may be revealed through caliper skin fold measurements and hormonal blood lab work or saliva testing. Results revealing high estrogen and low testosterone apply to females and male, alike.

Suggested lab testing:

*Female Hormone Profile: Pregnenolone, Total Estrogens, DHEA-S, Progesterone, Testosterone (total)

*Male Hormone Profile: Pregnenolone, Total Estrogens, DHEA, Progesterone, Bioavailable Testosterone, Testosterone (total), Testosterone (free)

*Both male and female should test - Thyroid panel: T3, T4, TSH and thyroid antibodies

*Male: PSA (Test at age 50 for Caucasian; age 40 for African American)

For skin fold measurements in males: if the pectoral site is higher than the triceps site this indicates aromatase. Additionally, if the quadriceps skin fold is relatively high in a male a PSA (Prostate-specific Antigen) test is in order. The skin fold estrogen sites for a female are the quadriceps and hamstrings. Liver enzyme activity and poor detoxification of estrogens are other factors to consider. Alcohol can be the culprit here as well as marijuana.

Excess estrogens in your body not only lead to aromatization, but estrogen dominant health issues such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, fibroids as well as breast and prostate cancers. Read more about hormones in my book, THE POWER OF 4 ~ Your Ultimate Guide Guaranteed to Change Your Body and Transform Your Life.

Factors that raise levels of estrogen include:

*Age increases aromatase activity

*Carbohydrate intolerance and insulin resistance - This affects the adrenals and all other major hormone levels. (The hormone you have the most control over is insulin - this is controlled through your diet. Hormones do not act independently.)

*Consuming a diet of processed soy and non-organic foods loaded with xenoestrogens, pesticides, etc.

*Liver function changes - Elevated AST and ALT values

*Obesity - High estrogen is present in most obese people of all ages. Obesity in males = 25% body fat or greater. Obesity in females = 30% body fat of greater

*Overuse of marijuana and alcohol - This equals higher blood sugar, triglycerides and estrogens.

*Plastics, pesticides, soaps, skin care products, cosmetics and household cleaning products containing xenoestrogens, pesticides and other chemicals.

*Prescription drug side effects - especially diuretics and liver activity drugs

*Zinc deficiency. Low levels of zinc have been linked to enlarged prostates and less than desirable levels of testosterone.

Aside from implementing lifestyle changes, eliminating all estrogen precursors as plastics, non-organic food and ensuring healthy gut flora, there are various aromatase inhibitors one can obtain through botanicals and supplementation.

Resveratrol, Calcium d-Glucarate, nettle root, chrysin, passionflower and green tea are natural estrogen blockers, preventing aromatase. DIM and Calcium D-Glucarate are helpful for estrogen dominant legs in women and gynecomastia in men. Gynecomastia is a growth of breast tissue in men.

In addition to the above, consider:

*Omega-3 fish oils (EPA/DHA), zinc and probioitics

*Consume organic foods versus conventional due to their abundance of synthetic pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, etc.

*Eliminate processed soy products.

*Avoid refined carbohydrates, HFCS and trans fats. Educate yourself on these ingredients and products, and stay away from them!

*Avoid estrogen precursors such as plastic bottles, chemical-laden cosmetics, lotions and cleaning products.

The exercise training program solution for estrogen dominance and decreased testosterone is a high-intensity strength training program that builds muscle. Proper nutrition must always be factored in and cannot be underestimated. Workouts involving the major muscles and multi-joint exercises will force the body to lose the fat reserves and increase muscle mass. Some of my favorite total body strength training exercises for include Olympic lifts, squats, multi-directional lunges, dead lifts, pull ups, push ups and step ups using sand bags, body weight, dumbbells, suspension training (TRX), kettlebells, sleds, pulleys and barbells.

Getting Help for Bipolar Patients - What You Should Know and Do

The first step in getting help for bipolar disorder patients is to understand the condition, its symptoms and how it affects the patient and those people around them. Bipolar is a brain disorder characterised by mood swings, unusual activity levels and manic depressions that affect the victim's ability to perform their daily activities. Though the symptoms can be intense leading to suicide tendencies and self battery, bipolar can be treated. This disorder can affect relationships and performances at school and work and affects people of all ages. The causes of this manic disorder are not completely understood but are suspected to be hereditary.

The classical symptoms of bipolar disorder vary in intensity, frequency and manifestation but with proper management help can be gotten for bipolar disorder victims. Some people are prone to mania while others to depression. These symptoms should not be ignored as they get worse with time and without treatment. Since the condition is a recurring one, treatment is long term and involves the use of medication, therapy, social support and a change in lifestyle. It is advisable to engage the services of an experienced psychiatrist who has dealt with bipolar due to the complexity of the disorder ant it's treatment.

Self treatment also helps to manage the symptoms of bipolar disorder as one's lifestyle and daily habits significantly affect one's moods. One needs to equip themselves thoroughly about manic depressions, learn to monitor their moods, seek support from groups, family and medical practitioners. Making healthy choices will help improve the condition for example sleeping well, eating the right foods, exercising and keeping a regular schedule. Drug abuse should be avoided completely as it triggers manic or depressive mood swings. Joining a group of people suffering from the same condition will help the patient to understand that they are not alone and also the challenges faced and strides made in treating bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder is a hereditary condition and the family should be the first place to get support and understanding. If it has been diagnosed before, parents should keep an open eye for classical symptoms and discuss openly with their family the possibility of falling victims and how to handle themselves and other family members who may be affected. With proper management, bipolar need not take over one's life and patients can live a near normal one as possible. With this few tips, they can achieve what normal people can and it is the only help needed for bipolar disorder patients who otherwise felt helpless.

Atypical Bipolar - Four Signs of Difficult to Diagnose Bipolar Disorder

Atypical bipolar disorder is barely spoken of, mainly because it does not have any defining features. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association, includes a category for NOS, that is, not as specified. Some forms of bipolar can be difficult to diagnose, as they don't fit into any standard pattern of behaviors. Here are the four signs that the APA classifies as indicating atypical bipolar disorder.

1.) Rapid Mood Fluctuations

Normally, a manic or depressive mood has to last for days to classify as bipolar disorder, but in some cases manic symptoms don't meet the minimal duration considered for a diagnosis. Of course, everyone doesn't fit into a nice little box, so different people with bipolar disorder will experience different severity and duration of their symptoms.

2.) Recurrent Hypomanic Episodes

Like a pendulum, when someone with bipolar disorder has a mood swing one way, they will swing back in the other direction. Usually this means a hypomanic phase will result in mild to severe depression. In atypical bipolar disorder, a person can go from a hypomanic phase to normal, and back again, skipping the depressive phase.

3.) Clouded Data

Sometimes drugs or medications can mimic the effects of bipolar disorder. For example, methamphetamines can mimic the appearance of mania, though the effects are the temporary side effect of a drug. If a psychiatrist is not sure whether the bipolar is caused by drugs, they will classify it as atypical.

4.) Co-existing Illnesses

Mental disorders are linked, so it can sometimes be difficult to tell which one someone has. Sometimes a person will show symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder together, making it hard to determine whether the person is schizophrenic or manic depressive. In instances where disorders are stacked on top of one another, someone can be classified as having atypical bipolar disorder.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Recovering From Addiction: Warning Signs of Relapse

Experts in the fields of addiction and alcoholism have estimated that as many as 90% of all people who become addicted to a substance and then abstain will subsequently relapse at least one time in their life. Furthermore, a large percentage of those people will fall victim to multiple relapses - each usually with more disastrous results than the last. Consequently, relapse prevention is a serious lifelong concern for any person who is in recovery from substance abuse or alcoholism. This means that recognizing and understanding the warning signs of relapse is critical for people who are unwilling to risk their sobriety - and possibly their lives - just to use one more time.

One common myth that only serves to perpetuate relapses is that once a person has completed an addiction program such as residential inpatient treatment or intensive outpatient treatment, they have effectively been "cured" of their addiction or alcoholism. However, this is simply not the case. Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS) sets in shortly after detox and can cause a wide range of symptoms for up to two years. These symptoms include depression, inability to think clearly or organize thoughts, inability to solve simple problems, inability to deal with stress, insomnia and severe cravings for drugs or alcohol. PAWS symptoms cause many in recovery to self-medicate as a form of relief.

When a person begins having difficulty coping with PAWS symptoms they often exhibit a series of behaviors that can serve as clear warning signs that a relapse is imminent without some type of intervention. Recognition of these behaviors is absolutely vital in order to properly address them:

* Withdrawal: People who are in danger of relapsing often withdraw socially - especially from other people in recovery or from family members. Self-isolation can be a problem that grows rapidly, but the recovering person might become defensive or simply deny any problem if confronted about this behavior.

* Loss of Routine: While on a downward spiral toward eventual relapse, many recovering addicts or alcoholics lose their daily routine entirely. They might sleep or eat at odd hours, find excessive reasons to shirk responsibilities or call out of work repeatedly, or otherwise change the normal patterns that are essential to maintaining recovery.

* Emotional and Intellectual Paralysis: Being unable to formulate or follow through with plans, thoughts, or feelings is a classic indicator of a possible relapse.

* Over or Under-Reaction to Stress: As a person's recovery plan slowly degrades, their reactions to normal stress might seem extreme and disproportionate, or they might not react at all to severe stress.

* Depression: On the way to relapse people often experience a period of depression, with all of the classic signs including an inordinate amount of time spent sleeping, becoming socially withdrawn, suicidal ideations, lack of hygiene and other not-so-obvious symptoms.

* Compulsivity: Addiction is a disease of compulsion, and just prior to a relapse this may manifest itself by unhealthy obsessions with food, sex, cigarettes or tobacco, or any other fixation.

If ignored or unnoticed these warning signs will almost always lead to relapse. And because a person suffering from addiction might have difficulty addressing these signs, it's vital that the people they are close to are aware of what the signs are and how to address them when they appear. If this sounds like you, then please call us right now by using the links below. Addiction is considerably worsened by successive relapses, so the life of someone you care about may very well depend on preventing that next (or first) relapse.

Tools and Bounderies For Coaching the Depressed Client

Recent statistics regarding clinical depression are staggering. Fifteen million people in the US suffer from some form of depression, 10% of the US population; depression affects women twice as often as men. With statistics such as these, we as coaches are bound to work with depressed clients on a regular basis. The good news is, if they are seeking out our help, they are working toward treating their symptoms in a healthy manner. However, our abilities are limited in treating depression, it is important the client be under a doctors care. Here are some tips regarding working with our clients who are suffering from clinical depression.

1. Encourage a healthy diet. Research has proven time and time again, there is definitely a link between healthy eating, regular exercise and mood. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables and legumes all contain tryptophan (a non-essential amino acid) which synthesizes serotonin, the body''s mood regulator. Less caffeine can also be of help with keeping moods consistent, especially if the client is over consuming caffeine containing products. Increasing intake of omega 3 oils has also been proven helpful; these can be found in walnuts and flaxseeds.

2. Consistent exercise is overwhelmingly successful in treating depression. The endorphins released during and immediately following exercise boost mood naturally. Healthy habits such as exercising also greatly increase self esteem.

3. Advise them to get sunlight on a daily basis. Vitamin D has been proven to also affect our moods. Our bodies produce vitamin D naturally, but 1-3 hours of sunlight a week are typically necessary to maintain healthy levels. As we age, our ability to produce vitamin D may decrease; in that case a supplement would be beneficial.

4. Surround them with helpful professionals. A psychologist or therapist can help work through the issues from the past that may be a significant part of their depression. A professional coach can help set goals for a happy, focused future and put emphasis on living in the present. And the client's physician can oversee any meds they may need to treat the physical portion of their depression. Open communication between these professionals is ideal, but not always an option. Take care not to cross boundaries as this might confuse the client, professional coaches focus on the present and future of our clients, not the past.

5. Encourage your clients to avoid self medicating with drugs, alcohol or even food. This differs tremendously from taking prescribed medication given to a client by his/her physician. Overindulging in alcohol consumption, overeating or using non prescribed drugs can create short term relief from some depressive symptoms, but are not a long term treatment and can actually make things much worse in the long run. Suggest your client be in regular contact with their physician regarding medications and never recommend any changes in dosage or use.

6. Make sure the client knows that if at any time you feel they are a danger to themselves or others, you are bound to report such to the appropriate authority. This fact should be included in your intake paperwork.

Natural Treatment For Depression and Feeling Blue

Have You Loss Interest in Life and Feeling Blue?

Depression is a serious condition that many are facing these days. The numbers are going up each year. If you feel a bit hopeless then hang in there. There is light at the end of the tunnel and it can shine on you.

But just what is depression? What is it with these mood swings and the mental fatigue?

Depression is a disruption of the brains neurochemistry. The neural pathways of the brain provide a role with your motivation, energy levels and mood.

Many people have counted on prescription drugs to help them cope. This has helped some but others may not be able to take the side effects.

These disruptions can cause unusual impulses, increase in appetite, aggression and sadness. It's serious so let's look at some ways to fight depression naturally.

You may laugh, but exercise can do wonders for your mood. Just 30 minutes a day of low intensity three to five times a week can reduce symptoms by 30 percent.

Exercise can help you grow new brain cells. Just think about that a minute. Even stretching exercises for fifteen to twenty minutes a day, just three times a week can decrease depression symptoms 29 percent. If you are in good physical condition and want to see dramatic results, then running regularly can really benefit you. Losing weight can increase your IQ and brain health. So if you are overweight keep that in mind.

A healthy diet is essential for a healthy body and brain. Stop eating fast foods and processed foods. Think of them as your adversary. They want to defeat you and bring you down. Take the challenge and defeat them.

Fight back with a wholesome diet rich in real foods such as fruits, vegetables and fish. Spinach is high in folate, which is another good vitamin for your brain. A high quality fish oil or krill oil can give your brain a super boost. It contains the good fats. Rich in the fatty acids DHA and EPA fish oil is a real brain booster and can improve your mood. Getting enough sunshine will brighten your attitude. It can reset your internal clock and provide you with vitamin D3. Sunshine can regulate your hormones such as melatonin and increase serotonin levels.

Don't forget about vitamin B12. Many people are deficient in this important vitamin. It helps regulate mood and brain function while it fights depression and mood swings.

Some herbal remedies could help. St. John's Wort inhibits the reuptake of neurotransmitters and may help with anxiety and depression. Passionflower can be used for anxiety, insomnia and restlessness. It can help to calm your nerves and mind. If your cholesterol levels are too low, below 150, then that could cause depression as well. So have your levels checked. Reducing stress can relieve mental fatigue and improve brain functions. There are various ways to do this including meditation and Yoga. Yoga can alter brain chemistry and stimulate the release of endorphins while releasing stress. Massages can enhance your well-being and relax you, so treat yourself. Maintaining close friends will help you to manage your moods and improve your lifestyle so get out there and mingle.

Take control of your life again. Decide that you want to feel good and take action with the important suggestions within this article.

Further information on natural herbal remedies for depression and stress can be found on our website.

Christian Debt Consolidation - Clear Debts The Christian Way

Loans are available very easily these days as many payday loans and debts are offered by companies whose main aim is to scrap you of your hard earned money. Rather than the heavy payment mental frustration and depression are the results, when the payer is unable to payback the loans in time. The loan lending company on the other hand starts harassing the borrower for the due monthly payment.

Every month the borrower is then compelled to pay a heavy price for the loan that he received in haste. Loan consolidation is the only solution for this problem and many debt consolidation agencies today are just doing that. The Christian debt consolidation company in particular offers valuable services keeping in mind the principles of Christianity. Although these companies too strive to make money through you by providing loans, the Christian debt consolidation companies put your interest before their own financial gains.

Debt consolidation loans are available for a small fee and always check the authenticity of companies which advertise in the name of Christianity. Not all Christian debt consolidation companies are real. Some might operate just to allure people of the same faith and their main aim will be to make money or generate income in the name of a god or faith.

Consumer debt consolidation can either be secured or unsecured debt consolidation. The loans can be consolidated by offered any securities or one might just get a loan unsecured. However the loan amount to be repaid is first accessed and then a feasible consolidation is worked beneficial for both the lender and the borrower. The Christian debt consolidation company also offers free debt advice, which can also be availed to get advice and guidance on the financial management process.

Online debt consolidation and manual debt consolidation calculators are also available to personally calculate your loan repayment amount. On getting the consolidation quotes the borrower then decides upon the correct loan consolidation plane that is best suited to him and the right loan which is easy to pay every month. By and large the Christian debt consolidation services are very imperative for everyone who has loan and debt related problems. Most of all these services can be trusted as they are generally done in the name of the faith or religion and Christian debt consolidation is the one. So avail the benefit of one and enjoy trouble free life.

Overtime - One Of The Risk Factors Of Depression

Long hours have become the new normal in this faltering economy, leaving the worker (as usual) to pay the price. A recent study suggests what many people working these long hours could tell you... routinely putting in 11 hour days is one of the risk factors of depression - doubles the risk in fact - compared to those who work the more traditional eight hours each day.

Long days at work take a toll on your body, but there's also evidence of impacts within the brain as well. Overtime and depression have not been studied to any great extent so the team examined over 2,000 British workers (average age 47) who didn't have mental health issues at the start of the research in 1991.

Almost six years passed before nearly 70 incidences of serious depression were identified by mental health screenings given to the workers. Those whose working hours topped more than 11 hours a day had a two times greater risk of being diagnosed with depression compared to those who spent under eight hours at work each day.

Now there are lots of things that put you at risk for depression - genetic factors, physical or emotional issues and prolonged stress. All those hours at work give you fewer opportunities to relax and likely less sleep as well. You don't have time to exercise and your own self-care slips. The long workdays can also cause problems in close relationships with friends and family, and this itself can also bring on depression.

The most likely candidates for depression were younger women who were in the lower job grades, used alcohol in moderation and had also been diagnosed with a chronic condition. Should you be worried? Here are some warning signs to watch for:

- Trouble sleeping

- Changes in appetite

- Fatigue or loss of energy

- Feeling stressed or worthless

- Being irritable and impossible to satisfy

- Not taking pleasure in activities that usually bring you joy

- More mistakes at work

- Trouble organizing things, concentrating or making decisions

- Suicidal thoughts or acts

If you, or someone you love, has three or more of these symptoms and they last for at least two weeks, depression is most likely the cause. Recognizing you're in trouble, and in need of help is important - the first step toward getting better.

Even if you love what you do, the long hours you're on the job can still trigger a depressive episode, but it may well take longer to show up. Eventually however, researchers believe that workaholics too will show signs of depression.

It's hard to know if these results would hold for workers doing other jobs, but it certainly points out the fact that working long hours can play a part in depression. Since you usually can't cut back on working hours, here are some simple ways you might cope...

- Try to alternate periods of high stress with times of less pressure or with shorter hours.

- Listen to your favorite music as this boosts levels of dopamine, the feel good chemical in the brain.

- Don't skip vacation time or days off.

- Try a random act of kindness to your boss, co-worker, a vendor.

- Look for humor in daily goings on, circumstances beyond your control.

- Make time for sleep and don't skimp on exercise.

The research on long working hours as one of the risk factors of depression appears online.

Treating Depression The Holistic Way With Acupuncture

Depression affects our normal functioning and has symptoms, both psychological and physical. Medicines and methods that are available today, generally treats depression, with the use of anti-depressant drugs and phycotherapy. These treatments, do not address the specific symptoms to find a solution. This is where, the approach by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) differs. They do not diagnose depression as a specific illness but treats the specific symptoms of an individual in a variety of ways. These forms of treatment are by way of massage, Chinese herbs and acupuncture.

Acupuncture for depression, has been found to have a comprehensive and positive effect on patients. This was especially true when acupuncture was used along with herbal treatments and psychotherapy. Acupuncture strives to address the body as a whole. That is, the mind, spirit and emotions. he process is accompanied by life-style counselling, energy-cultivation exercises, diet and herbology. The objective being, to create harmony within ourselves and with the outside world. TMC recognizes that intellect and feeling, exist in the cells of our body. Chinese medicine appreciates that, a person is depressed because of scarce or stagnant energy. Or an imbalance in the two polar opposites i. e. the ying and yang. This imbalance can take many different forms. The acupuncturist determines them, by evaluating the tongue, pulse, palpitation, posture, and skin tone, brightness of the eyes, voice, smell and behaviour of the person.

The TCM diagnosis will define and outline harmony or disharmony. The state of the spirit, essence, blood, energy, fluids, organs and channels are assessed. In our body, there are fourteen main channels, called rivers of energy. These channels run through our body and are connected with each other. On the surface of our body, there are more than 365 acupoints which are called wells or vortexes. From these acupoints, it is possible to tap into the energy rivers that flow beneath. Each acupoint, has several fuctions. When a needle is placed in the acupoint, it facilitates the flow of life force. Energy is brought back in areas where they are lacking and in zones of stagnation, the flow of energy is released.

The different acupoints on the body are the gateway to resolving the problems that besiege a person. Lung points are used to resolve grief. Where there is an absence of joy, heart points are utilised. Anger or depression is resolved by using liver points. Kidney points are used to treat shock or fear. To settle the spirit and move energy, the needles are placed on the head, stomach, the lower arms and lower legs.

Acupuncture for depression is a pleasant, restful and totally energizing experience. The acupuncture needles are hair thin and sterile. These needles are never used twice. The whole experience of inserting the needles is generally painless. A pulling sensation or soreness means that your qi or vital energy has connected with the needle. The person is made comfortable and suitably draped. The whole experience is one of comfort and peace as your body gets back into equilibrium.

Acupuncture, focuses on treating the basic root cause of imbalance in a person's body. These causes may vary from person to person. But as acupuncture attends to a specific problem, the cause of depression can be addressed and resolved.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The Winter Baby Syndrome

Social studies have shown that often children born in winter months test more poorly, often don't excel in School, and often earn less when they become adults. This mysterious social syndrome has for generation's mystified researchers, and parents alike.

Could it be children born in the worse months in a colder climate have a natural social disadvantage, or is their more to this phenomenon then we think?

Often researchers tend to discover things by accident,. or by trial or error. Recent studies have shown that perhaps modern "Winter babies" are actually born in more disadvantaged families. More single Mothers tend to give birth in the winter months, then the summer months.

The School year may also make a difference, children born during the winter tend to be at school with younger siblings- older children who mix with younger children tend to be more immature, sociologists claim.

Another reason may be that that as "winter" children grow up, they spend their initial years in an inactive environment. Cold winters mean more time at home, were "summer" children tend to be spend their early years outdoors.

In Nordic countries were winters can be long and harsh, there is no evidence that the Countries themselves fail to achieve. Many Nordic Countries have a more modern social network, and a higher standard of living then other more developed Countries.

However, researchers do show the lack of light can create depression, and light therapy is becoming a common practice to offset the effects of depression in winter. Could Babies at an early age could have more chance to become depressed?.

Other theories include one theory that "winter" babies tend to lack vitamin D, because children born in the winter, tend to have sunshine then their summer counterparts.

Still there is no one theory that has answered the question, "Why so many Winter Babies, are less successful then summer babies," but awareness of this may bring solutions that can help create more successful babies, who are born in the coldest months of the year.

How to Step Out of the State of Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses. At least eight percent of adults in the US experience serious depression at some point during their lives.

The illness affects all people, regardless of sex, race, ethnicity or socioeconomic standing. Depression is two to three times more prevalent among women than it is among men. Experts disagree on the reason for this difference.

To step out of the state of depression, you just have to:

Change your mental focus from the negative to positive, visualize and magnify the intensity of new, positive, solution-based mental pictures, and rapidly change your body, i.e. posture, breathing, facial expression, etc.

You will realize something very important now...that you can shift from one mental state or emotion to another just by thinking it. This is a very powerful piece of information!

You can shift from one mental state or emotion to another just by thinking about it!

That means, as soon as you decide on an outcome, you can immediately shift your focus, state and emotion to manifest the desired state or emotion. How useful do you think that would be?

You can practice moving from one mental state to another by going from one emotion to another one. This is really a very powerful and useful exercise.

Example: Go from a sad state to a happy one, a frustrated one to an optimistic one, a procrastinating one to a totally motivated one, a nervous one to a confident one, etc.

The more you practice moving from one range to the other, the more prepared you will be, and the easier it will become for you to shift out of a negative state/emotion into a positive one when it counts. All it takes is practice and rehearsal so that you are prepared in advance.

Whenever you're caught in a negative state or emotion (anger, frustration, fear, boredom, etc.), just take a moment to step out of yourself and watch yourself from the outside. What changes would you immediately want to make to produce better results and outcomes?

It's really as simple as that.

Clinical Depression Symptoms And Treatments - A Review

Super sad? Melancholic even? In deep despair? Chances are, your clinical depression has come and has been elevated to such a level that it becomes burdensome and disruptive to your social functioning or even your mundane daily life activities. Clinical depression is more serious than the usual feelings of being depressed that you sometimes encounter. You should understand clinical depression symptoms for your fast recovery.

What are the symptoms of clinical depression?

The constant mood of being depressed and even anhedonia are the primary clinical depression symptoms. These two when combined with other symptoms are sufficient to warrant a closer look. Those other manifestations may come in the form of overwhelming feelings of despair and loneliness, fear, or emotional vacuum or emptiness.

A disappearance of the interest and enthusiasm for activities, even daily tasks, that used to be cursory and routine yet pleasurable enough, is another symptom of clinical depression. Appetite loss or change, when resulting in either loss or gain in weight, need to be looked at also.

If there is insomnia, disturbed or irregular sleep patterns, hypersomnia, then there must be some form or type of clinical depression or the other. Swings will go from agitation to lethargy. Guilt-feelings, hopelessness, pessimism, lack of self-esteem and intense feelings of worthlessness, isolation and anxiety all add up to one alarming clinical depression state. Inability to focus or to be attentive is another symptom, especially when this affects decision making, cognition, even memory.

Suicidal tendencies ranging from ideation or imagination of dying to actual suicide attempts or planning for supposed suicides are severe manifestations. At this stage, a lot of attention is really necessary for the patient.

There are still other symptoms that need to be taken account in evaluation and diagnosis. Self-loathing is worrisome enough, as is the plunge of one's self-esteem. Sometimes even personal hygiene is sacrificed because of the lethargic depression. Other depressed persons are averse or overly sensitive to noise. Still others suffer from abnormal pains, fear of going crazy, loss of perception of time, uncontrollable crying or sobbing, and other behavioral changes: aggression, hyperactivity, irritability, panic, excessive irrational fear, even procrastination may be indications of underlying clinical depression.

Other clinically depressed adolescents or adults may use or abuse drugs and alcohol when left on their own to fend for their own depression. Destructive behavior for teens may set in, like self-harm tendencies and eating disorders. Milder symptoms, but also possible severe symptoms later, may simply be a lost appetite, a little irritability, nightmares during sleep, learning disability or problem memorizing, and other behavioral changes like social panic, isolation, aggression, or even withdrawal from social circles.

With all those worrisome symptoms, it's a wonder anybody ever eases out of his or her depression. Good news is, there are a number of treatment modes readily available to treat clinical depression.

Treatments available for you

Clinical depression must be treated. This is a high-risk mental disorder in that a person afflicted with it has the urge to harm self and even those he loves. Before a person with clinical depression gets violent and unstoppable, he must seek professional help.

First and foremost a person with clinical depression can not cope on his own. He needs medications to clear his minds of negative and worrying thoughts.

A few weeks after the medication has taken effect and suicidal thoughts have been erased from his mind, he must submit himself to psychotherapy and group therapy to know the root cause of depression. Talk therapy is the only way that a depressed person can blurt out the cause of his depression. In fact, often he doesn't know how he came about his current situation. Talk therapy will unearth these repressed emotions hidden in the subconscious

With continued therapy, both medications and talk therapy, a person with major depression can get well soon. Remember, when clinical depression symptoms strike, immediately seek for professional help to avoid any untoward incidents from happening.

Top Ten Holistic Depression Treatment Techniques

1. Consult your doctor

If you think you have depression, the first thing you should do is to consult your doctor so that they can:

  1. Evaluate you to determine whether your symptoms are due to depression or to another medical or mental condition

  2. Determine the cause of your depression

  3. Change any medications that you may be on that may be causing the depression. Medications which can cause depression include Acyclovir or Zovirax (used to treat herpes or shingles), Atenolol or Tenormin (used to treat high blood pressure, angina chest pain, abnormal heart rhythms, heart failure), Atorvastatin or Lipitor (used to lower cholesterol and prevent heart attacks) and many other medications.

  4. Prescribe treatment for your depression such as duloxetine (Cymbalta), venlafaxine (Effexor), paroxetine (Paxil), fluoxetine (Prozac), escitalopram (Lexapro), citalopram (Celexa) bupropion (Wellbutrin) and amitriptyline.

2. Pray

Are you suffering? Pray.(James 5:13) Pray if you are suffering from depression because God promises you that If you call on Him, He will answer you and He will be with you in trouble and He will deliver you and honor you. (Psalm 91:15) Medical research also assures us that prayer works therefore, present your problems to God each day in prayer and experience the tranquillity that comes as prayer lifts the issues that were depressing you.

Cast all you care upon Jesus in prayer because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5: 6-7) Cast the mental burdens that are weighing you down in your mind to Him and He shall sustain you. (Psalm 55: 22) Cast and then ask for whatever you need to heal your depression for you are to Ask and you will receive so that your joy may be full. (John 16:24)

The following is a sample prayer for depression

Save me O my God!

For problems have come up to my neck.

I am sinking in deep depression,

I am in deep trouble and problems overwhelm me.

I am tired of crying and my prayer is to You.

O Lord, in the multitude of Your mercy hear me.

Deliver me out of this depression and let me not sink in it.

Let me be delivered from those who hate me, and out of these deep troubles.

Do not let problems overwhelm me and do not let depression swallow me.

(Adapted from Psalm 69)

3. Think Positively

Since thoughts contribute to how you feel and who you become, if you consistently think depressing thoughts, you will begin to feel depressed and you may even become depressedFor as a person becomes what they think in their heart. (Proverbs 23:7) Therefore, constantly monitor your thoughts and if negative ones enter your mind, replace them with thoughts that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, virtuous and praiseworthy (Philippians 4: 8) and you will begin to feel and to become truthful, noble, just, pure, lovely, virtuous and praiseworthy instead of depressed.

4. Establish Social Support

Establish your social support system because Two people are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor and if one falls down, they other will lift up their companion. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10) Therefore, find a friend whose company you enjoy and spend time with them to ease the loneliness of depression.

5. Take an Aromatherapy Bath

Adding essential oils such as bergamot, rose, rosemary, ylang ylang and chamomile to you bath water may help you feel better since these essential oil may raise your spirits. You can make a blues busting bath blend by adding 3 drops of bergamot, 3 drops of rosemary, 3 drops of ylang ylang and 3 drops of chamomile to your bath water.

6. Blog

Writing therapy can be updated to the 21st century by creating a blog and posting your deepest uncensored feelings online without revealing your identity as this can help you heal from pain and recover from depression.

7. Sing Praises

The Bible tells us to put on The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness (Isaiah 61:3) therefore sing praises to God whenever the spirit of heaviness or depression tries to pull you down. Sing praises to God every day even if you don't feel like singing for as you continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, (Hebrews 13:15) you will break the spiritual chains of sadness trying to constrain you for God is enthroned in the praises. (Psalm 22:3) You can sing your praises to God as you spruce up after your aromatherapeutic bath or as you exercise since singing will also help you reduce tension and relax.

8. Affirm Yourself

Since Anxiety in the heart causes depression but a good word cheers it, (Proverbs 12:25) you have to speak good words to yourself whether or not others are speaking them to you. Therefore, choose positive, power filled, present tense Scriptural affirmations and repeat them to yourself each day for at least 10 minutes. Scriptures that you can use as affirmations include:

  • This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24)

  • I will be happy because the God of Jacob is my help.(Psalm 146:5)

9. Increase dietary omega 3 fatty acids

Increase your dietary intake of omega 3 fatty acids as some studies imply they may alleviate mood changes. Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids include salmon, halibut, tuna and other fatty fish as well as flaxseed, walnuts, soybeans, winter squash, extra virgin olive oil and dark green vegetables To do this you can grind 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds and sprinkle them onto your breakfast cereal, eat salmon or tuna with winter squash for lunch and snack on salads with ground flax seeds and walnuts tossed it in extra virgin olive oil.

10. St John's wort

Though St John's wort or hypericum perforatun can be of some benefit in treating mild depression, always consult your doctor before you begin taking it since it interacts with other prescription medications and it may reduce their effectiveness.

For more information on depression visit for the FREE E-Course on Holistic Treatment of Depression which will be taught every Monday from January 3, 2011. This E-Course will cover the Causes of depression, Symptoms of depression and the Treatment of depression using Medical techniques, Biblical Principles, Psychotherapy, Social therapy, Hydrotherapy, Aromatherapy, Writing therapy, Music therapy, Talk therapy, Art therapy, Laughter therapy, Diet therapy, Herbal therapy, Nature therapy.

Brainwave Entrainment Stimulates Hormones For Longevity

Brainwave entrainment is a neuro-technological tool that alters your brainwaves to a specific brainwave frequency pattern for a specific purpose. Through the use of audio and/or visual stimulus, entrainment induces the brain to follow or mimic said stimulus, creating a new state of mind or consciousness.

Scientific study has shown that when certain brainwave frequencies are stimulated through brainwave entrainment, parts of the brain will release beneficial hormones and chemicals.

Why This Is Important

As we age, we produce less of these hormones which in turn, leads us to developing symptoms of aging and disease. Entraining the brain with specific frequencies that stimulate the brain to release these beneficial hormones, can improve our health, and may possibly be, the answer to the "fountain of youth."

The Big Three For Longevity

A deep meditative state has been proven to dramatically affect the production of three hormones related to increased longevity, stress and well-being-DHEA, cortisol, and melatonin.

Alpha and theta brainwave frequencies help the brain to produce DHEA and melatonin in significant portions and diminish the production of cortisol..

  • DHEA 90% increase

  • Melatonin 98% increase

  • Cortisol 47% decrease


  • Dehydroepiandrosterone DHEA

  • Is produced by the adrenal glands

  • Is the key determinant of physiological age and resistance to disease.

  • As we age, our DHEA diminishes, and we are susceptible to disease.

  • If our DHEA is high, we are in peak health and able to fight off disease.

  • Higher levels of DHEA reduces cardiovascular disorders by 48% and death by 36%.


  • Is produced by the pineal gland-the third eye.

  • Is a hormone that controls our sleep cycle.

  • As we age, melatonin is made in less and less supply.

  • Not sleeping decreases the quality of our life and speeds up the aging process.

  • Is a powerful antioxidant.

  • Melatonin passes through cell membranes and removes free radicals that damage DNA.

  • If the supply of melatonin in the body is low, diseases produced by free radicals, like cancer, aging, neurological diseases, heart disease and heart attack, can be more prevalent.

  • Low melatonin can alter blood pressure and heart rate as well as neurological cardiopulmonary and reproductive functions.

  • Reduced melatonin diminishes the strength of the immune system.

  • Low levels affect sleep and circadian rhythm, mood, sexual performance, reproduction, cancer, immune system response, aging, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, hypertension, blood clotting, stroke, cardiac arrhythmia, ischemic heart disease, epilepsy, manic depression, suicide, sudden infant death syndrome, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease.


  • Is produced by the adrenal glands.

  • Is a stress hormone that is involved in response to stress and anxiety.

  • Increases blood sugar, blood pressure and reduces immune responses.

  • The more you produce of this hormone, the more stressed out your are, and visa versa, making you vulnerable to disease and fast aging.

Brainwave entrainment recordings designed to release these hormones can play a vital role in turning back the clock, hormone-wise, slowing down the effects of aging on our body and mind.

Who knows, maybe brainwave entrainment is the key to the "fountain of youth" after-all.

Tips to Combat Depression Naturally

Many people do not know that I have clinical depression. I was on Buproprion for many years, and it worked well, but I decided that there must be a better way than taking a pill everyday to feel normal. I knew that serotonin played a key part in mood, so I decided to try and find ways to combat my depression naturally.

Since then, a number of people have asked me how I manage my depression without medication. Rather than answer each one individually, I created this article. Below, I will outline the strategy that I have been using for about five years now, to remain both depression and prescription free:

1. Sunlight is a great way to combat depression naturally. Get at least 15 minutes of sunlight a day. Sunlight is instrumental in the synthesis of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D has been linked to keeping serotonin levels elevated in the brain. In addition, the pineal gland is extremely sensitive to light and through this mechanism, regulates both serotonin and melatonin production. Stimulated by sunlight, serotonin levels are what you want to keep elevated during the day to keep depression at bay.

2. Regular exercise is a great way to combat depression naturally - Exercise plays an important role in regulating mood and sleep quality. And conversely, getting quality sleep is important for your mood and overall well-being. There is so much evidence supporting the beneficial effects of regular exercise that I'm only going to summarize briefly: During and after exercise the body releases chemicals that are associated with "feeling good" and this effect carries over throughout the day into your sleep cycle. The important thing is to pick an activity that you enjoy and do it regularly. Even on days when you don't feel you can go "all out" just make sure to do your workout. It's the pattern and the habit that will carry you through in the long-term and that is really what your goal is here.

3. Eating dark chocolate is a great way to combat depression naturally. Besides containing healthful anti-oxidants, chocolate is a known mood and serotonin elevator. However, most people only think about consuming it in candy form. It is much better to get dark, unsweetened, chocolate powder and then add it to various foods. I like to mix one teaspoon into my daily coffee. You can also make a mole sauce with it, or dip fruit into it before eating it. This way, you can get your daily chocolate without all the unhealthy amounts of sugar and unnecessary calories.

4. Eating dairy is a great way to combat depression naturally. At latitudes further away from the equator, the sun is not as intense and sunlight alone may not be enough to meet your vitamin D requirements. Here, dairy plays a key role in supplementing them. Dairy also contains whey protein which contains tryptophan which the body makes into serotonin. It has an added benefit of keeping you feeling satisfied longer. I eat all natural fat-free yogurt daily. I love it!

5. Eating carbohydrates which rank low on the glycemic index is a great way to combat depression naturally. Foods that rank lower on the glycemic index take longer to reach the bloodstream in sugar form and therefore keep you from getting hungry longer. This also helps avoid energy crashes by giving you a steady supply of energy rather than the spikes and crashes caused by eating foods that hit the blood stream quickly. Keeping my energy level steady throughout the day definitely helps me keep my mood in check.

6. Don't forget music is a great way to combat depression naturally. We all have a few songs that get our blood pumping, our minds racing, or simply remind us to look at the bigger picture. Even before that first chorus hits, we feel that we can take on the world! Music has such a powerful influence on our mood that simply playing one of these songs can pull you out of a slump and put you on top of your game as if by magic. Keep your playlist of these songs close by and don't forget to explore new music, you never know when you'll find that next bit of "uplifting awesome" to add to your collection!

As you can see, I don't go overboard in any one area; I use the sum of many small steps in order to combat depression naturally, and I hope that you will find some of these tips will work for you.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Michael Jordan Quote: You Will Succeed If You Are Not Distracted By Failures!

"I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I have been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." - Michael Jordan

At a net worth of over $500 million, Michael Jordan has proven through much trial and error what action it takes to be a success.

There are thousands of aspiring basketball stars in the world today. Just as there are billions of people who want success in the world today! Everyone wants to have abundance, everyone wants to be the best, everyone wants to get ahead, so how can everyone do it? More importantly, how can you do it? Is it even possible with all the competition?

YES, of course it is possible to be a success, of course you can have abundance! The reason that it is possible is because everything you see or do in your life is energy manipulation. If you know how to manipulate energy then you know how to be successful. The reason it is easy, yes easy, is because even though everyone wants to be successful and have abundance most waste their energy and therefore waste their ability to create the abundance and success they desire. You are using your energy right now towards positive ends and just reading this article is helping to focus your energy towards the very success you desire.

The 2 general ways people waste their energy :

  1. Emotional Diffusion: Most people are slaves to their emotions. Your emotions were not meant to enslave you. Your emotions were created as a guide, a tool. If you feel good and have a clear conscience you know you are on the right path. If you feel guilty you know you need to change. You are also supposed to control your emotions to give you energy. Guide your thoughts to guide your emotions. So many people just let their emotions guide their thoughts. These people suffer massive depression, anxiety, fits of anger and a multitude of painful emotional experiences which drain all their powerful energy. Above all fear is the emotion that wastes the most energy. If you have fear in your life you must substitute it for a healthy emotion. Fear will never allow abundance to stay.

  2. Distractions: The world is a distracting place. In all the world you have endless options to help you consume your time and energy. No matter who you are you will never be able to do everything there is to do in the world. You must pick and choose your actions and activities. Some things you are more less expected to do, some things you choose to do. If you want abundance and success you must realize that you cannot be distracted by every whim that passes through your mind. You must learn to concentrate your mind, your actions and therefore your energy. How many fail simply because they were distracted. Those famous people you know who have fallen from their position lost all they had because of a distraction. How many superstars lose their way because of a bad relationship or relationships which consume all their energy? How many have lost all because of drugs?! These are extreme examples, but wasted energy can be as simple as not focusing on your goal consistently and vacillating between every new idea or desire that pops into your head. One of the biggest distractions is failure. People expect something it does not happen, so they instantly give up on their goal!

Michael Jordan did not become distracted by failures. Michael Jordan looks at failure as a part of everyone's lives. You must not get distracted by it. Simply forge on and focus on the process and your goal. Most people do not stick with their goal long enough to fail thousands of times.

Do not let failure distract you. You can change your actions and your thoughts, but be careful when you it comes to your goals. Do not create the habit of changing a worthwhile goal. This just disperses powerful energy and wastes your greatest asset. Fail again and again until you succeed. If you keep aiming your energy (thoughts, emotions and actions) towards your goal, even after your failure, you will accomplish amazing feats!

Natural Panic Attack Remedies - 3 Powerful Nutrient Anxiety Supplements

When we talk about panic attack remedies, particularly ways in which we can cure anxiety and panic attacks, the first port of call always seems to be anxiety medication.

And I get it. I really do! As a former sufferer, you feel those anxiety symptoms so clearly and so strongly that you gravitate toward anything that promises you a quick fix.

But anxiety medication is neither the only nor the best anxiety panic treatment. It only relieves the symptoms without getting to the root of the problem and, in fact, it comes with its own potential risks! You're much better off considering the more natural cures for anxiety and panic attacks. And they don't come more natural than the nutrients found in your food.

Nutrients such as amino acids, minerals, and omega 3 fatty acids occur naturally in foods that we eat, but sometimes it helps to get an extra boost through supplements. Let's look at these and their benefits in more detail.

Amino Acids Supplements

There are some amino acids which help to regulate your moods and feelings either by inhibiting or facilitating the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. Some of these are listed below and can be taken as anxiety supplements on a regular basis to complement what you get from your food:

  • Gamma Amino Butyric Acid (GABA) basically slows down activity in parts of the brain which are related to anxiety, resulting in a feeling of tranquillity and calm. This has a very powerful effect on us, and many anti-anxiety drugs actually work by stimulating GABA receptors in the brain. Simply switching these drugs for GABA supplements has proven very successful in treating anxiety disorder and controlling panic attacks.

  • L--glutamine regulates blood sugar levels, as a dip in sugar levels can lead to anxiety.

  • L--glycine works to calm the central nervous system, and has been used in treating manic depression.

  • During anxiety, the body responds to protect you by releasing adrenaline which actually makes things worse. L--taurine creates a similar effect to GABA by inhibiting the release of adrenaline in the brain.

  • L--theanine activates alpha brain waves, which produce a feeling of deep relaxation and alertness -- just like deep meditation does. It is found readily in green tea.

  • L--tryptophan stimulates the production of serotonin, a "feel good" chemical in the brain which promotes a calming effect and actually helps with insomnia.

  • 5--hydroxy--L--tryptophan (5--HTP), of which L--tryptophan is a precursor, then works as a mood booster to increase serotonin levels.

Mineral Supplements

There are three main minerals that are taken as anxiety supplements because of their general effects on the body actually work to control feelings and symptoms of anxiety, panic and stress.

They are Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium. These actually work together in the body, in a synergistic manner. They tend to help with muscle relaxation and inducing a feeling of calm. They exist in foods such as legumes, nuts, seeds, and green vegetables such as spinach.

Taking these mineral anxiety supplements will help to promote healthy heart function, control your blood pressure and regulate the central nervous system -- all of which are essential to reduce anxiety symptoms.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids Supplements

This is normally taken, in the form of fish oils, to treat a range of emotional and anxiety disorders. When omega 3 levels are low, particularly compared to omega 6 fatty acids, this can lead to symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Omega 3 fatty acids enhance nerve health and therefore maintain good mental health. This is actually one of the most important nutrient anxiety supplements you could take.

So try these natural panic attack remedies today, and try incorporating foods that contain these nutrients into your normal diet. These anxiety supplements may seem like a simple anxiety panic treatment but I hope that, by seeing exactly how they work in the body, you can realise just how powerful they can be for your anxiety relief.

Mole Removal NHS

Can I Undergo a Mole Removal NHS Treatment?

Many men and women suffer with unsightly moles which can on occasions cause some distress. In the UK mole removal nhs treatments are available to help. In the majority of cases, a skin expert also known as a dermatologist will make the decision whether the mole removal can be conducted using the NHS.

Initially, and following a consultation with a skin specialist, depending upon the condition of the mole a small tissue sample may be taken to further analysis in a specialist laboratory. This is to make sure that the mole causing concern is not in any way cancerous.

The provision of this treatment on the NHS typically hinges upon whether the mole needs to be removed in order to improve a health complaint. If this is the case, then in many circumstances the mole removal will be conducted upon the NHS.

Other clinical factors to receiving mole removal nhs treatment is should the condition be causing other side effects. Clinical depression as a result of the mole is a good example.

Is there a way to remove moles without surgery?

If you are anything like me, then the thought of visiting the hospital to undergo a mole removal nhs treatment fills you with fear then there is another way.

I suffered with a mole which was just under my chin; every time I had a shave it would aggravate it causing it to be sore and very uncomfortable. After visiting my doctor to get it checked out I was told an operation to remove it would be required. I hate hospitals and would do anything to avoid being in one let alone a patient!

Typically a local anaesthetic is used which involves an injection around the location of the mole. I just couldn't bring myself to undergo this type of evasive treatment and sought out an alternative method.

Is there an effective mole removal alternative?

To my delight, I managed to avoid visiting the hospital completely and within just 4 days my mole reduced in size considerably and now several months later has completely gone. The treatment is entirely painless and is conducted from the comfort of your own home, in your own time. This type of treatment was right up my street and if your suffering in a similar way then be assured there are much more painless and effective home treatments available.

Pure 5-HTP - The Significance of Taking 5-Hydroxytryptophan Supplement to Beat the Winter Blues

Pure 5-hydroxytryptophan, also called oxitripan, is the major component used in the production of the neurotransmitters, serotonin and melatonin. It is a very popular food supplement used to treat symptoms of depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, loss of appetite and the symptoms of winter blues and can be purchased over the counter from various drug stores and health food stores across the United States.

Pure 5-HTP is important for the treatment of seasonal affective disorder or SAD, also called winter blues. Seasonal affective disorder is a disease that affects a lot of people during the changing of the seasons but is more pronounced during the winter months.

SAD has two types, one is the more common winter-onset depression whose symptoms start to manifest towards the end of fall or the start of winter and is gone at the onset of summer; and the less common type which is the summer-onset depression whose symptoms start to show by the end of spring or the start of summer and is gone by the onset of winter.

The most common symptoms of winter blues is oversleeping and overeating. The person experiences difficulty in getting out of bed in the morning and craves more for carbohydrates-rich foods which could result to increase in weight.

Persons suffering from SAD show symptoms very similar to common depression such as lethargy, anxiety, loss of appetite, anti-social behavior, irritability, increased appetite for sex and suicidal tendencies.

5-hydroxytryptophan is important in fighting symptoms of SAD especially among those suffering from the disorder year after year. The onset of fall signals the changing colors of the season from summer to fall colors but it seems that it is the opposite of what actually happens with some people's mood and behavior.

5-HTP is important in the production of serotonin in the brain and the central nervous system because it has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier which serotonin cannot do. If serotonin cannot cross the blood-brain barrier then it cannot assert its function in beating the winter blues during these cold and dreary winter months.

Besides being effective in beating the symptoms of winter blues, 5-HTP has been proven to be effective in the treatment of fibromyalgia, overeating, depression, recurring headaches, irregular sleep patterns, and insomnia.When taken in excess, 5-hydroxytryptophan can cause damage to the heart valve, nausea and vomiting when mixed with medication for Alzheimer's disease and serotonin syndrome.

It is found in large amounts in the Griffonia simplicifolia plant, a type of vine with beautiful green petals indigenous to the African continent.

The Importance Of Fitness

Did you know that if you are physically inactive that you increase your risk of heart disease by the same amount as if you smoked ? In the UK it is estimated that 70% of the adult population can be classed as physically inactive. In the US 60% of adults do not participate in the recommended level of physical activity & 25% are not active at all.
In Australia 33% of the population are said to be so inactive that they gain no health benefits at all & the risk to the community from their physical inactivity, and therefore lack of fitness, is great.

For thousands of years physical activity and your level of fitness have been linked to good health. Due to the advance of science in this day & age this link can be proven, with overwhelming evidence that people who lead active lifestyles are less likely to die early or to experience major illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes & colon cancer.

Fitness is therefore a major, if not the major, factor in the type of health you are likely to enjoy. Regular exercise will improve your level of fitness and improve the way you look and feel. In conjunction with a balanced diet regular activity can help you maintain a healthy weight. It can even increase self confidence and reduce the risk of depression.

In order to maintain ones fitness it is recommended that you should use up approx 200 calories per day for most days of the week. This equates to 30 minutes of exercise which can be all in one go or even in 3 10 minute stints.

Here are some suggestions to help maintain your fitness.

Walk up the stairs (even part of the way) instead of taking the elevator.

Walk up moving escalators.

For short journeys leave the car and walk.

Do the house work at twice the speed.

Try DIY such as painting or do some gardening such as raking the leaves.

Get off the bus or subway a couple of stops early and walk the rest of the way.

Here are some benefits you will get from improved fitness through exercise.

Increased levels of HDL or "good" cholesterol.

Lower high blood pressure.

Help improve body composition by burning fat.

Promote healthy blood sugar levels.

Promote bone density.

Boost the immune system.

Improve mood and reduce the chance of depression.

Improving your level of fitness needn't be hard work, find some activity that you enjoy, maybe with your partner, family or friends. Stay motivated, keep a diary of your activities so you can look back and see how far you have come. Post inspirational quotes or stories at work or around the home. Set goals, both long and short term, rather than say you want to be fit for the summer, commit to going to the gym or aerobic class at least once a week.

Goals should be SMART





Time based

Picture where you want to be, maybe competing in a local fun run or race, get out an old pair of jeans or a dress that no longer fits & picture yourself wearing them/it.

Remember that exercise releases chemicals to the brain such as serotonin which has a great effect on your mood, helping to reduce anxiety, stress and depression. So even if you don't feel like exercising, remind yourself that you will feel better after.

Depression - The Basics

Depression: Defined

Depression is often confused with sadness. Everyone feels sad or "down in the dumps" at times in their lives. Sadness is a natural reaction to something upsetting or painful. It is also a transient feeling that typically passes when someone comes to term with his troubles. Depression, on the other hand, can linger for weeks, months or even years. It is a mood disorder in which feelings of sadness, or lack of pleasure interfere with everyday life for an extended period of time. In addition to either extreme sadness and/or loss of interest or pleasure for two weeks or more, people who experience a depressive episode also experience 5 or more of the following symptoms nearly every day (as defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV):

(1) depressed mood most of the day
(2) markedly diminished interest or pleasure in activities
(3) significant weight loss when not dieting, or weight gain
(4) insomnia or hypersomnia
(5) psychomotor agitation or retardation
(6) fatigue or loss of energy
(7) feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt
(8) diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness
(9) recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide.

Source: American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th edition. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association, 1994.

Depression: Causes

There are many factors that can contribute to depression. The diathesis-stress model of illness is a helpful way to understand depression. Someone might have a predisposition to depression (the "diathesis" component) because of temperament, hormones, or genetic factors. For example, there might be a family history of a mood disorder such as unipolar depression or bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression). It is not inevitable that a person with this familial history will develop depression. However, if there is a stressor in his/her life (e.g., a divorce), the strain might exacerbate the potential for depression.

Not everyone who has a predisposition to depression will develop depression. And many people without this predisposition will have a depressive episode, perhaps brought about by a loss, identity crisis, major life change or interpersonal situation. Depressive episodes can be triggered not only by "negative" life changes or stressors but by positive ones as well. For example, an upward career move or getting married can also trigger a depression.

Depression: Types

There are many types of mood disorders, from recurrent depressions, to a single depressive episode, to a cluster of depressive symptoms, to dysthymia (which is a lower level of depression that can last for longer periods of time such as a year or more), to bipolar depression, (which includes periods of elevated or extremely happy mood, often described as feeling "on top of the world" or feeling very agitated or irritable). To learn more about the various subtypes of mood disorders, you can visit (National Institute of Mental Health).

Depression: Treatment

Depression can be treated through therapy and/or medication. Therapy modalities range from cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps individuals change their negative thoughts and behaviors to more realistic thoughts and actions, to psychodynamic therapy, which helps individuals identify and reverse their long-standing unhealthy repetitive patterns that can lead to depression and other psychological symptoms. When therapy alone is not sufficient, medication is often used to aid in the treatment of depression. There is a wide range of medications that can alleviate depression, from SSRI's to atypical antidepressants. You should consult a psychiatrist to find out which, if any, medication would be most helpful for you.

Research studies have found group therapy to be one of the most effective treatments for depression. A psychotherapy group is a safe and confidential place to address and work through relational issues such as intimacy, isolation, assertiveness, anger and loss that might contribute to depression. Though group provides many opportunities for personal growth, the main goal for group members' is to understand how and why they react the way they do to different interpersonal situations. Group members' insights into how they "tic" leads them to experiment with new ways of interacting. Growth in group invariably leads to growth in the "real world". In group, clients have reactions to each other that replicate their experiences to people in the "real world". Under the watchful eye of an experienced group therapist, group members:

* Learn new ways of interacting and dealing with people in their life. For instance, they can become more intimate or assertive. They learn to communicate in a more open and authentic way, and become less fearful about the impact on other people when they are honest -- even with expression of angry emotions. They get to witness the impact of their behaviors on others and get feedback from the group.

* Get in touch with experiences of loss, envy, longing, and desire for intimacy. Often, members in the group represent client's family or origin, and so they have the opportunity to project these feelings onto other members and "work through" their early experiences in a safe environment.

Another powerful aspect of group therapy is the experience you have that you are not alone in the world. Group is a place where you feel connected to, and get support, empathy and validation from people who have shared experiences.

Depression: Action Time

If you suspect that you are depressed, let friends and/or family members know that you need their support. Consult your primary doctor or another medical practitioner to find a therapy referral. You can also get a referral from someone who has had a successful experience with a therapist. If you can't find a therapist through these means then you can find a therapist online such as through or through your insurance company. You should seek immediate attention if you are having any thoughts about dying or suicide.

If you suspect that a friend or family member is suffering from depression, you can:
* Educate yourself about depression and it's symptoms.
* Engage in conversation with your friend, and start by saying that you care about him. Make it clear that you're not trying to judge him but that you can see that he is struggling and you want to help. You can simply ask, "what can I do for you?". Allow him to vent without offering advice or solutions unless he specifically asks for such advice.
* Try to spend time with him and encourage him to engage in life and not isolate. Most importantly, encourage him to see a professional.