Saturday, August 3, 2013

How Antidepressants Work

Antidepressants are the first line treatment against depression. Annual sales of antidepressants are approximately $ 50 billion, making this class of drugs one of the most currently prescribed. Many pharmaceutical companies engaged in direct marketing of antidepressants to consumers through television and print media.

Thus, patients have a major influence on prescribing patterns of health professionals when it comes to this type of medication. Antidepressants are often prescribed, but after all, what exactly are antidepressants? How do they work? Are they effective?


This article is informational only, and is not intended as medical advice. People who are in search of assistance to obtain diagnosis and treatment of depression should consult their physician and / or pharmacist.

The depression or major depressive disorder - TDM, also called clinical depression or unipolar depression - occurs in about 15 million Americans each year. It can occur at any age (including children under 5 years), but most commonly affects people between 25-44 years. MDD affects approximately 20% of women and 10% of men. TDM leads to lost productivity at work and school. And most importantly, is the leading cause of suicide.

The TDM, unlike the short periods of "melancholy" is a persistent change in mood that can interfere with family relationships and self-esteem. Recurrent episodes can last for days, months or years. The TDM has physical and mental symptoms, which include:

  • depressed mood (sadness)

  • loss of interest or pleasure

  • sleep disruption

  • fatigue

  • feelings of worthlessness, despair, hopelessness and helplessness

  • changes in appetite, weight loss or weight gain

  • loss of sexual interest

  • inability to think, concentrate or make decisions

To have a clinical diagnosis of MDD, these symptoms should occur frequently for a minimum period of two weeks.

These symptoms can also result from other diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and epilepsy. So it is possible that the depressive episode is a secondary symptom of another disease. Since there is no laboratory test for depression, doctors may perform several tests to rule out these other possible diseases. If all these are excluded, remains the TDM.

How Antidepressants Work

Antidepressants are designed to block various aspects of the process of synaptic transmission in neurons that contain serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain and thus increase the levels of these neurotransmitters. With the increase in neurotransmitter levels, mood and emotions should stabilize and perhaps return to normal. However, since some of these neurotransmitters (such as norepinephrine) are contained in the neural pathways in the brain and other parts of the nervous system, some antidepressants may have side effects as changes in blood pressure and saliva production. Furthermore, as the pathways involved in TDM is at the bottom of the brain and brain stem, antidepressants may interfere with other functions such as appetite, sleep and sexual function.

Antidepressants are classified according to the neurotransmitters that affect and how they affect. Let's examine the different types of antidepressants.

Selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)

SSRIs, antidepressants prescribed most often were introduced in the mid 80s. SSRIs block serotonin transport back to the pre-synaptic cell. This action increases the concentration of serotonin in the synaptic cleft, raising the stimulation of postsynaptic cells. SSRIs include the following drugs:

  • Fluoxetine (Prozac)

  • Paroxetine (Paxil)

  • Sertraline (Zoloft)

  • Fluvoxamine (Luvox)

  • Citalopram (Celexa)

  • Escitalopram (Lexapro)

The various SSRIs are equally effective and tolerated by patients. However, one reacts the same way, therefore, some patients may suffer more side effects of a type other than with SSRIs. Most antidepressant is administered more than once a day. But the active form of fluoxetine in the body have long half-life (stays longer) and, therefore, patients can take it once a day - minimizing the risk of forgetting a dose. At high doses, paroxetine and sertraline interfere with the neurotransmission of dopamine and serotonin.

To reduce the side effects that may cause the patient to discontinue the drug, doctors usually begin SSRIs at low doses and slowly increase until the desired dose. Side effects include nausea, dizziness, dizziness, vomiting, insomnia, anorexia, anxiety and sexual dysfunction.

Tricyclic antidepressants and selective reuptake inhibitors of norepinephrine

Tricyclic antidepressants have been introduced in the late 50th and early 60th. Like the SSRIs, these compounds block the reuptake of norepinephrine by the presynaptic cell, thereby increasing its concentration in the synaptic cleft. Tricyclic antidepressants include:

  • Nortriptyline (Pamelor)

  • Maprotiline (Ludiomil)

  • Desipramine (Norpramine)

  • Amitriptyline (Elavil)

  • Clomipramine (Anafranil)

  • Imipramine (Tofranil)

Tricyclic antidepressants affect heart rate and blood pressure, because norepinephrine is also a neurotransmitter used by the autonomic nervous system that controls blood pressure and heart rate. Its side effects include postural hypotension (blood pressure below normal), tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), dry mouth, urinary retention and blurred vision. Tricyclic antidepressants are not used frequently because they have many side effects. However, for patients who can not tolerate SSRIs or other antidepressants, tricyclics are effective. Physicians should observe the patient closely to monitor the appearance of serious side effects.

Tricyclic antidepressants are non-selective inhibitors of the reuptake of norepinephrine, because their chemical structures are similar to norepinephrine. Reboxetine (Edronax) reuptake inhibitor is a more specific, since it binds better in the carrier reuptake, but does not exist in the United States.

Depression - It Can Affect Everyone

About 21 million people suffer from depression. Depression affects the way one feels about themselves. It involves the body, mood and thoughts. If a person is depressed it can affect the way they sleep and eat. Having depression is not the same as feeling blue temporarily. Despite of what some people think it is not a sign of weakness either. If a person with depression doesn't get any treatment then it can last for weeks, months or even years. Treatment can help most people overcome depression.

There are different types of depression. The three most common types are major depression, dysthymia and bipolar disorder. Major depression is a combination of symptoms. Having major depression will affect your everyday life such as working, sleeping and eating. Dysthymia is a less severe form of depression. It involve long-term chromic symptoms, however they are not disabling like major depression. It will keep them from feeling good. People with dysthymia can suffer from an episode of major depression.

Bipolar disorder is sometimes called manic-depressive disorder. Bipolar is characterized by cycling mood changes. Severe highs are called mania or manic. And lows are depression. Sometimes the cycle changes are dramatic and rapid. Most of the time the cycle is gradual. When in the depression cycle, a person can get most symptoms of major depression. When they cycle to mania, they will often have lots of energy, be very talkative and overactive. Mania can affect judgment and social behavior. This may cause serious problems and lead to embarrassment. If the mania is untreated it can worsen to a psychotic state.

Depression can be inherited. It often runs in families. The question is, is it inherited genetically or learned behavior. Depression can occur in somebody who has no family. Bipolar studies have shown that families, whose members of each generation develop bipolar, that those with illness have a different genetic makeup than those who do not become ill with the disorder. Whether the depression disorder is inherited or not, depression is associated with the changes in the brain structure and or brain function.

Women have been known to experience depression more often that men. For women many hormonal factors contribute to the higher rate of depression. Especially during menstrual cycle changes, pregnancy, post partum and menopause. Also environmental stress factors such as single parenthood, caring for children and aging parents.

Men are less likely to develop depression, however men are more likely to deny that they are depressed and unfortunately doctors are less likely to suspect it. The rate of suicide is higher in men, but more women attempt suicide. The rate of suicide increases in men around the age of 70 and peaks after the age of 85. Depression in men may often be masked by the use of alcohol or drugs. They may work extremely long hours. If a man realizes he is in depression he is more unlikely to seek help for treatment.

Some symptoms of depression are sad, anxious, feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, pessimism, loss of interest in pleasurable hobbies, fatigue, hard time concentrating, insomnia or oversleeping, weight gain or loss, thoughts of suicide and persistent physical symptoms that do not respond to treatment, like headaches, chronic pain, and digestive disorders.

Here are some examples of mania; excessive happiness, unusual irritability, lack of need for sleep, increased talking, racing thoughts, increased sexual desire, a big increase in energy, poor judgment and inappropriate behavior.

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder - Depression and Manic Phase

The depression in bipolar disorder is not necessarily the mild type, especially in adults. It may appear like a clinical form of the disorder such as dysthymia or seasonal affective disorder; or it could appear more severely as a form of major depression. When you are depressed in bipolar type of disorder, you tend to experience painful sadness, negative thinking, and indifference to things that used to bring you happiness.

You feel woebegone but cannot bring yourself to do anything about it; and you feel drained and tired, but you cannot do anything about it because you still can't get enough sleep. Adults who suffer from bipolar disorder have been known to seriously consider suicide when they are in the depressed phase of the cycle.

In the manic phase of bipolar disorder, you are overexcited without reason. You have all of these creative and inspirational thoughts at the same time but you cannot focus on any of them long enough to make them happen. You find yourself irritable because no one understands your rapid-fire vocalizations, and they don't seem to want to go along with your self-destructive behavior. Of course you aren't getting a lot of sleep either, and nothing can stop you from making indecent sexual advances, buying extravagant gifts, gambling and wasting money, and generally getting nowhere.

It does not take a lot to observe either of these symptoms in an adult. However, being able to notice both sets of symptoms to make the correct diagnosis often takes careful observation of the patient so that you don't end up with a misdiagnosis and treating them for the wrong thing. Sometimes the cycles are years apart and sometimes they can cycle several times within a single week. This is called rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. Surely you can't identify these on your own, without the right professional help.

Hidden Signs of Bi Polar Disorder

Clare was addicted to the Home Shopping network. After she maxed out her remaining credit cards following her divorce, she then started ordering goods and charging them to her daughter's credit card. Her daughter Molly almost has a coronary when she saw her next bill. A frugal young woman, she was expecting only $42.97 for an online purchase she had made herself.

Instead, her card sat at $258.22 over its $5000 limit.

Thinking she was the victim of stolen identity, Molly went to call the police. At this point her mother, who had moved in with her after Molly's recent return to the province, confessed. There was a row, with tears on both sides, but the next day, Molly hugged her mother and said she knew Clare had been compensating for her husband's abandonment. Molly would pay off 70% of the monthly charges until the account was cleared, and her mother could chip in the other 30%, since there was no divorce settlement in Clare's favor.

That's when things took an ugly turn. Clare kept compulsively ordering from the shopping channel faster than Molly could pay her card down, until even her "back up" credit card was declined. More tears and rows followed, and a phone call with Molly's ex-stepfather revealed that bankruptcy caused by Clare's compulsive spending was the main issue in the divorce - not the stories Clare had told her daughter.

A Hard Step To Take

Mo finally had to ask her mother to leave and find a place of her own. She felt really wretched at this step, since she knew her mother's only option was to go on Social Assistance: But that was when things began to change for the better for both mother and daughter. An astute Social Assessment Worker noted much more about Clare than her financial problems, and convinced her to visit a doctor, who promptly referred her to a psychiatrist.

Clare was diagnosed with Bi Polar disorder. "The spending and the poor judgment was a big red flag, only we didn't see it," says Mo. "We didn't know what we were looking at. Brad and I just thought mom was dishonest and selfish, and had gone off the deep end over the divorce."

There are many misconceptions about Bi Polar disorder. Not everyone indulges in spending sprees like Clare. Instead, some show very poor judgment in sexual relationships instead; and what is dismissed with disgust as over-the-top, dangerous promiscuity can actually be an indicator of Bi Polar disorder.

Some exhibit neither symptom, and would be outraged at any suggestion that either may occur - but in the depressive phase, may be prone to self harm and suicidal thoughts.

The truth is, there are several types of Bi Polar disorder. There is even a type that exhibits no manic phase at all - just depressive. Auditory and visual hallucinations can be involved in Bi Polar disorder - particularly at times of stress. There is a seasonal type too, as well as a mild form where people truck along for years, with no more noticeable symptom than insomnia and rapid speech, punctuated by occasional depression.

Sometimes a severely traumatic event - like the bankruptcy Clare caused and her subsequent divorce - can flip someone with "mild" Bi Polar disorder into an out-of-control episode.

The important lesson to learn here is... no matter what you believe about natural remedies, even the best ones won't work, if you don't first proactively get a solid diagnosis. In fact, in some cases - especially a complex genetic psychological condition like Bi Polar disorder - playing guessing games with natural substances can do more harm than good.

If you suspect a loved one has Bi Polar disorder, see your medical professional for proper diagnosis.

Emotional Abuse and Depression - 5 Signs Your Depression is Linked to Your Relationship

Depression affects many people at some point or another in their lives. Causes may include unresolved past trauma, grief, current life challenges, and/or brain chemistry issues. However, one contributing factor that is often overlooked is the health of the relationships we are involved in. If your intimate relationship is emotionally and psychologically abusive, it can leave you feeling demoralized, hopeless, and depressed. Here are 5 signs your depression is linked to your relationships:

1.  Your partner puts you down, publicly or in private. These put downs may be as blatant as name calling, or they make take a more subtle form such as criticisms about how you do things, your character, or your mental state.

2.  Your partner attempts to control your activities. He or she may expect you to relay a summary of your day's activities, then offer criticisms about what you chose to do. You may feel defensive or a need to justify your actions.

3.  Your partner discourages or prohibits you from spending time with friends and family outside the relationship. This may be expressed in obvious form, such as saying "I don't want you to see so and so," or it may be more subtle, "I can't believe you are choosing spending time with her over spending time with me." The abuser gets a couple of benefits from this tactic. He or she isolates you and gains control over your activities, but he or she also reduces your exposure to the positive messages your loved ones might give you about yourself. It also reduces the chance that one of your friends or family will criticize your abuser and get you thinking.

4.   Your partner utilizes sex as a weapon of control. This may manifest in a demand for sex regardless or your needs, desires, and mental state. It may also emerge in the form of deliberate withholding of sex, leaving you feeling rejected, vulnerable and again at the mercy of your abuser's whim.

5.  Your partner threatens you with non-physical consequences for not complying with his or her demands. These threats and punishments may be interspersed with occasional acts of contrition, kindness, or generosity, however the kind behavior is short lived. Once you are lulled and drawn back into the relationship, the cycle of emotionally abusive behavior begins anew.

Research Suggests 5htp Benefits Depression Symptoms

Depression is painful. Overwhelming feelings of sadness, anxiety, low self-esteem and general lack of pleasure can take away much of the joy in life. Research shows the natural amino acid 5htp benefits those experiencing depressive symptoms by promoting feelings of calm and well-being without the side effects of prescription anti-depressants.

Derived from the West African plant Griffonia simplicifolia, 5htp, or 5-hydroxytryptophan, plays a vital role in our brain's serotonin production. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter necessary for normal nerve and brain function to occur. Serotonin is largely responsible for regulating sleep, emotional moods, and perception of pain.

Decades of research have linked low serotonin levels with the symptoms of depression, including low mood, lack of energy, weight gain, insomnia, and anhedonia, or lack of pleasure. SSRI's, or selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, have been in use to treat these symptoms for many years. SSRI's work by artificially changing the balance of serotonin in the brain. Although generally effective, they're associated with numerous and highly undesirable side effects, including nausea and vomiting, inability to orgasm, weight gain, dry mouth, diarrhea, insomnia, and agitation.

How effective is 5htp in comparison? A number of clinical trials have been conducted to determine how 5htp benefits those experiencing depressive symptoms, with largely favorable results. One study indicated 5htp was as effective as the prescription antidepressant fluvoxamine. Repeatedly, 5htp's ability to increase the brain's natural serotonin production has been shown to elevate mood, promote healthy sleep patterns, and reduce anxiety. In addition, reported side effects were infrequent and extremely mild compared to those of SSRI's.

5htp has also been shown to improve the symptoms of fibromyalgia, reduce the frequency of migraines, and conduce appetite control and reduce carbohydrate cravings. All of these have been associated with low serotonin levels.

Most people using 5htp for depression take between 50 and 400 mg daily. Some people obtain more favorable results while taking a lower dose, so it's advisable to start with 50 mg and add more over time if necessary. For maximum absorption, 5htp should be taken with or shortly before a meal, with a full glass of water. 5htp may not be appropriate for all mood disturbances, and should not be taken by those using anti-Parkinson's or prescription antidepressant medications. Consulting a health care professional before beginning a 5htp regimen is advised.

Relocation Depression - Some Symptoms and Strategies to Overcome It

After the boxes are unpacked, the phone is set up, and you've sorted out all the other necessities, you may find yourself depressed after a move to a new place. The hardest part of this is that often times, you don't even realize you're depressed. You're so focused on all you have to get done, that when that initial whirlwind passes, you may end up sitting down to relax, only to find that several months have gone by and you're in a rut. If you're the trailing spouse, and have no job lined up, this is something you especially need to watch for.

What can end up happening is that you mourn the life you left behind - the great friends and family you have, perhaps a job you loved. And, you may not realize this process is going on, because your conscious mind keeps saying, "I'm in Sydney, I should be excited. I just have to try harder."

One of the dangers of not preparing for possible depression is that, when you first arrive someplace new, it's like being on vacation. In fact, if you're moving someplace that excites you, you may be so caught up in this excitement, that you will convince yourself of how perfect everything there will be. You'll look forward to a change of pace. When you arrive, it's like starting a new relationship - everything is new, different, and offers the opportunity for discovery. Once your mind wraps around the fact that you'll be staying there for a while, however, the romance tends to wear off, and leave you shocked, and feeling a little trapped.

Here are some signs to look out for that could mean you're depressed:

  • You find yourself sleeping a lot - if you normally sleep 6 - 8 hours and find that you're suddenly sleeping 12 or more hours, especially during the daytime, this is a main indicator of depression.

  • When you're awake, you feel tired, and sluggish. You notice that even after a full night's sleep, you just can't get yourself going.

  • You don't feel like leaving the house. You spend most of your time at home, in front of the TV. You reject suggestions from loved ones. In fact, when people make suggestions to you about things you can do, or places you can go, you feel pushed and automatically say no.

  • You have no interest in doing anything.

  • You have no desire to socialize or meet new people.

  • The only happy moments you have are when you plan a trip to go back home, or talk to your friends back home.

The Expats and trailing spouses I've spoken to mention that when they became depressed, they didn't even realize it. They simply thought they were very tired, and they felt annoyed by their spouse trying to push them off the couch. At the same time, they felt like a burden on their spouse, because there was a sense that the spouse wanted time away from them. There's an interesting discovery I made with several people I spoke to. When they really thought about why they were depressed, they realized that admitting they were happy after moving, made them feel they would have to give up the friends they had back home or dramatically change those friendships. They were so used to contacting these friends in moments of misery, that they were afraid their happiness might mean less contact with friends back home, and possibly not being as close to them.

If you truly cannot get yourself out of this rut, you should make a commitment to see a therapist to at least find some ways to manage the depression so you can begin to come out of it.

The good news is that there are several techniques you can use to avoid the depression from starting, or to get yourself out of a rut if you're already there, provided you are willing to move forward and allow yourself to be happy.

The best thing you can do is adopt some strategies, before you leave, to try and prevent depression from setting in at all.

Make contacts before you leave. You can do this by asking your current friends and family to refer you to contacts they have, and put the word out that you'd love some names and numbers of friends they have living in the host city you're relocating to.

Reach out to your new-found contacts immediately. Instead of waiting till after you arrive, make that phone call, or send that email NOW. Let them know who referred you to them, and that you'll be moving out their way soon, and you'd love to make plans to meet them after you arrive.

Research what activities are available in your host city. Learn about all the places that offer adult continuing education classes. Ask your new contacts what activities or groups they are aware of that might interest you.

Consider volunteering. Find out what volunteer opportunities exist. This is not only a great way to meet new friends, but if you're also helping other people, it may be a source of enormous satisfaction for you.

Join a community. Do a Google search. If you're moving to San Francisco, research "Expats in San Francisco" and see what you find. Facebook also offers many Expat groups. If you join a group on Facebook, you can also join forums that might be of help.

It's best to start all these ideas before you leave, because then, when you arrive, you'll have a network already started, so you don't have to feel like you're at the beginning of this process. If you have already moved, though, then now is as good a time as any to start.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Depression - A Dangerous State of Mind

Are you melancholic always? Are you blaming yourselves for every nasty things in life? Are you losing confidence in facing people? Are always being alone? If the answers are yes, you are an ideal candidate of depression.

Depression is a state of mind where the person withdraws in to a shell, shuns the normal routine ways of life, gets irritated at every small things, refuses to face people and continues to remain alone and aloof. Depression is often caused by frequent failures in life, either small or large. Depression causes jealousy, sense of failure, dejection, a tendency for putting the blame on oneself, sleeplessness, unnecessary and unjustified fear, loss of confidence and many more symptoms.

Depression is brought about by loneliness and a sense of failure. Every person goes through such periods of depression in life but the real test lies in how long the depression lasts. The longer it lasts the lesser the chances of getting back to normal ways of life.

The best way to beat depression is to remain always engaged in some activity or the other . Never let the brain remain idle. Keep yourself engaged. Reading, Writing, or doing crossoword puzzles are some of the best ways to beat depression. A good company helps. But cannot be always taken for granted.

Never think about the past or the future. Think about the present. Living in the present is the best way to ensure a restful life. Depression is not a good thing. It wreaks heave toll on the body as well as the mind.

Never allow yourself to be depressed.

Ten Ways To Boost Testosterone Levels Safely

Testosterone affects everything in the male body, so lowered male-hormone levels can be the source of all sorts of problems. The most obvious symptoms are lowered sex drive and erectile strength - impotence being the extreme of this. However, lowered testosterone also causes depression, concentration difficulties, anxiety, muscle loss, less facial hair and a general malaise - a sense of not really being bothered about anything any more. You can also experience less pleasure, desire, and fun in everything in your life. Your relationships will suffer too. This problem can even adversely affect your career.

Low testosterone is also associated with, poor quality sleep, heart disease, memory function, depression, diabetes, cognitive disorders and osteoporosis.

A blood test will let you know the score. But if you have any symptoms you'll want to know that there are easy, non-drug solutions that you can use.

Here are ten simple things you can do to boost your testosterone levels.

  1. Lose weight. If you can get hold of any of you around your belly - then get rid of it. Being overweight is one of the main causes of lowered testosterone. So cut out on those snacks and burgers. Don't go overboard though, because that will be difficult to sustain, just plan to eat a little more healthily. Small regular changes are sustainable. Make a small dietary change, get used to it. Make another one.

  2. Exercise more. If you are very unfit then stick with simple exercises like walking or cycling. Just push yourself enough to raise your heart rate slightly for around 20 minutes a day. When you are fitter then consider a gym or a class so that you get a proper muscle-building workout. If you watch tv for more than 5 hours a day then you need to take action now.

  3. Eat less red meat. Too much protein interferes with testosterone production, so cut down on the meat and eat more veg.

  4. Go nuts. Mono-unsaturated fats boost testosterone levels. Nuts are an easy way to get these. You could even use peanut butter - though it would have to be an unsweetened version.

  5. Snooze. Get enough quality sleep. If you aren't getting seven or eight hours of quality sleep each night then you need to do something about it. You can exercise more. Have a relaxing bath before bedtime. Stop doing brain work (and that includes worrying) at least an hour before bedtime. Instead wind down with some relaxing music, read a boring book, or play a fun game (not competitive) on your computer.

  6. Drink less. Cut down on alcohol. It'll probably help with the belly fat too.

  7. Relax. Reduce stress in your life. Stress increases cortisol. Cortisol eats testosterone. Make stress reduction a priority in your life.

  8. Eat happy animals. Eat organic foods as much as you can - especially meat & dairy produce. Dioxin adversely affects testosterone levels and dioxin is mostly ingested from animals and animal products produced with intensive farming methods. The animals are not only given feedstuffs that have been treated with herbicides & pesticides, but also injected with antibiotics and other fat-building drugs. These chemicals are the source of the majority of dioxins in your diet.

  9. You're sweet enough. Eat less sweet stuff. Just 75gm of sugar drops a healthy man's testosterone levels by 25%. That's 13 level teaspoons, or roughly the same amount of sugar that you get in two cans of non-diet soft drink.

  10. Sunbathe. Vitamin D, which you get from being in the sun, boosts testosterone levels. So get more sun, but be sensible, don't get burned and don't get skin cancer.

?There you have ten easy things you can start doing straight away to boost your male-hormone levels. This will not only give you a boost in bed but will also positively impact many other areas of your life too. You will feel fitter, healthier and happier, but if you have any health concerns make sure you check with your doctor before taking any action.


Top Ten Non-Drug Treatments For Depression

Many of my patients do not want to take medication and I support their efforts to find a holistic solution. Here are my top recommendations:

1) Exercise: Believe it or not, exercise has been found to be the most effective treatment for depression. Of course, that's the last thing you feel like doing when you're feeling down. The minimum recommendation is 3 times per week for 20 minutes. More is better.

2) Weekly Psychotherapy: Long standing issues, family and cultural programming, habits of mind - these are just some of the issues that might be at cause. Depression is a sign that something in your life is not right. Get some help to deal with it.

3) Check your pleasures: Coffee, alcohol, sugar, and recreational drugs can lead to mood disorders. Even moderate use can be too much for depressed persons. Observe how your moods go up and down with use.

4) Supplements: All people suffering from depression should be taking Fish Oil for Omega-3 Fatty Acids daily. There is also compelling research on the use of Amino Acids, Sam-E, St. John's Wort, DHEA, and B vitamins. Read up and experiment.

5) Sunlight: It helps to get direct sun exposure every day if possible. If not available, a light box can bring a lot of relief. You can easily get your dose of light by sitting in front of one for 15 minutes a day. Light boxes are great.

6) Regular human contact: Many people are depressed because they are too isolated. We are social animals. Go to and find some people who enjoy the same things you do.

7) Challenge your thinking: Depressed people have depressed thoughts. A book that can be really helpful with this is Feeling Good by Dr. David Burns

8) Good nutrition: The way we eat may have a lot to do with fostering depression. Check out The Mood Cure by Julia Ross, Potatoes Not Prozac by Kathleen DesMaisons, and Seven Weeks to Sobriety by Joan Matthews Larson.

9) Yoga and Meditation: These are recommended for mild to moderate depression only. Severely depressed people need to become more active and outer focused.

10) Are you living your right life? Sometimes depression is an indication that things need changing. Sometimes drastically. Do an inventory of your life.

If these treatments have been tried and there is no change in a month, it is recommended get a full evaluation by a healthcare provider. It is important to rule out a medical condition such as low thyroid which would cause depressive symptoms.

Many people consider taking antidepressants a sign of weakness. It is not, any more than it is weak for a diabetic to take insulin. Depression is one of the most debilitating illnesses, with many people dying from it each year. It does not make you a better person to endure needless suffering.

© Catherine Auman 2009

Depression Targets More Women Than Men

Did you know, statistically women have more chances to get depressed?

There are nineteen areas in our brain linked to depression, sixteen of them connected to female sex.

Women are more prone to hormonal changes - PMS, pregnancy, post-natal depression, menopause - you name it, they have it.
Men's brain produces more serotonin, which is a brain chemical that makes us happy.

So, that's why women eat more chocolate than men! In fact, statistically, we consume 60% more chocolate when we are feeling down. And I imagine now, that women do need it more than men, with less serotonin and all.

We also look at our problems differently.
Men tend to distract themselves, watch TV, play computer games (I'm generalizing here, people).
Women keep mulling over the same problem or event. I do know that female brain is tenacious. If I muck up, my wife remembers it for ages.

Socially, women are more under pressure today. Not only they need to have good education and a successful career to be considered accomplished, they're expected to marry and raise kids in between.

But what's the difference in signs of depression for men and women?

Men get irritable and angry, our mood swings. We blame someone else for the cause of our depression and want to confront them. We stay on the sofa and watch TV 24/7, browse Internet for hours, self-medicate and generally become restless.

On the other hand, women close up. They feel pathetic and worthless, their self-confidence plummets. Women tend to blame themselves, not anyone else, for their troubles. They try coping with their apathy and avoid conflict at all costs.

These signs should occur for at least two weeks, most of them daily, for the doctor to diagnose you as clinically depressed.

Good news for women, - they are more likely to acknowledge that they are depressed and seek medical attention, so their percentage of recovery from this illness is higher than in men.

So, how to determine that you are clinically depressed?

* First, they rule out that some physical ailment caused changes to your mental state. They do some tests on your thyroid - a gland that, if destabilised, plays havoc with your hormones. They check your central nervous system or if you have some kind of cancer.
* You're asked what other medications you're taking, as some of them (for example, steroids for your arthritis) can lead to depression. Even over-the-counter diet pills can make you feel low.
* Last, you probably go through the blood check to make sure that your liver and kidneys don't have any problems and can process prescribed medication at normal pace.
* Obviously, you're also questioned about your state of mind. But this baby - is a topic for some other day.

So, folks, share with me how you feel.

Is it really different for men and women? Did you try to go to the doctor? Does chocolate truly help?

Overcoming Non-Clinical Depression

Is depression the opposite of happiness? If the answer to depression is simply the re-calibrating of chemical imbalance with a dash of serotonin here and top up of dopamine there, then how is it that medical health forecasters are suggesting that within 10 years mental disorder will account for 40% of all medical death and disability in the developed world?

The chemical route appears to be providing less than encouraging answers. It seems that as community attitudes become better informed and sophisticated, that ever more acquaintances step out of the shadows to lay bare their burden. The opening up of a formerly frowned upon subject to discussion seems to have unveiled an epidemic.

There is a continuum that measures mental well-being and feelings ranging from euphoric through to well, melancholy, distraught, catatonic and ultimately suicidal. The extreme end of this scale represents a point of mental crisis that requires professional intervention.

Further upstream however before the edge of the waterfall is imminent, is the better place to implement strategies to dilute or negate the most serious and catastrophic of outcomes.

Few issues in life are black and white. The cause of depression could keep a debating society in material for ever. Yet without some reasonable understanding from whence this scourge emanates, effective treatment is hamstrung. Whatever the origins; chemical imbalance, social, environmental, irrational thinking or internal dialogue, alcohol and substance abuse; clinical mental disorder and any other number of triggers may evolve in to fully blown depression.

What can be done therefore, to dilute this scourge and nullify it's debilitating consequences?

Identify the symptoms early.

Symptoms can become triggers to ever escalating mood swings. Despair, irritability, change of appetite, expressions of worthlessness and guilt. At the lower end of the scale this is termed Dysthymia-or mood disorder. A benign sounding term, but sometimes a precursor to an altogether more serious affliction, which at its most extreme can manifest in suicidal thoughts.

Early intervention strategies.

Avoid non-prescription drugs and alcohol. Self harm and impulse behaviour is more prevalent, when the senses are dulled or heightened abnormally.

Connect and talk. Introspection in isolation can compound feelings of melancholy and warp reasoned and rational evaluation.

Participate in social and physical activities. Anything that interrupts the negative focus creates a different outlook and hence mood.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

There is a line of thinking that suggests that some forms of non-clinical depression is the result of a kind of learned habitual helplessness similar to that identified in animal studies.

In the absence of social support networks this can lead to a perpetual self defeating loop of replaying the past, but via the perception lens of irrationality. According to the father of Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT); Albert Ellis, the cornerstone of extreme and dysfunctional emotional disturbance, are people's irrational beliefs. Evidenced to the degree that the words 'should' and 'must' recur in their vocabulary.

It is hard to be happy or at least content, the enemy of depression, if our beliefs require the world to always be in tune and accordance with our mental model of the way it should be.

Simplistic as it may sound, changing our use of language can dramatically reframe our experiences. as an experiment try discussing an emotive topic without using the word 'should' or 'must', or their equivalent. Finding new means of expression, changes the mental pictures that create our experience.

Depression has many guises and is often debilitating. In many cases however it is manageable. Acknowledging there is a problem is a start and caught early enough in many cases there are interventions that can make a difference.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Great Gatsby Setting As a Prequel to the Great Depression

F.Scott Fitzgerald's the Great Gatsby can be considered as a sort of prequel to the Great Depression. Its tale of social-climbing Midwesterners, illicit money making activities, lavish parties and economic class distinctions makes the novel appear as a critical study of the wealth and excess that largely defined the 1920s before the infamous stock market crash. For the most part, Fitzgerald's novel is taught to high schoolers in conjunction or as an introduction to the 1920s and the eventual Great Depression, the US's biggest economic catastrophe and likely AP Macroeconomics topic of discussion.

The character Jay Gatsby can seen somewhat to be a foreshadowed symbol of the excess that characterized pre-Depression times. Yet, by the time we meet the title character Gatsby-the bootlegging Gatz who builds a illegal bootlegging empire arguably in attempt to win back his true love, the high class but married Daisy-he has already been dead for a while. The narrator Nick Carraway's purpose in telling this story is largely to admonish high society for its cold cruelty and to ponder the downsides of the mythical American Dream-all told through a post-mortem of the final weeks leading up to Gatsby's death. Gatsby, with his unbridled affluence and attempt for social ascension, has come to be our tragic hero of 1920s boom and the eventual bust.

We can see this idea in Fitzgerald's critical construction of the Great Gatsby setting. Set in the wealthy "West Egg" and "East Egg"-respectively, that's Long Island and New York City to you-we as readers are emerged in a social setting characterized as wealthy, educated and socially exclusive and restrictive. The characters do not dare to associate with others considered to be below them socially, particularly in geographical locations. In fact, social status is everything and that status is usually tied to one's financial worth. But even then, one's social status-such as the case for Gatsby-is not as held in much high regard if it's just money and lavish parties you have. Despite his big bucks, Gatsby lives in the less prestigious West Egg, implying he has not fully ascended to the level of his love Daisy, a distance symbolically and geographically represented in the span water between their respective houses. The novel is obsessed with such rigid class distinctions and the inability for most people in the novel to reach a level of equality with the higher class, making 1920s America almost like feudal Europe. No matter how many colored shirts, champagne-fueled parties or fancy-shmancy, people-killing cars he had, he could never be an equal worthy of Daisy in her eyes, even with his excess. His death is also largely symbolic. The wealthy Gatsby ends up murdered by a blue-collar automechanic while kicking back at his personal pool. This event, interpreted post-Depression, suggest an equalization of classes.

In fact, the status quo represented in this novel was effectively up-ended with the onslaught of the Great Depression. Of course, reading The Great Gatsby today with the hindsight and knowledge that four years after its publication, the world's economies would implode, certainly colors readers' interpretations. Yet, if Fitzgerald had been an economist, perhaps The Great Depression may have never happened. He seemed to know what kind of ruin that the extravagance typified by Gatsby was heading to. The Great Gatsby, therefore, becomes this ominous book with impeccable foresight that not only criticizes the stratified society pre-Depression, but in its own way, also argues for the type of equality or equal status that the Depression eventually brings, however destructively.

Nutrition and Hydration in the Elderly

The elderly often show less interest in eating and weight loss can become quiet noticeable. They may also stop drinking as much - especially if they have problems with incontinence. In the face of advanced dementia and/or a terminal illness, this disinterest in food and drink can become even more pronounced. Family dinners become less of a social event and more a battle of wills as children focus their energy on what is being eaten and how much is being eaten. If there is extreme weight loss, artificial nutrition or hydration may be considered.

Before considering alternative methods of nutrition and hydration there are certain questions that need to be asked:

  • Has there been a swallow study (Modified Barium Swallow) done to rule out a physical problem which makes swallowing difficult? Muscle strength typically decreases as we age. This decrease in muscle strength can effect the muscles involved in swallowing. Strokes or TIAs ("mini"-strokes) can affect the muscle control needed to swallow effectively.

  • Are ill-fitting dentures or poor dentition to blame for a decrease in eating? If dentures do not fit well, eating can become problematic and even painful. Chewing and eating can also be difficult if natural teeth are broken or missing.

  • Is there a fear of drinking or eating because of problems with incontinence? The elderly often have problems with incontinence and may refrain from eating or drinking if they are afraid that they may have an "accident" or not have easy access to a bathroom when needed.

  • Is depression a factor? Clinical depression can cause a lack of appetite which may result in weight loss. Depression can also cause a lack of interest in activities such as family dinners, eating out, etc.

  • Are medications to blame? Many medications can cause a lack of appetite or make food "taste funny".

  • Is dementia a factor? Elderly people with dementia may forget how to prepare food, how to feed themselves, or how to chew and swallow.

  • Is a decrease in appetite the result of a terminal illness? One of the problems encountered with terminal illness is a natural decrease in hunger and thirst as the body prepares for death. Medical professionals should be involved in helping patients and their families to understand the disease process and its impact on nutrition and swallowing.

If alternative means of nutrition and/or hydration are being considered certain questions should be considered:

  • Will alternative nutrition/hydration improve nutritional status?

  • Will alternative nutrition/hydration decrease the risk of disease or prevent disease?

  • Will alternative nutrition/hydration help to increase life expectancy?

  • Will alternative nutrition/hydration improve the quality of life?

  • Is alternative nutrition/hydration a short-term or long-term intervention?

  • What are the risks involved with alternative nutrition/hydration?

  • Are there any considerations if alternative nutrition/hydration is provided, but there is a "change of heart"?

All of these questions need to be considered very carefully before taking steps to pursue alternative means of nutrition. Professionals need to educate families on the benefits and contra-indications of tube-feedings, nutritional supplements, appetite stimulants, etc. before a decision is made. This education needs to be specific to the patient involved and take into consideration the overall medical condition of the patient.

Manic Depressive Episodes And Scientology

Scientologists believe that chemical imbalances do not exist. In their view manic episodes should be treated with periods of introspection and audits; a notion which is particularly bizarre and scientifically untenable.

Chemical imbalances do exist in the brain. Everyone has them, not just those with clinical instances of mental illness. A perfect chemical balance would be unnatural. However, every balance goes through a series of sinusoidal curves, these are commonly known as mood swings. Mood swings can leave the charted path of the sinusoidal normality and become instances of depression or mania. While small shifts in mood are normal, and a complete lack of them would point to a certain psychosis and a lack of balance in the brain, large shifts can be devastating.

Scientologists believe that these large swings can be controlled without chemically interfering with the brain. This is utter nonsense. From one of my case studies a patient with an acute manic episode was hospitalized for two weeks and given a heavy does of psychotropic drugs, such as haldol, seryquil and depacote. If given to a person in the natural swing of emotion, seryquil for example would knock a healthy person out for about a day. These drugs had no effect on the patient in the study. As time passed the patient convinced the doctors that he could be released, however the relapse was swift and within two weeks the subject was once again in a mental hospital.

Although the medications could not prevent the subject from going off them, what eventually saved him was the realization that perhaps it would be best to seek help and more drugs to control the condition. While the hardest part for the patient was to come to grips with the diagnosis, the only thing that was able to eventually bring down the mania was a heavy drug cocktail and several weeks of lockdown.

Arguing that such severe episodes can be controlled through meditation is absurd. Depression, like mania on the other end of the spectrum, can be an equally debilitating condition. While a manic patient exhibits uncontrollable amounts of energy, one that is depressed lacks this very energy. Depression can lead to suicide, just as mania could lead to reckless behavior and end with equally grievous consequences. Not medicating a severe case of depression can mean the difference between life and death. The quality of life of people on medication is significantly better then of those who are not on medication and are attempting to self medicate. Scientology claims are largely based on science fiction, claims that are highly harmful those suffering from mania or depression.

How Depression Can Impact Your Elderly Parent

Depression effects lots of people, and the elderly suffer from it too. Elderly parents suffer from it for numerous reasons that differ from one person to anther. You can recognize its many varied and numerous symptoms in your parent if you pay attention, and depression can be treated with self help or professional medically based intervention. It is important to know what kind of help is available and when to seek help so that it doesn't cause too much harm. This article will help you learn what causes depression, how to identify it in your elderly parent, when to get treatment and what kind of treatment is available.

The causes of depression are many and varied and change from person to person depending on circumstances. A partial list of its causes can include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Loss of a spouse

  • Moving to an apartment or a nursing home

  • Loss of independence because of diminished mobility or no longer able to drive

  • Health problems

  • Stop taking a medication

  • Isolation from friends and family

This is only a partial list of the things that can cause an elderly person to be depressed, however the items listed above include some major triggers. If your elderly parent has experienced any of these circumstances he or she may begin to exhibit symptoms.

If an ageing person suffers from depression that will manifest itself in some symptom or symptoms that you may be able to identify. If you see your aged parent having problems with memory or concentration this can be depression even though it is sometimes mistaken for the onset of Alzheimer's. Maybe you notice a loss of energy in your elderly parent and he or she doesn't take care of herself and/or her place the same way as in the past. Other symptoms include feelings of worthlessness or helplessness and crying for no reason. If you notice any of these symptoms or a combination of these symptoms in your aged mother or father understand that it is not normal and could be the sign of depression.

There are many treatments available, but don't expect someone to "just snap out of it" because it doesn't work that way. Sometimes an elderly parent can resort to self help, that is non-medical treatment, especially if that is in conjunction with an adult child or other person who has frequent contact with the older person. Often times just moving around helps, especially getting outside in the sunshine and fresh air. Another effective strategy includes being among people by just visiting, possibly volunteering, or even learning a new skill. Ensuring your mom or dad eats a healthy diet daily can also help fight depression.

If non-medical treatment doesn't work well enough an elderly person can seek professional medical help. Often times medical professionals treat depression with medication. Usually doctors will change medications or the dosage to find what works. For people who don't want to take medication many health care professionals will use counseling, either group, one-on-one, or a combination of both with good results. Very frequently employing all the strategies, both medical and non medical, used in conjunction with each other works best.

Don't be afraid to help if you think your parent suffers from this condition because it's easier to treat it before it gets too bad. The sooner treatment begins the less harmful the impact of the disease will be. Above all, if you think your elderly parent is suicidal go to the emergency room for immediate treatment, and begin an intervention program to prevent or minimize any harm.

To reiterate, you found about depression in older people. This article covered the causes of depression in aging people, what its symptoms are and how to recognize them, and different ways to treat it including both non-medical and medical intervention. This is a fairly extensive topic and you can learn a lot more about this and other topics that impact your elderly parent by reading the resources box below.

Copyright 2011 Jeffrey B. Kent. You may reuse this article only if you use it unedited in its entirety and you provide a link back to my website.

Does My Child Have Coeliac Disease? - Recognizing Gluten Allergy Symptoms in Toddlers

Gluten is the cause of Coeliac disease, a serious and lifelong auto-immune condition (meaning that the body produces antibodies that attack its own tissues). Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt, and other grains (NB some people are able to tolerate oats). Coeliac disease is genetic so your risk is increased if you have family members who are sufferers. Treatment consists of a gluten free diet for life, which leads to a full recovery in most cases. Many people with Coeliac disease do not realise they have the condition.

In Coeliac disease, the villi that line the gut are attacked and damaged leading to problems with absorption of essential nutrients. Symptoms vary from mild to serious and can include stomach pains, bloating, diarrhoea and nausea. Symptoms are often confused with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or stress. Recognizing and diagnosing Coeliac disease can be a lengthy drawn out process and some people go years before finding a diagnosis and some people are simply never diagnosed and suffer with general ill health. Since the disease can go on for many years undiagnosed there is the risk of developing long-term complications such as anaemia, weight and hair loss, osteoporosis, infertility, joint/bone pain and malnutrition.

Q. Does your toddler/child have more than two of the following symptoms after eating gluten-containing foods: abdominal distension or bloating; bone or joint pain; flatulence; headache, nausea and vomiting?

Q. Has your toddler/child ever been diagnosed with: anaemia; obesity; low bone density; sleep apnoea?

Q. Would you say your toddler/child is generally: tired - especially after eating; prone to swinging between constipation and diarrhoea; noted for having a poor appetite and for lingering over food?

Surprisingly enough, all the symptoms listed above and below are indicative of gluten reactions and should be checked out by a medical practitioner.

The common symptoms of gluten sensitivity and therefore possibly Coeliac disease include:

• Feeling tired or exhausted
• Want more energy
• Have low iron levels
• 'Irritable bowel' diarrhoea/constipation
• Gastric reflux, heart burn
• Get moody or irritable or depressed
• Bothered by headaches and migraine

Also, consider if your child(ren) have chronic symptoms such as:

* eczema (itchy and scratchy skin)

* stomach troubles (gastric reflux, sore tummies, diarrhoea, constipation)

* behaviour issues (being cranky, moody and irritable)

Lots of children (and adults) have chronic symptoms of gluten sensitivity but think that they are 'normal'. They experience symptoms and bad feelings every day of their lives - but this is 'normal' for them. They do not recognise that they have a problem. It affects about 1 in 10 people. So your child could be the one! If the symptoms in these lists are starting to look familiar then perhaps a test for gluten sensitivity is your next step. It is always difficult diagnosing any condition in children as they are not able to tell us what is wrong. So, it is important that you make observations about your child/toddlers behaviour, bowel movements, energy levels, eczema flare ups etc - consider keeping a food and symptom diary to see if there are any patterns. This diary could assist a doctor with their investigations and eventual diagnosis. Talk to your doctor or an allergy specialist about getting tested - a very simple blood test can help to detect the possibility of gluten sensitivity and then further tests can be carried out for Coeliac disease if necessary. It is important to have these tests done before starting a gluten free diet otherwise the tests could give false negatives.

TSH Hypothyroidism Symptoms

TSH hypothyroidism can wreak havoc if it is left undetected and unattended. Men can have serious heart ailments (among several other problems) while women can run into pregnancy problems (among other issues). However, a dysfunctional thyroid, unlike many other diseases, does not have its own set of unique symptoms and characteristics. This is precisely why it is so difficult to detect thyroid dysfunction and hypothyroidism.

The symptoms for hypothyroidism are similar to the symptoms of other ailments-for example, the feeling of sluggishness can be a common symptom of both, a low hemoglobin count and a low hormone count. It can take a while before a hypothyroidism symptom is detected, and by then, it can cause serious damage. However, it is still critical to know the different symptoms of TSH hypothyroidism. The symptoms can be both mental and physical. It is also important to know that the symptoms described below need not necessarily occur in everyone, and one can have symptoms that do not appear in the list.

Physical symptoms

• You can either sweat profusely or sweat far less than other people. This is unusual because you can sweat even in an air-conditioned room or in cool weather without working out physically.

• Women may experience a feeling of bloating in the stomach and have mood disorders and stomach cramps-all of which indicate premenstrual symptoms (PMS) when they are affected by TSH hypothyroidism.

• You may lose your appetite and also suffer from constipation.

• You may constantly feel fatigued despite having adequate rest and eating healthy.

• Your cholesterol levels can shoot up unusually even though you have not had foods that trigger cholesterol levels.

• You may tend to fall ill very easily and may catch a cold or cough frequently, and all these indicate poor immunity.

• You may suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

• You may become intolerant to cold temperatures.

• Your hair may become extremely dry and coarse, and you may start to lose your hair.

• You may have skin problems, where your skin becomes dry and flaky. This, despite taking the greatest care of your skin.

• Women who have already conceived may have high blood pressure just before delivery and face the risk of a miscarriage.

• Puffiness may occur around the eyes and the face.

• The arteries may become stiff and clogged, and your blood pressure may shoot up just a bit.

• Your thyroid gland may swell markedly. This is also known as goiter.

Mental Symptoms

• You may slip into depression often and for no apparent reason. Experienced psychologists may advise you to take a medical test to find out the exact reason for your depression.

• You may become a social recluse and may want to avoid going to social events and functions. You may want to communicate less with people and avoid those who want to interact with you.

• You may tend to forget important things during a day (meetings, appointments, and taking medicines, for example). Sometimes, such forgetfulness can become so chronic that it can prove a hindrance to your day-to-day life.

• You may suffer from severe mood disorders and can suffer from extremes of mood at the drop of a hat. You can make a checklist of the most common symptoms of TSH hypothyroidism and discuss your unique symptoms with the doctor. The doctor will then advise suitable tests and treatments.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Postpartum Depression Symptoms to Look Out For

There is a difference between the baby blues and postpartum depression. There are many women that will suffer from the baby blues, but it is perfect natural. The sudden drop in hormones will bring on emotions without warning. However, this should only last for a couple of weeks; the body will help to regulate the hormones by then.

It is important to look out for postpartum depression symptoms to know if the new mom needs help because it is a serious condition that can affect the health of the new mom and the baby.

The main symptoms are all very similar to the normal symptoms for depression. They will start shortly after the birth of the baby and can often been seen as extreme tiredness or a problem with the concentration. Usually, the new mom will have trouble sleeping and it will affect the way that she is during the day. Because of the sleep deprivation, walking and talking may be a little difficult and the new mom may be more confused than normal.

A change in the weight is often seen with postpartum depression. Of course, the new mom will start to lose the baby weight but she may lose more than that. Many women stop eating properly and will not eat enough calories to survive. There are some women that will go the other way and will eat to help cope with their depression; these women will end up putting more weight on.

If these postpartum depression symptoms are not treated, there is the risk that the condition can become worse and turn into postpartum psychosis. This is extremely dangerous because the new mom will start to have thoughts of suicide or will want to harm the baby.

The main sign that the depression has turned into psychosis is that the new mom will start to switch moods extremely quickly. She will also become more agitated and could start to hallucinate. This is dangerous because there is no telling what she will start to see in her head and act upon. When the condition gets like this, it is very important to see a doctor immediately; antipsychotic drugs may be prescribed to help with this.

Catching the postpartum depression symptoms early could really help the new mom handle the problem herself. There are a number of treatments available and many are now natural and options for the home. Just a healthy diet could help dramatically.

ADHD Symptoms and Why Drugs Don't Work

For many years, Ritalin and Adderall have been the most common treatment for ADHD symptoms. Many people, including physicians who ought to know better, still believe that children who suffer from attention deficit disorder have an "inborn defect" which makes them different from supposedly "normal" children; as a result, central nervous system stimulants such as Ritalin have a "paradoxical effect" (the theory goes) upon them, calming them down and helping them to focus rather than exciting them. In a recent article from the New York Times, Dr. Alan Sroufe of Minnesota's Institute for Child Development disputes this theory and shows that these drugs had exactly the same effect on radar operators during World War II; he also found that "all children, whether they had attention problems or not, responded to stimulant drugs the same way."

In other words, children who suffer from ADHD symptoms don't have an inborn defect, and there's no evidence for the supposed "paradoxical effect" of the most common ADHD medications. Ritalin and Adderall are stimulants -- "uppers", as we used to call them during my youth -- and anyone who has relied upon them to get through exams week understands their short-term benefits. Like other amphetamines, these drugs help you to focus your attention and to engage in "boring" tasks (like studying for your biology final) for an extended period of time -- say, that all-nighter while you're cramming.

As the body adapts to these drugs, the short-term benefits often fade (just as the short-term benefits of taking anti-depressants fade after 6-8 weeks). They also have unpleasant side effects such as sleeplessness and loss of appetite, feelings of dullness and changes in personality; they've also been linked to intermittent psychotic episodes. Anyone familiar with the side effects of other drugs that affect neurotransmitters in the neural synapse (the SSRIs, for example) has to wonder if nerve damage may also result from using Ritalin and Adderall long-term.

As with adults who stop taking SSRIs for depression, children who discontinue stimulants for ADHD symptoms also demonstrate the "rebound effect"; their behavior worsens, which then convinces parents that the drugs were actually "working", when in fact their children's bodies have adapted to the drug in their system and strongly react to its withdrawal. Adults may have a similar response if they suddenly stop drinking coffee or quit smoking. For similar reasons, the worsening of depression symptoms after stopping the use of SSRIs often convinces patients that the drugs were actually "working".

Due to aggressive marketing by the APA and the pharmaceutical industry, along with the nearly universal wish to believe that psychiatric problems and societal ills can be solved by taking a pill, physicians and parents have come to rely on medication as the preferred mode of treatment, especially when they hear of studies showing brain anomalies in children who suffer from ADHD symptoms. If you're familiar with the work of Allan Schore, you know that brain anomalies also result from failures in early attachment, during the first year of life. It's quite likely that ADHD symptoms and the brain scan anomalies found in children who suffer from those symptoms result from experience.

Since 1995, Dr. Sroufe and his colleagues at the Minnesota Institute for Child Development have been following 200 children born into poverty, thus more vulnerable to behavioral problems. His and other epidemiological studies have found that the environment of the child is a better predictor for the development of ADD problems than IQ or infant temperament, including activity level. These studies tell us that what happens to you during infancy and early childhood will shape you (and your brain) for life.

I have close friends whose son, born prematurely, suffers from ADHD symptoms. His premature birth and the experience of those early months of life color his family, peer and academic relationships to this day. I've known others who suffer from attention deficit disorder, with family backgrounds full of chaos and instability which likely influenced the development of their ADHD symptoms. Helping someone recover from such early deficits is a highly complex and difficult challenge; it's so much easier and deceptively comforting to believe that you can prescribe your way out of the problem, rather than trying to do something about the complex interaction between societal woes, family fragmentation and neurological development. In a similar vein, it's much simpler to buy into the widespread belief that SSRIs will cure your depression than face the facts: making a meaningful difference in your state of mind means engaging in the difficult and long-term work of psychotherapy.

What Those Who Have Recovered From Depression Know That Those Who Have Never Suffered, Don't!

There is a most definite payoff that comes with having recovered from depression. It is generally not spoken about because those people who have recovered from depression are too busy enjoying life. When I say 'recovered from depression' I mean really, really recovered from depression. I don't mean having felt better than last week when life seemed a little dark. No, what I'm talking about is those people whose backs were against the wall whilst being pinned up by their demons with the hand of the devil around their necks, holding tight enough to squeeze the life out of them without mercy. And now? Now those people are 100% at ease with life in the knowledge that if the devil ever returns, they know exactly what to do to stop it in its tracks and send it packing. When you have conquered your worst fears, life is a breeze.

When I was in the 'devil showed me no mercy' position, I knew my choices were limited. I was also aware that time was not on my side; I needed immediate help and I needed full-on help. I have met many people who have walked this same road and have come out the other side. We meet regularly and we talk about our lives. We clear the stuff that blocks us up first and this leaves room for rewards to flow our way. We laugh at most of life and giggle amongst ourselves. We are a contented tribe but we always search for more of life's goodies. We know they are there, albeit in a different identity from before we recovered.

What makes us different to others is that in order to slay our demons, we have had to turn ourselves inside out. We needed to inspect every bug that was hidden under the rocks of our denial and then oust them. If we left one behind, we knew it would re-incarnate itself into The Thing out of John Carpenter's film. Whilst we were pinned against the wall we didn't feel we had a choice; it was fight or die. We had to spend a couple of years scrutinizing our every move in order that we could adjust our behaviour accordingly to bring about a better response from the world. We had to write, question, discuss, alter, grieve, modify and eventually evolve into people who were integrated with themselves. We wouldn't have chosen and we didn't ask to go through this self-inspection. We did it because it was the only open door we could see at the time so we ran for it with the energy we would have found if someone had screamed 'fire!!' and pointed to the exit.

Having recovered from depression, I have received gifts which are sometimes beyond my comprehension. I have an innate 'in-tune ness' with myself which allows me to understand what I should do next. At the same time I grasp the essence of the power of the moment and I recognise that is where true bliss lies. I no longer have the unremitting babble in my head which condemns my humanness and rejoices only when I achieve it's goal. There is no judge and jury sat on the other side of the road as I walk out of my house singing 'We will, we will judge you' to the tune of the song by Queen of near enough the same name. I don't have to face the face the world any more with a 'mask of perfection' to cover up my feelings of isolation. I now find that I present myself to the outside world as I feel on the inside. I don't have an innate fear of authority any more in the sense that I used to feel like a small child in a world of big adults. Oh, and I no longer feel guilty when I see a policeman! I know that the future will be taken care of in spite of my best efforts to try and control it. I let up on criticising those around me which leaves me enjoying their idiosyncrasies rather than telling them what to do next. I know that changing my friends or lover is not going to solve any problems because my problems sit within me. This is the most liberating discovery as I am no longer passive to other people's directive.

I am not driven to succeed materially any longer as I have learnt that feeding my 'neediness' with 'things' leaves me feeling empty. But I am driven to discover and fulfill my true potential. A great part of that is, when I choose to, being honest about myself. I now tell people how I feel at that moment, what I like about them and what I struggle with and why, in a way that is inviting to others. Their reactions to me are a world apart from the reactions I received as a young woman with 'p*** off' written across her forehead. The conversation with another in which we exchange feelings and experiences about being in each other's company is the most awe inspiring, breathtaking and humbling interchange that I know of. Yes it is scary because, as a society, we never do it - in fact we run from it. But, when I get the courage to converse with another in this way I feel I am at the centre of life because I am facing my most scary moment which is to show my honest self. The payoff? I no longer fear other people and the world. I am secure in the knowledge that I am an inherently good person and I can take care of myself. I feel a vibrancy in life which fills me with wonderment. I don't tolerate drivel and dishonesty. I only ever compromise myself through choice.

Is someone you know deeply depressed? Don't pity them but understand that their time has come to challenge their own demons and, if they take up the challenge, they will manifest into themselves into someone who is prepared to stand away from the herd, speak their mind, give up judging those around them and, most of all, will be full of joy. It's our little secret.

Seasonal Affective Disorder - Teenagers At Risk

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) also known as the winter blues or winter depression is a type of depression that not only affect adults but also teenagers. This type of depression is characterized by its seasonal occurrence or pattern.

Seasonal affective disorder appears and disappears at the same time of the year, usually during fall or winter when there is limited daylight or sunlight. Winter-onset SAD is more common in northern regions, where the winter season is typically longer and more harsh.

SAD is more generally common in teenagers than adults. For adults, the risk of SAD decreases as they get older. The condition is also more common in female teenagers than male and can have a lot of negative effect on the affected teenager. It can interfere with a teenager's ability to concentrate and succeed in school, and more importantly, the rise in teen suicide during winter is also believed to be as a result of the consequences of SAD.

The various symptoms of seasonal affective disorders are essentially the same as those of depression. However, the only significant difference is that SAD occurs only during a specific time of the year (usually winter or fall). Here in are some of the symptoms common to teenagers with seasonal affective disorder;

• Rapid changes in mood
• Lack of excitement
• Fatigue or low energy
• Sleep disturbances
• A rapid change in appetite, especially a craving for sweet or starchy foods
• Lack of concentration
• Weight gain
• Anxiety
• Social withdrawal

The various symptoms of seasonal affective disorder if not treated could have varying degree of negative consequences on a teenager. It may affect a teenager's performance at school resulting in poor grades and even damage relations with fellow school mates or friends. This will in turn leave a teenager with feelings of hopelessness, dejection and a depleted self-esteem.

By the way, do you want to learn more about depression and how you can effectively treat any type of depression?

If so, I suggest you check this out: Depression Help.

Natural Treatment Options for Depression

Depression is a serious ailment that 19 million Americans are currently
experiencing. Many people have turned to antidepressants to treat their
symptoms. While there are certainly many success stories regarding
these medications, many people have not found them to be helpful. This
is because the medication had no apparent effect, made the person
emotionally flat, or caused various side effects that did not make it worth
pursuing any further. Unfortunately, there are probably millions of
Americans who feel enslaved by their depression, convinced there is no
way out.

People have suffered from depression throughout human
history. Before we had pharmaceutical companies offering various
drugs to help us cope, our ancestors used natural methods such as
plants, food, meditation, and yoga to cure their mental imbalances. This
was done for many centuries, which attests to the effectiveness of
natural methods. Below is an overview of a few natural treatment
options for depression that can offer hope to those who are caught in its

  • Acupuncture: Practiced for over 2,500 years in various Asian
    cultures, acupuncture has made its way West where it is soaring in
    popularity. This safe and powerful system has been shown to boost
    serotonin levels and release endorphins. 5 Element acupuncture offers
    profound support for healing depression. I recommend getting one
    treatment a week for several weeks.

  • Chinese Herbs: There are a variety of herbal formulas that can have
    a positive effect on the mind. Many of these formulas tonify one's Qi, or
    vital energy, to create more vitality and spirit.

  • Meditation: I recommend using mindfulness meditation, which has
    been practiced for thousands of years, on a daily basis for several
    weeks. This practice cuts through the judging mind and creates space
    from depression. If you need help with starting a practice, I recommend
    my guided CD, Meditation: Mindfulness Practice for Beginners. Go to

  • Yoga: Another ancient practice that is a virtual panacea for all stress
    related complaints. Yoga can have a profound impact on one's state of

  • Exercise: Get 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week of cardiovascular
    exercise. This has been proven to boost serotonin and norepinephrine

  • Eat well: Give up refined sugar and caffeine, drink a lot of water, and
    eat mostly whole foods such as fish, fruits and vegetables.

  • Supplement your diet: Take 3,000 mg of fish oil a day and consider
    taking 150mg of 5HTP a day. Fish oil contains essential fatty acids
    which are usually deficient in depressed people. 5HTP is a natural
    precursor to serotonin and can have many of the same benefits as
    antidepressants without the side effects. Do not combine 5 HTP with
  • Indeed, there are numerous alternative strategies for treating
    depression that are safe, balanced, and have stood the test of time.
    These therapies should only enhance your overall health and wellbeing
    without creating unwanted side effects that weaken certain systems of
    the body. If you follow even one or two of these guidelines for a period of
    2 months, you will most likely feel lighter, more optimistic, and more in
    control of your life. Good luck!

    Do Depression and Menopause Come Together?

    Depression and Menopause - What you can Expect

    It is true, depression and menopause can happen together. They may not belong together, but if you are going through menopause it can cause a certain amount of depression. Scientists and doctors really don't have a true answer to why the two go together, but they have found it is worse in women from families with a history of depression.

    Most believe that depression and menopause are actually related more with the pre-menopause period than during actual menopause. This is when estrogen levels are beginning to decline on a gradual basis and some studies suggest this can bring out the depression in women. If you are going through the premenopausal years here are some of the symptoms you might expect.

    Some of the most common symptoms with depression and menopause:

    - Multiple weeks of a depressed mood
    - Appetite change
    - Less pleasure from activities
    - Sleep patterns change often
    - Loss of energy and fatigue
    - Struggle concentrating
    - Suicidal thoughts
    - Guilty feelings and feelings of worthlessness
    - Irritability

    What to do During Periods of Depression and Menopause?

    There are many options when going through depression and menopause at the same time. Antidepressant medications are one of the options and if you believe your depression is severe, then you need to consult your doctor. However, if you are looking for a more natural remedy, then you can try these options.

    Exercise - When you add regular exercise to your daily life you will be able to help lessen the effects of depression. This will help both your mood and your physical health and there is really no substitute for exercise. A good goal to start is to strive for 30 minutes of exercise three times a week, but if you cannot manage this even 10 minutes can help.

    Taking away Daily Stresses - Usually women going through depression and menopause need to ask for help around the home and with other daily tasks because you have the stress of children to care for and potentially elderly family as well. Ask for help and eliminate some of the different daily tasks to help lessen your stress.

    Nutrition - Making changes to your diet can also help during this time of your life. This can include eating better and healthier foods, adding supplements into your diet, and also adding in an herbal treatment. If you put together the best choices for your diet it can help support your body and keep your depression to a minimum.

    Sleep - It is necessary to make sure you get enough sleep every single night. This can be where women struggle due to night sweats and hot flashes. There are some herbal remedies and some specific diet changes you can use to help make it easier to sleep at night and this will help with both your night sweats and your depression by allowing you to get proper rest.

    Seeking Help for your Depression and Menopause

    If you know you are suffering from depression and menopause, then you may want to seek professional help. This can come in the form of psychotherapy, your health care provider, or even a book. Finding the right help for you may not be easy and you will have to decide whether you want to trust prescription drugs or if you want to use a more natural treatment.

    Naturally treating menopause and depression is a good way to alleviate the symptoms without having to deal with the side effects possible with some of the prescription drugs. You can use specific herbal remedies, vitamins, mineral supplements, diet changes, and other natural treatments to make your journey through menopause easier.

    Finding the right book or eBook can help you tremendously and it is much less expensive than taking a trip to the doctor, getting prescription drugs, or going through therapy. Plus treating your depression and menopause with a natural treatment found in a book or eBook can be much better for your body over the long journey you are about to go through.

    Tuesday, July 30, 2013

    Affirmations That Can Help You Manifest the Law of Success

    The law of success has enabled millions of people to live inspiring and fulfilling lives. There is no doubt that a lifestyle built on the premise of positivity yields great rewards for those who choose to live this way. But there is no such thing as an overnight success. The results a person receives from applying the principles of attraction may vary. Some results manifest sooner than others. A lot of people give up on the idea after a few days of trying.

    One of the most efficient tools that can help you manifest positivity in your life is the use of positive affirmations. The prerequisite of success is belief. You have to believe before you achieve. If you're belief is not at 100%, these affirmations may help you get there:

    1. "I am healthy and happy."
    Health and happiness are among the most important goals one can hope for. In fact, many practitioners of the law of success prioritize these goals over financial and career goals. Maintain your personal health and happiness by using positive affirmations. Telling yourself that you're healthy and happy encourages you to live a healthy lifestyle and prevents you from consuming vices that are commonly associated with depression like drugs and alcohol.

    2. "I am getting wealthier each day."
    Hard work and determination are the primary prerequisites of wealth. However, it's very hard to remain focused when you don't get immediate results from your hard work and labor. You may lose your morale and decide to give up when the going gets tough. Positive affirmations that remind you of your progress are important to maintain your focus. Always remember that you need to maintain a positive attitude to manifest the law of success.

    3. "My mind is calm."
    Insecurity, fear of failure and performance anxiety are mental obstacles that may be preventing the law of success from properly manifesting in your life. Regardless of your talent and ability, it's hard to perform at a high level when you're constantly plagued with self-doubt. Positive affirmations can help you stay calm even in the most trying situations. When you're beginning to lose your composure, just tell yourself, "My mind is calm."

    4. "My emotions are under my control."
    There are many situations in life that requires us to control our temper. Anger rarely resolves a situation. For the most part, expressions of anger have a tendency to escalate situations and make them worse. The law of success is all about positive emotions, thoughts and actions. Feelings such as anger, jealousy and envy tend to make us dwell in negativity. Prevent such feelings with positive affirmations that can help you keep your emotions under control.

    5. "I radiate love and happiness."
    No one wants to be lonely. Unfortunately, not everyone lives a lifestyle that allows for a lot of social interaction. There are times when you have to do things that you enjoy by yourself. Some people just choose not to go to the movies or have dinner out instead of doing these activities alone. Don't fall into this trap. With the help of a few positive affirmations, you can go out by yourself and have a great time! The law of success can only manifest if you allow it to. The more happiness and love you radiate, the more people would be interested in meeting you. Who knows who you might meet at a restaurant when you go there? Chances are you might find yourself an instant date!

    The law of success is founded on personal belief. But belief is not an easy thing to achieve. People have different means to establish this belief. Some test themselves by constantly taking on new challenges, while others obsessively prepare before the challenge even comes. Positive affirmations are a big part of this process. Confidence and belief have to be built through time. You can't go from never competing in a marathon before to believing that you can finish a 10 kilometer race. You have to build towards that reality by training every day, pushing yourself with new challenges and telling yourself that you can do it.

    Overcoming the Fear of Depression Relapse

    Even on good days I'm nervous. I worry that the monster that is my depression is lurking around every corner of my happiness, just waiting to rear its ugly head. I wonder if things are too good, and if it is only a matter of time before things turn dark and stormy again. I live life in a constant state of low-dose anxiety, conscious that the rose-colored glasses that I am wearing can quickly take on a gray and dismal tint. That is the way many of us who have experienced a truly devastating episode of depression feel.

    I discussed this fear with my psychiatrist and was relieved to find that my worst fears were unfounded. I asked her if my latest episode, which had been by far my worst and longest bout with depression, had permanently altered my brain chemistry. I asked, genuinely concerned, if I would ever be the person I was before this most recent descent into the abyss. What she told me surprised me and also gave me comfort. And I must admit; I'm not as afraid as I was.

    Experiencing a major episode of depression is a traumatic experience, for the person with the depression, as well as the family members around them. It takes an emotional toll on everyone and leaves scars on the relationships and family dynamic. But the key word here is traumatic. What most people don't realize when they finally crawl out of the hole of depression into the light of day is that they have suffered an extremely traumatic event. And the ensuing feelings of anxiety, worry and fear are normal and expected for someone who has experienced a trauma. They are symptoms of post-traumatic stress.

    When my psychiatrist first told me this I was in a state of denial. Aside from my bipolar 2 and depressive symptoms, the last thing I wanted was another label. But when we started dissecting the symptoms of post-traumatic stress, I realized that they described my emotions perfectly. What I have learned is that although I am fearful of experiencing that type of trauma again, I am able to overcome those feelings by focusing on the present moment. I do not know what tomorrow will hold, but I know that today I am not depressed. I cannot say if I will open my eyes in the morning and things will be cast in a shadow of dread, but they do not as I sit and look at them right now.

    Worrying about relapse is very common, but should not hinder recovery. If you are feeling those same feelings of fear and anxiety, don't berate yourself. Recognize them, accept them for what they are, non judgmentally, and then release them. Remember that you are not your emotions; they exist separately from you and only have the power to control you if you let them. One sign of recovery from depression is being able to distinguish between an emotion and a mood. A mood is something that you are in; it consumes you and determines your outlook, demeanor and functionality. An emotion is something you have, and is only expressed in the actions that you choose to take as a result of the emotion.

    If you suffer from post-traumatic stress from a depressive episode, work with a therapist or counselor to learn techniques to cope with those feelings. Remember that you are okay today and celebrate how far you have come. And if you do relapse, do not give up all hope. If you've already recovered from a major depressive episode once, you can and will do it again.

    Why Don't You Come? A Discussion of the Poem by Mihai Eminescu

    Mihai Eminescu, 1850-1889, was a writer, journalist, and romantic poet, often celebrated as Romania's greatest and most famous poet. For many years he was considered Romania's national poet and was called "the most important figure in Romanian culture."

    Even now, his fame pervades modern day Romania. For example, his face has been engraved on a couple of Romania's paper currencies. Also, numerous statues and busts of Eminescu can be found throughout the country. There are several schools and libraries and other buildings named after Eminescu. And the anniversaries of his birth and death are observed with national celebrations.

    The Poet

    Eminescu was born and raised in Moldova, the northeast region of Romania. He attended school until age 16 and began publishing some of his poems at that age in a Budapest, Hungary, literary journal. For several years Eminescu worked as a clerk for a theater troupe in the newly named capital city of Bucharest. Throughout this period he continued to write and publish his poetry.

    Eminescu left the troupe after three years and traveled to Vienna where he studied philosophy for three years. During this period he contributed political articles and poems to a local literary journal. He also became a contributing journalist to a newspaper in Budapest.

    Eminescu then went to Berlin for two years where he continued his studies. After Berlin, he moved to Iasi, the cultural and economic center of Moldova, Romania, where he worked as the director of the Central Library. The impressive library is now named after him in his honor. Eminescu also became the editor of one of the local newspapers in Iasi.

    After three years in Iasi, he moved back to Bucharest where he spent most of the rest of his life. He became chief editor of an important Bucharest newspaper for which he wrote his most famous political articles, including those supporting the drive toward international recognition of Romanian independence. Also during this period he wrote and published his most famous poems, including "The Evening Star."

    In 1883 Eminescu was hospitalized due to his deteriorating health. He was diagnosed with syphilis and manic-depression. A few years later his health deteriorated further and he was treated with mercury injections, the standard treatment for syphilis. During the final six years of his life he wrote nothing of importance and was in and out of hospitals and sanatoriums. He died at age 39 in 1889.

    The Poem

    In 1883, while Eminescu was away at a sanatorium in Vienna, Titu Maiorescu published a collected volume of his poems entitled, "Poesii." Maiorescu commented in his foreword to the volume that Eminescu was always "too unconcerned and unambitious about the future fate of his work" to create a collected publication himself.

    Eminescu's poems feature a wide range of themes, including nature, love, history, politics, and social issues. His study of philosophy, especially of Schopenhauer, also influenced his poetical works. His poems' influence on Romanian culture is so strong that in Romanian schools the study of his poems is a requirement. Often, an analysis of his "The Evening Star" is part of the graduation exam.

    "Why Don't You Come?" is a touching and romantic love poem about the longing of a man for his beloved. The poem is easily read and recited due to its simple and easily recognized form.

    The poem's form includes 6 quatrains, stanzas of four lines each. This is the most common of all the stanza forms in European poetry. The quatrains have a rhyme scheme of aabb, which creates two short couplets per stanza, one of the simplest rhyme schemes in poetry. The rhythm of the poem is the easily recognizable iambic tetrameter. All of the lines, except the first, are regular, consisting of four two-syllable iambic feet, the second syllable of each foot being accented.

    The person that Eminescu's poem addresses is probably Veronica Micle, the love of his life and the woman he had hoped to marry, though circumstances kept them apart. They met while Eminescu was studying in Vienna. Despite the fact that Micle was married to a university professor thirty years her senior, she developed a close relationship with the attractive and romantic Eminescu.

    Micle became a short story writer and a romantic poet, her style, not surprisingly influenced by Eminescu's. She published numerous poems, several of which were devoted to her relationship with Eminescu.

    After her husband died, Micle and Eminescu were nearly married, but numerous stresses, including his developing illnesses, kept them from doing so. When he became more seriously ill, Micle moved to Bucharest and cared for Eminescu during the last two years of his life. Stricken with grief following his death, Micle died of self induced arsenic poisoning two months later.

    It was in 1887, just prior to Micle's arrival in Bucharest, that Eminescu wrote "Why Don't You Come?"

    Why Don't You Come?

    By Mihai Eminescu

    Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu

    See the swallows quit the eaves

    And fall the yellow walnut leaves,

    The vines with autumn frost are numb,

    Why don't you come, why don't you come?

    Oh, come into my arms' embrace

    That I may gaze upon your face,

    And lay my head in grateful rest

    Against your breast, against your breast!

    Do you remember when we strayed

    The meadows and the secret glade,

    I kissed you midst flowering thyme

    How many a time, how many a time?

    Some women on the earth there are

    Whose eyes shine as the evening star,

    But be their charm no matter what,

    Like you they're not, like you they're not!

    For you shine in my soul always

    More softly than the starlight blaze,

    More splendid than the risen sun,

    Beloved one, beloved one!

    But it is late in autumn now,

    The leaves have fallen from the bough,

    The fields are bare, the birds are dumb.

    Why don't you come, why don't you come?

    Treatment For Anxiety Disorder And Depression

    Anxiety disorders have an effect on large numbers of persons throughout the nation and include issues such as social phobia, individual phobias, obsessive-compulsive problem, and generalized anxiety condition. However, these disorders don't need to control your life. If you feel that you are going through an anxiety disorder, it is crucial to meet your health care provider right away. Action can beyond doubt transform your life.

    The number one measure to treatment is to be diagnosed with the crisis. There are numerous signs or symptoms linked with anxiety issues that can as well be caused by other medical conditions, and if you plan to find the best treatment possible it is primarily vital to identify your exact problem. Your physician is the person who can perform this. Make sure that you inform him or her specifically what signs and symptoms you are going through, and then you will undergo a complete physical examination and testing to check if there are any other medical problems that might be causing your difficulties. An accurate verdict will help you obtain the most excellent care.

    There are a lot of treatment possibilities you can bring into play to make easier for you to deal with your anxiety disorders. primarily, you can attempt talk therapy, also called psychotherapy. This lets you to tell your problems to a psychiatrist who essentially cares about you and desires to be of assistance to you. There are a lot of talk therapies you can employ. For example, a lot of folks enjoy cognitive behavior therapy, that replaces old behavior with new behavior slowly with steps. This is always good for phobias. You can also undertake psychodynamic therapy, in which case your professional will help you to examine the underlying basis of your condition so that you can know how to better be in command of your life. There are other types of talk therapy remedies too. Take the one that works best for you with a view to get the exact assistance for your condition. Bear in mind, every body vary; what works fine for someone else may not work fine for you.

    Drugs are also a great step in the right direction for treating anxiety disorders. Pills can help to bar particular overactive inhibitors in the brain that may be producing your anxiety problem. They can as well treat the symptoms that you find intolerable. On the whole, you should make certain that a drug works for you and your body before taking it regularly. There are side effects to a number of drugs that may harm your body more than the pills is really helping you.

    You can also try non-traditional forms of treatment for your anxiety disorders. Lots of folks can handle their bodies simply by learning meditation and doing yoga, for instance if you are going through panic attacks. You can as well take a crack at acupuncture and acupressure to take care of your physical difficulties. One more great kind of treatment, particularly for phobias, is hypnosis. Your health practitioner can suggest to you these remedies and give you other info on what will work very well for you.