Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Worst Thing About Being Run Down

The worst thing about being run down is that its symptoms look a lot like clinical depression. You've lost the energy and desire to just "get with it" and start taking action to make process on your goals or back onto the road of well-being.

It's not a nice place being in this run down and overly fatigued state. It feels and looks a lot like depression. Let's look at some of the overlapping symptoms of both depression and symptoms of being run down.

1. First of all, you're unmotivated. You just can't muster up a sustainable amount of energy to stay motivated for more than a few hours or days.

2. You're listless. You can't say what would get you motivated, excited or interested. You zap through TV stations not finding anything of interest. You can't get into a good novel either.

3. Your sleep is off. Maybe you have trouble sleeping yet that is all you really want to do. Maybe you wake up a lot at night, and your sleep isn't very restful. So you drag this constant feeling of fatigue around with you all day long. And magically when you're ready to go to bed at night, you're no longer tired.

4. Your body doesn't respond well to physical exercise. Maybe it is even sending you pain and soreness to keep you from exercising. You know, that feeling when you get up in the morning where you feel like you'd been exercising the day before but actually haven't. Plus, you know you should exercise but just the thought of it is keeping you from actually doing anything about it.

5. Worst of all, you just can't seem to find that gumption to jump back into action like you used to. Everything just feels so draining. Even getting dinner. Unless it's take-out. This sparks anger in you, which you in turn transform into a mental self-esteem basking, beating yourself up like negative feedback will actually turn into a positive.

So the vicious cycle of not taking action, not getting the things done that you wanted to get down and then berating yourself for this "laziness" keeps you from finding a gentle and loving solution.

And of course, the worst thing about being run down like this is that you just don't see any way out of your dilemma because you know you need energy to get moving and you can't seem to connect with that type of energy long enough to get back into a healthier habit.

While you must ask yourself if you do have clinical depression or need professional help, ask yourself what's dragging you down. Is it work related? Home related? Or something deeper? If you can't put your finger on it, then try doing these three things:

  • journal about what you're ideal life would look like

  • take a vacation - try even a day or weekend away to change your external stimulus

  • tweak your diet for a healthier one

Sometimes just adding some fresh fruit, bumping up your vitamins and drinking more water is all it takes to replenish deep-seeded fatigue. Sometimes it just takes a small step in the right direction to get the ball moving and you back on the path of energy and motivation.

Depression and Anxiety I: Overcoming Depression


Feeling down is something we all go through at times in our lives. However, if sadness takes us over and will not go away, it may be depression. Depression makes it difficult to function, to carry on normal activities and it takes away the joy of living. You lose interest in the things you once enjoyed, you have difficulty concentrating, you have loss of energy, and you have feelings of hopelessness and helplessness.

Depression is different from normal sadness in that it takes over every day life, disturbing your work, sleep, appetite, and joy. You feel like you are in a dark tunnel with no end in sight, with feelings of impending doom.

Signs and Symptoms

If you identify that you have several of the following signs and symptoms that have lasted for some time you may have clinical depression.

• Feelings of Helplessness and Hopelessness. A negative outlook that nothing is ever going to get better and you don't see any way out of the situation.

• Loss of Interest in Daily Activities. Marked loss of interest in those activities you once derived pleasure from- hobbies, social activities, sex.

• Significant change in appetite or weight loss or gain. A change of more than five percent of body weight in a month.

• Changes in Sleep Patterns. Having difficulty sleeping especially waking in the early morning or feeling you want to sleep most of the day.

• Irritability. Easily agitated or angered, feeling restless. Everything bother you even to the point of violence.

• Loss of Energy. Feeling fatigue, sluggish unable to perform or complete every day tasks.

• Loss of Self Esteem. Feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, putting yourself down for your faults or mistakes.

• Diminished Ability to Think or Concentrate. Having difficulty focusing, making decisions, or remembering things.

• Reckless Behavior. You participate in self-destructive behavior for example substance abuse, excessive spending, compulsive gambling, reckless driving, or dangerous activities.

• Recurrent Thoughts of Death. Thinking life is not worth living.

Causes and Risk Factors

• Loneliness

• Lack of social support

• Recent stressful life experience

• Family history of depression

• Marital or relationship problems

• Financial problem

• Childhood abuse or trauma

• Substance abuse

• Unemployment or work related stress

• Health issues or chronic pain

Thoughts of Suicide

Not everyone who becomes depressed feels suicidal. The deep feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness can make a person feel there is no way out except suicide to escape the pain. Any thoughts of death or suicide should be taken seriously as a cry for help. If you or someone you know is considering suicide seek professional help immediately or call 911.

Warning Signs of Suicide

• Talking about killing one self or harming one self

• Having strong feelings of hopelessness and seeing no way out

• Having preoccupation with death and dying

• Showing reckless behavior

• Saying goodbye to friends or family

• Getting one's affairs in order- giving away prized possessions.

• Expressing that the world would be better off without him or her

• Seeing a sudden change from deep depression to relative calm and happy mood

Ways to Recovery

There are actions you can take right now to recover from depression. The thought of recovery might seem far off, but taking the first step is important. Reaching out to friends and family for support letting them know what you are going through is a start in your recovery.

Lifestyle Changes

In order to counteract depression it is important to make some lifestyle changes. Making changes in your lifestyle will ultimately be what keeps you from falling into depression. Lifestyle changes include:

• Getting enough exercise

• Getting enough sleep

• Eating healthy

• Reducing stress in our life

• Learning relaxation techniques

• Not falling into negative thinking

Being aware of these things will help us get ourselves out of a rut. Not feeding into our own negative thinking is an important skill learned by practice.

Finding What Triggers Depression

It is possible to change habits of negative thought and negative emotions. If we are honest about our self-defeating patterns and are ready to take responsibility for change in our lives, we are ready to identify trigger situations and eliminate them from our life. This goes hand in hand with introducing new healthy habits. The two-step process for overcoming depression in the long-term is:

• Identifying "trigger" habits, situations or people and eliminating them from our lives.

• Creating new, healthy habits such as taking up a sport, hobby or social activity that appeals to us.

Seeking Professional Help

If these lifestyle changes are not enough, seek help from a mental health professional. Therapy gives you the opportunity to explore and work through the root cause of your depression. Find a therapist who makes you feel comfortable and who you feel you can trust. Problems of depression and anxiety respond well to therapy.

Depression - Common Causes of a Depressed State of Mind

Depression is related to changes in the state of mind. The physical changes in brain result in the alteration of chemical substances that carry signals to brain and nerves. Some of the common causes of a depressed state of mind are:

• Genes play a vital role and an important part of depresssion. If individuals have a family history for depression, they have higher probability to get the same. It can run in the genes for many generations to come.

• Stress is the number one factor which causes depression. The individuals might have varying problems such as financial pressure, break up of a relationship or the loss of loved ones and it can be anything. However, if there are any changes in such relationship, it definitely leads to a depressed state.

• Traumatic conditions and sudden accidents can also cause severe depression. The aftermatch of accidents can have such an impact on the individuals.

• People those who are low in confidence and have a pessimistic approach in life are vulnerable to depression. This state is actually caused by low level depression.

• Serious medical illness and the resulting financial pressure can also lead to depression. Added to the fuel, depression will make the medical conditions of the individuals to become worse. It will weaken the immune system of the body.

• Some individuals might have anxiety disorders which might trigger depression.

• Drug abuses also cause depression for some people. Those who are addicted to drugs cannot live without the substance. This will worsen the effects.

• Depression is likely to occur with certain medical conditions such as stroke, heart attack, cancer. This is considered to be clinical depression.

• Living alone and an isolated state from the society can also be one of the common causes of depression.

Nisargadatta Maharaj and Being Who You Are

The fear of being yourself.

It's a very common thing. People so often believe they need to be someone else to become who they want and achieve what they desire. They think they need to be like this person or that person in order to be accepted. They believe that their selves aren't good enough, not likable enough, not enough at all.

And so they change.

Not for the better. Not an improvement upon their best self, but instead into something else entirely - or more likely....someone else.

They wear the clothes they do not feel comfortable in, and crack the jokes they don't find funny, and participate in the activities they don't enjoy, hoping beyond desperation that it will help them feel better finally - feel like someone liked, someone included, one of them.

But it doesn't of course.

They just feel worse instead. Because try though they may, and want though they do, that person is not them. Nor is it meant to be.

They have their own skills. Their own talents. Their own desires. And they have surrendered them all to be like this person or that person - to be like them - as if that person were any better or more deserving of what they fear to take themselves, of their own choice and power and ability.

The 20th century spiritual teacher Nisargadatta Maharaj once said:

"Don't be afraid. Don't resist. Don't delay. Be what you are. There is nothing to be afraid of. Trust and try. Experiment honestly. Give your real being a chance to shape your life. You will not regret it."

When one surrenders themselves to be someone else, they submit to the idea that they are not good enough, that these other people are better and more able than they.

Screw that.

If only you'd try. If only you'd believe. If only you'd give your own self the chance to prove you wrong - that you can do it, that you are able, that you are better - you'd see finally how wrong you were.

This does not mean, of course, that you are perfectly suitable right now, as you are now. We must always strive for improvement and growth. We are always able to be made better. But we must do so AS ourselves, as our truest and most honest selves, not as who we emulate or wish to become. Because anything else is simply impersonation, and your impersonation may become more exact, but beneath it all you remain unchanged - the same weak, and hopeless person; made paralyzed by your disbelief in yourself and your unwillingness to be you.

How Poor Nutrition Can Worsen the Effects of Depression

While depression is a condition of the mind, having a diet full of good nutrition can play a part in helping you work through the problem. Without the proper nutrition in our diets, we increase the risks of illness and disease, as well as an increase in symptoms of depression.

What is depression?

Depression is a mood disorder characterized by feeling helpless, hopeless, and worthless. If these feelings persist for more than two weeks, then you are most probably depressed. Not only are there emotional and mental factors involved with depression, there are physical ones as well. In addition, there are nutritional factors that can have a great impact on depression and how you feel about yourself and life.

How does nutrition affect depression?

Nutrition can have a lot to do with the onset or exacerbation of feeling depressed. We have all heard of comfort foods. These are foods that make us feel better when we feel bad.

You may not be feeling so hot emotionally, so in order to feel better you might grab a carton of your favorite ice cream or chocolate bar. Do this enough times and you begin to gain weight. By gaining weight, your self esteem and body image take a nose dive, resulting in the symptoms of depression to increase. As your depression worsens, you turn to these comfort foods more often and the situation continues to plummet.


If you have already been diagnosed with depression, you must continue to take your medication as prescribed. You can also make some lifestyle changes that will help to decrease symptoms if depression by taking better care of yourself. Lets start with diet and nutrition.

Getting proper nutrition:

It is well known the benefits of eating a well balanced diet. To do that you need to know what foods are contained in a healthy diet. A nutrition rich diet that may help decrease depression symptoms includes:

- Fresh vegetables and fruits, raw or steamed

- Lean meats, such as chicken, turkey, and fish

- Whole grain carbohydrates such as breads and pasta.

- Beans, peas, and other lentils

- Low fat dairy products

- Avoid foods high in cholesterol or salt

- Drinking plenty of fluids for proper hydration, as well as to flush out impurities in the body.

You may want to talk to your doctor about nutritional supplements to increase vitamins and minerals to your diet. These will help boost how the body functions, as well as helping the brain to perform to the best of it's ability.

Your brain works best when it is fueled by good nutrition. Make sure your diet is healthy and you will be helping your brain overcome the effects of depression.

Manic Depression - Introduction

Manic Depression is another name for Bi-Polar. When an individuals mood swings are very irregular with sudden changes from good to bad this is commonly associated with being Bi-Polar. It is just another in the many forms of depression. This depression is not the same as just being sad or upset for over something in particular. It is more serious than that. The diagnosis of being Bi-Polar is just another stage of the disease of depression. Millions of people in the United States are diagnosed with Manic Depression every year. Typically, some type of depression yearly affects around 17 million Americans.

The draw back is that only a third of the potentially affected will ever seek medical assistance or get some type of diagnosis. If you do not look for help than it is very hard to find a cure. Many Americans are hesitant to confront a disease that is categorized as a mental illness. They do not want to be stereotyped as one who must be out of their mind. Diseases that affect the brain have always been very complicated. It is hard to shake the stigma that comes with the diagnosis. However, as with any form of depression such as Manic Depression, the affliction does not make you less a person. It does not mean that you are a nut case. It means you have an illness like any other. It can be treated. First it has to be identified.

The causes of all forms of depression are still being examined in the medical profession. It has been shown that depression can be brought on by many possibilities. It is known that biological, genetic, and environmental factors have to be taken into consideration. We know that it seems to be caused by a chemical imbalance on the brain. We also know that stress can play a major role in the advent of depression. Every day we confront events in life that cause us stress. It can be problems at work, in our relationships with those we love or facing the reality of trying to survive week to week. Manic Depression does not play favorites. It can affect the rich and the poor. It is not racist. No color or nationality is free from this illness.

The symptoms for all forms of depression are quite similar. The frequent change in personality, the mood swings that go up and then goes down. The advent of sleeplessness is another sign of depression. The feeling of helplessness, hopelessness and Desperation. When your ability to function properly at work and at play becomes ever apparent then the possibility of depression is real. There is hope for depression sufferers. You can find help. There are medicines both prescribed and natural that can offer a cure to Manic Depression. There are also medical professionals that can help your illness through 'talk therapy'. There are also many support groups that will help you deal with the disease. The first step in the cure is seeking the assistance.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Root Causes And General Symptoms Of Depression

About 7% of the US population is suffering from depression that needs medical attention. The number of people who have suffered at one time or another in their life from depression is about three times as high. According to the World Health Organization women are two to three times as likely to develop a depression than are men.

Medical scientists believe that the tendency for depression is at least in part caused by hereditary factors. People who have gone through a bout of depression once have a higher risk of falling ill again.

Depression can me treated successfully with a combination of drugs and psychotherapy.

Doctors suspect that certain neurotransmitters (chemical agents that carry nerve signals) like serotonin and noradrenalin aren't working as efficiently in a sick person as in a healthy person. The reasons for this deficiency aren't known, but it is believed than genes and hereditary factors play an important role. Drugs that combat depression do it by 'helping' serotonin and noradrenalin to do their job more effectively in the brain.

It is usually, but not always, very difficult and painful events in a person's life that trigger depressive episodes. With the use of psychotherapy the doctor tries to help the patient to work through those events or help him or her to avoid them altogether.

Types of Depressions

1. Unipolar Depression. This is the most common form of depression. It's called unipolar because the patient is 'only' depressed, but not manic-depressive. Main symptoms are feeling very low in the morning, waking up very early, insomniac tendencies and feeling depressed.

2. Bipolar Affective Depression. As opposed to the unipolar depression the bipolar depression is marked by depressive and maniacal phases. Patients suffering from it are delusional about their own capacities and may, for example, work day and nights for weeks on end without feeling exhausted.

3. Winter Depression. It's also called the seasonal depression, since it occurs usually at the onset of autumn or winter and disappears with the coming of spring. This form of depression therefore only lasts up to 5 or 6 months. The most common symptom is the lack of physical energy, not the feeling of being depressed per se.

4. Some prescription drugs may cause depression, like those with a high element of cortisone, contraceptive products like the pill and drugs combating heart disease (beta blockers).

It's natural to feel low sometimes, but it is different from a depression. In most cases it is easy to distinguish between simple mood changes, even if they come in rapid succession and a disease like depression.

There is not always an outside event that triggers the onset of a depression. That's why it is so difficult to understand not only for the patient but for his or her relatives as well. They definitely suffer through and with the sick person. Since there is no apparent identifiable catastrophe that can explain the mood swings of the patient, he or she very often stretches the patience of those around him or her to the limit.

The most common symptoms are: feeling generally very low, a pronounced lack of interest in normal activities like sports or socializing, loss of appetite and loss of weight (in some cases increased appetite and weight gain), the inability to sleep well (insomnia), loss of concentration, indecisiveness, diminished sexual desire, general exhaustion and lack of energy, obsessive thinking about death, suicidal tendencies and suicide attempts.

The Investigation Into the Life Insurance Business

The marked depreciation of urban real estate, farm lands, and bond values called for the rearrangement of the investment portfolio of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.

President Ecker, with his long and varied experience in this field, addressed himself to the solution of this problem, made particularly difficult by the continued decline in opportunities for the profitable investment of insurance funds. Money was accumulating in the treasury because it was almost impossible to find proper investment channels.

Under these conditions and with a consciousness of civic responsibility, Mr. Ecker turned his attention to the field of moderate rental housing. At the age of 70 he launched a building program unprecedented in social character and magnitude, to provide homes for persons of medium income in New York City.

He located a large tract in The Bronx, guided the planning of adequate buildings and services, and saw step by step the fulfillment of his hopes in the completion of a model community, Parkchester. By the early 1920's, 36,000 people lived there, a splendid contribution to the moderate priced housing program of the city and the Nation.

Similar housing developments were undertaken under Mr. Ecker's direction both in San Francisco and Los Angeles, and later in Alexandria, Va. Such building programs, without precedent in the United States for a private company, were recognized by national and private agencies as an important contribution to the housing problem in the period of war emergency.

At the same time, they served as an excellent investment field for the company. During the period of financial depression there were criticisms of every business; and the business of life insurance, homeowner's insurance, and even automobile insurance in general and the Metropolitan specifically were not exempt.

Notwithstanding the splendid record of the major companies, various movements for investigating the life insurance business and health insurance providers were initiated in Washington. In 1938 the Congress of the United States responded to a message from President Roosevelt and included among the subjects to be investigated by the Temporary National Economic Committee certain investment phases of the business of life insurance.

The investigation was assigned to the newly created Securities and Exchange Commission. Those responsible for gathering evidence to submit to the T.N.E.C. lost no opportunity to seek out material for criticism in the business and directed much of their attention to the Metropolitan. The company took a firm stand in behalf of its policyholders and presented voluminous documentary evidence to show that it had conducted its many activities in the public interest, and that its size had not involved any abuse of economic; that its position as investor of trustee funds as prescribed by Statute precluded such power.

Nor had its size interfered with its effectiveness as a social organization. In fact, the company had increased in initiative and in service as it had grown. After the conclusion of the hearings, the comment of the Chairman of the T.N.E.C. was that the life insurance business had come through with flying colors.

The failure of the effort to find serious fault with the administration of life insurance in general is best evidenced by the character of the recommendations which were made by the Temporary National Economic Committee. These, for the most part, had to do with a number of suggestions as to modifications in the practice of State supervision. The impression made on the public by these hearings is to be measured by the fact that, during their progress and after their close, the amount of new insurance written by the companies and the lapse rate were exceedingly satisfactory.

This was particularly marked in the case of the Metropolitan, which in 1941 reached the total of more than $25,000,000,000 of insurance in force, issued more business in both the Ordinary and Industrial Departments than in several years past, and achieved in both departments the lowest lapse rates on record.

But if the insurance companies came through this Federal and other investigations unscathed, it must not be supposed that this business has been without its trials and tribulations. No human institution has ever sprung into perfection, like Athena from the head of Zeus; and the life insurance business has had its growing pains.

Early last century, life insurance companies and private health insurance, including the Metropolitan, were launched as purely competitive business ventures with the profit motive well in the foreground, entirely in keeping with the aggressive, individualistic spirit of the times. Naturally, contracts at the beginning were not as liberal as they are today. Agents frequently were poorly trained and did not fully measure up to the responsibility of their calling. As a result, insurance was sometimes written in amounts disproportionate to the family income, haphazardly distributed, causing high lapse rates and excessive expense and loss.

Funny Quotes Make You Happy

Everyone enjoys laughing. Laughing is the best medicine. Everyone loves it to their fullest extent. On the scientific front, laughter helps in making good health. Laughing fills freshness and relaxation to the person. It is a part of life which can't be underestimated. Laughing gives release from physical and mental stress. It gives healthier attitude towards problems. Laughing gives full of energy and freshness to the person, which increases capability and stamina to work. Laughter uplift the emotional state to positive level

Importance of funny quotes in laughing

Funny quotes play an important role in laughing while reading. These quotes grab attraction of the readers and provide a better understanding to the content. These quotes are easy to grasp and can briefly explain the whole content. Due to this the reader enjoys reading the whole content. Quotes are always easy to remember and get fit into anyone's mind very easily. This makes it easy to remember. They makes reader to laugh which makes him happy and helps in releasing stress. The reader enjoys reading and get full of energy.

Funny quotes recharge the person and makes them fresh for the work. Because of this they give their maximum input and never get bore.These makes people laugh. And scientific researches shows that laughing is the best is applicable from our ancient times in the form of hasyayoga(laughing yoga) to make people healthy. It conveys the complex messages in easy way. They are always memorable and attitude changing.They also gives a positive attitude to the person. A funny quote teaches meaning of life in a lighter note.

Therefore we can say that fun and laughter are indistinguishable part of our life. These quotes provide us a way to laugh. This makes them important. Funny quotes teach things in a very light and simple way.

Depression Due To Diabetes - Reaction After Diagnosis

You walk in to your physician's chambers after a test. The physician informs you that you are diabetic. That comes as a shock to you. Your next questions are you sure, it can't be. But even a second test confirms that.

What do you do? There is so much information floating around about diabetes that most if not many think it as a 'death warrant'. Immediate thoughts are about people who had diabetes undergoing all kinds of treatment, medications, restrictions, complications such non healing of ordinary wounds, and also how it impedes other treatment and so on.

Yes it is difficult to cope with the diagnosis of diabetes. Most refuse to believe that they could be the carrier of diabetes. They spend money in getting it checked again and again in despair. Ultimately, when it is sufficiently confirmed, they fall into despair. And despair leads to depression. Visions of impairment, incapacity to do certain things, and other similar thoughts crowd the mind, leading to depression. The American Diabetes Association has studies to prove that diabetes are greater risk of falling into depression - itself another disease.

Loss of appetite, inability to concentrate, lack of interest in day to day activity, inability to sleep, or disturbed sleep pattern, including excessive sleep are some of the symptoms that are indicative of depression. What is not realised that depression combined with diabetes is a dangerous condition.

If you are one such person and suffer from signs of depression, you should consult your physician to help you, or refer you to a therapist who is cognizant of the disease, and who can perhaps help you. Seeking help does not mean you are helpless. On the other hand, seeking help means you want support from experts who could help you through the phase your are undergoing. Remember that you are one of the many thousands who suffer from this disease, and who have successfully overcome the present phase you are in, and are now leading healthy lives.

There are support groups available consisting of people like you, who have diabetes, and many of them have been through the trauma you are now undergoing. Talking it out with them will act as a balm for your "why me" syndrome.

Diabetes is not a life threatening disease, any more. It can be controlled provided you are ready to make some alterations to your lifestyle. Your lifestyle undergoes only minor changes and not major ones. The more you learn about it, the more you will find that it is controllable, without any major changes in your lifestyle. Yes, there will be restrictions and pills to take. But it is not the end of the world for you. Learn from various sources. Get in touch with the American Diabetes Foundation, or visit their website. Learn what it is all about, and what are the medications available. You will be pleasantly surprised to find that nearly 95 per cent of the diabetics lead normal lives. The more you learn about the disease, the better you will feel.

Control of diabetes has come to such an advanced stage that individuals need not give up their favorite foods or their leisure time activities. of course there are new medications to take, more frequent tests, and several visits to the physician before your ideal medication combination is arrived at. This itself is stressful. But take it in your stride. Don't feel helpless, because there is no need to. There are enough diabetics around. All you have to do is to get in touch with them. The American Diabetes Association is one such organisation, and they will be happy to help.

Graduate Early - Consider a High School Proficiency Exam

Graduating from High School seems a simple thing for some students and incredibly difficult for others. I've noticed kids who can't quite grasp/thrive in high school often have one thing in common; they are the creatives. Certainly, there are cases when a student has family, work, or personal problems. Many times, however, what starts out as common stress, builds to frustration, and transitions to weak grades, missed classes, and negative feelings about classes, homework, and/or teachers. Once this burden gets too heavy, stomach issues, self-medication, and depression can ensue. The students I know who decide high school is not for them often have incredible talent working with their hands, whether it be artistic, music, or working on cars. Most don't have "issues" other than hating high school.

Not all cases of, "will I graduate?" escalate to failure. Let's take a look at a few options.

1) the obvious, graduate; 2) take the GED; 3) take a High School Proficiency Exam (where available).

Keep an eye on what you really need to graduate. For example, you don't need 4 years of math. You don't need 4 years of a foreign language. You can take community college classes that the high school will accept for credit (see the concurrent enrollment article, one semester of a community college class equates to one year of the same topic in high school).

The GED is not easy. It is doable. In another article I'll outline a good GED approach. If you live in California, Nevada, or any state that offers a High School Proficiency Exam, I recommend you give it a try.

The High School Proficiency Exam is a test students typically take when they are still enrolled in high school. In California the CHSPE (California High School Proficiency Exam) is taken by students 16 years or older. Students who take the exam include those struggling to graduate as well as others with good grades anxious to get to college. Taking and passing the text demonstrates proficiency in high school curriculum, students receive the equivalent of a diploma from the state. If the student fails, no one's notified.

I have counseled students on the test, including my oldest son. To pass, students need a high school understanding of Math and English. The key here is to assess why you are failing or why you have mediocre grades in school. If it's an issue of whether you can or can't do it, that's much different than you simply don't or won't do it. You may have a great reason to refuse, this isn't about judging; it's about determining if the test is a fit for you. I know one young woman who did not pass it, in my opinion she blew it off like she did school. Your focus needs to be 30 days of reading and studying to graduate from high school. Then you can move on. Usually, 30 days sounds so much better than another year or two of high school, students are motivated and find it doable.

The first section of CHSPE is the English section. This section has 84 multiple choice questions designed to test reading and comprehension, sentence structure, punctuation and other grammar rules. The English section requires you to write a brief essay to demonstrate knowledge and skills in accurate and clear communication. This written portion is where I see students snag up. The question is unexpectedly easy, test takers feel relieved to know the answer and lose track of the question's purpose. The correct approach to the essay is to write a topic statement, introduction, transition between paragraphs, summarize, and write a conclusion. The purpose of the essay is to see how students can critically write an essay, to present an idea, to offer who, what, when, where, and why; not to ramble on the topic.

The second section of CHSPE is the math test. These are 50 questions in multiple-choice format covering all areas of high school math such as dividing, fractions, decimals, multiplying, probability, patterns, statistics, basic geometry and algebra. Let's say you did fine in middle school Math, okay in Math in high school, but don't turn in homework on time and barely pass the tests as a result. As long as you "get it" you'll be fine. If you would describe your math ability as very low, then you'll need to prepare for the test. The level of expertise you'll need is Algebra. I have one son that flew through the math, and another that struggles in Math regardless of the book, teacher, or class.

Both sections must be passed to qualify for a certificate. If you fail one section and pass the other, you retake what you failed, you don't need to retake what you pass. Scores are between 250-450 and a score of 350 is needed to pass either section. Scores are mailed out a few weeks after taking the test.

Here's the the official CHSPE test website.

Here's the Nevada High School Proficiency Exam information.

Have faith, your career and future aren't based on following the traditional path of high school graduation.

Let Us Understand Clinical Depression Symptoms - Important FAQ About Clinical Depression

What Is Clinical Depression?

Depression differs in intensity from mild to severe. There might be temporary episodes of sadness or persistent depression in a person. clinical depression refers to severe and persistent form of depression. It is also known as major depressive disorder.

Clinical Depression Symptoms

The common symptoms of clinical depression are:

Little or no interest in normal everyday activities
Loss of interest in activities that one used to enjoy previously
Persistent feelings of sadness
Difficulty in concentration
Tiredness and fatigue
Insomnia or sleep related problems

How Long Does It Last?

If it is not treated, clinical depression might last for months. It may last even up to a year. During depression, the sufferer will feel as if this problem will never go away. Good news is that in a lot of cases it can vanish off on its own.

However, we also need to try and come out of our depression by engaging in healthy behavior. If we isolate ourselves, avoid company of others, do not keep ourselves busy with constructive work then we might not be able to come out of depression so easily.

Physical activity, socializing and keeping your mind occupied are some of the key things you can do to treat clinical depression.

Help for Clinical Depression

First of all you need to gain a good understanding of what exactly is depression. When you know the nature of the beast you are dealing with, it becomes easier. Secondly, you need to make some serious efforts to overcome depression.

Regulate your sleep patterns. Go to bed early at night and wake up early in the morning. Try to get up before 8 AM in the mornings and sleep by 10 or 11 PM at night.

Have regular sleep timings. You might find it difficult initially, but persist with it. Soon it should become a habit. After waking up, go outside for a while in order to expose yourself to the early morning sunlight and breathe fresh air.

Do something to keep your mind occupied. An empty mind is a devil's workshop and it will keep going over problems and negative thoughts. Get involved in some constructive work.

Finally socialize with people. Have fun and enjoy the company of others. Do not keep to yourself. You might want to stay alone when depressed, but fight against this urge.

Try meditation, relaxation exercises or other such mind-calming techniques. Spend 10-15 minutes each day in such activities that help you cope better with stress and negative emotions.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Treating Depression With Vitamins - The Benefits Of Treating Depression With Vitamins

Depression is more than just feeling sad or "blue". Depression is an illness that can be very hard to diagnose and treat. There are any number of Depression Treatments but for we will look at treating Depression with vitamins. We will look at just a few of the vitamins that can benefit Depression.

Symptoms of Depression

If you are feeling sad or as if you are living life in slow motion, you may very well be suffering with Depression. You may be feeling lethargic and may have lost interest in favorite activities. You may desire to withdraw from family and friends. Changes in your appetite or sleep may be evident either too little or too much of either. You may have or had suicidal thoughts, this is to be taken seriously and help sought immediately. If you or someone you know has any of these symptoms get help as soon as possible. With proper treatment and diagnosis, Depression can be very treatable.

Possible Causes of Depression

Depression can be triggered by almost anything or it can have its roots in a physical illness. You should talk to your doctor and have him (her) help you to determine if there is a physical cause to how you are feeling. Some of the symptoms of Depression are also symptoms of Diabetes or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and other conditions as well. Once anything physiological is ruled out you can turn to a psychiatrist or a counselor to determine if you are suffering with Depression.

You may be suffering from Depression if you have had any losses in your life. These losses could be a job, death of someone close to you, moving, an accident, or serious injury. Depression is also the result of chronic illnesses or trauma such as any type of abuse, loss of a relationship or for kids, moving, loss of a pet, a friend moving away, or again, any type of abuse or trauma. If it is determined that if you indeed suffer from Depression, you should consult with your doctor for referrals to a psychiatrist who deals with your type of Depression.

Treating Depression with vitamins

Vitamins are essential for overall good health but some work extremely well in treating Depression. Biotin is a B vitamin and it is water soluble. Biotin helps in the absorption of fatty acids and nucleic acids. Biotin may aid in hair loss and the lowering of blood glucose levels, which is important to all Diabetics. Diabetics may actually have a Biotin Deficiency.

Piperine is derived from black pepper and is classified as an alkaloid. It helps nutritional substances have more bioavailability. It may act as an anti-inflammatory, an aid for digestion, as well as a pain relief neurotransmitter.

Herbal Supplements are also another viable option in treating Depression. Some herbs may have quantities of vitamins in them that affect mood. Herbal supplements should have met pharmaceutical standards.
The ingredients' metabolic routes, at the molecular level should be examined as well as the interactions of the ingredients. This will help to insure the effectiveness, safety, and potency of the supplements.


Depression is one of the most difficult illnesses to diagnose and treat. Many people associate Depression with being "crazy" and because of the negative stigma attached to it refuse to seek help. Traditional medications have very serious side effects some of which can actually be fatal. With the trend turning to more natural treatments the use of vitamins and/or herbal supplements are considered. Those who choose herbal supplements must consult their doctor if they are taking any prescriptions for other conditions, as the herbs can affect their effectiveness.

Studies Suggest That Bipolar Disorder Can Be Prevented

Anyone can develop bipolar, but certain groups are more susceptible to it than others. For example, if either of your parents or grandparents exhibited bipolar disorder symptoms, you have a significant higher chance of getting it than those whose parents and grandparents are free of it. The same is true if you have a brother or sister with the disease. In fact, heredity is the biggest predictor of someone developing the disease.

Another predictor is age. Most of the time, this illness strikes someone in their late teens. Therefore, pre-teens and older adults, as a group, have a much less chance of getting it.

And finally, the presence of any other brain disease or disorder in the family, increases your odds of developing the disease. So, if your family has a history of anxiety disorders, for example, even though it is not a bipolar disease, the statistics say that your odds of getting bipolar have increased. Once someone does get it, barring unusual cures or remissions, the disease lasts a lifetime.

On rare occasions, the illness will strike young kids. When it does, it is referred to as early-onset bipolar disorder. This is meant to distinguish it from the more prevalent adult version of bipolar disorder. The symptoms in both adults and children are mostly the same. The distinction is mainly that children feel the effects more sharply than adults.

The frequency of mood switches also is greater in children than adults. These two facts, together, means that a child with bipolar disorder will experience the disease at a much higher level than an adult would.

Scientists and researchers have been studying bipolar-disorder for years in an effort to determine the causes of the illness. And, until recently, aside from the fact that it was genetically based, they could not identify any particular reason why one person might get the disease and another would not.

And then, largely due to the human genome project, two genes were identified as the predictors of who stood the best likelihood of developing the disease. The two genes, ANK3 and CACNA1C are now the subject of much study as scientist rush to develop cures and treatments for bipolar disease based on these new facts.

Studies are also under way to determine if these genes can be turned off, thus preventing someone from ever getting the disease. But don't expect cures to appear in the next one or two years. Scientist have just begun to crack the code. But when they do, the many thousands of children suffering from this disease will be able to begin life anew.

Combat Depression To Save Your Marriage

Depression has many implications and it is one of the silent "killer" of marriage. Many would have thought of infidelity as the chief reason for divorces but it never occurred to many that it could be depression in one or both of the spouses. In order to save your marriage from depression, there are a few steps that you can take.

The first step is to recognise the signs of depression when it happens. There is no one definitive definition. It has been variously describes as a sort of feeling where people are sad or feel empty and apathetic towards everything in their life.

Below is a list of some common signs that may imply depression

1. Don't feel like living anymore. Life seems to be meaningless and cannot find any joy in anything.

2. Lose appetite or eat a lot.

3. Cannot sleep or sleep a lot

4. Not interested in daily activities and previous hobbies. This include work, family, sex, shopping.

5. Very moody and easily upset and angry. Have very low tolerance level.

6. Can't focus on what you are doing.

7. Feeling lethargic and easily tired regardless of how small the task is at hand.

Depression doesn't mean the end of everything. You can help yourself and those who have it. If you found the above signs, one way or another it affects your marriage. Now is the time to act to save your marriage (and also yourself or your spouse) before it gets any worse.

Seek Help

If you or your spouse has some of the signs and it is prolonged, it is better to ask for help from a qualified person. This is important as you will know whether your suspicion is true or there are other medical issues that are causing this. At times it takes the spouse to help arrange things as the person who is depressed may be too caught up in their feelings to even feel like seeking for help.


For those who are seriously affected by medical doctor or psychologist to be depressed, taking antidepressents can help. This have to be prescribed by the doctor. Ask about the pros and cons of the antidepressants and make the appropriate decision. When it is given, it is critical to follow the dosage and timing. Medication does not cure depression, they only provide some relief. As such it has to be applied together with other methods.

Manage Stress

Stress is one of the main causes of depression. Unfortunately society move so fast today. It is a boon and a curse as well. Just a few decades ago, there is no internet and no mobile phones. Inconvenient? Maybe, but people have more time for themselves. Now we are constantly bombarded and there is no reason not to receive office calls even after work.

Get some time off by practising relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, time just to be quiet like walking in the park or just sitting by the beach and watching the waves. Allocate at least 15 minutes per day for this or even more if time permits.

Another good way is to exercise regularly. Study has shown that exercise will help your body to release a hormone call serotonin. This hormone is in charge of our moods. When you exercise, serotonin is secreted by the body and helps to boost your spirit.

Socialize and meet up with your friends or loved ones on regular basis. Having social support is very important for us. I always feel so much better after talking about my problems with my best friend, even though she doesn't do anything much and just listen and nod. Telling others help release all the pent up emotions.

How to Recover Fast From Failing and How to Prepare to Retake the CPC Exam

So you've failed your CPC exam, now what? Discovering that you've failed the CPC medical coding certification exam can be devastating. It is not an easy exam to take, and the average passing rate is not high. But that is also why certified medical coding jobs are highly sought after and well compensated. It is natural to feel bad, angry, or sad about it but the important thing now is to recover from it fast because your focus now should be on retaking the CPC exam.

So how do you recover fast after failing your CPC exam? The key is to be able to get over it and move on. For a lot of people, the coding certification exam is not just an exam, it is a culmination of their significant investment in time, money, and effort towards a better future. Some may lose their jobs if they're not certified by a certain time or be unable to keep up with rising costs of living. This exam can be loaded with a lot of emotional baggage, and being unable to pass the CPC exam can cause a lot of grief.

Which brings us the five stages of grief theory, also known as the K羹bler-Ross model. This theory states that people typically go through five stages after an event; the five stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Depending on your resilience, you will go through these stages either quickly or slowly. The goal is to move on to each stage quickly, but also to use it to come out stronger on the other side.


You might be thinking the results couldn't be right, there has to be a mistake somewhere. So you go and check and confirm the results, compare notes with fellow test-takers, and ask around. Some play the blaming game, giving a host of reasons why they didn't do as well as they could. When it comes to the CPC exam, the most often cited but perfectly valid reason is that there is not enough time to finish it. While most can come up with reasons why they didn't pass the CPC exam, unfortunately not enough action is taken to ensure it doesn't happen again. Write down all the reasons you think that made you fail and analyze each of them carefully. If you don't have enough time, is it because you took too much time answering certain questions? Is it because you skipped questions that looked hard but had to waste time coming back to re-read the question? Did you answer questions that you were strong at first or last? List it all out and write down a corrective action plan for each of those reasons.


Now that you have a list of reasons, you might feel angry at certain parts of it. Welcome to the anger stage. You might feel angry because you've concentrated on the wrong subjects, or there were distracting noises during the exam. Or you found out that other people had been using an excellent CPT book highlighting technique that you weren't aware of. You might also feel angry that you didn't have the best coaching, you've wasted a lot of money on prep courses that didn't work, or that you had none. More commonly, a lot of people feel that these reasons were out of their control, that if they had control it wouldn't happen. But is it really out of your control? It's impossible to know exactly what topics might come up without cheating, but looking at past or practice exams can give you a pretty solid idea of what you need to focus on. Exam-time excuses such as distractions, being caught unprepared, etc are also under your control. You can't stop the noisy distraction but you can tune it out or raise your hand and ask the exam proctor to be relocated or act on the distraction.


Next comes the bargaining stage, where we think we can somehow postpone the inevitable. We try to argue, appeal, and rationalize the results. The problem is that unless there has been real injustice or errors, there is no real way to affect the results. The low average passing rate of the exams means that you're not alone, it is a reality you'll have to accept. It is simply smarter and more efficient to move on and start taking actions for retaking the CPC exam. The faster you get through this stage, the better.


Now that you've identified the main reasons why you didn't pass the CPC exam, you might be tempted to dwell on it and feel depressed. There might even be feelings of regret for actions you didn't do. Just like the bargaining stage, you'll want to move on as fast as possible so you don't get stuck in a rut. The time you use to think about the past is time wasted. Get social and share your experience and mistakes with others who also took the CPC exam. Learn and recognize that you're not alone and connect with people who have passed. Get a coach or experienced CPC instructor to point out your mistakes and start preparing for the next try.


Last comes the acceptance stage, and this is when you can move on and prepare to retake the CPC exams. Maintain a positive outlook and recognize that you did the best you could under the situation you were in. If you feel that you could have done better, accept that it's in the past and that you'll not make the same mistake. Build your self-confidence by making sure you put in the study and review time. The more prepared you are, the more confident you feel which therefore leads to you being able to perform your best on your next try.

Emotionally Abusive Relationships and Depression - 5 Signs it is the Relationship, Not Just You

Depression strikes a large number of people at some point in their lives. It robs us of joy, contentment, and fulfillment in our relationships. Sometimes, however, it is the relationship we are in that provokes the majority of our depressive symptoms. If there is an element of emotional and psychological abuse in the relationship, the effect on the victim can be significant. It is in the nature of this type of abuse for the victim to believe the abuser and determine that the problem or "weakness" is the victim's fault. Here are 5 signs that it may be the relationship causing the problem:

1. Your partner puts you down, in public or in private. The insults or criticism may be obvious, or they may be more subtle. The point or purpose of this from the abuser's point of view is to demean you, make you feel inferior, or even cause you to question reality and wonder if you are crazy.

2. Your partner attempts to control your activities, access to work or education, and desires to limit your access to friends and family. You should not feel obliged to give an account of your daily activities or justify them. If your partner is discouraging you from pursuing work or furthering your education, this may be in order to keep you more dependent on him or her. If your partner coerces or pressures you to spend all your time with him or her, and forgo time with friends and family, this can be a method of isolating and controlling you, and a sign of emotional abuse.

3. Your partner uses sex as a method of control. This may manifest in your partner demanding that you comply with his or her demands for intimacy, regardless of your comfort level or state of mind. Your partner may also take the opposite approach, and deny you intimacy when you express your want and need for affection. This is different than the normal difference in sex drive that can occur between two people who are intimately involved. This is a deliberate and habitual action.

4. Your partner implies that you may receive non-physical punishments or consequences if you do not comply with his or her requests and demands.

5. Your partner may occasionally give you random "rewards" or behave kindly or generously toward you once in awhile. However, this does not come from a place of love and caring, but it is a tactic to draw you back into the relationship, and give you a sense of false hope that "things will be better now."

Christian Faith, Bipolar Disorder, and Schizophrenia - Part One

Growing up with Bible stories and the TV and movies, you come to know about maniac's. As a teenager I knew that genius and insanity were very closely related. Little did I know I would one day become insane. Insanity...being out of your mind...delusional....having visions of grandeur...deceived by evil spirits...possessed by demons...contacting the dead...trips to heaven and hell...seeing evil spirits...seeing angels...seeing Jesus...seeing people out of the Bible...all in Part One

Writing five pages without editing except for a proofreader...writing a warning from God to a nation...being delivered from demons...having demons speak to you...having a demon pretend to be the Holy Spirit and tell you lies and direct you to do things that you assume are God telling you to do...staying up for three days and three nights without sleep... sleeping for two days straight...being so depressed you can't even wash clothes, shower, shave or cook for yourself...all in Part two

These are all experiences I have had as a Christian with schizoaffective disorder. Which is Manic depressive (Bipolar disorder) and Schizophrenia bundled into one illness.

One thing I have found in the church is that FEW people understand mental illness. I also have never met a born again Christian in the mental health services I have been part of and so I am in limbo.

One time about five months ago when I was in hospital I prayed for a Schizophrenic patient to be able to hear from God, and asked her to repeat about four sentences that I would have God speak to her. The message was a message I wanted to hear from God but didn't have the faith to ask Him myself as my own head was in a bad place with deceiving spirits going rampant. She was half way through the second sentence and tears were streaming down my face. God gave me a very comforting and reassuring message of hope in the midst of my crisis.

The patient who delivered the message was astounded that I was so affected and told me that she was so in love with the voice that had spoken the message to her. She said the voice was so soft and so full of love and so different to the voices that spoke to her. I told her that she could always ask God to speak to her and He would comfort her.

Everybody thinks Schizophrenic patients are possessed. Every one has half answers. Ask the same believers to cast the demons out of these patients and they are first to admit that they haven't got the gift.

So how do I cope?

Man, I have to tell you this with all honesty.

I go to dark places and I cry. I cry a lot.

I pray.

I read my Bible.

And I chat to God.

Let me address each of the topics briefly that I mentioned above.

Insanity...being out of your mind.

Whenever you dream, daydreaming is being out of your mind. Where it crosses over to insanity is when you start to believe the reality is true. Many mentality ill people get help from inside their heads as an inner voice to think insane thoughts. I have in the past been quite convinced I was talking to Mary Magdalene in heaven. I used to speak to her for an hour each night. I was thrilled to be speaking to a person so close to Jesus. This is insanity.


Delusional as I understand the term is just like being out of your mind. In the year 2000 I began to speak to my ex wife in my mind. I was told by a spirit that was pretending to be Jesus that through my ex wife I was going to contact a whole lot of witches and convert them to Christianity and because they were gifted in the dark arts they were going to be very effective and powerful in the Christian world when they are operating out of love.

I asked who I thought was Jesus how to do it and he stepped me through it. Soon the whole 144,000 of the book of Revelation were converted and all were ex witches and I was the leader. I had a number of girls that I was speaking to in my mind and one was appointed as leader. Without much sleep I would preach to the 144,000 converts and teach them things and then I would ask them questions and we would do a count of the answers in percentage of which the lead girl would do a tally. Most of them were yes and no answers. When I started wanting to meet the Australian girls and the ones in my city and started to ask for phone numbers and email addresses I was told that it was a whole lot more convenient to speak like this.

If you have a Schizophrenic friend, ask them the answer they got from their voice they are speaking to when they asked for the phone number, mailing address, or email address.

The most common demonic response is that it's cheaper and more convenient to do it through telepathy. I never pushed it further to the second and third level lies from demons.

Having visions of Grandeur...deceived by evil spirits.

I have thought I was one of the two witnesses of Revelation chapter 11. A human being who isn't one of these two last days prophets who is convinced that they are, is most often mentally ill. When people said I wasn't, this only made me more confident as I said, "No one believed in the prophets of the Bible, and so having no one believe me makes it more credible." The only thing that brought my thinking back to reality was medication.

Many mentally ill people have low self esteem and so thinking they are a modern John the Baptist or Jesus or one of the two last day's prophets makes them feel important. These delusions that the patient takes on makes them a person that is important and they will fight not to let go of this through of importance. All the way though my delusion I had a "Jesus" voice speaking to me that wasn't Jesus. I never considered that Jesus would lie to me and so nothing my parents or friends said could be convincing to me.

God had grace on me though,as he allowed the Jesus voice on two occasions six years apart say something that turned out to be a lie. I never forgot the lies and could not reconcile I am the Way the Truth and the Life (John 14:6) of what Jesus said of Himself and the lies my Jesus had told me. I had simply forgiven Him and tried to forget it. Then two years ago anointed preacher from Malaysia told me my Mary Magdalene, the God the Father voice and the Jesus voice that were speaking to me were demons and that I was not to speak to them. I obeyed.

Possessed by demons.

On four occasions I have been delivered of demons. On only three of the occasions did I feel any better afterwards. As I have had an addiction to prostitutes I have always had a vessel full of all sorts of demons that have sex with me and fill me back up again. Touch wood by faith I have conquered that addiction so in months to come when I am delivered again they will stay out of me.

Much of the Christian community does not believe in demon possession. Fewer still believe that a born again Christian can be possessed. It's as if demons disappeared 2000 years ago.

I have a number of demons still in me. I have to spend time on my faith, in the Word and in prayer and healing before I am ready for them to come out.

At present I know a man with a spirit of murder in him and he wants to kill me. Of late this has caused me some distress and put me into a depression. I have to avoid a whole block of my city for my life's sake and this has upset me. Demons are real. Most times it's a demon that is speaking to a Schizophrenic. But it's not easy to turn that voice off even for a Christian with that illness.

Fear, lust and a spirit of Masons have been cast out of me. The Masonic spirit leaving made my whole head seem free. The spirit of fear had a big difference on my personality and is trying to re-exert itself through the man who wants to kill me. The Lord himself lifted the spirit of lust one day after I repented in tears and touch wood I have not been with a sex worker since.

Contacting the dead...trips to heaven and hell.

Often times when in conversation with a stranger the Holy Spirit will direct me to ask them if they have a question for Jesus. Sometimes the person will ask how a dead relative is. On many occasions Jesus will give me a message to share about their relative. On some occasions the relative has spoken. I know in the Law a medium is condemned yet each time it comes a surprise to me the question, and in almost every case the person's eyes fill up with tears. I know this could be a familiar spirit but on most of the occasions I can describe the house the relative has in heaven and all the furniture and they are able to confess that features in the house I describe are exactly what they person would love but never had the money to own on earth or something like that. I see visions of the house and the people when this happens.

On many occasions I have been to heaven. I have been into a throne room at one time and seen a big ball of light like I think Isaiah saw. I explain that in more detail in my article Modern Prodigal Goes to Heaven. One time I saw a whole park full of children and Jesus told me it was all the children in heaven that had no parents. Most of them were abortions on earth. That was a memorable trip. One time in heaven Jesus put a big diamond the size of a soccer ball in my hand. Later on the Father said that diamond that I held would run the USA government for 200 years. He told me that was what he thought of money as the wall I took it out of was hundreds of feet high and miles long all of which were diamonds of that size. Bill Gates with all his wealth wouldn't even be able to buy one of them, such is the verse Jesus said, "Beware of greediness, life does not consist of the abundance of one's possessions." And also when He said, "what does it profit a man if He gains the whole world and loses His own soul?" That wall of diamonds showed me the reality of those two verses.

Yeah I am no one great. But each time I have been to heaven it has been memorable for me. A month ago I took a guy to heaven in his mind in a vision where he met his wife that had died a year before. He saw her sitting with Jesus in a meadow full of yellow flowers and a waterfall in the distance. She smiled at him and spoke to him. I was pleased that he could tell me what she had said and done as I watched it happen and was able to confirm it.

I have been to a part of hell for two fifteen minute trips. It's not a place you want to visit. If you are reading this and you are not a Christian, I invite you to email me and tell me so, I have a few passages in the Bible I want you to look up.

Seeing evil spirits...seeing angels...seeing Jesus...seeing people out of the Bible.

I have only once seen an evil spirit of lust on a girl. It did not look nice. The best I can say is it looked like one of those dragons, people like to collect in popular shops. It gave her an attraction to all the guys and she was very attractive also. One of the Christian men I was with pointed it out and when he did I saw it.

I once asked Jesus, "How come I see angels all the time and I don't see demons?" He said, "Matthew if you saw the demons around you most of the time, you would not get any sleep." I laughed, understood and never once complained since. Sometimes I have discernment of spirits and I can tell the name of a demon a person has inside of them, but I don't see the demon.

However I have seen so many angels it would take a whole article to share all of them with you. Five times I have had the honour to see Michael the archangel. All but one time, He was in the company of Jesus. One time a few weeks before I went to hospital he was with me walking down the street. I saw two big guard dogs back off when I walked toward them as confirmation he was with me. The same day I had a six year old girl confirm that he was with me and when I told her Michael was a fighter, she started to have a play fight shadow boxing into the thin air as her mother wondered what had come over her daughter. With my two confirmations I felt convinced yes on that day I walked with Michael. I have felt a strong presence of God in a church and many times seen angels worshipping God in my church. On some special occasions to me I have seen women angels dancing.

Six years ago I was on a beach at 2am in the morning and Jesus had told me to move away from my family and go 400 miles and to Sydney where I had no friends and 800 miles from my son. On that night I asked Jesus where He was I was so caught up in my love for Him. He told me He was just beyond the breakers. I knew sharks like to cruise right behind the breakers for fish and night time was the wrong time to be swimming there, but I pushed the fear aside and went to swim out. As soon as I took a step toward the water the water receded 100 feet. I asked Jesus what was going on, and he said, "Not tonight, but you will meet me real soon."

I said, "You said in the Book of Revelation that you are coming soon and that has been 200 years. How soon is soon?"

He said "very very soon Matthew."

Three weeks later I met Jesus in Sydney in the flesh. He was dressed as a hungry, homeless man, dirty and forsaken by men. He did three things is my presence that were miracles to prove that He was who I thought He was. One of them was disappear into thin air.

I have seen Jesus in heaven, seen Him on many occasions in visions on earth and not less then ten times with one of my good friends. I once have been knighted by Jesus with a sword. I do not know what that means. When He spoke for ten minutes in the flesh on His ideas on the Gospels, the speech was so rich, so profound that I know it would take many years' study to understand the depths of it.

In heaven I have met people out of the Bible. I have also met Daniel and the Apostle John on earth in visions on earth. I know I will have some role to play in these end times simply because both these men wrote visions of prophecy about these last days. Daniel came and comforted me in hospital.

Seeing evil spirits, seeing angels, seeing Jesus and dead people would have a sane person committed to a psychiatric ward of most hospitals, but to me these are regular experiences and you can't have me put away because at present my mental health workers are very happy with my state of health. I am in a major depression and they can't even tell.

As you can see I have not covered all of the topics. The rest: of them being:

writing five pages without editing except a proofreader...writing a warning from God to a nation...being delivered from demons...having demons speak to you...having a demon pretend to be the Holy Spirit and tell you lies and direct you to do things that you assume are God telling you to do...staying up for three days and three nights without sleep... sleeping for two days straight...being so depressed you can't even wash clothes, shower, shave or cook for yourself...will be covered in part two.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mistakes We Knew We Were Making

How do you deal with your past mistakes? I would like to recommend a great way to burden your mind, waste time, and lower your self-esteem.

It's called Condemning Yourself for Past Mistakes Game.

Try it out on yourself and people you dislike! It's very easy to do, and anyone can do it. It is great for injecting endless hours of frustration and stress into your life!

I've known many people who do this very well, but just in case you're having some difficulty, here are some pointers to send you on your way?

First, think of all the things you did or failed to do in the past. Especially, things which you cannot do anything about it now. Constantly remind yourself of them and beat yourself up for them.

A good way to do this is to keep whining about them. If you can regularly complain to others, it is even better! Remember to sigh a lot too. There is nothing like constant verbal repetition for these past mistakes to really stick.

Then, tell yourself that you'll never be able to adjust your behavior to prevent similar errors in future. Learning from mistakes just never crossed your mind. Remember, self-improvement is a myth.

This kind of thinking will start a vicious cycle. Remembering how incapable, unlovable, and foolish you are will enable you to continue repeating past mistakes. Now this part is essential in order for the entire self-loathing process to work.

In no time, you'll be able to whittle your self-esteem down to such a degree that you will have no problem thinking you're absolutely incapable of success and happiness. The strategy is laughably simple: reinforce negative thoughts and experiences and they will inevitably lead to negative feelings and outcomes.

Remember, you are not special, you are not unique. The world simply doesn't need another loser like you. If you're doing everything right, by this time, you would have lost most of your friends, alienated your family members, lost your appetite for food and life, and are looking forward to a lonely, meaningless existence.

So, if you're ever bored, and need to kill some time, depress your spirit and embrace failure as lord of your life, try condemning yourself for past mistakes. Have fun!

"Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you cannot bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond that pain." Kahlil Gibran

Do Low Levels of Serotonin Cause Depression?

The conventional wisdom is that depression is caused by low levels of serotonin, the neurotransmitter in your brain that is responsible for memory, sleep, appetite, learning, and the regulation of your feelings including happiness and welling being. Therefore, if you have a chemical imbalance in the brain antidepressants, like Prozac or Zoloft, can alter your brain chemistry and fix the imbalance, as well as, enhance the profits of the big pharmaceutical companies. Strange then that scientific research cannot find any reliable flaws in the serotonin system of the depressed. (1) You see, even if antidepressant medications do increase serotonin levels in the brain and help some feel better, this doesn't mean that low levels of serotonin cause depression. Aspirin can cure a headache but that doesn't mean that low levels of aspirin in the brain cause your head to hurt.

The brain cells that deal in serotonin (called serotonergic neurons) have "arms" that reach out to all areas of the brain. The extensive connections and super pathways of serotonergic neurons comprise the single largest system in the brain. To transmit a message the sending neuron releases the chemical serotonin to be absorbed by the receiving neuron. However, more serotonin is released than is needed so the excess is either "vacuumed" back up into the sending neuron or metabolized by an enzyme and removed as waste. The enzyme metabolizes serotonin into 5-Hydroxyindole acetic acid or 5-HIAA. Researchers can look at spinal fluid for 5-HIAA and gauge the level of serotonin in the brain. So if low-levels of serotonin cause depression, then all people suffering from depression will have low-levels of 5-HIAA in their spinal fluid. (2) Seems simple enough.

But there are two studies I'd like to bring to your attention that seem to debunk the chemical imbalance theory of depression. In one, researchers in Stockholm looked at the 5-HIAA levels in the spinal fluid of 68 depressed patients as assessed in nanograms per milliliter. 29% had low level counts below 15 nanograms, which would seem logical in depressed patients, but 47% had regular counts between 15 and 25 nanograms, and 24% of the depressed patients had HIGH LEVELS above 25 nanograms. What is interesting is that the control group of volunteers who were NOT depressed had almost the same exact bell curve of 5-HIAA levels. 25% of the control group had low counts below 15 nanograms, 50% had counts between 15 and 25 nanograms, and 25% of the non-depressed patients had high levels above 25 nanograms. (3)

To summarize this amazing research: 29% of the depressed patients had low levels of serotonin but so did 25% of the non-depressed "normal" control group patients. Plus 25% of the depressed patients had high-levels of serotonin. All in all, the median level of 5-HIAA in the spinal fluid of the non-depressed "normal" group was 20 nanograms but the research showed that 37 of the 68 depressed patients, more than half, had levels ABOVE that "normal, non-depressed" average. Kinda blows a hole into the low-serotonin causes depression theory. Oh, and this study was done in 1974, 14 years before Prozac, the first in a line of antidepressants that flood your brain with serotonin to "cure" depression.

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in 1984, four years before Prozac, conducted the other study I wanted to mention. They were investigating the efficacy rates of a proposed antidepressant drug named Amitriptyline that, like Prozac, prevented neurons from vacuuming back up the excess serotonin, thus flooding the brain with extra serotonin. They also looked at depressed patients 5-HIAA levels and, surprise, surprise, found a wide variety, from low to high. The NIMH scientists concluded that, "Elevations or decrements in the functioning of serotonergic systems per se are not likely to be associated with depression." (4) To say that in plain talk, there is no evidence that there is anything wrong with the serotonin brain system of depressed patients. There seems to be a huge disconnect between those pretty antidepressant commercials and the actual scientific research. (5)

Low Serotonin Level Problem 1- If low levels serotonin was a major player in causing depression, then increasing serotonin should alleviate depression right away. Antidepressants raise serotonin levels within hours but it can take weeks for a depressed person to show signs of improvement. Also, after a few months, some people relapse into depression, even while still on antidepressants.

Low Serotonin Level Problem 2- If low levels of serotonin cause depression, then all people with low levels of serotonin should be depressed, but this is not the case. Also, there are people who suffer from depression who have regular levels of serotonin in their brain and depressed people with high levels of serotonin.

Low Serotonin Level Problem 3- There are drugs that don't work on the serotonin system in the brain yet also appear to relieve the symptoms of depression. Welbutrin is a very popular antidepressant but works on the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine.

Studies indicate that serotonin seems to somehow play a role in depression but the question remains, do the lower levels of serotonin cause depression, or does a particular person's depression create those lower levels of serotonin?


1. Moncrieff, J., (2009). The Myth of the Chemical Cure: A Critique of Psychiatric Drug Treatment. Palgrave Macmillan; Revised edition, 2009.

2. Whitaker, R. (2010). Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America. Crown Publishing.

3. Asbert, M. (1976). Serotonin depression: A biochemical subgroup with the affective disorders? Science,191, 478-80; Asberg, M., (1976). 5-HIAA in the cerebrospinal fluid. Archives of General Psychiatry33, 1193-97.

4. Maas, J. (1984). Pretreatment neurotransmitter metabolite levels and response to tricyclic antidepressant drugs. American Journal of Psychiatry141, 1159-71.

5. Lacasse, J., Leo, J. (2005) Serotonin and Depression: A Disconnect between the Advertisements and the Scientific Literature. PLoS Med2(12): e392. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0020392

Take This Depression Self-Test! What Fibromyalgia Sufferers Need to Know!

When we think of fibromyalgia syndrome, we think "pain and fatigue," which are two of the most recognized symptoms. However, people suffering with it will tell you that the disease doesn't just stop there. There are dozens and dozens of seemingly unrelated symptoms including sleep disorders; irritable bowel syndrome; sensitivity to bright lights, changes in temperature, medication intolerance, food allergies, cognitive difficulties, anxiety, and perhaps most dangerous of all the symptoms... depression. Fibromyalgia depression left untreated has been known to lead a sufferer down a path of self-destruction, resulting in suicide in severe cases. A Depression Self-test can be used to determine the severity of symptoms.

Some researchers theorize that depression in fibromyalgia sufferers is the result of abnormalities in the sufferer's brain chemistry... others are studying the sympathetic nervous system. But whatever the cause, depression affects every aspect of a fibromyalgia sufferer's life seems to intensify the body's response to pain, as seen on MRI's and in clinical tests.

The Depression Self-test below, when shared with your physician, can also help to determine the level and type of treatment needed to provide relief of your depression symptoms. Medication with anti-depressants is the usual treatment prescribed by doctors treating depression... which may be helpful to patients who can tolerate the Selective Serotonin Re-Uptake Inhibitors(SSRI's) and tricyclic drugs that are commonly prescribed. But drugs are not enough for many people, especially those with major or clinical depression which occurs in about 3 out of every 10 fibromyalgia patients. Understanding and supportive family and friends, as well as support groups, can be crucial for an individual dealing with depression, especially when the symptoms are severe.

Are You Suffering With Fibromyalgia? Take This Depression Self-Test!

Not every fibromyalgia sufferer will experience the same symptoms of depression, but you may recognize some of the symptoms on the Depression Self-test. Be honest... Have you been experiencing any of these?

  • A sense of worthlessness or despair

  • Decreased energy level

  • Change in weight, loss or gain

  • Loss of interest / enjoyment of favorite activities

  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

  • Feelings of hopelessness, guilt or agitation

  • Persistent sadness or anxious mood

  • Uncontrollable tearfulness

  • Suicidal thoughts, or attempted suicide

If you answered "Yes" to the question about your experiences on the Depression Self-test, and you are not currently under treatment by your physician... you need to meet with him or her and discuss how you've been feeling. Treatment options with SSRI's and tricyclic medications can have some undesirable side-effects and aren't for everyone. There is a natural alternative to pharmaceuticals which may work for you... ask you doctor about it... it's called 5-HTP(5-Hydroxytryptophan). (The FDA has an advisory out regarding anti-depressants and their side-effects. Therefore, be sure to have your physician monitor you when beginning treatment or changing dosages.)

Now, you probably noticed that the list of symptoms on the Depression Self-test are broad in scope. You may not have all of them, but having fibromyalgia, you probably have at least one or two. Severe or clinical depression symptoms would also include symptoms that last for weeks at a time. Chronic depression (dysthymia) is an ongoing condition although the symptoms and feelings of the sufferer, may fluctuate. If you're unsure about your fibromyalgia depression symptoms, keep a written diary of symptoms from the Depression Self-test, and add anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or negative. Remember... there is also a link between your depression and the intensity of your pain and other fibromyalgia symptoms.

It is important that you openly discuss your condition and your notes from the Depression Self-test, with your doctor. However, as a fibromyalgia survivor myself, I can tell you that medications alone won't do the trick. Fibromyalgia is an autoimmune disease which means that your own immune system is attacking and damaging your body at the cellular level. You can fight back by rebuilding your body faster than your disease can tear it down. I have discovered a safe, natural nutrition program that can help you overcome fibromyalgia symptoms and the depression that comes with it. For more information on the natural treatment of fibromyalgia, contact me now by clicking on one of the links below.

5 Tips to Spot Bipolar Disorder Symptoms

Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depressive illness and means that a patient can go from very high and upbeat moods to seriously down and depressed in a matter of minutes. It is a recurrent illness meaning that patients are likely to suffer it for the rest of their lives. Because of this treatment will need to be continued for long periods of time and a strong network of professionals, family members and friends is ideal to help the bipolar disorder sufferer. Spotting the symptoms of bipolar disorder can be difficult but it is fundamental; without noticing the symptoms you won't be able to get the help you need.

1- Manic episodes can be easy to spot and include an increase in energy and a euphoric mood. Obviously if a person has been depressed for any length of time and then suddenly shows these characteristics it is likely to be very evident and easily noticed. Other signs of mania can include an increased sex drive, a lack of concentration, spending sprees and many more.

2- Depression can be spotted quite easily too but can be overlooked as just being a down day. A sad or anxious mood that lasts for an extended period of time is the most obvious sign of depression and the first thing you should look for. Other signs include a loss of interest in things that would have previously caused excitement, including hobbies or sex.

3- Severe cases of either of the swings associated with bipolar disease can lead to symptoms of psychosis which can include hallucination and delusions. These should also be very easy to spot but it is unlikely that the sufferer themselves will do so.

4- A mixed bipolar state can sometimes occur that means the patient can suffer from both mania and depression simultaneously. Agitation, sleep deficiency, a change in appetite and other factors can indicate a mixed bipolar state. Patients with this type of bipolar disorder can be very depressed while still having high levels of energy.

5- morbid thoughts are the most worrying of symptoms and many people subconsciously ignore them in the hope they go away. However, if you suspect the patient is having morbid thoughts and contemplating suicide you should act immediately to prevent the worst from happening. If necessary call 911.

The Latest News About Depression: Could Your Brain Have a Natural Opiate Deficiency?

If absolutely nothing has been able to break your cycle of depression, and you are frustrated to the point where you don't know how you can live without getting better soon, there is an alternate theory about your problem you need to learn more about.

I have spent thousands of hours doing general research on moods and the human brain because I am completely fascinated by the subject. I recently discovered something that continues to blow me away when I think about it. Being a victim myself of bipolar depression, terrible anxiety disorders and ADHD, I know what it is like trying to escape the indescribable negative feelings and overwhelming heaviness and terror these disorders create in the mind.

What follows will probably stun you if you have never heard it before, but I think it also proves that drinking and/or drug use and mood disorders --especially depression -- are linked by a natural cause. Here is what I find incredible and am surprised is not that well known or publicized:

It was recently discovered that the human brain and body manufactures morphine in the identical molecular structure as that which comes from the opium poppy. Here is the clearest proof, published in a report just 2 years ago by the Neuroscience Research Institute: "Recent empirical findings have contributed valuable mechanistic information in support of a regulated de novo biosynthetic pathway for chemically authentic morphine and related morphinan alkaloids within (human) animal cells".

The opium poppy, of course, is what the devil's drug heroin is made from. Not coincidentally, I believe that is why it is the most addictive drug on earth. It makes one feel so euphorically happy when they first start taking it, that the desire to feel that way all the time gets embedded in the brain. It is really important that you understand that your brain does not manufacture a chemical that makes you feel like you have taken an opiate -- it manufactures the exact opiate itself.

We know for certain that what the brain manufactures in terms of neurotransmitters or other "feel good" brain chemicals, it unfortunately does not manufacture enough of in people who are clinically depressed. You have undoubtedly heard examples of these other "feel-good" neuro-chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin or endorphins. Too little of these chemicals results in depression, and antidepressants help correct the problem.

Doctors don't know exactly how most of these drugs work, mind you, and some were meant for totally different problems -- but we'll save that for another article. The main point I am driving at is that if some people can be deficient in other brain chemicals, it certainly stands to reason that they could be deficient in their opiate levels. From what I have researched this is being referred to as either Endorphin Deficiency Syndrome, or Endogenous Opioid Deficiency. Not having enough opiates is a subject I have direct experience with and can describe for you, as a bad back got me into opiate-based painkillers and I got addicted to them.

Because you develop a tolerance an opiate drug, you need more and more and more of it over time -- just to feel "normal" after taking the drug for several months. Without it, after taking higher amounts for a while, you go into opiate withdrawal. I don't think there is anything more uncomfortable and frightening than this kind of withdrawal, either. Your body feels like it has the flu times 100, and your mind goes into a state of a tortured paralysis. Doing anything effectively while in such a state is nearly impossible, and your brain is stuck on one thought and one thought only -- how to get more opiates.

One reason people go to rehab is to get some medical relief from such sickness by way of other drugs the doctors can give you to keep you a little more comfortable. You need mental support as well, because your brain function is totally impaired. Depression is also inevitable, and that leads us back to the point of this article.

There are growing numbers of what they call "treatment resistant" people who have got depression. The thinking is that some people are driven into depression by the lack of the naturally made opiate. Every one of the people in this group whose web comments I read experienced what they called an incredibly pronounced and dramatic lift in their mood upon taking an opiate. They are completely convinced it is the only thing that will help beating depression. After trying everything else, they get stuck in a position where they know they need an opiate, but feel very guilty about it because of the attached negative stigmas to the drug.

Fortunately, a drug has been developed that is used for easing people off of opiate addictions and it is called Suboxone. It is made in doses of 1 MG pills, where up to 18 MG might be prescribed for a heavy addict in withdrawal. But I have heard of people going on Suboxone for the long term with very good effects at just 2 MG. It is addicting, but people experienced with opiates say if you run out of your Suboxone you may feel a little achy for a few days at the 2 MG level, that's all. I should mention that obviously Suboxone itself is a type of substitute opiate to help addicts, and giving it to people long term where technically they could become slightly addicted is highly controversial in the medical community. Some docs frown upon this whole notion, while others know it's a life-saver. I am not a doctor, so you need to speak with a progressive psychiatrist about everything I have mentioned here.

Hopefully this knowledge can make a difference in somebody's life, and help bring happiness to those stuck in the awful grip of depression-- if they are truly treatment resistant. How about you? What do you think of somebody taking an opiate type substitute for perhaps the rest of your life. Do you frown on it or believe it should be OK to practice this idea? I pray this information will reach somebody who has not lost hope while depressed. So please spread the word about this and post references to this article in places where people in need might see it, please.

10 Steps to Overcome Depression

Depression is a state where mind cannot distinguish between right and wrong. A depressed person feels lonely, loses interest in activities enjoyed before and changes in other ways. There are many factors contributing to depression. Wrong diet, lack of relaxation, high level of stress - they all develop negative thinking that eventually can lead to depression. People who neglect themselves become easily overwhelmed by different events happening in their personal life, financial life or career.

Some early signs of depression:

Change in appetite and sleeping patterns

Losing interest in activities enjoyed before

Feeling unworthy

Losing hope

Feeling guilty without any reason

Becoming indecisive

The best way for you to prevent or stop depression in its initial stage is by taking a good care of yourself. One of the important aspects of it is maintaining a healthy lifestyle - eating right, taking time to relax, exercising regularly, having sufficient amount of sunlight. Other aspects are developing a positive attitude to life, having a goal that motivates you to grow, surround yourself with positive, supportive people.

Here are the 10 steps to prevent or stop depression in its initial stage:

1) Practice meditation. This will help calm the mind and stop the negative self-talk. It will also help appreciate life more.

2) Practice positive affirmations. These are repetitions of positive phrases in your mind that will stop the negative self-talk. Some examples of affirmations are "I feel good", "Every day in every way I am getting better, better and better", "I love and respect myself", etc. Write your own affirmations and repeat them to yourself in a relaxed state twice a day for 10 minutes. You can also repeat them in your mind throughout the day.

3) Practice yoga and active sports. Yoga will help clear your mind and active sports will switch your mind from the negative aspects you concentrate on as well as increase endorphin ("happy" hormone) levels.

4) Get a massage. This will help blocked energy to move again and will make you feel good. Take an aromatherapy bath. Read carefully all contra indications before using the essential oils. You just need few drops of them in your bath.

5) Take time to relax and enjoy your life. Our bodies are complex biological mechanisms. In order to function properly they require 10-20 minutes of relaxation after 1.5-2 hours of activity. This will help keep stress level low so you will not get exhausted, burnt out and eventually depressed. Even sitting for 5 minutes with your eyes closed is better than nothing.

6) Change your diet. Exclude stimulants such as caffeine, sugar, etc. Stop smoking and other negative habits you have. They all exhaust your body. Eat more vegetables and fruits, drink water to clear your body off toxins, take supplements. Vitamin B complex, Essential Fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6) and 5-HTP - are particularly helpful in the case of depression. Ask your doctor before taking any supplements if you are on medication.

7) Believe in yourself, you can achieve anything you want. Set goals that will move you forward. Don't brood over things that you have done; just face them from a new perspective. An important step is to learn from your own mistakes, set and achieve new goals if the old ones didn't work out. Taking some life-coaching sessions can help in these processes.

8) Listen to motivational tapes or read books that inspire you.

9) Be grateful for everything you have in your life. There are always things to be grateful for. As you evolve through this process you'll learn to be grateful for everything.

10) Be conscious of the way you feel. If you start felling negative, take time to relax to recharge your batteries. This will help you stop negative thinking and change your attitude to life.

Follow these steps and you will never get depressed again.

NutrifitPower coaching program incorporates many important aspects - from nutrition to proper relaxation to yoga. This will not only help you keep depression away but will also contribute to your overall well-being.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Cycle of Anxiety and Depression Symptoms

Anxiety and depression symptoms often co-exist, meaning that if you suffer from one problem you could be at risk for developing the other as well. This makes it critically important to take the time to educate yourself about depression and anxiety in order to learn how to combat the symptoms of these two conditions.

In many cases, depression and anxiety form a vicious cycle. Individuals who suffer from depression may find that symptoms such as sadness, hopelessness and loneliness give way to fear and anxiety. Likewise, the symptoms can create feelings of hopelessness and sadness. One of the main problems with the co-existence of depression and anxiety is that the two conditions tend to feed off one another. For example, when your depression creates anxiety symptoms those symptoms can cause you to feel even more depressed and exhausted; making your depression even worse.

Generally, it can be difficult to determine which condition came into existence first; however, the important key is to find out as much as you can about each disorder so that you can begin to take part in effective treatment techniques to get your life back.

It is important to understand when seeking recovery that every individual is different and so is their experience with anxiety and depression symptoms. This is because while many of the symptoms of these two conditions are the same, not everyone experiences them in the same way. In addition, due to the fact that anxiety can take on many forms, your experience may be completely different than someone else who also suffers from anxiety and depression. For example, in some individuals, symptoms manifest themselves as reliving traumatic events from the past. Other individuals may be terrified of social situations due to their anxiety while some people experience bouts that are manifested by severe symptoms like pain and a racing heart.

All forms have three main factors in common. They are:

• Extreme fear when there is no real danger present

• Emotional distress that actually interferes with your daily life

• A propensity for avoiding situations that are perceived to be linked with the anxiety

It should also be kept in mind that while we all feel sad from time to time, if you suffer from anxiety it is imperative that you begin to recognize the early warning signs of depression so that it can be treated along with your anxiety. These early warning signs and symptoms include:

• Continual feelings of sadness, tension or irritability

• Loss of energy

• Decreased pleasure or interest in usual hobbies or activities

• Change in sleeping patterns

• Change in appetite

• Significant weight loss or weight gain

• Restlessness

• Difficulty concentrating, thinking or making decisions

• Feelings of guilt, hopelessness or worthlessness

• Thoughts of death or suicide.

By recognizing anxiety and depression symptoms [] and seeking effective treatment methods, it is possible to recover from these symptoms and get your life back.